235 research outputs found

    Neuroanatomy and rehabilitation of the directional motor deficits associated with unilateral neglect

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    The Spanish Long-term Care System. ENEPRI Research Report No. 88, 15 June 2010

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    Launched in January 2009, ANCIEN is a research project that runs for a 44-month period and involves 20 partners from EU member states. The project principally concerns the future of long-term care (LTC) for the elderly in Europe and addresses two questions in particular: 1) How will need, demand, supply and use of LTC develop? 2) How do different systems of LTC perform? This case study on Spain is part of the first stage in the project aimed at collecting the basic data and necessary information to portray long-term care in each country of the EU. It will be followed by analysis and projections of future scenarios on long-term care needs, use, quality assurance and system performance. State-of-the-art demographic, epidemiologic and econometric modelling will be used to interpret and project needs, supply and use of long-term care over future time periods for different LTC systems

    Projeto de ampliação e humanização do hemocentro coordenador de Santa Catarina em Florianópolis

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. ArquiteturaTCC sem resumo

    El marketing digital y la participación de mercado en la empresa Tropical Music, Chimbote 2021

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    La presente investigación “El marketing digital y la participación de mercado en la empresa Tropical Music, Chimbote 2021”, se propuso como objetivo el determinar el efecto del marketing digital en la participación de mercado de Tropical Music, Chimbote 2021. La investigación de tipo aplicada, no experimental, correlacional, transversal; se aplicaron 385 cuestionarios con coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach de 0.961, vía internet a los consumidores considerando los criterios de selección. Habiendo arribado a las siguientes conclusiones: Se ha comprobado mediante el coeficiente Rho Spearman, que existe una relación significativa entre las variables a un nivel de confianza de 99% y un alfa permisible de 0.01% habiendo obtenido que el p-valor es de 0.000, siendo un valor muy por debajo del valor esperado de 0.05%. Se llego a la conclusión de que la variable Marketing digital tiene un efecto positivo directamente proporcional en la participación de mercado, mediante la prueba de direccionalidad Lambda con coeficientes de 0.409 y 0.345, para marketing digital y posicionamiento respectivamente, con valores positivos indicando que hay una relación direccional y la variable marketing digital afecta al posicionamiento de manera positiva, es decir que a una variación del Marketing digital producirá una variación en la participación de mercado

    An unusual translocation, t(1;11)(q21;q23), in a case of chronic myeloid leukemia with a cryptic Philadelphia chromosome

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    Chronic myeloid leukemia is characterized by the translocation t(9;22)(q34;q11) (Philadelphia chromosome). Although it is not frequent, additional chromosome abnormalities can be detected at diagnosis and some of them have been associated with adverse cytogenetic and molecular outcome. We report a case of Chronic myeloid leukemia presenting the translocation t(1;11)(q21;q23) and a cryptic Philadelphia chromosome. The presence of additional chromosome abnormalities could generate greater genetic instability, promoting the emergence of further alterations. Our findings suggest that t(1;11)(q21;q23) avoided good response to tyrosine kinase inhibitors therapy. The patient evolves with primary resistance and subsequently at the recent control the T315I mutation was detected.Fil: Gutierrez, Leandro German. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Medicina Experimental. Academia Nacional de Medicina de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Noriega, Maria Fernanda. Academia Nacional de Medicina de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Investigaciones Hematológicas "Mariano R. Castex"; ArgentinaFil: Laudicina, Alejandro. Lexel SRL; ArgentinaFil: Quatrin, Mariana. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Ministerio de Salud. Hospital de Niños "Sor María Ludovica" de la Plata; ArgentinaFil: Bengió, Raquel María. Academia Nacional de Medicina de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Investigaciones Hematológicas "Mariano R. Castex"; ArgentinaFil: Larripa, Irene Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Medicina Experimental. Academia Nacional de Medicina de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Medicina Experimental; Argentin

    PVP solid dispersions containing Poloxamer 407 or TPGS for the improvement of ursolic acid release

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    Solid dispersions (SDs) of ursolic acid (UA) were developed using polyvinylpyrrolidone K30 (PVP K30) in combination with non-ionic surfactants, such as D-α-tocopherol polyethylene glycol 1000 succinate (TPGS) or poloxamer 407 (P407) with the aim of enhancing solubility and in vitro release of the UA. SDs were investigated using a 24 full factorial design, subsequently the selected formulations were characterized for water solubility, X-ray diffractometry (XRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), particle diameter, scanning electron microscopy, drug content, physical-chemical stability and in vitro release profile. SDs showed higher UA water-solubility than physical mixtures (PMs), which was attributed by transition of the drug from crystalline to amorphous or molecular state in the SDs, as indicated by XRD and DSC analyses. SD1 (with P407) and SD2 (with TPGS) were chosen for further investigation because they had higher drug load. SD1 proved to be more stable than SD2, revealing that P407 contributed to ensure the stability of the UA. Furthermore, SD1 and SD2 increased UA release by diffusion and swelling-controlled transport, following the Weibull model. Thus, solid dispersions obtained with PVP k-30 and P407 proved to be advantageous to enhance aqueous solubility and stability of UA

    Estrategia sostenible biotecnológica para disminuir los Agroquímicos en la producción del café en la vereda la Mercedes del pital huila

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    This master's study entitled "Sustainable biotechnological strategy to reduce agrochemicals in coffee production in the village of Las Mercedes del Pital Huila" had the purpose of creating from biotechnology a sustainable strategy for the inappropriate use of agrochemicals in coffee production and part of the of the need to minimize the negative impact generated by their misuse both on plants, soil and the environment in general. The applied methodology had a qualitative approach and an action research design. The collection technique was the interview with the instrument of the semi-structured interview guide; the sample was of the intentional type of non-probabilistic cut taken from a total of 10 farms in the Vereda. The sample population were the owners of the selected farms, a total of four (4). The results obtained show a traditional crop that is altering the environment and ecosystems in general with practices that do not favor production. It was also possible to show that coffee growers lacked information about biotechnological strategies; however, they are interested in this new strategy. In conclusion, the stated objective was achieved, to promote in coffee growers the development and application of the sustainable biotechnological strategy from vermiculture to minimize the use of agrochemicals and protect the environment, life in ecosystems and the planet in general.Esta investigación de maestría titulada “Estrategia sostenible biotecnológica para disminuir los agroquímicos en la producción del café en la vereda las mercedes del Pital Huila” tuvo como propósito crear desde la biotecnología una estrategia sostenible para el uso inadecuado de agroquímicos en la producción del café y parte de la necesidad de minimizar el impacto negativo generado por el mal uso de los mismos tanto en las plantas, suelo y medio ambiente en general. La metodología aplicada tuvo un enfoque cualitativo y un diseño de investigación acción. La técnica de recolección fue la entrevista con el instrumento de la guía de entrevista semiestructurada; la muestra fue de tipo intencional de corte no probabilístico tomada de un total de 10 fincas de la Vereda. La población muestra fueron los propietarios de las fincas seleccionadas un total de cuatro (4). Los resultados obtenidos evidencian un cultivo de carácter tradicional que está alterando el medio ambiente y los ecosistemas en general con prácticas que no favorecen ni la producción. También se pudo evidenciar que los caficultores carecían de información acerca de estrategias biotecnológicas, sin embargo, se muestran interesados en esta nueva estrategia. En conclusión, se logró promover en los caficultores la elaboración y aplicación de la estrategia biotecnológica sostenible desde la lombricultura para minimizar el uso de agroquímicos y proteger el medio ambiente, la vida en los ecosistemas y en el planeta en general

    Características clínicas e evolutivas da sífilis em 24 indivíduos HIV+ no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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    Foram tratados 24 indivíduos com sífilis e infecção pelo HIV, de Março de 1997 a Janeiro de 2003, no ambulatório de Dermatologia Infecciosa do Instituto de Pesquisa Clínica Evandro Chagas, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Foram 20 homens (83,3%) e quatro mulheres (16,7%) com idade média de 38,04 anos e contagem média de linfócitos T CD4 de 389,5 céls/mm³. A sífilis foi classificada como secundária em 16 pacientes (62,5%), latente tardia em oito (33,3%) e terciária em uma paciente (4,2%). As manifestações de sífilis secundária foram de lesões cutâneas eritematopapulosas em regiões palmar e plantar em nove (37,5%), exantema papuloso em quatro (16,7%), alopecia em clareira em três (12,5%) e osteocondrite em um paciente (4,2%). A sífilis terciária apresentou-se como lesão verrucosa. Cinco pacientes (20,8%) apresentavam neurossífilis, sendo a cefaléia a única manifestação presente em dois pacientes. As drogas utilizadas foram penicilina benzatina, ceftriaxone, eritromicina e penicilina. A cura ocorreu em 18 pacientes (75%). Seis pacientes (25%) foram retratados, sendo que três apresentavam história de re-exposição. Este estudo confirmou a importância de se estabelecer o diagnóstico de neurossífilis em pacientes com infecção pelo HIV, assim como de se realizar seguimento clínico e laboratorial após o tratamento da sífilis.A total of 24 patients with syphilis and HIV infection were treated from January 1997 to March 2003 at the Infectious Dermatology Outpatient Clinic of the Evandro Chagas Clinical Research Institute, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The caseload consisted of 20 males (83.3%) and four females (16.7%), with a mean age of 38.04 years and mean T CD4+ count of 389.5 cells/mL. Syphilis was diagnosed as secondary in 16 (62.5%) patients, late latent in eight (33.3%), and tertiary in one (4.2%). Manifestations of secondary syphilis were palmar and plantar erythematopapulous cutaneous lesions in nine (37.5%), papulous exanthema in four (16.7%), patchy alopecia in 3 (12.5%) and osteochondritis in one patient (4.2%). Tertiary syphilis was characterized by verrucous lesions. Neurosyphilis was diagnosed in four patients (16.7%), with headache as the only manifestation in two patients. Drugs used in treatment included benzathine penicillin, ceftriaxone, erythromycin, and crystalline penicillin. Cure was achieved in 18 patients (75%). Five patients (20.8%) were retreated, three of whom presented a history of re-exposure. This study confirms the importance of establishing the diagnosis of neurosyphilis in patients with HIV infection, in addition to performing follow-up on treatment for syphilis

    Expansión lineal y punto de saturación de las fibras de la Guadua angustifolia Kunth

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    Guadua angustifolia Kunth is a bamboo species, which has been widely used in construction. G. angustifolia is considered a hygroscopic material due to its capacity of absorb water, leading to changes in dimensions, strength, and stiffness due to variation of moisture content. The fibre saturation point (FSP) is reached when at certain moisture content, the material does not present dimensional changes and does not undergo variations in the mechanical strength. Specimens from the upper, middle and upper part of the bamboo were analysed in order to determine the FSP. Two methods were used to determine the FSP; the first method used the dimensional variation of the material at different moisture contents. The results showed that FSP is around 34.05%. The second method allowed verifying the FSP of Guadua angustifolia Kunth from the analysis of the parallel compression strength at different moisture contents. This method found that FSP was around 34%. Finally, a modification factor due to moisture content for compression strength was presented, as well as the equation for linear expansion of the material.La Guadua angustifolia Kunth es una especie de bambú que ha sido ampliamente utilizado en la construcción. Gracias a su capacidad de absorber agua, la G. angustifolia experimenta cambios en sus dimensiones, resistencia y rigidez debido a la variación del contenido de humedad. El punto de saturación de las fibras (PSF) se alcanza cuando a un determinado contenido de humedad el material no presenta cambios dimensionales ni variaciones en la resistencia mecánica. Para determinar el PSF de G. angustifolia se analizaron probetas de la parte inferior, intermedia y superior de la guadua. Se utilizaron dos metodologías: el primer método midió la variación dimensional, encontrando que el PSF está alrededor de 34.05 %; el segundo determinó la variación de la resistencia a la compresión paralela, encontrando que el PSF está alrededor de 34 %. Por último, se presentaron los factores de modificación de la resistencia a compresión para diferentes contenidos de humedad, así como la ecuación de expansión lineal del material