128 research outputs found

    Les fargues

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    Les fargues amb trompes. El cas de la Vall d'Andorra

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    Particularidades en la espermiogénesis de una especie que almacena esperma:Helicolenus dactylopterus dactylopterus (Teleostei: Scorpaenidae)

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    A study of the spermiogenesis and spermatozoa of Helicolenus dactylopterus was conducted. Females of this species have the capacity to store sperm within their ovaries, and male gametes have a considerable cytoplasmic mass surrounding their heads to survive the long period of intraovarian sperm storage. Our observations show that early spermatids are round-shaped cells and have a spherical nucleus with diffuse chromatin. The nuclear volume decreases as a result of progressive chromatin condensation during spermiogenesis, causing the nucleus to take on a U-shape. Flagellar insertion is not central to the nucleus but consistently occurs at an oblique angle towards one side of it. The flagellum is inserted into the nuclear fossa, without subsequent nuclear rotation. In mature spermatozoa, the flagellum is adjacent to the nucleus. A comparison of the spermatozoa in the testicular lobules and those in the intraovarian storage structures suggests that the increase in volume of the cytoplasmic mass may occur in the posterior region of the testis, in the testicular duct. Spermatozoa enter the ovary in groups that reach the ovarian lumen and are surrounded by the ovarian epithelium for storage in sperm storage crypts.Se estudian la espermatogénesis y el espermatozoide de la especie Helicolenus dactylopterus. Las hembras de esta especie tienen la capacidad de almacenar espermatozoides en el interior de sus ovarios y los gametos masculinos presentan una evidente masa citoplasmática rodeando sus cabezas para soportar el largo período de almacenaje intraovárico. Nuestras observaciones evidencian que las espermátidas tempranas son células redondas con un núcleo esférico que contiene cromatina difusa. El volumen nuclear disminuye debido a una progresiva condensación de la cromatina, provocando que el núcleo adopte forma de “U”. La inserción flagelar no es central respecto al núcleo sino que se realiza a un lado de éste, siempre de forma oblicua. El flagelo se inserta en la fosa nuclear y no existe rotación nuclear posterior. En los espermatozoides maduros, el flagelo es una estructura adyacente al núcleo. El aumento de volumen de las masas citoplasmáticas posiblemente ocurre en la región posterior del testículo, comparando los espermatozoides del interior del lóbulo testicular con los que están dentro las estructuras de almacenaje intraováricas. Éstos entran en el ovario en grupos más o menos organizados y son envueltos por el epitelio ovárico de la zona lamelar para ser guardados en criptas de almacenaje de esperma

    Campus ESADE a Sant Cugat del Vallès

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    Descripció del projecte. S’han de destacar les innovacions i aportacions a l’avanç del coneixement que incorpora el projecte. Es poden incorporar memòries, plànols, fotografies, esbossos, etc. També l’adreça web si s’ha penjat més informació sobre el projecte a la web. DESCRIPCIÓ DE L’EDIFICI: La proposta vol implantar-se seguint la topografia del Parc de Torreblanca i aprofitar el desnivell per disposar les edificacions al voltant de patis per tal de minimitzar les seves alçaries. L'edifici Creapolis s'ubica pròxim al Centre Borja per establir relacions immediates i de proximitat entre la Residencia-Club i els llocs de Treball de Creapolis. L'àrea Academico-Docent, és localitza al voltant de patis vegetals, que de manera natural disposem estratègicament al voltant dels aularis, i ajudem a la concentració i reflexió. La Residència Universitària situada a l'extrem Sud del complex, amb un bon assoleix i en connexió directa amb l'àrea Docent i l'àrea Esportiva. Finalment, un recorregut-rambla serà la peça que des del nivell d'accés -extrem Nord- vagi connectant amb totes les àrees per arribar finalment a la zona esportiva, sense creuar el vial d'accés al Centre Borja

    Anisakid Presence in the European Conger, Conger conger, from Spanish Mediterranean Waters

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    The European conger, Conger conger, is a benthic marine fish species with a geographicaldistribution extending through the northeastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean. Despite beingextensively distributed and widely appreciated by Spanish consumers, studies regarding parasitepresence in this fish are scarce. In the present work, a hundred and eight specimens from theMediterranean coast of northeastern Spain (Catalan waters) were surveyed for the presence ofnematode parasites. Several species were morphologically identified: third-stage larvae of Anisakistype I (sensu Berland, 1961) (n = 131), third-stage larvae of Anisakis type II (sensu Berland, 1961)(n = 18), third- and fourth-stage larvae and adults of Hysterothylacium spp. (n = 48), adults ofCucullanus sp. (n = 391), and adults of Cristitectus congeri (n = 69). Moreover, some fish and decapodespecies were also observed as part of the host’s diet, with the most detected preys being Micromesistiuspoutassou, Sardina pilchardus, Macropipus sp., and Goneplax rhomboides. This represents the first surveyof nematode parasites infecting C. conger from the northeastern Spanish Mediterranean waters.Among the parasite species detected, the presence of Anisakis species should be highlighted as theingestion of C. conger parasitized with these larvae could potentially lead to anisakiasis in consumers</p

    Capsule enlargement in Cryptococcus neoformans confers resistance to oxidative stress suggesting a mechanism for intracellular survival

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    Cryptococcus neoformans is a facultative intracellular pathogen. The most distinctive feature of C. neoformans is a polysaccharide capsule that enlarges depending on environmental stimuli. The mechanism by which C. neoformans avoids killing during phagocytosis is unknown. We hypothesized that capsule growth conferred resistance to microbicidal molecules produced by the host during infection, particularly during phagocytosis. We observed that capsule enlargement conferred resistance to reactive oxygen species produced by H(2)O(2) that was not associated with a higher catalase activity, suggesting a new function for the capsule as a scavenger of reactive oxidative intermediates. Soluble capsular polysaccharide protected C. neoformans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae from killing by H(2)O(2). Acapsular mutants had higher susceptibility to free radicals. Capsular polysaccharide acted as an antioxidant in the nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) reduction coupled to beta-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH)/phenazine methosulfate (PMS) assay. Capsule enlargement conferred resistance to antimicrobial peptides and the antifungal drug Amphotericin B. Interestingly, the capsule had no effect on susceptibility to azoles and increased susceptibility to fluconazole. Capsule enlargement reduced phagocytosis by environmental predators, although we also noticed that in this system, starvation of C. neoformans cells produced resistance to phagocytosis. Our results suggest that capsular enlargement is a mechanism that enhances C. neoformans survival when ingested by phagocytic cells.We thank Dr J.D. Nosanchuk for the use of defensins and Dr Steinman for the kind gift of A. castellanii strains. We thank Dr J.C. Arguelles and Pilar González (Universidad de Murcia, Spain) for providing protocols to measure catalase activity, and Drs Carlos and Juana Maria Gancedo (CSIC, Spain) for the permission to use their technical resources and for their helpful discussions. We are indebted to Dr F. Usera and Rosa Hidalgo for their collaboration, help and technical support in the use of the γ-irradiator from the animal facility from the National Center for Biotechnology (CSIC, Spain). We warmly thank Josefa Casas for her technical support, and all the members from the Mycology Service from the National Center for Microbiology (Instituto de Salud Carlos III) for their helpful discussions. M.V.C. is funded by a research contract from the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional (AECI). O.Z. is a ‘Ramón y Cajal’ fellow from the Ministerio Español de Educación y Ciencia (MEC) and is funded by Grants MPY1025/06 from the MEC and 1181/06 from el Instituto de Salud Carlos III.S