263 research outputs found

    Exploring insights into the bioeconomy in strategic groups

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    The concept of Bioeconomy is associated with sustainable development changes both in production and consumption systems. For this reason, this research was carried out with the objective to describe the scientific production related to the different strategic groups’ perceptions about Bioeconomy and to group the existing literature into thematic clusters. Initially, in this bibliometric study, 67 articles were selected from the Scopus database based on the words “Bioeconomy” and “Perceptions”. Later, the VOSviewer software, version 1.6.18, was used to perform the bibliometric analysis. The results revealed the existence of four clusters. The first cluster included articles about Bioeconomy on the perspective of the timber strategic sector and of the different actors in the field of forestry action closest to the Bioeconomy field. The second cluster included articles related to the perception about Bioeconomy by Civil Society, in general, and higher education students, in particular, as well as their opinions on the importance of the forestry sector for the Bioeconomy. The third cluster comprised the articles that consider the Bioeconomy to be the innovative way to go to ensure the sustainability of the planet, therefore highlighting the importance of knowing the perceptions and raising awareness of all strategic groups to ensure the successful transition to the Bioeconomy. Finally, the fourth cluster included articles related to the consumer attitudes and behaviours regarding the acceptance of new biofood products resulting from the Circular Economy.The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support through national funds FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) to CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020 and UIDP/00690/2020) and SusTEC (LA/P/0007/2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The exocyst is required for trypanosome invasion and the repair of mechanical plasma membrane wounds

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    The process of host cell invasion by Trypanosoma cruzi shares mechanistic elements with plasma membrane injury and repair. Both processes require Ca2+-triggered exocytosis of lysosomes, exocytosis of acid sphingomyelinase and formation of ceramide-enriched endocytic compartments. T. cruzi invades at peripheral sites, suggesting a need for spatial regulation of membrane traffic. Here, we show that Exo70 and Sec8 (also known as EXOC7 and EXOC4, respectively), components of the exocyst complex, accumulate in nascent T. cruzi vacuoles and at sites of mechanical wounding. Exo70 or Sec8 depletion inhibits T. cruzi invasion and Ca2+-dependent resealing of mechanical wounds, but does not affect the repair of smaller lesions caused by pore-forming toxins. Thus, T. cruzi invasion and mechanical lesion repair share a unique requirement for the exocyst, consistent with a dependence on targetedmembrane delivery.The process of host cell invasion by Trypanosoma cruzi shares mechanistic elements with plasma membrane injury and repair. Both processes require Ca2+-triggered exocytosis of lysosomes, exocytosis of acid sphingomyelinase and formation of ceramide-enriche12812732sem informaçãosem informaçãoWe thank Dr D. Toomre (Yale University) for the VSVG construct, Dr W. Guo (University of Pennsylvania) for antibodies and A. Beaven and K. Class (University of Maryland) for assistance with confocal microscopy and flow cytometry, respectivel

    Exocytosis of acid sphingomyelinase by wounded cells promotes endocytosis and plasma membrane repair

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    Lysosomal enzyme acid sphingomyelinase is released extracellularly when cells are wounded, converting sphingomyelin to ceramide and inducing endosome formation to internalize membrane lesions

    The relationship between the speech perception and the degree of satisfaction among adult users of cochlear implants

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    Introduction: In recent years, the benefits associated with the use of cochlear implants (CIs), especially with regard to speech perception, have proven to surpass those produced by the use of hearing aids, making CIs a highly efficient resource for patients with severe/profound hearing loss. However, few studies so far have assessed the satisfaction of adult users of CIs. Objective: To analyze the relationship between the level of speech perception and degree of satisfaction of adult users of CI. Method: This was a prospective cross-sectional study conducted in the Audiological Research Center (CPA) of the Hospital of Craniofacial Anomalies, University of São Paulo (HRAC/USP), in Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil. A total of 12 users of CIs with pre-lingual or post-lingual hearing loss participated in this study. The following tools were used in the assessment: a questionnaire, "Satisfaction with Amplification in Daily Life" (SADL), culturally adapted to Brazilian Portuguese, as well as its relationship with the speech perception results; a speech perception test under quiet conditions; and the Hearing in Noise Test (HINT)Brazil under free field conditions. Results: The participants in the study were on the whole satisfied with their devices, and the degree of satisfaction correlated positively with the ability to perceive monosyllabic words under quiet conditions. The satisfaction did not correlate with the level of speech perception in noisy environments. Conclusion: Assessments of satisfaction may help professionals to predict what other factors, in addition to speech perception, may contribute to the satisfaction of CI users in order to reorganize the intervention process to improve the users' quality of life

    Alguns pressupostos teóricos para “um emprego” do conceito de desenvolvimento

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    Este artigo foi extraído de um capítulo da dissertação “Avaliação Percepto-Motora em Crianças, Com Cerca De Dois Anos De Idade, Nascidas De Mães Portadoras de Hipertensão Arterial”. Nesta investigação pretendeu-se rastrear indícios de sequelas perceptomotoras em filhos de mães hipertensas. Usou-se o Denver Developmental Screening Test, complementado por um estudo contextual para avaliar 0 desenvolvimento da população amostral. Foi necessário caracterizar e referendar o conceito de desenvolvimento, para que ele se tomasse compatível com o trabalho e visão do investigador. É importante salientar que se partiu de alguns “riscos” para o desenvolvimento e chegou-se até a “resiliência”. Em função disso, acredita-se que este ensaio é significativo para os que militam na área de saúde, com ênfase em níveis de desenvolvimento humano.This paper derives from one section of the thesis “Perceptual-motor skills evaluation in children of about two years old, whose mothers presented arterial hypertension” (MORAES, 1997). The objective was screening the presence of perceptual-motor damage in children with hypertensive mothers. The method of evaluation used was the Denver Developmental Screening Test, complemented by a structural study. It was necessary to countersign and characterise the concept of development so that it became consistent with the practice and the view of the researcher. It is important to mention that the study began from some development risks and reached resilience. Because of this, it is believed that this essay is very important to people that work with health, emphasising leveis of human development

    Tiempo integral: descompases entre tiempos escolares y tiempos juveniles

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    Este artículo tiene como objetivo discutir la ampliación de la jornada escolar y la forma en que los jóvenes han vivido esta experiencia en Brasil. El contexto del estudio son 06 escuelas municipales que trabajan en tiempo integral, y los sujetos son estudiantes del último año de la escuela primaria. El aporte teórico son las contribuciones de Bernard Charlot, sobre la relación con el saber y el material empírico analizado está constituido por entrevistas. Los resultados indican descompases entre los tiempos escolares y los tiempos juveniles – el mayor tiempo en la escuela no ha acogido las demandas juveniles, y ha producido efectos de interferencia en la vida de los jóvenes

    Identidade Negra entre exclusão e liberdade

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    In this paper, we present some reflections on the influence of social markers in the social representation of Black People. We discuss the consequences of these social constructs about the “black body”, as well as their implication for the construc­tion of black identity in Brazil. In addition, it is briefly pointed out the importance of the actions of the Black Movement in the educa­tional field to the struggle for implement pu­blic policies like the Law 10.639/2003. From this perspective, the contribution of education in the deconstruction of stereotypes is pointed, as well as the importance of Africanities to create intervention possibilities in the identity formation process so that the dominant narra­tives about “how to be Black” can be challenged and help to build an educational environment to resound histories and marginalized identi­ties.In this paper, we present some reflections on the influence of social markers in the social representation of Black People. We discuss the consequences of these social constructs about the “black body”, as well as their implication for the construc­tion of black identity in Brazil. In addition, it is briefly pointed out the importance of the actions of the Black Movement in the educa­tional field to the struggle for implement pu­blic policies like the Law 10.639/2003. From this perspective, the contribution of education in the deconstruction of stereotypes is pointed, as well as the importance of Africanities to create intervention possibilities in the identity formation process so that the dominant narra­tives about “how to be Black” can be challenged and help to build an educational environment to resound histories and marginalized identi­ties.No presente trabalho apresenta­mos algumas reflexões sobre a influência de marcadores sociais na representação social do negro. Discutimos as consequências desses constructos sociais em torno do “corpo negro”, assim como suas implicações na construção da identidade negra no Brasil. Além disso, apon­tamos brevemente a importância das ações do movimento negro no campo educacional na luta e conquista de políticas públicas, como a lei n. 10.639/2003. Sob essa perspectiva, falamos da contribuição da educação na desconstrução de estereótipos, assim como da importância das africanidades na criação de possibilidades de intervenção no processo de formação identi­tária, para que as narrativas dominantes sobre o “ser negro” sejam desafiadas e se construa um espaço educativo de ressonância a histórias e identidades marginalizada

    Relação com o saber e táticas de territorialização de jovens bolsistas do ensino médio na escola privada

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    Este artigo se insere no debate sobre juventude e ensino médio no contexto brasileiro e se interessa por jovens que migram da escola pública para a escola privada na condição de bolsistas. O objetivo da pesquisa é analisar os processos implicados na relação com o saber estabelecida por esses jovens ao se inserirem nesse novo território escolar. Ancora-se nos estudos sobre relação com o saber, em diálogo com autores do campo da sociologia da juventude e da geografia com foco no território-territorialidades. A escola que serviu como campo de pesquisa pertence a uma rede confessional de escolas privadas de Minas Gerais, e os dados foram produzidos por meio da análise de documentos, observação participante e entrevistas realizadas com nove jovens. A análise apresenta o perfil socioeducacional dos jovens bolsistas e, em relação às entrevistas, aciona-se o conceito de tática proposto por Michel de Certeau, o que permitiu identificar três táticas de territorialização dos jovens na escola privada: aproximação, sobrevivência e estudo. Os resultados apontam desigualdades socioeconômicas vividas pelos bolsistas e a construção de táticas por esses estudantes para permanecerem e aprenderem na escola privada em direção ao ensino superior público, que se coloca como território de promessas. Conclui-se pela importância da valoração da escola pública e aponta-se a necessidade de outros estudos que possibilitem ampliar o horizonte de debates sobre jovens do ensino médio na condição de bolsistas, especialmente no contexto da covid-19.This article is part of the debate about youth and high school in a Brazilian context and aims at young students who migrate from public school to private school via scholarships. The objective of the research is to analyze the processes involved in the relationship with knowledge established by these youths upon entering this new school territory. It is based on studies about the relationship with knowledge, and linked to authors from the fields of sociology of youth and geography, with a focus on territory-territorialities. The school that served as a field of research belongs to a confessional network of private schools in Minas Gerais, and the data were produced by means of document analysis, participant observation, and interviews with nine youngsters. The analysis presents the socio-educational profile of the young scholarship students. In relation to the interviews, the concept of tactics proposed by Michel de Certeau is used, which allowed the identification of three territorializing tactics of young people in private school: closeness, survival, and study. The results point to socioeconomic inequalities experienced by the students and the construction of tactics by these students to stay in private school while they continue learning in order to get to public higher education, which stands as a territory of promise. We conclude that it is important to value public schooling, and we also point out the need for further studies to broaden the horizon of debates about young high school students who have scholarships, especially in the context of covid-19

    Improving skin picking diagnosis among Brazilians : validation of the Skin Picking Impact Scale and development of a photographic instrument

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    Background Skin picking disorder is a prevalent disorder frequently comorbid with depression and anxiety, which is underdiagnosed mainly by dermatologists. Assessment of skin picking disorder is based on instruments influenced by the awareness about skin picking disorder and comorbid symptoms. To date, there is no validated instrument for Brazilian individuals nor an instrument to evaluate the severity of skin lesions in an objective way. Objectives Validate the Skin Picking Impact Scale for Brazilian Portuguese and create a photographic measurement to assess skin lesions. Methods The sample was assessed through the Skin Picking Impact Scale translated into Brazilian Portuguese, the Hamilton Anxiety Scale, the Beck Depression Inventory, and the Clinical Global Impression Scale. The patients’ skin lesions were photographed. Photos were evaluated regarding active excoriation, crust/bleeding, exulceration, and linear lesions. Results There were 63 patients included. The Skin Picking Impact Scale translated into Brazilian Portuguese had good internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.88), which tests of goodness-of-fit, showing a suitable model. The reliability of photographic measurement was 0.66, with a high internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.87). Photographic measurement was not correlated with the Skin Picking Impact Scale, the Clinical Global Impression Scale, or comorbid symptoms. Study limitations Lack of a previously validated instrument to evaluate dermatillomania in the Brazilian population for comparison. Conclusion The Skin Picking Impact Scale validated in Brazilian Portuguese is a good instrument to evaluate skin picking disorder. Photographic measurement is a consistent way of assessing skin lesions, but it does not reflect the impact of skin picking disorder on the individual's life