50 research outputs found

    Comunicação, representação e identidade

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    UIDB/05021/2020 UIDP/05021/2020Neste texto procuramos pensar as ligações entre comunicação, representação e identidade. Partimos da ideia de que a imbricação entre identidade e representação é tão forte que ambas deverão ser vistas como dois lados da mesma moeda que delicadamente se entrelaçam nas trocas comunicacionais que estabelecemos com os outros. Essas trocas e as lutas pelo sentido que elas envolvem fazem parte das gran- des questões sociais contemporâneas às quais estão sempre subjacentes questões de poder e construção de conhecimento social. Enquanto discursos, as representações criam as regras do que pode ser dito e pensado sobre as identidades que criamos e apresentamos aos outros e como os reconhecemos. Ao organizarem o mundo, criam formas de pensar alguns sujeitos como axiomaticamente óbvios e centrais, enquan- to criam outros como “exteriores”. O texto procura pensar esse desequilíbrio de poder em que reside o carácter notório e historicamente problemático das representações no que se refere, por exemplo, a raça, classe, género, sexualidade, idade ou deficiência. É aí que reside também a força política que os termos mobilizam. Para o efeito percorremos os caminhos destas relações, procurando sempre articulá-los com a ma- triz central da comunicação. In this text, we consider the connections between communication, representation and identity. We start from the idea that the imbrication between identity and representation is so strong that both should be seen as two sides of the same coin delicately intertwining in the communicational exchanges we establish with the others. These exchanges and struggles for meaning are part of the contemporary social 150 Comunicação, representação e identidade issues underlined by issues of power and the construction of social knowledge. As discourses, representations create the rules of what can be said and thought, about the identities we create and present to others and as we recognize them. In organizing the world, they create ways of considering some subjects as axiomatically obvious and central, while creating others as “outsiders”. Our text aims to consider the power imbalance where the notorious and historically problematic character of representations lies, regarding, for example, race, class, gender, sexuality, age or disability. This where the political force that the terms mobilize resides. Thus, the text follows the paths of these relationships, always seeking to articulate them with the central matrix of communication.publishersversionpublishe

    Tourist Destination Image in the New Technological Environments: Dialogism under the Public Relations Gaze

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    The dependence and influence of new media on social and organizational life have led to a new orientation of the communicational practices of organizations and to a research paradigm shift to a cocriational model within public relations theory. This model is based on dialogic rhetoric and dialogue that requires a joint production of content and meanings by organizations and publics, which have a central role in shaping image. The new social and communicational paradigms have also an impact on tourism research, implying the need to understand the role of new technologies, particularly websites, in image formation. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of website in the formation of a tourist destination image (Portugal) through the understanding of the degree of adoption of dialogical principles on websites by official and unofficial tourist organizations and the identifying of denotative and connotative elements that are represented on published and shared photographs in these websites. The research corpus consisted of websites of entities and photographs published and shared on these websites. The methodology used is quantitative and qualitative, based on content analysis of data of websites and photographs. Results indicate that official tourist entities adopted the dialogic principles in a higher degree than unofficials. There is also a higher adoption of the principles related to technical dimension than dialogical dimension. Results confirm a relation between the adoption of dialogical link and an increased openness by entities to the possibility of photo sharing. The analysis of denotative and connotative elements of photography reflects a similarity in representations of entities and tourists. This study contributes to both theoretical perspectives, because it provides a conceptual scheme of destination image formation online and to a practical perspective, because it also suggests guidelines of dialogical practices to incorporate in websites of tourism entities

    esfera pública e políticas feministas da comunicação

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    UIDB/05021/2020 UIDP/05021/2020Neste artigo cruzamos o 60º aniversário da publicação de Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit de Jürgen Habermas com o 25º aniversário do documento da ONU adotado na IV Conferência Mundial sobre a Mulher - a Declaração e Plataforma de Ação de Pequim, onde é feita uma referência aos media como área crítica de preocupação. Com esse cruzamento pretendemos abordar um conjunto de questões que podem ajudar-nos a considerar criticamente algumas das razões que poderão explicar as limitações nos avanços face aos objetivos da Plataforma no tocante aos progressos das mulheres na área da comunicação, à luz das mutações da esfera pública tal como pensada por Habermas. Assim, o artigo desenvolver-se-á explorando dois aspetos: a constituição da esfera pública internacional e o papel das instituições internacionais na tomada de decisão; e as condições em que as mulheres desenvolvem a sua participação política e social. In this article we consider the 60th anniversary of the publication of Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit by Jürgen Habermas together with the 25th anni-versary of the UN’s IV World Conference on Women and its Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, where the me-dia are referred to as an area critical of concern. With this, we aim to address a set of issues that can help us to critically consider some of the reasons that can explain the limitations of progress of women towards the objectives of the Platform in the communication area, considering the changes in Habermas’ public sphere. The article will unfold by exploring two aspects: the constitution of the international public sphere and the role of the international institutions in decision-making; and the conditions underlying women’s political and social participation.publishersversionpublishe

    As mulheres e a afirmação histórica da profissão jornalística: contributos para uma não-ossificação da História do jornalismo.

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    The place and role that women played in the history of journalism is still, amongst us, quite invisible and unquestioned. In the spirit of not only documenting, but theorizing history, the text aims to consider the intersection of the early stages of journalism as a profession with the entrance of the first women in the profession, and revisits the national and international press in the nineteenth century and the turn to the twentieth century, recalling the papers and female journalists of the time. As with almost all industrial activities, women were strongly sidelined in the early stage of industrialization of journalism in the terms under which it was defined. Learning about the experiences that make up the affirmation of journalism as a profession not only in Portugal but also in countries such as France, England or the United States establishes knowledge of a bodily and gendered experience. Assigning gender to the news, as it was originally defined, extends the range of problems we study and allows a deeper understanding not only of what may or may not be journalism, but also of a set of transnational problems and issues shared by women in their historical relations with the profession

    Sensitive to others: emotions, care and gender in the construction of news

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    In media, as well as in broader society, the focus on emotions is usually associated with women and it seems to be at odds with other prevailing believes on the value of detachment and reason as key to an ethical public sphere that informs rational citizens. Yet, emotions have always been an important part of news narratives. In our paper, we seek to untangle reason and emotion in the production of news as we recall the historical and contemporary gender dimension of its production. Also, looking into the pragmatic challenge to dispassionate ethics we argue that one way of discerning on what makes ethical and compelling news is not necessarily the separation of these two dimensions, but the inclusion of the insights from a feminist ethics of care

    A cobertura da crise do Coronavírus numa revista digital feminina

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    UIDB/05021/2020 UIDP/05021/2020A crise causada pelo Coronavírus apresentou novos e difíceis dilemas de cobertura noticiosa. Num complexo momento para a sociedade global no seu conjunto e para os grupos mais fragilizados em particular, o momento revelava-se como uma altura-chave em que o jornalismo deveria tornar prioritário oferecer uma cobertura não só fidedigna, como diversificada, equilibrada e sensível ao género. Esta sensibilidade deveria ser comum a todos os tipos de jornalismo — desde a chamada “grande informação”, a outras formas jornalísticas mais segmentadas e particulares, incluindo as dirigidas às mulheres. Assim, neste artigo, temos como objetivo analisar as notícias produzidas pela revista digital Delas, dirigida ao público feminino, durante a crise da Covid-19. Interrogamo-nos sobre as estratégias e os modos de endereçamento e engajamento utilizados pela publicação para reportar a pandemia da crise da Covid-19 às suas leitoras. Para o efeito, olhamos para as notícias publicadas no mês de março de 2020 da secção de informação (Atualidades) da revista, adotando uma análise discursiva e uma análise crítica feminista do discurso e concluímos com a discussão dos modos como a revista digital Delas fez “delas” uma vítima silenciosa da pandemia. The crisis caused by the Coronavirus presented new and difficult dilemmas in news coverage. In a complex moment for global society as a whole and for the most fragile groups in particular, the moment was a key time for journalism to make to offer the kind of coverage not only reliable, but diversified, balanced and sensitive to gender. This should be common to all types of journalism - from the so-called “general news”, to other more segmented forms of journalism, including those aimed at women. Thus, in this article, we aim to analyse the news produced by the digital magazine Delas, addressed to a female audience, during the Covid-19 crisis. We inquire into the strategies and modes of addressing and engagement used by the publication to report the Covid-19 pandemic to its readers. To this end, we look at the news published in March 2020 in the magazine’s information section (Actualidades), adopting a discursive analysis and a feminist critical discourse analysis and we conclude with a discussion of the ways in which the digital magazine Delas made women a silent victim of the pandemic.publishersversionpublishe

    Contribuição das células percursoras miogénicas para a plasticidade muscular esquelética no modelo animal

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    Doutoramento em BioquímicaO presente trabalho teve como objectivo geral verificar qual a contribuição das CS e de outras células stem musculares esqueléticas na plasticidade muscular. Para o alcançar, foram delineados três objectivos específicos: i) desenvolver uma metodologia fiável que permitisse avaliar células em proliferação na globalidade do tecido ii) estudar a evolução do processo de regeneração muscular com a utilização de marcadores bioquímicos e morfológicos de lesão/regeneração iii) verificar a existência de alterações na expressão de proteínas contrácteis e metabólicas no tecido muscular, após inibição de células em proliferação. De forma a atingir o primeiro objectivo adaptou-se o método de South Western ao tecido muscular esquelético utilizando diferentes doses de BrdU e quantidades distintas de DNA. Esta metodologia mostrou-se mais sensível para a dose de 50 mg de BrdU/Kg e para 1 μg de DNA. Adicionalmente, os valores de densidade óptica obtidos evidenciaram uma elevada correlação com o número total de núcleos marcados por imunohistoquímica. Para alcançar o segundo objectivo, foi induzida lesão por esmagamento do gastrocnemius e estudou-se o processo de regeneração durante 20 dias, recorrendo a parâmetros bioquímicos (calpaínas, N-acetilglucosaminidase, mieloperoxidase, caspase-3, Bax, Bcl-2 e proliferação celular) e morfológicos (microscopia óptica e electrónica). Os resultados evidenciaram uma intensa proteólise nas fases iniciais, uma resposta inflamatória significativa aos 2º e 4º dias pós lesão e uma resposta apoptótica acentuada nas fases iniciais e finais do processo regenerativo. Relativamente à proliferação celular, esta foi mais evidente aos 4º e 6º dias pós lesão. Os dados morfológicos suportaram de forma coesa as alterações bioquímicas observadas. Para dar resposta ao terceiro objectivo, avaliou-se a expressão de isoformas de miosinas de cadeia pesada e leve após lesão por esmagamento do gastrocnemius, em animais tratados e não tratados com colchicina. A colchicina inibiu a proliferação celular, não tendo sido, por isso, detectadas alterações fenótipicas significativas ao longo do processo regenerativo em estudo. Em suma, os dados obtidos neste trabalho sugerem que as CS e outras células stem musculares têm um papel fundamental nas alterações fenótipicas observadas no músculo esquelético de ratinho após a indução de lesão por esmagamento.The general purpose of this work consists of analyzing the contribution of SC and other muscular stem cells in muscular plasticity. To reach this objective, three specific purposes were drawn: i) to develop a reliable methodology that allows to assay proliferative cells in whole muscle tissue ii) to study the evolution of the muscle regeneration process using biochemical and morphological parameters iii) to analyze changes in the expression of skeletal muscle contractile and metabolic proteins after inhibition of cell proliferation. To reach the first purpose, the South Western assay was adapted to skeletal muscle tissue using different doses of BrdU and distinct quantities of DNA. This methodology evidenced higher sensitivity to 50mg BrdU/Kg and to 1μg of DNA. Additionally, the optical density values obtained by this methodology showed a high correlation with the total number of immunohistochemically labelled nucleus. To attain the second purpose, mice gastrocnemius muscle was injured by crush and the regeneration process was studied throughout 20 days using biochemical (calpains, N-acetyl-glucosaminidase, myeloperoxidase, caspase-3, Bax, Bcl-2 and cellular proliferation) and morphological (electron and light microscopy) parameters. The results of this study showed an intense proteolyses in the earlier phases, a significant inflammatory response on the 2nd and 4th days after damage, and a pronounced apoptotic response in the beginning and at the end of the regenerative process. The levels of cellular proliferation were higher in the 4th and 6th days after damage. The morphological findings were consistent with the observed biochemical alterations. To achieve the third purpose, the expression of heavy and light myosin isoforms was studied after damage of gastrocnemius from animals treated and non-treated with colchicine. Colchicine administration inhibited celullar proliferation and thus, no significant phenotypic alterations were observed, namely myosin isoforms, during the considered regeneration period. In summary, the data obtained in this study suggest the involvement of SC and other muscular stem cells on mice skeletal muscle phenotypic changes observed after trauma.PRODEPII

    Género e receção mediática no Estado Novo

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    Baseado em testemunhos femininos relativos ao período entre as décadas de 1940 e 1960, este texto procurar dar um contributo para a compreensão da forma como a receção mediática por parte das mulheres portuguesas foi obrigada a encontrar o seu espaço de articulação com a vida quotidiana no interior do contexto constrangedor e da cultura patriarcal no Portugal do Estado Novo, nos termos da sua hegemonia moral e das rígidas fronteiras que impunha aos papéis de género. Através de entrevistas biográficas com mulheres nascidas nas primeiras décadas do regime salazarista, abordamos alguns modos de receção da rádio e da televisão na medida em que eles configuravam uma adaptação dos então ‘novos media’ a regimes censórios profundamente interiorizados no que respeita a comportamentos e relações de género.Based on women’s memories about the 1940’s, 50’s and 60’s, this text seeks to understand the ways media reception was forced to fi nd a place of articulation with everyday life within the constraining context of the period’s patriarchal culture, under its moral hegemony and the rigid boundaries it imposed on the gender roles. Taking biographical interviews with women born in the fi rst decades of the Estado Novo, we approach some modes of reception of radio and television as they confi gured an adaptation of the then ‘new media’ to deeply internalized censorship regimes in relation to behaviors and gender relations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    How Journalists Navigate Experiences and Perceptions of Gendered Online Harassment

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    UIDB/05021/2020 UIDP/05021/2020This article examines how online abuse is experienced and tackled by journalists in Portugal, and addresses the prevalence of online harassment and violence against women journalists and their perceptions of the issue. Theoretically, the article bridges the research on online harassment and gender in journalism. Empirically, it draws on a nationwide survey of journalists combined with data from semi-structured interviews conducted with 25 women journalists to explore the gendered experiences of online abuse. Journalists feel an increasing hostility aggravated by the digital environment. Half of the surveyed professionals experienced online abuse, including sexual harassment. Journalists evidenced low trust in protection mechanisms and feelings of resignation towards online abuse, seen as intrinsic to the job. The interviews further revealed a perceived connection between gender and online abuse: women recognized the sexualized nature of online abuse, which they linked to the broader cultural context of gender inequality.publishersversionpublishe

    A construção discursiva dos imigrantes na imprensa 

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    A identidade pública dos imigrantes depende de um conjunto de factores que vão das práticas do Estado na sua regulamentação à intervenção institucional das diferentes organizações. Os imigrantes raramente têm uma palavra a dizer na construção desta identidade, uma vez que o seu acesso ao espaço público é quase nulo. No nosso texto procuramos averiguar, num dos lugares privilegiados da construção desta imagem – a imprensa –, como o discurso jornalístico cruza um conjunto de vozes e de actores, construindo episódios e “histórias” que focalizam as questões da imigração. Para o efeito, partimos do discurso dos textos jornalísticos e analisamos três excertos noticiosos, procurando dar conta de como se constroem na imprensa as identidades dos diferentes actores envolvidos.The public identity of immigrants depends on a set of factors that go from state regulatory practices to the institutional intervention of different organizations. Immigrants rarely have a say in the construction of this identity, since their access to public space is very restricted. Taking one of the privileged sites for the construction of this image – the press – this text seeks to discuss how the journalistic discourse interconnects a number of voices and actors, constructing episodes and “stories” that focus on issues of immigration. To this end, the authors start from the discourse of journalistic texts and analyze three news excerpts, giving des textes journalistiques et analyserons trois corpus d’informations, cherchant à rendre compte de la manière par laquelle les identités des différents acteurs impli­qués se construisent dans la presse.L’identité publique des immigrés dépend d’un ensemble de facteurs qui vont des pratiques de l’Etat dans sa réglementation à l’intervention institutionnelle des diffé­rentes organisations. Dans la construction de cette identité, les émigrés ont rarement un mot à dire, étant donné que leur accès à l’espace public est quasi inexistant. Dans ce texte, nous cherchons à reconstituer, dans un des lieux privilégiés de la construc­tion de cette image, à savoir la presse, com­ment le discours journalistique croise un ensemble de voix et d’acteurs, construisant des épisodes et des «histoires» qui mettent en relief les questions de l’immigration. Pour le faire, nous partirons du discour