149 research outputs found

    Farnesyltransferase inhibitors and human malignant pleural mesothelioma: a first-step comparative translational study.

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    It is known that the potential clinical use of farnesyltransferase inhibitors (FTI) could be expanded to include cancers harboring activated receptor tyrosine kinases. Approximately 70% of malignant pleural mesotheliomas (MPM) overexpress epidermal growth factor receptors (EGFR) and a subset express both EGFR and transforming growth factor A (TGF-A), suggesting an autocrine role for EGFR in MPM. We checked on MPM cells (10 human cell lines, 11 primary cultures obtained by human biopsies, and 7 short-term normal mesothelial cell cultures) concerning the following: (a) the relative overexpression of EGFR (Western blotting, flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry), (b) the relative expression of EGFR ligands (EGF, amphiregulin, TGF-A, ELISA), (c) the relative increase of the activated form of Ras (Ras-bound GTP) after EGF stimulation (Ras activation assay), (d) the efficacy of five different FTIs (HDJ2 prenylation, cell cytotoxicity, and apoptosis using ApopTag and gel ladder). EGFR was overexpressed in MPM cells compared with normal pleural mesothelial cells in equivalent levels as in non\u2013small cell lung cancer cells A549. MPM cells constitutively expressed EGFR ligands; however, Ras activation was attenuated at high EGF concentrations (100 ng/mL). Growth of MPM cells was substantially not affected by treatment with different FTIs (SCH66336, BMS- 214662, R115777, RPR-115135, and Manumycin). Among these, BMS-214662 was the only one moderately active. BMS-214662 triggered apoptosis in a small fraction of cells (not higher than 30%) that was paralleled by a slight decrease in the levels of TGF-A secreted by treated MPM cells. Our data highlighted the concept that the same signaling pathway can be regulated in different ways and these regulations can differ between different cells of different origin

    Differential responses of zooplankton assemblages to environmental variation in temporary and permanent ponds

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    Permanent and temporary wetlands in Mediterranean shrublands represent unique repositories of biodiversity, which are increasingly threatened by human-induced habitat loss. The zooplankton of a permanent (P1) and a temporary pond (T35) in the Natural Reserve of Castelporziano, a rare residual stretch of such a shrubland in Central Italy (Latium), was investigated to: (1) expand and deepen knowledge of these endangered freshwater habitats, which represent a crucial component of Mediterranean biodiversity; (2) identify environmental controls regulating the development of zooplankton communities of each environment; and (3) highlight differences in the adaptive responses of the zooplankton community in relation to the different ecological conditions experienced by permanent and temporary habitats. Despite summer desiccation in T35, the two ponds exhibited a relative homogeneity in hydrological and physico-chemical dynamics. Zooplankton assemblages contained 41 total taxa, of which 32 were found in P1 and 28 in T35. Out of the 41 taxa identified, 22 (> 50%) were exclusively present in one of the two ponds. On a yearly basis, the community dynamics of P1 seemed to be conditioned by physical and chemical factors and by hydrological cycle characteristics, while the community of T35 responded to algal blooms, food competition and predator/prey equilibria rather than correlating to abiotic factors. The main differences amongst zooplankton assemblages were observed over short time scales and occurred both within and between seasons, highlighting the role of some structural taxa that dominated the average composition of the community throughout the year, and the importance of "quick-response" taxa in determining the short-term composition and structure variation of pond zooplankton. A year-round cyclic community succession peculiar to each pond is described

    Uniportal-VATS vs. open McKeown esophagectomy: Surgical and long-term oncological outcomes

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    Background: Till now there are very few reports about surgical results of Uniportal-VATS esophagectomy and no one about long-term outcomes. This study is the first comparing surgical and oncological outcomes of Uniportal-VATS with open McKeown esophagectomy, with the largest reported series and longest oncological follow-up. Methods: The prospectively collected clinical, surgical and oncological data of 75 patients, undergone McKeown esophagectomy at our Thoracic Surgery Department, from January 2012 to August 2022, were retrospectively analyzed. Nineteen patients underwent esophagectomy by thoracotomy and reconstruction according to McKeown technique while 56 by Uniportal-VATS approach. Gastric tubulization was performed totally laparoscopic or through a mini-laparatomic access and cervical anastomosis was made according to Orringer's technique. Results: The mean operative thoracic time was similar in both accesses (102.34 ± 15.21 min in Uniportal-VATS vs. 115.56 ± 23.12 min in open, p: 0.646), with a comparable number of mediastinal nodes retrieved (Uniportal-VATS:13.40 ± 8.12 vs. open:15.00 ± 6.86, p: 0.275). No case needed conversion from VATS to open. The learning curve in Uniportal-VATS was completed after 34 cases, while the Mastery was reached after 40. Both approaches were comparable in terms of minor post-operative complications (like pneumonia, lung atelectasis, anemization, atrial fibrillation, anastomotic-leak, left vocal cord palsy, chylothorax), while the number of re-operation for major complications (bleeding or mediastinitis) was higher in open group (21.0% vs. 3.6%, p: 0.04). Both techniques were also effective in terms of surgical radicality and local recurrence but VATS approach allowed a significantly lower chest tube length (11.89 ± 9.55 vs. 25.82 ± 24.37 days, p: 0.003) and post-operative stay (15.63 ± 11.69 vs. 25.53 ± 23.33, p: 0.018). The 30-day mortality for complications related to surgery was higher in open group (p: 0.002). The 2-, 5- and 8-year survival of the whole series was 72%, 50% and 33%, respectively. Combined 2- and 5-year OS in Uniportal-VATS group was 76% and 47% vs. 62% and 62% in open group, respectively (Log-rank, p: 0.286; Breslow-Wilcoxon: p: 0.036). No difference in DFS was recorded between the two approaches (5 year-DFS in Uniportal-VATS: 86% vs. 72%, p: 0.298). At multivariate analysis, only pathological stage independently affected OS (p: 0.02), not the surgical approach (p: 0.276). Conclusions: Uniportal-VATS seems to be a safe, feasible and effective technique for performing McKeown esophagectomy, with equivalent surgical and long-term oncological results to standard thoracotomy, but with a faster and unharmed recovery, and a quite short learning curve

    The International Thymic Malignancy Interest Group Classification of Thymoma Recurrence: Survival Analysis and Perspectives

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    Introduction: The International Thymic Malignancy Interest Group (ITMIG) classifies thymoma recurrences on the basis of the topographic location, but its effectiveness in prognosis prediction has not been well investigated yet. Aims of this study are to analyze survival outcome of patients surgically treated for thymoma recurrence according to the ITMIG recurrence classification and to investigate possible alternatives. Methods: From January 1, 1990, to January 7, 2017, data on 135 surgically treated patients for thymoma recurrence from three high-volume centers were collected and retrospectively analyzed. Patients were classified according to the ITMIG classification as local, regional, and distant. The ITMIG classification and alternative classifications were correlated to overall survival (OS). Results: According to the ITMIG classification, recurrence was local in 17 (12.5%), regional in 97 (71.8%), and distant in 21 (15.7%) patients, with single localization in 38 (28.2%) and multiple localizations in 97 (71.8%). The 5- and 10-year OS were 79.9% and 49.7% in local, 68.3% and 52.6% in regional, and 66.3% and 35.4% in distant recurrences, respectively, but differences were not statistically significant (p = 0.625). A significant difference in survival was present considering single versus multiple localizations: 5- and 10-year OS of 86.2% and 81.2% versus 61.3% and 31.5% (p = 0.005, hazard ratio = 7.22, 95% confidence interval: 0.147–0.740), respectively. Combining the localization number with the recurrence site, ITMIG locoregional single recurrence had a statistically significant better survival compared with patients with ITMIG locoregional multiple recurrence or ITMIG distant recurrence (p = 0.028). Similarly, a significant difference was present considering intrathoracic single versus intrathoracic multiple versus distant recurrence (p = 0.024). Conclusions: The ITMIG classification for thymoma recurrence did not have significant survival differences comparing local, regional, and distant recurrences. Integrating this classification with the number of the localizations may improve its effectiveness in prognosis prediction

    Early Alpine occupation backdates westward human migration in Late Glacial Europe

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    Before the end of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, ∼16.5 ka ago) set in motion major shifts in human culture and population structure, a consistent change in lithic technology, material culture, settlement pattern, and adaptive strategies is recorded in Southern Europe at ∼18–17 ka ago. In this time frame, the landscape of Northeastern Italy changed considerably, and the retreat of glaciers allowed hunter-gatherers to gradually recolonize the Alps. Change within this renewed cultural frame (i.e., during the Late Epigravettian phase) is currently associated with migrations favored by warmer climate linked to the Bølling-Allerød onset (14.7 ka ago), which replaced earlier genetic lineages with ancestry found in an individual who lived ∼14 ka ago at Riparo Villabruna, Italy, and shared among different contexts (Villabruna Cluster). Nevertheless, these dynamics and their chronology are still far from being disentangled due to fragmentary evidence for long-distance interactions across Europe. Here, we generate new genomic data from a human mandible uncovered at Riparo Tagliente (Veneto, Italy), which we directly dated to 16,980–16,510 cal BP (2σ). This individual, affected by focal osseous dysplasia, is genetically affine to the Villabruna Cluster. Our results therefore backdate by at least 3 ka the diffusion in Southern Europe of a genetic component linked to Balkan/Anatolian refugia, previously believed to have spread during the later Bølling/Allerød event. In light of the new genetic evidence, this population replacement chronologically coincides with the very emergence of major cultural transitions in Southern and Western Europe.The research was supported by the European Union through the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (grant agreement no. 724046 – Success awarded to S.B., http://www.erc-success.eu; grant agreement no. 803147 Resolution awarded to S.T., https://site.unibo.it/resolution-erc/en) as well as through the European Regional Development Fund (project no. 2014–2020.4.01.16–0030 to C.L.S. and T.S.) and projects no. 2014-2020.4.01.16-0024 and MOBTT53 (L.P.), by the Estonian Research Council personal research grant (PRG243; C.L.S.), and by UniPd PRID 2019 (L.P.).Peer reviewe

    Risk Factors Associated with Post-Operative Complications in Multidisciplinary Treatment of Descending Necrotizing Mediastinitis

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    Background: Descending necrotizing mediastinitis (DNM) is a severe, life-threatening complication of oropharyngeal infections with cervical necrotizing fasciitis. In this study, we aimed to identify any possible factors that correlate with favorable outcomes. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed our series of 18 patients who underwent surgical treatment for DNM from a cervical abscess. Gender, age, symptoms, etiopathogenesis, comorbidities, time to surgery from diagnosis, degree of diffusion, identified microorganisms, surgical procedure, days in the intensive care unit, need for tracheostomy, complications, and surgical outcomes were reviewed. Results: The main type of surgery was thoracotomy + cervicotomy in eight cases (50.0%), followed by cervicotomy +VATS in four (22.2%). Seven patients (38.9%) had two or more surgeries; a bilateral operation was necessary for four patients. Evaluating the risk factors associated with post-operative complications, age ≥ 60 years (p:0.031), cervicotomy alone as surgical approach (p = 0.040), and the bilateral approach (p = 0.048) resulted in significance in terms of the univariate analysis; age ≥ 60 years (p = 0.04) and cervical approach (p = 0.05) maintained their significance in terms of the multivariate analysis. Conclusions: The low mortality of our series emphasizes the importance of an extensive and immediate surgical drainage of both the neck and the mediastinum. Mediastinal drainage from cervicotomy seems to be a risk factor for post-operative complications. Minimally invasive surgery on the chest cavity, such as with Uniportal-VATS, could be a good approach above all in elderly patients and all those cases where bilateral access is required

    Epiphytic metazoans on emergent macrophytes in oxbow lakes of the Krapina River, Croatia: differences related to plant species and limnological conditions

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    This study investigated the structure of the epiphytic metazoans on emerged macrophytes in the littoral zone of two oxbow lakes with different trophic levels. Differences in the diversity and density of the epiphytic metazoans were analyzed in relation to plant architecture (simple or complex stems), food resources (algae and detritus) and water characteristics (transparency and derived trophic state index). Asignificant negative correlation was found between detritus on plants as food resource, and diversity and density of epiphytic metazoans, indicating grazing of microphagous species. Rotifers dominated in diversity and density in the epiphyton on all habitats. Total density of metazoans, rotifers and copepods in epiphyton were significantly higher on Mentha in mesotrophic lake than on Iris in a eutrophic lake.We presume that macrophyte belt width and trophic state governed biotic interactions and consequently epiphytic assemblages more strongly than macrophyte architecture. However, a Mentha habitat showed a slightly higher density and diversity of epiphytic metazoans in relation to Iris at the same site, but these differences were not significant

    Grotta Ghiacciaia

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    La Grotta della Ghiacciaia si trova a 250 metri di quota nei pressi della valle di Fumane, in una zona ricca di risorse litiche, che si prefigura come una delle probabili ragioni dell’occupazione del sito. Le indagini preliminari svolte negli anni 1979-1980 individuarono un deposito, suddiviso in 3 macro-unità pedo-stratigrafiche. La macro-unità 1 è risultata sterile, mentre le occupazioni antropiche nelle macro-unità 2 e 3 sono principalmente riferibili al Paleolitico Medio, con industria litica Musteriana. Gli scavi svolti nel 2021 hanno permesso di estendere l’indagine nella macro-unità 3 individuando sei unità stratigrafiche, di cui tre ricche di manufatti. US36, in particolare, si presenta di colore scuro, ricchissima di materiale archeologico, soprattutto selci, documentate a concentrazioni, soprattutto sul tetto dell’unità. Son state indagate anche le brecce cementate superficiali, conservate in un areale estremamente limitato. I manufatti, dati i caratteri laminari, sembrano confermare un’occupazione umana dal carattere sporadico inquadrabile in una fase antica del Paleolitico Superiore