9,547 research outputs found

    A new strategy for using banana as an ingredient in the brewing process

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    Beer is a traditionally fermented beverage made from malted grains of barley, hops, yeast, and water, while banana is an important food crop cultivated widely in tropical and subtropical areas and is one of the major fruits in Brazil. Besides, the banana is also very favorable to food industry (e.g. fermented beverages) due to its rich content on soluble solids, presence of minerals, and providing low acidity. In this context, the objective of this work was to evaluate a new strategy for using banana as adjunct to increase the fermentable sugars and to supply a specific aroma in pilot-plant brewing experiments. For this, static fermentations were conducted in a 180 L cylindrical-conical reactor using 140 L as working volume. Addition of banana was evaluated when changing the concentration of the wort from 10 to 12 ºP and from 10 to 13.5 ºP (ºP is the weight of the extract or the sugar equivalent in 100 g solution, at 20 ºC) and fermented under a constant temperature of 10 and 12.5 ºC, respectively. The results showed that the increment in the initial sugar concentration (12 to 13.5 ºP, due to the use of banana juice as adjunct), and in the temperature (10 to 12.5 ºC), increased approximately 17% the ethanol productivity. Thus, it was concluded that by using of simple preparation techniques of banana juice, banana can be used as adjunct in brewing processes, helping in the development of new products as well as in the elaboration of more concentrated worts when compared the traditional brewing worts.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Malteria do ValeCorn Products BrasilWallerstein Industrial e ComercialDiverseyLever (Brazil)Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)CAPES/GRICES (Brazil/Portugal

    Taxonomic, structural diversity and carbon stocks in a gradient of island forests

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    Assessment of forest ecosystems and their services is seen as a key action for the advancement of biodiversity objectives, and to inform the development and implementation of related policies and planning. The Azorean forest is important for timber production, the protection of soil and water resources, and for its recreational and aesthetic value. However, its role in carbon accumulation has not been fully addressed. We assessed plant diversity, forest structure and carbon stocks in a gradient of three forest types (Natural Forest-NF; Exotic Woodland-EW and Production Forest-PF) in three of the Azores islands. We used biodiversity indices and found that NF harboured the highest plant diversity levels and PF the lowest. Diversity levels were lower for structural than for taxonomic data, particularly for PF. The highest tree carbon stock was found at EW in one of the islands, while PF consistently exhibited relatively high tree carbon stocks in the three islands. The largest soil carbon stocks were found at EW, while leaf litter carbon stocks were higher at PF. We concluded that NF play a fundamental role as plant diversity hotspots but have lower relevance as carbon stocks what might be associated with montane environmental conditions. PFs provide economic assets and act as carbon sinks, while EWs play a major role as carbon sinks in soil, but also at tree level in the oldest forests.This research was funded by Project FOREST-ECO2-Towards an Ecological and economic valorization of the Azorean Forest ACORES-01-0145-FEDER-000014-Azores 2020 PO, 2016-2019; FEDER funds through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness Factors-COMPETE and by National Funds through FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology under the UID/BIA/50027/2019 and POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006821info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Análise da fermentação em bioreatores cilindrocônicos de bancada na elaboração de cerveja com adjunto de banana

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    O aumento do extrato inicial de fermentação e uso de adjuntos na substituição do malte vem sendo uma alternativa para diminuição de custos na produção de cervejas. Uma outra característica deste processo tem sido a utilização de nutrientes para aumentar a produtividade volumétrica em etanol. Pelo fato da banana ser uma fruta abundante no Brasil e ser pouco qualificada para a exportação, pode-se utilizá-la como alternativa de adjunto do malte. Neste estudo foi elaborada cerveja utilizando a banana como adjunto do malte e estudado os parâmetros fermentativos principais obtidos no ponto otimizado em bioreatores cilindrocônicos de bancada. Para isso os mostos foram fermentados à 17,5 °P e 15 °C suplementados no início da fermentação com 420 mg/L de MgSO4. A produtividade volumétrica (Qp) alcançada foi de 0,68 g/L.h no tempo de 64 h de fermentação. Essa suplementação gerou um benefício, devido ao aumento de 6 % do valor de Qp

    Schiff bases: A short review of their antimicrobial activities

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    AbstractSchiff bases are aldehyde- or ketone-like compounds in which the carbonyl group is replaced by an imine or azomethine group. They are widely used for industrial purposes and also exhibit a broad range of biological activities. This short review compiles examples of the most promising antimalarial, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral Schiff bases. An overview of synthetic methodologies used for the preparation of Schiff bases is also described

    The SOAR Gravitational Arc Survey - I: Survey overview and photometric catalogs

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    We present the first results of the SOAR (Southern Astrophysical Research) Gravitational Arc Survey (SOGRAS). The survey imaged 47 clusters in two redshift intervals centered at z=0.27z=0.27 and z=0.55z=0.55, targeting the richest clusters in each interval. Images were obtained in the gg', rr' and ii' bands using the SOAR Optical Imager (SOI), with a median seeing of 0.83, 0.76 and 0.71 arcsec, respectively, in these filters. Most of the survey clusters are located within the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Stripe 82 region and all of them are in the SDSS footprint. Photometric calibration was therefore performed using SDSS stars located in our SOI fields. We reached for galaxies in all fields the detection limits of g23.5g \sim 23.5, r23r \sim 23 and i22.5i \sim 22.5 for a signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) = 3. As a by-product of the image processing, we generated a source catalogue with 19760 entries, the vast majority of which are galaxies, where we list their positions, magnitudes and shape parameters. We compared our galaxy shape measurements to those of local galaxies and concluded that they were not strongly affected by seeing. From the catalogue data, we are able to identify a red sequence of galaxies in most clusters in the lower zz range. We found 16 gravitational arc candidates around 8 clusters in our sample. They tend to be bluer than the central galaxies in the lensing cluster. A preliminary analysis indicates that 10\sim 10% of the clusters have arcs around them, with a possible indication of a larger efficiency associated to the high-zz systems when compared to the low-zz ones. Deeper follow-up images with Gemini strengthen the case for the strong lensing nature of the candidates found in this survey.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures (most of them multi-panel) MNRAS (2013

    Chromatographic Methods Applied to the Characterization of Bio-Oil from the Pyrolysis of Agro-Industrial Biomasses

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    Biomass conversion into solid, liquid and gaseous products by pyrolytic technology is one of the most promising alternative to convert the biomass into useful products and energy. The total characterization of the products from the pyrolysis of biomass is one of the great challenges in this field, mainly due to their molecular complexity. Pyrolysis is a process that causes degradation of biomass in a non‐oxidative atmosphere, at relatively high temperatures, producing a solid residue rich in carbon and mineral matter, gases and bio‐oil. The yield and properties of the products depend on the nature of the biomass and the type of the pyrolysis process (type of reactor, temperature, gas flow, catalyst). Due to the high molecular complexity of bio‐oil, many different technical had been developed to their complete characterization. This chapter describes the principles of the techniques and main application of chromatographic methods (GC, LC, GC × GC, LC × LC, Nano‐LC) in the analysis of bio‐oils derived from thermo‐degradation of biomasses. Especial attention is carried out to two‐dimensional techniques that represent the state of the art in terms of separation, sensibility, selectivity and velocity of data acquisition for characterization of complex organic mixtures. For proper use of bio‐oil in the chemical industry, it is essential the identification and unambiguous determination of its major constituents. Only then, it is possible to propose a recovery route of some of these components for the development of an industry dedicated to a bio‐refinery. For this, chromatographic methods, especially GC × GC/MS, are fundamental because they allow analysis with high sensitivity and accuracy in identifying each constituent of the bio‐oil

    Leishmaniose visceral canina em Barra de Guaratiba, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: avaliação dos fatores de risco

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    Barra de Guaratiba é uma região litorânea da cidade do Rio de Janeiro onde a leishmaniose visceral americana é endêmica. Apesar das medidas de controle aplicadas nessa localidade, incluindo sacrifício de cães e borrifação de inseticidas, a soroprevalência canina está estimada em 25% e durante 1995 e 1997, 8 casos humanos autóctones foram notificados. Para avaliar fatores de risco relacionados com o aumento da infecção por Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi em cães, nós examinamos 365 cães utilizando a técnica de Imunofluorescência Indireta (IFAT) e capturamos flebótomos em ambientes doméstico e peridoméstico. Algumas variáveis relacionadas à infecção foram avaliadas por análise uni e multivariada. A distância da residência a borda da floresta, sua altitude e presença do gambá Didelphis marsupialis no quintal, foram considerados fatores preditores da infecção por Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasiem cães de Barra de Guaratiba. A presença de Lutzomyia longipalpis em ambiente peridoméstico indica a possibilidade de ocorrência de novos casos humanos. Nossos dados também sugerem a presença de um ciclo enzoótico nessa localidade.Barra de Guaratiba is a coastal area of the city of Rio de Janeiro where American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL) is endemic. Although control measures including killing of dogs and use of insecticides have been applied at this locality, the canine seroprevalence remains at 25% and during 1995 and 1997 eight autochthonous human cases were notified. In order to evaluate factors related to the increase of the risk for Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi infection in dogs we have screened 365 dogs by anti-Leishmania immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and captured sandflies in the domestic and peridomestic environment. Some variables related to the infection were assessed by uni- and multivariate analysis. The distance of the residence from the forest border, its altitude and the presence of the opossum Didelphis marsupialis in the backyard, were found predictor factors for L. (L.) chagasi infection in dogs in Barra de Guaratiba. The presence of Lutzomyia longipalpis in the peridomestic environment indicates the possibility of appearence of new human cases. Our data also suggest the presence of a sylvatic enzootic cycle at this locality

    Candida auris: a literature review

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    Background: Emerging pathogen Candida auris has been associated with nosocomial outbreaks demonstrating widespread antifungal resistance. This microorganism is associated with systemic infections with a high mortality rate, and studies that contribute to a better understanding of this agent are important. Objectives: The present article aimed to carry out bibliographic research on Candida auris. Therefore, a literature search was carried out between January 2018 and January 2022, applying the following: C. auris; Candida auris and Infection, in Portuguese, English and Spanish. This review considers the available literature on C. auris and highlights key unknowns, which will provide guidance for future work in this field. Results: The data collected in the present review allowed us to divide the theme into topics on Pathophysiology, Epidemiology/clinical and drug resistance mechanisms, so that the understanding of Candida auris can be better detailed and understood. Conclusion: The predilection of C. auris by the most vulnerable and immunosuppressed patients or with comorbidities and with the potential to cause invasive and bloodstream infections with a propensity to cause outbreaks and concerns regarding resistance to antifungal agents, the fungus Candida auris, is of increasing clinical relevance. The increase in the number of detected cases and the occurrence of strains with multiple drug resistance prove to be worrisome, and applied research is essential to contribute to the knowledge of this strain and effective therapy

    Xyloglucan and Concanavalin A based dressings in the topical treatment of mice wound healing process

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    For medical biomaterials, xyloglucan dispersions can form films or gels to be applied as a wound dressing. For this purpose, the structural characterization of xyloglucan dressing (XG) and xyloglucan dressing containing 0.5 mg/mL of concanavalin A (XGL) was performed. The lectin release capacity and stability, cytotoxicity, and pro-wound healing effects were also investigated. XG and XGL films were prepared by mixing 0.5 % (w/v) xyloglucan with 0.3 % (v/v) glycerol. The ConA incorporated in the xyloglucan dressing maintained its biological activity for fourteen days in a controlled-release manner. The films were non-toxic, homogeneous, flexible, and accelerated the wound contraction compared with the control group, promoting less infiltration of inflammatory cells, angiogenesis, remodeling, and early epithelization. The films also alleviate the inflammation phase by reducing the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IFN-, TNF-, IL-1, IL-6, and IL-12), especially the XGL film, which promoted the up- and down-regulation of important proteins associated with the wound repair. All these findings suggest that XG and XGL films may represent a good therapeutic approach for wound healing applications.The authors are grateful for the financial support for research grants from the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnol ´ogico (CNPq), Coordenaç˜ao de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) and the Fundaç˜ao de Amparo `a Ciˆencia e Tecnologia do Estado de Pernambuco (FACEPE). We are grateful to the Centro de Tecnologias Estrat´egicas do Nordeste (CETENE) and to the Laborat´orio de Imunopatologia Keizo Asami-LIKA at the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) for access to its installation and technical assistance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio