165 research outputs found

    Caracterización del crecimiento miceliar de cepas nativas de Neolentinus ponderosus y N. lepideus en diferentes pH y degradación de madera de Pinus spp

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    Neolentinus ponderosus y N. lepideus son dos especies de hongos saprobios que poseen usoalimenticio tradicional en comunidades de los departamentos de Huehuetenango y Totonicapán,Guatemala. La capacidad degradadora de ambas especies les confiere potencial para el estudio dela producción de cuerpos fructíferos a nivel de sustrato, por lo que en esta investigación se evaluóel crecimiento de una cepa nativa de N. ponderosus y una de N. lepideus en el medio de cultivo agarextracto de malta (EMA) a diferente pH y también se estudió la degradación de la madera de dosespecies de pino (Pinus tecunumanii y P. ayacahuite) en cámaras de podredumbre durante 12 meses.El mayor diámetro de crecimiento miceliar de la cepa N. ponderosus se observó a pH 7.0, en tantoque para N. lepideus se obtuvo a pH 5.0 y 5.6. Las colonias de ambas cepas evidenciaron texturaafelpada, borde regular a irregular, color blanco, con o sin pigmento difusible, olor frutal, hifasde 1.0-5.0 μm de diámetro, con clamidosporas y fíbulas. La madera de P. tecunumanii degradadapor la cepa de N. ponderosus y la madera de P. ayacahuite por la cepa N. lepideus, presentaronporcentajes de pérdida de peso de 8.76 (±5.58) y 12.07 (±5.66), respectivamente y en ambos casosse alcanzó solamente el estadio temprano de degradación. Los resultados de este estudio sientan lasbases para investigaciones posteriores en los que se evalúe el cultivo en troncos de ambas especiespara la producción de cuerpos fructíferos con fines alimenticios y comerciales

    Restauración de las olmedas ibéricas (Ulmus minor y U. laevis) en zonas riparias de la Comunidad de Madrid

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    El proyecto LIFE+ “Olmos Vivos” (LIFE13 BIO/ES/000556) tiene como objetivo la restauración de unas formaciones vegetales, las olmedas, que por diversos motivos prácticamente han desaparecido del paisaje forestal español, a pesar de haber poseído un alto valor ecológico y cultural. La grafiosis ha constituido una de las enfermedades forestales más devastadoras, y supuso la práctica desaparición de las olmedas ibéricas de Ulmus minor . En el caso de Ulmus laevis , la alteración de su hábitat ligado a zonas temporalmente encharcadas y riberas ha provocado que las poblaciones españolas se encuentren en riesgo de desaparición. Gracias a la obtención de siete clones de U. minor resistentes a la grafiosis como fruto del Programa del Olmo (UPM-MAGRAMA), el presente proyecto permitirá reintroducir la especie en diversas localizaciones de ribera de los ríos Jarama y Tajo. Asimismo, se plantarán brinzales obtenidos de agrupaciones relícticas de U. laevis , con el fin de aumentar sus poblaciones y conservar sus recursos genéticos, en terrenos de naturaleza silícea de las riberas del río Jarama y Arroyo Viñuelas. El desarrollo del proyecto, de cinco años y tres meses de duración 2014-2019), prevé la plantación de unas 16 700 plantas. Al mismo tiempo se recuperará en nuestras ciudades y pueblos la presencia del olmo, mediante plantaciones con fines divulgativos en entornos urbanos y paseos históricos, para devolver así el protagonismo cultural a un árbol que siempre estuvo entre nosotros, presidiendo las reuniones en las plazas y acompañando con su sombra en muchos caminos de nuestra geografía

    New discoveries of mud volcanoes on the Moroccan Atlantic continental margin (Gulf of Cádiz): morpho-structural characterization

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    10th International Conference on Gas in Marine Sediments, 6-11 September 2010, Listvyanka, RussiaDuring the MVSEIS-08 cruise of 2008, ten new mud volcanoes (MVs) were discovered on the offshore Moroccan continental margin (Gulf of Cádiz) at water depths between 750 and 1,600 m, using multibeam bathymetry, backscatter imagery, high-resolution seismic and gravity core data. Mud breccias were recovered in all cases, attesting to the nature of extrusion of these cones. The mud volcanoes are located in two fields: the MVSEIS, Moundforce, Pixie, Las Negras, Madrid, Guadix, Almanzor and El Cid MVs in the western Moroccan field, where mud volcanoes have long been suspected but to date not identified, and the Boabdil and Al Gacel MVs in the middle Moroccan field. Three main morphologies were observed: asymmetric, sub-circular and flat-topped cone-shaped types, this being the first report of asymmetric morphologies in the Gulf of Cádiz. Based on morpho-structural analysis, the features are interpreted to result from (1) repeated constructive (expulsion of fluid mud mixtures) and destructive (gravity-induced collapse and submarine landsliding) episodes and (2) interaction with bottom currentsDivisión de Geología Marina, Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, EspañaCentro Oceanográfico de Málaga, Instituto Español de Oceanografía, EspañaFacultad de Ciencias del Mar, Universidad de Cádiz, EspañaFacultad de Ciencias Geológicas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Españ

    Papel de la tecnología en la educación científica: una dimensión olvidada

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    El actual movimiento en pro de una 'alfabetización tecnológica' ha venido a cuestionar algunos supuestos implícitos en la orientación de la educación científica que se traducen, de facto, en el olvido de la dimensión tecnológica. En este trabajo se analizan dichos supuestos y se extraen algunas implicaciones que representan un enriquecimiento de la educación científica con la incorporación de aspectos esenciales hasta aquí ignorados. Se pretende, así mismo, mostrar la existencia de una convergencia básica en torno a unas propuestas de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las ciencias que superen las estrategias basadas en la simple transmisión-recepción de conocimientos, subrayando la contribución de la dimensión tecnológica al desarrollo de dichas propuestas

    Heterozygous and Homozygous Variants in SORL1 Gene in Alzheimer's Disease Patients: Clinical, Neuroimaging and Neuropathological Findings

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    In the last few years, the SORL1 gene has been strongly implicated in the development of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We performed whole-exome sequencing on 37 patients with early-onset dementia or family history suggestive of autosomal dominant dementia. Data analysis was based on a custom panel that included 46 genes related to AD and dementia. SORL1 variants were present in a high proportion of patients with candidate variants (15%, 3/20). We expand the clinical manifestations associated with the SORL1 gene by reporting detailed clinical and neuroimaging findings of six unrelated patients with AD and SORL1 mutations. We also present for the first time a patient with the homozygous truncating variant c.364C>T (p.R122*) in SORL1, who also had severe cerebral amyloid angiopathy. Furthermore, we report neuropathological findings and immunochemistry assays from one patient with the splicing variant c.4519+5G>A in the SORL1 gene, in which AD was confirmed by neuropathological examination. Our results highlight the heterogeneity of clinical presentation and familial dementia background of SORL1-associated AD and suggest that SORL1 might be contributing to AD development as a risk factor gene rather than as a major autosomal dominant gene.This work was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI17/01067) and AGAUR from the Autonomous Catalan Government (2017SGR1134). Dr. Víctor Antonio Blanco-Palmero is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII, Spanish Biomedical Research Institute) through a “Río Hortega” contract (CM18/0095). Dr. Sara Llamas-Velasco is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII; Spanish Biomedical Research Institute) through a “Juan Rodés” contract (JR 18/00046).S

    The Interactive Role of Hydrocarbon Seeps, Hydrothermal Vents and Intermediate Antarctic/MediterraneanWater Masses on the Distribution of Some Vulnerable Deep-Sea Habitats in Mid Latitude NE Atlantic Ocean

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    In this work, we integrate five case studies harboring vulnerable deep-sea benthic habitats in different geological settings from mid latitude NE Atlantic Ocean (24–42º N). Data and images of specific deep-sea habitats were acquired with Remoted Operated Vehicle (ROV) sensors (temperature, salinity, potential density, O2, CO2, and CH4). Besides documenting some key vulnerable deep-sea habitats, this study shows that the distribution of some deep-sea coral aggregations (including scleractinians, gorgonians, and antipatharians), deep-sea sponge aggregations and other deep-sea habitats are influenced by water masses’ properties. Our data support that the distribution of scleractinian reefs and aggregations of other deep-sea corals, from subtropical to north Atlantic could be dependent of the latitudinal extents of the Antarctic IntermediateWaters (AAIW) and the Mediterranean Out- flow Waters (MOW). Otherwise, the distribution of some vulnerable deep-sea habitats is influenced, at the local scale, by active hydrocarbon seeps (Gulf of Cádiz) and hydrothermal vents (El Hierro, Canary Island). The co-occurrence of deep-sea corals and chemosynthesis-based communities has been identified in methane seeps of the Gulf of Cádiz. Extensive beds of living deep-sea mussels (Bathymodiolus mauritanicus) and other chemosymbiotic bivalves occur closely to deep-sea coral aggregations (e.g., gorgonians, black corals) that colonize methane-derived authigenic carbonates

    Discourse Analysis and Terminology in Languages for Specific Purposes

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    Aquest importantíssim recull conté estudis i reflexions sobre temes rellevants en la recerca sobre LSP: anglès mèdic, el llenguatge de la publicitat i periodístic, telecomunicacions i terminologia informàtica, llenguatge comercial i jurídic... Malgrat que gran part dels treballs aplegats es refereixen a l'anglès, també hi ha que tracten l'alemany, francès i altres llengües. Conté textos en anglès, francés, portuguès i castellà

    A clinically compatible drug-screening platform based on organotypic cultures identifies vulnerabilities to prevent and treat brain metastasis

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    We report a medium‐throughput drug‐screening platform (METPlatform) based on organotypic cultures that allows to evaluate inhibitors against metastases growing in situ. By applying this approach to the unmet clinical need of brain metastasis, we identified several vulnerabilities. Among them, a blood–brain barrier permeable HSP90 inhibitor showed high potency against mouse and human brain metastases at clinically relevant stages of the disease, including a novel model of local relapse after neurosurgery. Furthermore, in situ proteomic analysis applied to metastases treated with the chaperone inhibitor uncovered a novel molecular program in brain metastasis, which includes biomarkers of poor prognosis and actionable mechanisms of resistance. Our work validates METPlatform as a potent resource for metastasis research integrating drug‐screening and unbiased omic approaches that is compatible with human samples. Thus, this clinically relevant strategy is aimed to personalize the management of metastatic disease in the brain and elsewhere

    Associations Between the Modified Food Standard Agency Nutrient Profiling System Dietary Index and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in an Elderly Population

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    Background: Helping consumers to improve the nutritional quality of their diet is a key public health action to prevent cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). The modified version of the Food Standard Agency Nutrient Profiling System Dietary Index (FSAm-NPS DI) underpinning the Nutri-Score front-of-pack label has been used in public health strategies to address the deleterious consequences of poor diets. This study aimed to assess the association between the FSAm-NPS DI and some CVD risk factors including body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, plasma glucose levels, triglyceride levels, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and diastolic and systolic blood pressure. Materials and Methods: Dietary intake was assessed at baseline and after 1 year of follow-up using a 143-item validated semi-quantitative food-frequency questionnaire. Dietary indices based on FSAm-NPS applied at an individual level were computed to characterize the diet quality of 5,921 participants aged 55-75 years with overweight/obesity and metabolic syndrome from the PREDIMED-plus cohort. Associations between the FSAm-NPS DI and CVD risk factors were assessed using linear regression models. Results: Compared to participants with a higher nutritional quality of diet (measured by a lower FSAm-NPS DI at baseline or a decrease in FSAm-NPS DI after 1 year), those participants with a lower nutritional quality of diet (higher FSAm-NPS DI or an increase in score) showed a significant increase in the levels of plasma glucose, triglycerides, diastolic blood pressure, BMI, and waist circumference (beta coefficient [95% confidence interval]; P for trend) (1.67 [0.43, 2.90]; <0.001; 6.27 [2.46, 10.09]; <0.001; 0.56 [0.08, 1.05]; 0.001; 0.51 [0.41, 0.60]; <0.001; 1.19 [0.89, 1.50]; <0.001, respectively). No significant associations in relation to changes in HDL and LDL-cholesterol nor with systolic blood pressure were shown. Conclusion: This prospective cohort study suggests that the consumption of food items with a higher FSAm-NPS DI is associated with increased levels of several major risk factors for CVD including adiposity, fasting plasma glucose, triglycerides, and diastolic blood pressure. However, results must be cautiously interpreted because no significant prospective associations were identified for critical CVD risk factors, such as HDL and LDL-cholesterol, and systolic blood pressure