659 research outputs found

    Manpower, Personnel and Administration Operational Advisory Group After-Action Report

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    Manpower, Personnel and Administration Operational Advisory Group After-Action Report, 18-20 October 2022 Quantico, Virginia.From 18-20 October 2022, Manpower and Reserve Affairs Secretariat’s office sponsored the 2022 Manpower, Personnel and Administration (MPA) Operational Advisory Group (OAG). The OAG’s purpose was to bring together MPA community practitioners from across the Total Force to: 1. Establish a common operational picture of the current state of MPA community activities, 2. Identify a desired future state of MPA community activities relevant to FD 2030 and TM 2030, and 3. Produce limited near-term tasks and long-term goals to inform the future of Marine Corps Administration

    Procedural skills training for Canadian medical students participating in international electives

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    Background: International medical electives (IMEs) are unique learning opportunities; however, trainees can risk patient safety. Returning medical students often express concern about doing procedures beyond their level of training. The Canadian Federation of Medical Students has developed guidelines for pre-departure training (PDT), which do not address procedural skills. The purpose of this research is to determine which procedural skills to include in future PDT.Methods: Twenty-six medical students who returned from IMEs completed surveys to assess PDT. Using a Likert scale, we compared procedures performed by students before departing on IME to those performed while abroad. We used a similar scale to assess which procedures students feel ought to be included in future PDT.Results: There was no significant increase in number of procedures performed while on IME.  Skills deemed most important to include in future PDT were intravenous line insertion, suturing of lacerations, surgical assisting and post-operative wound care.Conclusions: Pre-departure training is new and lacks instruction in procedural skills. Over half the students rated several procedural skills such as IV line insertion, suturing, assisting in surgery, post operative wound management and foley catheterization as important assets for future PDT

    Fidelity of SNP array genotyping using Epstein Barr virus-transformed B-lymphocyte cell lines: Implications for genome-wide association studies

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    Background: As availability of primary cells can be limited for genetic studies of human disease, lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCL) are common sources of genomic DNA. LCL are created in a transformation process that entails in vitro infection of human B-lymphocytes with the Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV). Methodology/Principal Findings: To test for genotypic errors potentially induced by the Epstein-Barr Virus transformation process, we compared single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotype calls in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and LCL from the same individuals. The average mismatch rate across 19 comparisons was 0.12% for SNPs with a population call rate of at least 95%, and 0.03% at SNPs with a call rate of at least 99%. Mismatch rates were not correlated across genotype subarrays run on all sample pairs. Conclusions/Significance: Genotypic discrepancies found in PBMC and LCL pairs were not significantly different than control pairs, and were not correlated across subarrays. These results suggest that mismatch rates are minimal with stringent quality control, and that most genotypic discrepancies are due to technical artifacts rather than the EBV transformation process. Thus, LCL likely constitute a reliable DNA source for host genotype analysis. © 2009 Herbeck et al

    Prevalence and correlates of cryptococcal antigen positivity among AIDS patients--United States, 1986-2012.

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    Cryptococcal meningitis (CM) is one of the leading opportunistic infections associated with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. The worldwide burden of CM among persons living with HIV/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) was estimated in 2009 to be 957,900 cases, with approximately 624,700 deaths annually. The high burden of CM globally comes despite the fact that cryptococcal antigen (CrAg) is detectable weeks before the onset of symptoms, allowing screening for cryptococcal infection and early treatment to prevent CM and CM-related mortality (2). However, few studies have been conducted in the United States to assess the prevalence of cryptococcal infection. To quantify the prevalence of undiagnosed cryptococcal infection in HIV-infected persons in the United States during 1986-2012, stored sera from 1,872 participants in the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study and the Women's Interagency HIV Study with CD4 T-cell counts <100 cells/µL were screened for CrAg, using the CrAg Lateral Flow Assay (LFA) (Immy, Inc.). This report describes the results of that analysis, which indicated the overall prevalence of CrAg positivity in this population to be 2.9% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 2.2%-3.7%)

    P21<sup>WAF1/CIP1</sup> RNA expression in highly HIV-1 exposed, uninfected individuals

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    Some individuals remain HIV-1 antibody and PCR negative after repeated exposures to the virus, and are referred to as HIV-exposed seronegatives (HESN). However, the causes of resistance to HIV-1 infection in cases other than those with a homozygous CCR5Δ32 deletion are unclear. We hypothesized that human p21WAF1/CIP1 (a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor) could play a role in resistance to HIV-1 infection in HESN, as p21 expression has been associated with suppression of HIV-1 in elite controllers and reported to block HIV-1 integration in cell culture. We measured p21 RNA expression in PBMC from 40 HESN and 40 low exposure HIV-1 seroconverters (LESC) prior to their infection using a real-time PCR assay. Comparing the 20 HESN with the highest exposure risk (median = 111 partners/2.5 years prior to the 20 LESC with the lowest exposure risk (median = 1 partner/2.5 years prior), p21 expression trended higher in HESN in only one of two experiments (P = 0.11 vs. P = 0.80). Additionally, comparison of p21 expression in the top 40 HESN (median = 73 partners/year) and lowest 40 LESC (median = 2 partners/year) showed no difference between the groups (P = 0.84). There was a weak linear trend between risk of infection after exposure and increasing p21 gene expression (R2 = 0.02, P = 0.12), but again only in one experiment. Hence, if p21 expression contributes to the resistance to viral infection in HESN, it likely plays a minor role evident only in those with extremely high levels of exposure to HIV-1

    Fat distribution and longitudinal anthropometric changes in HIV-infected men with and without clinical evidence of lipodystrophy and HIV-uninfected controls: A substudy of the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Fat abnormalities are common among HIV-infected persons, but few studies have compared regional body fat distribution, including visceral fat, in HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected persons and their subsequent trajectories in body composition over time.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Between 1999 and 2002, 33 men with clinical evidence of lipodystrophy (LIPO+), 23 HIV-infected men without clinical evidence of lipodytrophy (LIPO-), and 33 HIV-uninfected men were recruited from the four sites of the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study (MACS). Participants underwent dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry, quantitative computerized tomography of the abdomen and thigh, and circumference measurements of the waist, hip and thigh. Circumference measurements at each semi-annual MACS visit between recruitment and 2008 were used to compare average annual anthropometric changes in the 3 groups.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Body mass index (BMI) was lower in LIPO+ men than in the LIPO- men and the HIV- uninfected controls (BMI: 23.6 ± 0.4 vs 26.8 ± 1.5 vs 28.7 ± 0.9 kg/m<sup>2</sup>, respectively, p < 0.001). The average amount of visceral adipose tissue (VAT) was similar in all three groups (p = 0.26), but after adjustment for BMI, VAT was higher in the LIPO+ group (169 ± 10 cm<sup>2</sup>) compared to the LIPO- men (129 ± 12 cm<sup>2</sup>, p = 0.03) and the HIV-uninfected group (133 ± 11 cm<sup>2</sup>, p = 0.07). Subcutaneous adipose tissue (thigh, abdomen) and total extremity fat were less in the HIV-infected men (LIPO+ and LIPO-) than in the HIV-uninfected men. Over an average of 6 years of follow-up, waist circumference increased at a faster rate in LIPO+ group, compared to the LIPO- men (0.51 cm/year vs 0.08 cm/year, p = 0.02) and HIV-uninfected control men (0.21 cm/year, p = 0.06). The annual changes in hip and thigh circumferences were similar in all three groups</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Subcutaneous lipoatrophy was observed in HIV-infected patients, even those without clinical evidence of lipodystrophy, compared to age-matched HIV-uninfected men. Despite markedly lower BMI, HIV-infected men with lipodystrophy had a similar amount of VAT as HIV-uninfected men and tended to have more rapid increases in waist circumference over 6 years of follow-up. These longitudinal increases in waist circumference may contribute to the development of cardiovascular risk in HIV-infected patients with lipodystrophy.</p

    Turnover of CD4+ and CD8+ T Lymphocytes in HIV-1 Infection as Measured by Ki-67 Antigen

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    We investigated CD4+ and CD8+ T cell turnover in both healthy and HIV-1–infected adults by measuring the nuclear antigen Ki-67 specific for cell proliferation. The mean growth fraction, corresponding to the expression of Ki-67, was 1.1% for CD4+ T cells and 1.0% in CD8+ T cells in healthy adults, and 6.5 and 4.3% in HIV-1–infected individuals, respectively. Analysis of CD45RA+ and CD45RO+ T cell subsets revealed a selective expansion of the CD8+ CD45RO+ subset in HIV-1–positive individuals. On the basis of the growth fraction, we derived the potential doubling time and the daily turnover of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. In HIV-1–infected individuals, the mean potential doubling time of T cells was five times shorter than that of healthy adults. The mean daily turnover of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in HIV-1–infected individuals was increased 2- and 6-fold, respectively, with more than 40-fold interindividual variation. In patients with <200 CD4+ counts, CD4+ turnover dropped markedly, whereas CD8+ turnover remained elevated. The large variations in CD4+ T cell turnover might be relevant to individual differences in disease progression

    Long-Term Kidney Function, Proteinuria, and Associated Risks among HIV-Infected and Uninfected Men in the MACS

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    Background: Factors affecting kidney function and proteinuria among HIV-positive (HIV+) and HIV-negative (HIV–) persons need better characterization. Methods: We evaluated estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR, ml/min per 1.73 m2) changes, proteinuria prevalence (a urine protein-to-creatinine ratio of ≥0.2 at two consecutive visits) and associated factors among HIV+ and HIV− men. Results: There were 917 HIV+ men receiving HAART, 159 HIV+ men not receiving HAART, and 1305 HIV− men seen from October 2003 to September 2014. Median annual eGFR change was −0.5, −0.8% for HIV+ and −0.3% for HIV− men (P < 0.001). Factors significantly (P < 0.05) associated with more than 3% annual eGFR decline were HAART receipt (but no specific antiretroviral drug), age more than 50, hypertension, diabetes, current smoking. Proteinuria existed in 14.9% of visit-pairs among HAART recipients, 5.8% among non-HAART recipients, and 1.9% among HIV− men, and was associated with subsequent annual more than 3% eGFR decline (odds ratio 1.80, P < 0.001). Proteinuria-associated factors also included HAART use (vs. HIV−), age at least 50 (vs. <40), diabetes, hypertension, current smoking, hepatitis C virus-infection (all P < 0.05) and, among HIV+ men, lower CD4+ cell count, didanosine, saquinavir, or nelfinavir use (all P < 0.05). After adjusting for proteinuria, among HAART users, having a detectable HIV RNA, cumulative use of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, emtricitabine, ritonavir, atazanavir, any protease inhibitor, or fluconazole were associated with more than 3% annual eGFR decline. Conclusion: Longitudinal kidney function decline was associated with HAART use but no individual antiretroviral drug, and traditional kidney disease risks. Proteinuria was nearly seven times more common in HAART-treated men than HIV− men, reflected recent eGFR decline and predicted subsequent eGFR declin
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