1,236 research outputs found

    Arabidopsis thaliana: A model host plant to study plant-pathogen interaction using Chilean field isolates of Botrytis cinerea

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    http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0716-97602006000200004&lng=es&nrm=isoOne of the fungal pathogens that causes more agriculture damage is Botrytis cinerea. Botrytis is a constant threat to crops because the fungus infects a wide range of host species, both native and cultivated. Furthermore, Botrytis persists on plant debris in and on the soil. Some of the most serious diseases caused by Botrytis include gray mold on vegetables and fruits, such as grapes and strawberries. Botrytis also causes secondary soft rot of fruits and vegetables during storage, transit and at the market. In many plant-pathogen interactions, resistance often is associated with the deposition of callose, accumulation of autofluorescent compounds, the synthesis and accumulation of salicylic acid as well as pathogenesis-related proteins. Arabidopsis thaliana has been used as a plant model to study plant-pathogen interaction. The genome of Arabidopsis has been completely sequenced and this plant serves as a good genetic and molecular model. In this study, we demonstrate that Chilean field isolates infect Arabidopsis thaliana and that Arabidopsis subsequently activates several defense response mechanisms associated with a hypersensitive response. Furthermore, we propose that Arabidopsis may be used as a model host species to analyze the diversity associated with infectivity among populations of Botrytis cinerea field isolates

    Apertura y crisis del agro salvadoreño : una propuesta para el desarrollo de la agricultura familiar

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    Este ensayo hace una reflexión sobre los impactos del proceso de desregulación y apertura económica en la agricultura salvadoreña; asimismo, presenta experiencias concretas de agricultores familiares asociados por superar la crisis del agro y encontrar nuevas vías para el desarrollo; finalmente, presenta una Propuesta de política agrícola y agroindustrial desde los intereses de la agricultura familiar

    Lesiones deportivas más frecuente asociada la práctica de la disciplina de tae know do Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua, Agosto-Diciembre 2014

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    Las Lesiones deportivas ocurren durante la prá ctica de un deporte o un ejercicio físico. A lgunas ocurren accidentalmente, o tras pueden ser el resultado de malas pr ácticas de entrenamiento así también por uso inadecuado del equipo de entrenamiento. Algunas personas se lastiman cuando no están en buena condición física. En ciertos casos las lesiones se deben a la falta o escases de ejercicios de calentamiento o estiramientos antes de jugar o hace r ejercicios

    Creación de la Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades

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    La creación de la Facultad de Humanidades se acordó en la decimoctava sesión del Consejo Superior Directivo, el 13 de octubre de 1948, durante el rectorado del doctor Carlos A. Llerena, y se estructuró en tres escuelas: la Escuela de Filosofía y Letras, la Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación y la Escuela de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. La Facultad inició sus actividades académicas en el Paraninfo del recinto universitario ubicado en el centro histórico de San Salvador, al costado poniente de c atedral; y al finalizar el año, en aulas acondicionadas especialmente para impartir las cátedras de Francés, Inglés, Latín, Literatura, Filosofía, Cultura Latina, Psicología, Biología, Castellano, Lingüística, Historia y Pedagogía. Pero la Facultad de Humanidades surge en un momento en que aun no se establecían mecanismos democráticos y los gobiernos de turno actuaban con cierta injerencia sobre la Universidad. Esta era la expectativa que la Facultad de Humanidades despertó en la sociedad, una institución que, a través de la enseñanza, estimularía “la función humanística” de los profesionales

    Toward a Critical-PBL: Centering a Critical Consciousness in the Middle Grades

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    The dual pandemic of 2020 that includes racism and COVID-19 demonstrates the need for students to become socially responsible and critically conscious world citizens. Students in the middle grades are developing their sense of identity while concomitantly trying to understand the complex world around them. While many teachers understand the need for critical pedagogy, many still struggle to find time to teach rigorous content standards while integrating social justice education. In this article, we propose the four pillars of Critical-Problem Based Learning (Critical-PBL). Using critical standards, critical problems, critical content, and critical discourse, we offer a framework to support teachers in creating a space for students to learn how to name injustices and work toward social transformation

    Views from Inside a Pediatric Clinic: How Arizona's Political Climate Has Impacted Arizona's Youngest Latino Learners

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://amaejournal.asu.edu/index.php/amae/article/view/126.It is critical that we examine impacts that recent immigration policies such as SB1070 are having on Arizona’s youngest Latino learners.The large number of Latinos under the age of five, and the impact that this upcoming generation of Latinos will have on all aspects of life in Arizona merits a closer look. In this qualitative study, we examined the perspectives of five adults working in an Arizona pediatric clinic (i.e., “Pediatrics Plus”). The themes of fear and community tension which arose throughout the interview data demonstrate that the health of our youngest learners as well as their access and ability to attend extended learning opportunities provided by community partners such as Pediatrics Plus, is being impacted by the wider anti-immigrant policies in Arizona. By taking a comprehensive approach using Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory to examine the health and enrichment opportunities of Arizona’s youngest learners and how recent policies can impact young learner’s development, we can work with other stakeholders to improve their opportunities for healthier minds and bodies, for academic success, and for a brighter future

    Concepções de infância sob o olhar docente da educação infantil: uma aproximação ao estado do conhecimento

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    The study analyzes seven surveys on conceptions of childhood in Early Childhood Education. As a theoretical foundation, we present Ferreira (2002) and Romanowski and Ens (2006) based on the possibility for the researcher to appropriate discussions about the theme. The research methodology was based on the mapping of productions from the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD). This delimitation is justified by the large contribution of productions on the theme of childhood. As for the concepts studied, the inclusion parameters were: a) relevant studies on childhood concepts; b) productions made between 2008 and 2020, due to the approval, in that period, of the Law of Guidelines and Bases (LDB) and the National Common and Curricular Base (BNCC). The results point to subjects understood as a) dependent and passive; b) protagonists and assets; c) producers of culture and creativity; d) in need of schooling or literacyO estudo analisa sete pesquisas sobre concepções de infância na Educação Infantil. Como fundamento teórico, apresentamos Ferreira (2002) e Romanowski e Ens (2006) a partir da possibilidade de o pesquisador apropriar-se de discussões acerca do tema. A metodologia de pesquisa deu-se pelo mapeamento de produções da Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações (BDTD). Essa delimitação justifica-se pelo grande aporte de produções sobre a temática da infância. Quanto às concepções estudadas, foram parâmetros de inclusão: a) estudos relevantes sobre concepções de infância; b) produções feitas entre 2008 e 2020, devido à homologação, nesse período, da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases (LDB) e da Base Nacional Comum e Curricular (BNCC). Os resultados apontam para sujeitos entendidos como: a) dependentes e passivos; b) protagonistas e ativos; c) produtores de cultura e criatividade; d) necessitados de escolarização ou alfabetização (PINHEIRO, 2008; RUIZ, 2015; CALDERAN, 20017; MOTA, 2017; BIDINOTTO, 2019; MATOS, 2020; BARBOSA, 2020)

    Eco-Innovation and Emissions Trading: a sector analysis for European countries

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    This article aims to assess the impact of a specific regulation, namely the European Union emission trading system (EU-ETS), on the Eco-Innovation (EI) activities of the companies, to assess its effectiveness in changing the companies’ environmental behavior. It also intendsto empirically examine whether the EU-ETS and its ‘stringency’ are significantly related to EI, taking into account both the internal and external factors that might be correlated with EI. To this end, we develop a cross-sectional framework using the Community Innovation Survey (CIS) data and by creating a stringency indicator for the period between 2012-2014 for 13 European countries. We found that the EU-ETS has limited and some controversial effects. Furthermore, technology policies emerge as an important element of the policy mix complementing climate policy. Based on our findings, we make recommendations for policymakers on how to improve the existing policy mix

    Modelo de implementacion de un centro de responsabilidad para la unidad de equipos clinicos quirurgicos del Hospital Base de Curico

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    263 p.Esta memoria tiene como Objetivo Principal Diseñar un Modelo de Implementación de un Centro de Responsabilidad (Unidad de Gestión Administrativa y Médica, que tiene un único responsable) para la Unidad de Equipos Clínicos Quirúrgicos del Hospital Base de Curicó, en respuesta a los requerimientos que debe cumplir esta Institución para adquirir la condición de Autogestionado en Red, por la nueva Normativa de Salud. El estudio, en pro del cumplimiento del Objetivo principal, se inicia haciendo una descripción del Sistema Hospitalario en forma global como particular, para los Centros de Costos que integrarán el Centro de Responsabilidad. Luego, para identificar el funcionamiento actual de los Centros de Costos, se realiza un Análisis Diagnóstico de la Calidad de las Atenciones Médicas Prestadas (Nº de Reclamos y Sugerencias) y de la Cantidad de Demanda Insatisfecha (Nº de Paciente en Listas de Espera), a través de Diagramas de Pareto y Diagramas Causa- Efecto. Posteriormente, se definen los elementos genéricos más trascendentes en el futuro funcionamiento de CR (Planificación Estratégica, Soporte Personas e Infraestructura, Cartera de Servicios y Control de Gestión a través de, Planificación de Producción, Pronóstico de Recursos Humanos por Regresión Lineal, junto a Consideración de RRHH y Físicos), en base a los resultados obtenidos del Diagnóstico Inicial. Como una forma de transparentar y controlar las Actividades Asistenciales Operativas, Administrativas desarrolladas por los Centros de Costos, se costean a través de Método de Costeo ABC, haciendo del Costo un indicador de control en el proceso mejora, en el que se encuentra inserto el Hospital. Finalmente para traducir lo aprendido respecto al Sistema Hospitalario en que se desarrollará el CR, de manera de asegurar una Propuesta de Implementación sustentable, flexible a los requerimientos del Hospital Base, se utiliza el Cuadro de Mando Integral, que en sus 4 Perspectivas, recoge los factores decidores del éxito del funcionamiento del CR. Esta herramienta permite definir Indicadores que retroalimentarán la gestión del Responsable del CR, evidenciando desviaciones respecto a los objetivos que se fijen para el CR, dando lugar a mejoramientos futuros