37 research outputs found

    Syntactic Complexity in L2 Swedish: The Effects of Language Proficiency, Mode of Production, and Individual Variation

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    This dissertation examines syntactic complexity in learner Swedish. Syntactic complexity is explored through both absolute and relative complexity. Absolute complexity refers to linguistic, structural complexity, and relative complexity can be seen as complexity in relation to the learner. Thus, syntactic complexity is defined as a structural property of learner language that can be observed in the varied use of long and embedded units of language and in the use of demanding structures. Syntactic complexity is inherently multifaceted and influenced by many factors. The present study focuses on the effects of language proficiency, mode of production, and individual variation. The theoretical underpinnings of the study are drawn from cognitive and usage-based approaches to language learning, and the dissertation incorporates ideas from both dynamic and systemic views of learner language development. This study also provides suggestions for teaching and assessing language. The dissertation consists of three original publications and this summary. The data comprise written and spoken productions by 31 Finnish-speaking university students. A variety of syntactic complexity measures targeting different linguistic levels (e.g. the clausal level) are used. The first two substudies explore differences in absolute and relative complexity at two proficiency levels (lower vs higher) using quantitative analyses. The first substudy examines the effect of learners’ language proficiency on the syntactic complexity and accuracy demonstrated in their language use, as well as on the relationship between these aspects of learner language in written production, whereas the second substudy investigates the differences in syntactic complexity between speech and writing. The third substudy is an individual-level enquiry that focuses on absolute complexity. In this study, complexity profiles in learners’ productions are explored using a mixed-methods approach. The results of the dissertation corroborate earlier findings demonstrating that syntactic complexity is a complex feature of learner language. Somewhat unexpectedly, the results of the first substudy do not indicate any statistically significant correlations between measures of syntactic complexity and accuracy. In line with several earlier studies, the results show that the learners at the higher proficiency level produced more accurate structures. However, in contrast with some earlier research, the learners at the lower proficiency level were able to produce relatively complex structures in their writing. As the second substudy shows, the difference in syntactic complexity between the two proficiency levels was more noticeable in speech, indicating that the mode of production employed has a strong effect on the resulting syntactic complexity. At the lower proficiency level, the written productions seemed more syntactically complex than the spoken productions, whereas the syntactic complexity in the two modes of production did not differ to a great extent at the higher proficiency level. In line with many previous studies, production in the spoken mode seemed more cognitively demanding for the learners at the lower proficiency level. Based on the results of the first two substudies, individual style of producing language seems to be one of the key determinants of syntactic complexity. The results from the third substudy, conducted at the individual level, validate this assumption: while some learners have distinctively individual styles of producing structures, others show more variation in their preferred complexification strategies. The results of this dissertation highlight the importance of considering the methodological choices when interpreting the results of both group- and individual-level studies, as not every aspect of syntactic complexity can be identified using only traditional quantitative measures of complexity. This dissertation critically discusses the operationalisation of syntactic complexity and the problem of choosing suitable complexity measures. Future studies would benefit from analyses that focus on several different linguistic levels and, ideally, combine quantitative and qualitative approaches. The new method of categorising productions into complexity profiles explored in the third substudy could be further developed in future research to shift the focus from statistically significant differences between groups of learners to the individual-level examination of syntactic complexity. Individual-level variation is especially important in language teaching and assessment. By examining the different complexity profiles together with learners, teachers can guide the learners and their productions accordingly. Language learners should also be aware of the fundamental differences between speech and writing and recognise how these differences affect their use of syntactically complex structures in these two modes of production. Equally important for teachers and learners is to acknowledge the relationship between complexity and other features of learner language, such as accuracy. Due to the non-linearity of development and the constant interaction between complexity and accuracy, for instance, these features can show simultaneous progress and regress in learner language. All in all, it is crucial to regard syntactic complexity as a multifaceted construct in both teaching and research.--- VĂ€itöstutkimuksessani tarkastelen syntaktista kompleksisuutta oppijanruotsissa. Syntaktista kompleksisuutta lĂ€hestytÀÀn sekĂ€ absoluuttisesta ettĂ€ suhteellisesta nĂ€kökulmasta. Absoluuttinen kompleksisuus viittaa lingvistiseen, rakenteelliseen kompleksisuuteen, kun taas suhteellista kompleksisuutta tutkitaan suhteessa oppijaan. NĂ€in ollen syntaktinen kompleksisuus mÀÀritellÀÀn monipuoliseksi pitkien ja alisteisten rakenteiden kĂ€ytöksi, mutta myös vaativien rakenteiden tuottamiseksi. Syntaktinen kompleksisuus osana oppijankieltĂ€ on monitahoinen ilmiö, johon vaikuttavat monet tekijĂ€t. TĂ€ssĂ€ vĂ€itöstutkimuksessa huomion kohteena ovat kielitaidon tason, tuotostavan ja yksilövariaation vaikutus. Teoreettinen viitekehys pohjautuu kognitiivisiin ja kĂ€yttöpohjaisiin nĂ€kemyksiin kielenoppimisesta, ja tutkimus yhdistÀÀ ajatuksia dynaamisista ja systemaattisista kielenoppimiskĂ€sityksistĂ€. Tutkimustuloksia voidaan soveltaa niin kieltenopetuksessa kuin kielitaidon arvioinnissa. VĂ€itöskirja koostuu yhteenveto-osan lisĂ€ksi kolmesta osatutkimuksesta, joissa kĂ€ytetty aineisto sisĂ€ltÀÀ suullisia ja kirjallisia tuotoksia 31:ltĂ€ suomenkieliseltĂ€ yliopisto-opiskelijalta. Osatutkimuksissa hyödynnetÀÀn kompleksisuusmittareita, jotka mittaavat syntaktista kompleksisuutta eri tasoilla (esim. lausetaso). Kahdessa ensimmĂ€isessĂ€ osatutkimuksessa tutkitaan eroja kahden kielitaitotason (alempi ja ylempi) vĂ€lillĂ€ kvantitatiivisesti ja tarkastellaan sekĂ€ absoluuttista ettĂ€ suhteellista kompleksisuutta. EnsimmĂ€isessĂ€ osatutkimuksessa kartoitetaan kielitaidon vaikutusta syntaktiseen kompleksisuuteen ja tarkkuuteen sekĂ€ nĂ€iden vĂ€liseen suhteeseen kirjallisessa tuotoksessa, ja toisessa osatutkimuksessa tarkastellaan eroja kompleksisuudessa suullisen ja kirjallisen tuotoksen vĂ€lillĂ€. Kolmas osatutkimus keskittyy absoluuttiseen kompleksisuuteen yksilötasolla ja kartoittaa kompleksisuusprofiileja oppijoiden tuotoksissa. LĂ€hestymistapa viimeisessĂ€ osatutkimuksessa on monimenetelmĂ€llinen, sillĂ€ kvantitatiivisia analyyseja tĂ€ydennetÀÀn tuotosten kvalitatiivisella tarkastelulla. VĂ€itöskirjan tulokset vahvistavat aiemman tutkimuksen nĂ€kemystĂ€ siitĂ€, ettĂ€ syntaktinen kompleksisuus on monimutkainen osa oppijankieltĂ€. On yllĂ€ttĂ€vÀÀ, ettei syntaktisen kompleksisuuden ja tarkkuuden vĂ€lille voitu osoittaa tilastollisesti merkitsevÀÀ korrelaatiota ensimmĂ€isessĂ€ osatutkimuksessa. YhtenevĂ€isesti aiemman tutkimuksen kanssa tulokset osoittavat, ettĂ€ kielitaidolla on selvĂ€ vaikutus tuotoksen tarkkuuteen. Toisaalta myös alemmalla taitotasolla oppijat kykenevĂ€t tuottamaan suhteellisen kompleksisia rakenteita kirjallisesti. Ero syntaktisessa kompleksisuudessa taitotasojen vĂ€lillĂ€ on kuitenkin selvempi suullisessa tuotoksessa, kuten toisen osatutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat. Alemmalla taitotasolla kirjallinen tuotos on selvĂ€sti suullista tuotosta kompleksisempaa, kun taas ylemmĂ€llĂ€ taitotasolla merkittĂ€vÀÀ eroa tuotostapojen vĂ€lillĂ€ ei voida havaita. Tulokset tukevat aiempia havaintoja siitĂ€, ettĂ€ suullinen tuotos on usein kognitiivisesti kuormittavampaa kielenoppijoille alemmilla kielitaitotasoilla. EnsimmĂ€isten osatutkimusten tulokset viittaavat myös siihen, ettĂ€ syntaktinen kompleksisuus voi vaihdella huomattavasti yksilötasolla. Kolmannen osatutkimuksen tulokset vahvistavat tĂ€mĂ€n havainnon viitaten siihen, ettĂ€ osalla oppijoista on vahva yksilöllinen tyyli tuottaa kieltĂ€, kun taas toiset osoittavat suurempaa vaihtelua rakenteissaan. KeskeistĂ€ tĂ€ssĂ€ tuloksessa on myös se, ettei syntaktista kompleksisuutta voi aina tarkastella pelkĂ€stÀÀn perinteisten kompleksisuusmittareiden avulla. Metodologisten valintojen huomiointi tuloksia tulkittaessa on ÀÀrimmĂ€isen tĂ€rkeÀÀ sekĂ€ ryhmĂ€- ettĂ€ yksilötason tutkimuksissa. VĂ€itöskirjassa pohdin kriittisesti syntaktisen kompleksisuuden operationalisointia ja mittareiden valinnan vaikutusta tutkimustuloksiin. Tulevassa tutkimuksessa tulisi keskittyĂ€ syntaktisen kompleksisuuden ilmentymiseen useilla lingvistisillĂ€ tasoilla, ja kvantitatiivista ja kvalitatiivista analyysia tulisi yhdistÀÀ tutkimusasetelmissa. TĂ€ssĂ€ tutkimuksessa testattua uutta kategorisointimenetelmÀÀ, jonka mukaan yksilön profiili voidaan mÀÀrittÀÀ ryhmĂ€tason analyysien avulla, voidaan jatkossa kehittÀÀ edelleen. Tulevassa kompleksisuustutkimuksessa tulisi enenevĂ€ssĂ€ mÀÀrin keskittyĂ€ myös yksilötasoon ryhmĂ€tason erojen sijaan. Yksilötason variaatio on erityisen tĂ€rkeÀÀ huomioida kieltenopetuksessa ja arvioinnissa. Kompleksisuusprofiilien tarkastelu yhdessĂ€ oppijan kanssa voi auttaa opettajia ohjaamaan oppijaa tarkoituksenmukaisesti. LisĂ€ksi oppijan tulisi olla tietoinen suullisen ja kirjallisen viestinnĂ€n eroista sekĂ€ erojen vaikutuksesta tuotokseen. TĂ€rkeÀÀ on myös huomioida syntaktisen kompleksisuuden ja tarkkuuden sekĂ€ muiden oppijankielen osa-alueiden vĂ€linen suhde. Oppijankielen osa-alueet voivat kehittyĂ€ epĂ€lineaarisesti, ja niiden vĂ€linen dynaaminen vuorovaikutus saattaa johtaa eri osa-alueiden yhdenaikaiseen kehitykseen ja taantumiseen. Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, ettĂ€ syntaktinen kompleksisuus tulisi nĂ€hdĂ€ monitahoisena ilmiönĂ€ sekĂ€ opetuksessa ettĂ€ tutkimuksessa.--- I denna doktorsavhandling undersöks syntaktisk komplexitet i inlĂ€rarsvenska. Syntaktisk komplexitet granskas genom bĂ„de absolut och relativ komplexitet. Med absolut komplexitet avses lingvistisk, strukturell komplexitet, medan relativ komplexitet syftar till komplexitet i förhĂ„llande till inlĂ€raren. DĂ€rmed definieras syntaktisk komplexitet som en strukturell egenskap i inlĂ€rarsprĂ„ket som framkommer via ett mĂ„ngsidigt bruk av lĂ„nga och inbĂ€ddade strukturer samt i bruket av utmanande strukturer. Syntaktisk komplexitet Ă€r mĂ„ngdimensionell till sin natur och den pĂ„verkas av ett flertal faktorer. Denna undersökning granskar effekten av sprĂ„kfĂ€rdighetsnivĂ„, modalitet och individuell variation. Den teoretiska referensramen baserar sig pĂ„ kognitiva och bruksbaserade perspektiv pĂ„ sprĂ„kinlĂ€rning och i avhandlingen kombineras dynamiska och systematiska uppfattningar om utvecklingen av sprĂ„kkunskaper. Studien erbjuder möjligheter till att tillĂ€mpa resultaten i sprĂ„kundervisning och i bedömning. Avhandlingen innehĂ„ller tre delstudier utöver detta sammandrag. Materialet bestĂ„r av muntlig och skriftlig produktion av 31 finsksprĂ„kiga universitetsstuderande. I studierna anvĂ€nds flera mĂ„tt pĂ„ syntaktisk komplexitet, som mĂ€ter komplexiteten pĂ„ olika sprĂ„kliga nivĂ„er (t.ex. satsnivĂ„). I de tvĂ„ första delstudierna undersöks skillnaderna i absolut och relativ komplexitet mellan tvĂ„ sprĂ„kfĂ€rdighetsnivĂ„er (lĂ€gre vs högre) med hjĂ€lp av kvantitativa analyser. Den första delstudien utforskar hur sprĂ„kfĂ€rdigheten pĂ„verkar den syntaktiska komplexiteten och korrektheten samt relationen dessa emellan i skriftlig produktion, medan den andra delstudien granskar skillnaderna i syntaktisk komplexitet mellan tal och skrift. Den tredje delstudien koncentrerar sig pĂ„ individnivĂ„n och pĂ„ absolut komplexitet. I den delstudien anvĂ€nds blandade metoder för att undersöka komplexitetsprofiler i inlĂ€rares produktion. Undersökningen styrker tidigare iakttagelser om att syntaktisk komplexitet Ă€r en mĂ„ngsidig komponent i inlĂ€rarsprĂ„k. NĂ„got överraskande visar resultaten i den första delstudien inga statistiskt signifikanta korrelationer mellan syntaktisk komplexitet och korrekthet. I enlighet med tidigare undersökningar producerar inlĂ€rarna pĂ„ den högre fĂ€rdighetsnivĂ„n fler mĂ„lsprĂ„ksenliga strukturer. DĂ€remot tyder resultaten pĂ„ att inlĂ€rarna ocksĂ„ pĂ„ den lĂ€gre fĂ€rdighetsnivĂ„n kan producera relativt komplexa strukturer i skrift, vilket avviker frĂ„n resultaten i flera tidigare studier. Den andra delstudien avslöjar att skillnaden i syntaktisk komplexitet mellan fĂ€rdighetsnivĂ„erna Ă€r mer tydlig i muntlig produktion. PĂ„ den lĂ€gre fĂ€rdighetsnivĂ„n uppvisar inlĂ€rarna högre komplexitet i den skriftliga produktionen Ă€n i den muntliga. PĂ„ den högre fĂ€rdighetsnivĂ„n visar dĂ€remot jĂ€mförelsen mellan muntlig och skriftlig produktion inte pĂ„ nĂ„gra stora skillnader i komplexitet. Detta resultat överensstĂ€mmer med flera tidigare forskningsresultat och tyder pĂ„ att modaliteten spelar en stor roll för den syntaktiska komplexiteten. Den muntliga produktionen verkar vara kognitivt mer krĂ€vande för inlĂ€rare med begrĂ€nsade sprĂ„kkunskaper. DĂ€rtill tyder resultaten i bĂ„de den första och andra delstudien pĂ„ att skillnaderna kan vara betydande pĂ„ individnivĂ„. Resultaten frĂ„n den tredje delstudien bekrĂ€ftar detta antagande: somliga inlĂ€rare verkar ha ett relativt stabilt sĂ€tt att producera sprĂ„k, medan andra visar mer variation i sina strukturer. Resultaten i denna avhandling visar hur viktigt det Ă€r att beakta de metodologiska valen nĂ€r man tolkar resultaten frĂ„n bĂ„de grupp- och individnivĂ„studier. Det Ă€r inte möjligt att observera alla aspekter av syntaktisk komplexitet med hjĂ€lp av traditionella, kvantitativa komplexitetsmĂ„tt. I denna doktorsavhandling diskuterar jag kritiskt valet av komplexitetsmĂ„tt och operationaliseringen av syntaktisk komplexitet. I framtida studier skulle det vara nyttigt att koncentrera sig pĂ„ flera sprĂ„kliga nivĂ„er samt att kombinera kvantitativa och kvalitativa analyser. I den tredje delstudien anvĂ€nds en ny metod för att utgĂ„ende frĂ„n analyser pĂ„ gruppnivĂ„ kategorisera inlĂ€rares produktion med hjĂ€lp av profiler. Denna metod skulle kunna utvecklas vidare i framtida forskning och dĂ€rmed bidra till att rikta fokus mot individnivĂ„n. Det Ă€r speciellt viktigt att beakta variationen pĂ„ individnivĂ„ i sprĂ„kundervisningen och i bedömningen. Genom att granska komplexitetsprofilerna tillsammans med inlĂ€rarna kan lĂ€raren handleda dem pĂ„ ett mer Ă€ndamĂ„lsenligt sĂ€tt. SprĂ„kinlĂ€rare borde ocksĂ„ vara medvetna om de grundlĂ€ggande skillnaderna mellan tal och skrift och kĂ€nna till hur dessa skillnader pĂ„verkar deras produktion. Det Ă€r viktigt för bĂ„de lĂ€rarna och inlĂ€rarna att vara medvetna om relationen mellan komplexitet och övriga aspekter av inlĂ€rarsprĂ„ket, sĂ„som korrekthet. Dessa aspekter kan utvecklas icke-linjĂ€rt och interaktionen mellan dem kan leda till att inlĂ€rarsprĂ„ket visar tecken pĂ„ samtidig progression och regression. Sammanfattningsvis kan man konstatera att det Ă€r ytterst viktigt att man bĂ„de i undervisning och i forskning inser att syntaktisk komplexitet Ă€r en mĂ„ngfacetterad del av ett inlĂ€rarsprĂ„k

    Syntaktisk komplexitet och korrekthet i finska universitetsstudenters skriftliga inlÀrarsvenska: en jÀmförelse mellan tvÄ fÀrdighetsnivÄer.

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    I denna studie undersöks hur syntaktisk komplexitet och korrekthet skiljer sig pÄ tvÄ olika fÀrdighetsnivÄer i skriftlig inlÀrarsvenska samt vilken relation som föreligger mellan komplexitet och korrekthet pÄ dessa fÀrdighetsnivÄer. Enligt tidigare studier ökar bÄde komplexiteten och korrektheten i syntaktiska strukturer i samband med ökade kunskaper i mÄlsprÄket, men det finns ocksÄ studier som har visat pÄ motstridiga resultat (Wolfe-Quintero et al., 1998). Vidare Àr det oklart om relationen mellan dessa komponenter Àr konkurrerande (Skehan, 1998) eller stödjande (Robinson, 2001).Materialet i denna studie bestÄr av 31 uppsatser skrivna av finska universitetsstudenter. Fokuset ligger pÄ strukturernas yttre komplexitet och följande komplexitetsmÄtt anvÀnds i analysen: den genomsnittliga lÀngden pÄ T-enheter och satser, andelen bisatser och förekomsten av bisatser med satsadverbial och topikaliserade strukturer. Korrekthetsaspekten avgrÀnsas till fel i ordföljden och mÀts med andelen felfria satser, felfria bisatser och felfria bisatser med satsadverbial samt förekomsten av inversion jÀmfört med det totala antalet topikaliserade strukturer.Resultaten tyder pÄ att fÀrdighetsnivÄn huvudsakligen pÄverkar korrekthetsaspekten medan komplexiteten ocksÄ kan pÄverkas av andra faktorer, sÄsom inlÀrarens allmÀnna kÀnnedom om strukturer i mÄlsprÄket. NÄgot överraskande visar resultaten inga statistiskt signifikanta korrelationer mellan komplexitet och korrekthet. DÀrmed visar resultaten inget stöd för vare sig konkurrerande eller stödjande samband mellan dessa komponenter, med eventuellt undantag för en tendens till konkurrerande relation mellan bisatser med satsadverbial och korrekthet pÄ den högre fÀrdighetsnivÄn och mellan topikaliserade strukturer och korrekthet pÄ den lÀgre nivÄn.</p

    Measuring Syntactic Complexity in Spoken and Written Learner Language: Comparing the Incomparable?

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    Spoken and written language are two modes of language. When learners aim at higher skill levels, the expected outcome of successful second language learning is usually to become a fluent speaker and writer who can produce accurate and complex language in the target language. There is an axiomatic difference between speech and writing, but together they form the essential parts of learners’ L2 skills. The two modes have their own characteristics, and there are differences between native and nonnative language use. For instance, hesitations and pauses are not visible in the end result of the writing process, but they are characteristic of nonnative spoken language use. The present study is based on the analysis of L2 English spoken and written productions of 18 L1 Finnish learners with focus on syntactic complexity. As earlier spoken language segmentation units mostly come from fluency studies, we conducted an experiment with a new unit, the U-unit, and examined how using this unit as the basis of spoken language segmentation affects the results. According to the analysis, written language was more complex than spoken language. However, the difference in the level of complexity was greatest when the traditional units, T-units and AS-units, were used in segmenting the data. Using the U-unit revealed that spoken language may, in fact, be closer to written language in its syntactic complexity than earlier studies had suggested. Therefore, further research is needed to discover whether the differences in spoken and written learner language are primarily due to the nature of these modes or, rather, to the units and measures used in the analysis.</p

    Ajatusten tie mielestÀ tekstiksi: nÀppÀilyntallennusohjelmat opettajien ja tutkijoiden apuna.

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    Snacking Gamers

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    The digital games have become a major industry during last decades, and game-playing appears as an important leisure-time hobby for millions of consumers worldwide. In addition to playing at home, the serious gamers participate in LAN parties to join as a community of gamers for a weekend long event. While the popular culture connects gaming with the junk food and in many gaming events this seems to be true, we argue that this is just a half-truth. In this work-in-progress paper, we examine how the serious gamers eat during and outside the gaming events in relation to their mundane snacking practices. We introduce our research approach and the goals for a study that conducted in two LAN (Local Area Network) parties in Finland by observing and interviewing the participants (n=45). We aim to enrich existing discussions on the digital game-playing, eating practices, (un)healthy snacking and serious consumer communities.</p

    Foodscapeista gamescapeiksi : vÀlipalat pelaamiskÀytÀnnöissÀ

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    Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan pelaajien jokapĂ€ivĂ€istĂ€ elĂ€mÀÀ etsimĂ€llĂ€ hetkiĂ€, gamescapeja, joissa pelaamisen kĂ€ytĂ€nnöt yhdistyvĂ€t vĂ€lipalojen kulutuskĂ€ytĂ€ntöihin. NĂ€in pyritÀÀn vastaamaan nĂ€kemyksiin, joiden mukaan pelaamista tulisi tarkastella kokonaisvaltaisesti osana erilaisten ihmisten arkea moninaisissa tilanteissa ja ympĂ€ristöissĂ€, osana kulttuurista kehystĂ€. TyössĂ€ muodostetaan netnografisen metodologian avulla, arjen kĂ€ytĂ€ntöihin ja tilallisuuteen perustuva gamescape-typologia: Tosissaan – Helposti energiaa, YhdessĂ€ hauskaa – Herkuttelua tai kieltĂ€ytymistĂ€, LiikkeellĂ€ – EvÀÀt matkassa tai matkalta sekĂ€ Arjen vĂ€litilassa – PelejĂ€ ja vĂ€lipaloja. Työ rakentaa monipuolista kuvaa pelaajien arjesta ja siten rikkoo yksiulotteisia oletuksia pelaajien ruokakulttuurista. Tutkimus myös luo jatkotutkimusehdotuksia kulttuurisen pelitutkimuksen ja pelisuunnittelun kentĂ€lle.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Foodscapeista gamescapeiksi: VÀlipalat pelaamiskÀytÀnnöissÀ

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    Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan pelaajien jokapÀivÀistÀ elÀmÀÀ etsimÀllÀ hetkiÀ, gamescapeja, joissa pelaamisen kÀytÀnnöt yhdistyvÀt vÀlipalojen kulutuskÀytÀntöihin. NÀin pyritÀÀn vastaamaan nÀkemyksiin, joiden mukaan pelaamista tulisi tarkastella kokonaisvaltaisesti osana erilaisten ihmisten arkea moninaisissa tilanteissa ja ympÀristöissÀ, osana kulttuurista kehystÀ. TyössÀ muodostetaan netnografisen metodologian avulla, arjen kÀytÀntöihin ja tilallisuuteen perustuva gamescape-typologia: Tosissaan - Helposti energiaa, YhdessÀ hauskaa - Herkuttelua tai kieltÀytymistÀ, LiikkeellÀ - EvÀÀt matkassa tai matkalta sekÀ Arjen vÀlitilassa - PelejÀ ja vÀlipaloja. Työ rakentaa monipuolista kuvaa pelaajien arjesta ja siten rikkoo yksiulotteisia oletuksia pelaajien ruokakulttuurista. Tutkimus myös luo jatkotutkimusehdotuksia kulttuurisen pelitutkimuksen ja pelisuunnittelun kentÀlle. </p

    Coxsackievirus B1 infections are associated with the initiation of insulin-driven autoimmunity that progresses to type 1 diabetes

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    Aims/hypothesis Islet autoimmunity usually starts with the appearance of autoantibodies against either insulin (IAA) or GAD65 (GADA). This categorises children with preclinical type 1 diabetes into two immune phenotypes, which differ in their genetic background and may have different aetiology. The aim was to study whether Coxsackievirus group B (CVB) infections, which have been linked to the initiation of islet autoimmunity, are associated with either of these two phenotypes in children with HLA-conferred susceptibility to type 1 diabetes. Methods All samples were from children in the Finnish Type 1 Diabetes Prediction and Prevention (DIPP) study. Individuals are recruited to the DIPP study from the general population of new-born infants who carry defined HLA genotypes associated with susceptibility to type 1 diabetes. Our study cohort included 91 children who developed IAA and 78 children who developed GADA as their first appearing single autoantibody and remained persistently seropositive for islet autoantibodies, along with 181 and 151 individually matched autoantibody negative control children, respectively. Seroconversion to positivity for neutralising antibodies was detected as the surrogate marker of CVB infections in serial follow-up serum samples collected before and at the appearance of islet autoantibodies in each individual. Results CVB1 infections were associated with the appearance of IAA as the first autoantibody (OR 2.4 [95% CI 1.4, 4.2], corrected p = 0.018). CVB5 infection also tended to be associated with the appearance of IAA, however, this did not reach statistical significance (OR 2.3, [0.7, 7.5], p = 0.163); no other CVB types were associated with increased risk of IAA. Children who had signs of a CVB1 infection either alone or prior to infections by other CVBs were at the highest risk for developing IAA (OR 5.3 [95% CI 2.4, 11.7], p <0.001). None of the CVBs were associated with the appearance of GADA. Conclusions/interpretation CVB1 infections may contribute to the initiation of islet autoimmunity being particularly important in the insulin-driven autoimmune process.Peer reviewe

    Permutation-based significance analysis reduces the type 1 error rate in bisulfite sequencing data analysis of human umbilical cord blood samples

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    DNA methylation patterns are largely established in-utero and might mediate the impacts of in-utero conditions on later health outcomes. Associations between perinatal DNA methylation marks and pregnancy-related variables, such as maternal age and gestational weight gain, have been earlier studied with methylation microarrays, which typically cover less than 2% of human CpG sites. To detect such associations outside these regions, we chose the bisulphite sequencing approach. We collected and curated clinical data on 200 newborn infants; whose umbilical cord blood samples were analysed with the reduced representation bisulphite sequencing (RRBS) method. A generalized linear mixed-effects model was fit for each high coverage CpG site, followed by spatial and multiple testing adjustment of P values to identify differentially methylated cytosines (DMCs) and regions (DMRs) associated with clinical variables, such as maternal age, mode of delivery, and birth weight. Type 1 error rate was then evaluated with a permutation analysis. We discovered a strong inflation of spatially adjusted P values through the permutation analysis, which we then applied for empirical type 1 error control. The inflation of P values was caused by a common method for spatial adjustment and DMR detection, implemented in tools comb-p and RADMeth. Based on empirically estimated significance thresholds, very little differential methylation was associated with any of the studied clinical variables, other than sex. With this analysis workflow, the sex-associated differentially methylated regions were highly reproducible across studies, technologies, and statistical models.Peer reviewe

    Measuring Syntactic Complexity in Spoken and Written Learner Language: Comparing the Incomparable?

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    Spoken and written language are two modes of language. When learners aim at higher skill levels, the expected outcome of successful second language learning is usually to become a fluent speaker and writer who can produce accurate and complex language in the target language. There is an axiomatic difference between speech and writing, but together they form the essential parts of learners’ L2 skills. The two modes have their own characteristics, and there are differences between native and nonnative language use. For instance, hesitations and pauses are not visible in the end result of the writing process, but they are characteristic of nonnative spoken language use. The present study is based on the analysis of L2 English spoken and written productions of 18 L1 Finnish learners with focus on syntactic complexity. As earlier spoken language segmentation units mostly come from fluency studies, we conducted an experiment with a new unit, the U-unit, and examined how using this unit as the basis of spoken language segmentation affects the results. According to the analysis, written language was more complex than spoken language. However, the difference in the level of complexity was greatest when the traditional units, T-units and AS-units, were used in segmenting the data. Using the U-unit revealed that spoken language may, in fact, be closer to written language in its syntactic complexity than earlier studies had suggested. Therefore, further research is needed to discover whether the differences in spoken and written learner language are primarily due to the nature of these modes or, rather, to the units and measures used in the analysis