287 research outputs found

    The microbial culture collections of the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) and the new consortium towards the establishment of BRC-UFPE

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    The UFPE from Recife in Brazil hosts a bacterial (UFPEDA) and a fungal (URM) collections since 1951 and 1954, respectively. The UFPEDA was established by Prof. Oswaldo Gonçalves de Lima and is register in WDCM as 114. It is hosted at Antibiotic Department (DA) of UFPE and started out with 200 species mainly of the genus Streptomyces. Nowadays this collection holds 4000 strains of actinomycetes isolated from all the Brazilian places and from the International Streptomyces Project (ISP). The URM – University of Recife Mycology was established by Prof. Augusto Chaves Batista and is register in WDCM as 604. Actual it holds 9000 identified species including 1400 yeasts and 7600 filamentous fungi. All major fungal taxonomic groups are cover by this collection. The collections preserve each strain at least by two different techniques. Water and mineral oil storage were used for long operation time while freeze-drying and freezing at -80 ºC become the main techniques used at this stage. Special care is taken to test whether cultures recovered from preserved material conform to the original deposit. These collections have a range of services which are acceptance of free and confidential deposits, supply strains for academia, industry and services, support research and education (graduate and post-graduate students, as well as advanced training courses), identification services and confidential contracts (e.g. fungal medical diagnosis, starters for agro-industry companies, etc.). The OECD initiative related to guidance for the operation of Biological Resource Centres (BRC) is now a key reference for these collections. The right management of biological resources and their associate information including quality control are perused by these collections. The recent national projects, with reasonable budgets to support their activities, either on networking activities or requalification and management create a new breath and responsibilities to these collections. Taking advantage of good and well equipped premises of LIKA these collections are now open new avenues working in consortium to improve the quality control of their holdings using new tools from molecular biology and spectral analysis (MALDI-TOF) to achieve in the future a certified BRC for the UFPE microbial culture collections

    Reviewing the History of HIV-1: Spread of Subtype B in the Americas

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    The dispersal of HIV-1 subtype B (HIV-1B) is a reflection of the movement of human populations in response to social, political, and geographical issues. The initial dissemination of HIV-1B outside Africa seems to have included the passive involvement of human populations from the Caribbean in spreading the virus to the United States. However, the exact pathways taken during the establishment of the pandemic in the Americas remain unclear. Here, we propose a geographical scenario for the dissemination of HIV-1B in the Americas, based on phylogenetic and genetic statistical analyses of 313 available sequences of the pol gene from 27 countries. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference methods were used to explore the phylogenetic relationships between HIV-1B sequences, and molecular variance estimates were analyzed to infer the genetic structure of the viral population. We found that the initial dissemination and subsequent spread of subtype B in the Americas occurred via a single introduction event in the Caribbean around 1964 (1950–1967). Phylogenetic trees present evidence of several primary outbreaks in countries in South America, directly seeded by the Caribbean epidemic. Cuba is an exception insofar as its epidemic seems to have been introduced from South America. One clade comprising isolates from different countries emerged in the most-derived branches, reflecting the intense circulation of the virus throughout the American continents. Statistical analysis supports the genetic compartmentalization of the virus among the Americas, with a close relationship between the South American and Caribbean epidemics. These findings reflect the complex establishment of the HIV-1B pandemic and contribute to our understanding between the migration process of human populations and virus diffusion

    Evaluation of the inflammatory responses to sol-gel coatings with distinct biocompatibility levels

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    [EN] The immune system plays a crucial role in determining the implantation outcome, and macrophages are in the frontline of the inflammatory processes. Further, cellular oxidative stress resulting from the material recognition can influence how cell responses develop. Considering this, the aim of this study was to study oxidative stress and macrophages phenotypes in response to sol-gel materials with distinct in vivo outcomes. Four materials were selected (70M30T and 35M35G30T, with high biocompatibility, and 50M50G and 50V50G, with low biocompatibility). Gene expression, immunocytochemistry and cytokine secretion profiles for M1 and M2 markers were determined. Moreover, oxidative stress markers were studied. Immunocytochemistry and ELISA showed that 50M50G and 50V50G lead to a higher differentiation to M1 phenotype, while 70M30T and 35M35G30T promoted M2 differentiation. In oxidative stress, no differences were found. These results show that the balance between M1 and M2, more than individual quantification of each phenotype, determines a biomaterial outcome.Generalitat Valenciana, Grant/Award Number: GRISOLIAP/2018/091; Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Grant/Award Numbers: MAT2017-86043-R, RTC2017-6147-1; Universitat Jaume I, Grant/Award Number: POSDOC/2019/28Cerqueira, A.; Araújo-Gomes, N.; Zhang, Y.; Van Den Beucken, JJJP.; Martínez-Ramos, C.; Ozturan, S.; Izquierdo, R.... (2021). Evaluation of the inflammatory responses to sol-gel coatings with distinct biocompatibility levels. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A. 109(9):1539-1548. https://doi.org/10.1002/jbm.a.37149S15391548109

    Imidazole derivatives as promising agents for the treatment of Chagas disease

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    More than 100 years later after being firstly described, Chagas disease remains endemic in 21 Latin American countries and has spread to other continents. Indeed, this disease, caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, is no longer just a problem for the American continent but has become a global health threat. Current therapies, nifurtimox and benznidazole (Bz), are far from being adequate due to undesirable effects and their lack of efficacy in the chronic phases of the disease. In this work, we present an in-depth phenotypical evaluation in T.cruzi of a new class of imidazole compounds, discovered in a previous phenotypic screening against different trypanosomatids and designed as potential inhibitors of cAMP phosphodiesterases (PDEs). The confirmation of several activities similar or superior to Bz prompted a synthesis program of hit optimization and extended SAR, aimed at improving drug-like properties such as aqueous solubility, resulting in additional hits with IC50 similar to Bz. The cellular effects of one representative hit, compound 9, on bloodstream trypomastigotes were further investigated. Transmission electron microscopy revealed cellular changes, after just 2 h of incubation with the IC50 concentration, that were consistent with induced autophagy and osmotic stress - mechanisms previously linked to cAMP signaling. Compound 9 induced highly significant increases in both cellular and medium cAMP, confirming that inhibition of T.cruzi PDE(s) is part of its mechanism of action. The potent and selective activity of this imidazole-based PDE inhibitor class against T.cruzi constitutes a successful repurposing of research into inhibitors of mammalian PDEs

    Development of thermo-and pH-sensitive liposomal magnetic carriers for new potential antitumor thienopyridine derivatives

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    The development of stimuli-sensitive drug delivery systems is a very attractive area of current research in cancer therapy. The deep knowledge on the microenvironment of tumors has supported the progress of nanosystems’ ability for controlled and local fusion as well as drug release. Temperature and pH are two of the most promising triggers in the development of sensitive formulations to improve the efficacy of anticancer agents. Herein, magnetic liposomes with fusogenic sensitivity to pH and temperature were developed aiming at dual cancer therapy (by chemotherapy and magnetic hyperthermia). Magnetic nanoparticles of mixed calcium/manganese ferrite were synthesized by co-precipitation with citrate and by sol–gel method, and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy in transmission mode (STEM), and superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID). The citrate-stabilized nanoparticles showed a small-sized population (around 8 nm, determined by XRD) and suitable magnetic properties, with a low coercivity and high saturation magnetization (~54 emu/g). The nanoparticles were incorporated into liposomes of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine/cholesteryl hemisuccinate (DPPC:CHEMS) and of the same components with a PEGylated lipid (DPPC:CHEMS:DSPE-PEG), resulting in magnetoliposomes with sizes around 100 nm. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) and electrophoretic light scattering (ELS) measurements were performed to investigate the pH-sensitivity of the magnetoliposomes’ fusogenic ability. Two new antitumor thienopyridine derivatives were efficiently encapsulated in the magnetic liposomes and the drug delivery capability of the loaded nanosystems was evaluated, under different pH and temperature conditions.This research was funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) in the framework of the Strategic Funding of CF-UM-UP (UIDB/04650/2020) and through the research project PTDC/QUI-QFI/28020/2017 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028020), financed by the European Fund of Regional Development (FEDER), COMPETE2020, and Portugal 2020. J.M.R. acknowledges FCT, ESF (European Social Fund—North Portugal Regional Operational Program) and HCOP (Human Capital Operational Program) for a PhD grant (SFRH/BD/115844/2016)

    Trend of hospitalized cases of oral cancer in Brazil and its relationship with oral health coverage in public health system between 2009 and 2017

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    This study aimed to analyze the trend in the number of hospitalized cases of oral cancer in Brazil, according to the coverage of oral health services in public health system, and also investigate the influence of healthcare and clinical characteristics on the severity of oral cancer cases. This retrospective study considered the period between 2009 and 2017. Data from the Hospital Registry of Cancer from the National Cancer Institute were used, considering the primary locations C00 to C06. Detailed information including sex, age, alcohol and tobacco use, year of first consultation, and the clinical stage of the cases were also collected. The frequency of hospitalized cases was correlated with the coverage of Primary Care Oral Health Teams (ESB) and the number of Dental Specialty Centers (CEO). It was also estimated the chance of advanced oral cancer cases, according to healthcare and clinical characteristics. Data were analyzed using Tweedie's multiple regression and multiple binary logistic regression (?<0.05). There was an increasing trend in the number of hospitalized cases of oral cancer in Brazil between 2009 and 2017 (B=0.043, p<0.001, PR=1.044). The increase in ESB coverage was associated with small increase in the number of hospitalized cases of oral cancer (B=0.001, p=0.003, PR=1.001). The increase in the number of CEO was associated with decrease in the number of hospitalized cases of oral cancer (B=-0.085, p<0.001, PR =0.918). The increase of ESB (OR=0.998) and CEO (OR=0.974) contributed for reducing the number of stage IV cases, whilst the history of alcohol and tobacco use (OR=1.574) was associated with an increase in the number of stage IV cases. Although an increasing trend was detected, the expansion of the public health system reduced the number of hospitalized cases and the frequency of advanced oral cancer cases in Brazil

    Sweets and Jams

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    This manual aims to assist the Work Health and Safety Assessment Tool – Horticultural Products – Sweets and Jams user, in carrying out a simplified and easy-to-use occupational risk assessment with a view to adopting risk control solutions at workplaces. The design of this tool trie to provide an instrument capable of being used without internet access or specific software installation. In addition to its main purpose, this tool can also be used for workers consultation or training actions, provided as a complement of the other instruments developed within the scope of this project. The tool is organized in three distinct parts (see Figure 1): the first, where a checklist is filled out, from which a graphical overview is obtained, which will give the overview of the level of risk control (second part). This synthesis of results allows the user to immediately visualize the level of control of the main risks and in which will have to make major interventions. Finally, the third part appears, where a report is generated with solutions, particularized for each one of the risks in which the adoption of measures proves necessary.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Safety and Health at Work - Assessment tool: Meat Products

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    This manual aims to assist the Work Health and Safety Assessment Tool – Meat Products user, in carrying out a simplified and easy-to-use occupational risk assessment with a view to adopting risk control solutions at workplaces. The design of this tool trie to provide an instrument capable of being used without internet access or specific software installation. In addition to its main purpose, this tool can also be used for workers consultation or training actions, provided as a complement of the other instruments developed within the scope of this project. The tool is organized in three distinct parts: the first, where a checklist is filled out, from which a graphical overview is obtained, which will give the overview of the level of risk control (second part). This synthesis of results allows the user to immediately visualize the level of control of the main risks and in which will have to make major interventions. Finally, the third part appears, where a report is generated with solutions, particularized for each one of the risks in which the adoption of measures proves necessary.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The role of climate, marine influence and sedimentation rates in late-Holocene estuarine evolution (SW Portugal)

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    Estuaries are sensitive to changes in global to regional sea level, to climate-driven variation in rainfall and to fluvial discharge. In this study, we use source and environmentally sensitive proxies together with radiocarbon dating to examine a 7-m-thick sedimentary record from the Sado estuary accumulated throughout the last 3.6 kyr. The lithofacies, geochemistry and diatom assemblages in the sediments accumulated between 3570 and 3240 cal. BP indicate a mixture between terrestrial and marine sources. The relative contribution of each source varied through time as sedimentation progressed in a low intertidal to high subtidal and low-energy accreting tidal flat. The sedimentation proceeded under a general pattern of drier and higher aridity conditions, punctuated by century-long changes of the rainfall regime that mirror an increase in storminess that affected SW Portugal and Europe. The sediment sequence contains evidence of two periods characterized by downstream displacement of the estuarine/freshwater transitional boundary, dated to 3570-3400 cal. BP and 3300-3240 cal. BP. These are intercalated by one episode where marine influence shifted upstream. All sedimentation episodes developed under high terrestrial sediment delivery to this transitional region, leading to exceptionally high sedimentation rates, independently of the relative expression of terrestrial/marine influences in sediment facies. Our data show that these disturbances are mainly climate-driven and related to variations in rainfall and only secondarily with regional sea-level oscillations. From 3240 cal. BP onwards, an abrupt change in sediment facies is noted, in which the silting estuarine bottom reaches mean sea level and continued accreting until present under prevailing freshwater conditions, the tidal flat changing to an alluvial plain. The environmental modification is accompanied by a pronounced change in sedimentation rate that decreased by two orders of magnitude, reflecting the loss of accommodation space rather than the influence of climate or regional sea-level drivers.FCT by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation [SFRH/BD/110270/2015, HAR2014-51830-P, HAR2011-29907-C03-00]FCTPortuguese Foundation for Science and Technology [PTDC/HISARQ/121592/2010]Instituto Dom Luiz-IDL [UID/GEO/50019/2013]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio