93 research outputs found

    The training of readers for the ethical use of information

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    En la sociedad actual, la abundancia de información y los tiempos en los que se debe cumplir con tareas escolares y exigencias de productividad académica o laboral generan problemas para asimilar contenidos o a usarlos sin una valoración adecuada que se obtiene por fuentes de dudosa calidad; además, no son pocos los alumnos que tienen dificultad para comprender y extraer información que les permita generar productos propios, aparte el desconocimiento de la normativa de citación, son factores que conducen a descuidar la inclusión de las referencias de los contenidos de los que se extrae información, o bien, se opta por el plagio, aun consciente de que se trata de una falta ética el usar contenidos ajenos y hacerlos pasar como propios a pesar de tener los datos del autor y la editorial o el sitio de donde se obtuvieron los textos, las imágenes, los videos, entre otros materiales. Todo ello, además de perjudicar a los autores, también limita el aprovechamiento de los recursos que ofrece la biblioteca Por ello, es fundamental que la propia institución bibliotecaria contribuya a la formación de lectores en la que incorpore aspectos que fortalezcan las capacidades intelectuales y estéticas, asimismo las actitudes éticas.In today's society, the abundance of information and the times in which school tasks and academic or work productivity demands must be met, generate problems to assimilate contents or use them without an adequate assessment of what is obtained by sources of dubious quality; besides, there are quite a few students who have difficulty understanding and extracting information that allows them to generate their own products, apart from ignorance of the citation rules, which is a factor that leads to neglecting the inclusion of the references of the contents from which that information is extracted; Or they opt for plagiarism, even though they are aware that it is an ethical fault to use other people's work and make them pass as their own, despite having the data of the author and the publisher or the Web site from which the texts, images, videos, among other materials, were obtained. All of this, in addition to harming the authors, limits the use of the resources offered by the library. Therefore, it is essential that the library institution itself contributes to the training of readers in which it incorporates aspects that strengthen intellectual and aesthetic capabilities as well as ethical attitudes

    La formación de lectores para el uso ético de la información

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    The training of readers for the ethical use of information. In today’s society, the abundance of information and the times in which school tasks and academic or work productivity demands must be met, generate problems to assimilate contents or use them without an adequate assessment of what is obtained by sources of dubious quality; besides, there are quite a few students who have difficulty understanding and extracting information that allows them to generate their own products, apart from ignorance of the citation rules, which is a factor that leads to neglecting the inclusion of the references of the contents from which that information is extracted; Or they opt for plagiarism, even though they are aware that it is an ethical fault to use other people’s work and make them pass as their own, despite having the data of the author and the publisher or the Web site from which the texts, images, videos, among other materials, were obtained. All of this, in addition to harming the authors, limits the use of the resources offered by the library. Therefore, it is essential that the library institution itself contributes to the training of readers in which it incorporates aspects that strengthen intellectual and aesthetic capabilities as well as ethical attitudes

    La formación de lectores para el uso ético de la información

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    The training of readers for the ethical use of information. In today’s society, the abundance of information and the times in which school tasks and academic or work productivity demands must be met, generate problems to assimilate contents or use them without an adequate assessment of what is obtained by sources of dubious quality; besides, there are quite a few students who have difficulty understanding and extracting information that allows them to generate their own products, apart from ignorance of the citation rules, which is a factor that leads to neglecting the inclusion of the references of the contents from which that information is extracted; Or they opt for plagiarism, even though they are aware that it is an ethical fault to use other people’s work and make them pass as their own, despite having the data of the author and the publisher or the Web site from which the texts, images, videos, among other materials, were obtained. All of this, in addition to harming the authors, limits the use of the resources offered by the library. Therefore, it is essential that the library institution itself contributes to the training of readers in which it incorporates aspects that strengthen intellectual and aesthetic capabilities as well as ethical attitudes

    The communicational knowledge in latin america and the route for its indisciplinary re-articulation

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    Los desafíos del quehacer comunicacional contemporáneo, en especial los procesos de aprendizaje asociados a la educación universitaria, se despliegan tan profundos y complejos que precisan ser abordados desde nuevas perspectivas, herramientas y estrategias teóricas y metódicas. En este sentido, y en particular, en el ámbito académico de la Comunicación será propicio revisar y buscar nuevas perspectivas teóricas, visiones y modelos de aprendizaje, tanto clásicos como emergentes, que den cuenta del estado del arte de la práctica y los saberes de las denominadas teorías presentes en el campo de estudio de la Comunicación, sus modelos y enfoques investigativos. El presente papel de trabajo se propone re-interpretar, rediscutir y re-articular algunas de las teorías y sus conceptos centrales que dan sentido y puestas en acción en los estudios profesionales en Comunicación, con el propósito de comprobar su carácter transdisciplinario, ecléctico, transversal y heterodoxo frente a la presencia de teorías propias de otras disciplinas en el pensamiento comunicacional latinoamericano.The challenges of what to do in the contemporary communication, especially in the learning process associated with the university education, are unveiled with a complexity and deeper meaning that is precise approach with new perspectives, tools, strategic theories and methods. In this sense, and particularly in the academic field of the Communication, it would be appropriate the search for new focuses and theoretical models, including classic and recent ones, which evidence the art state of the knowledge and practice refer to as Communication theories, their models, and the research focuses. The present working paper propose re-interpret, re-discuss and re-articulate some theories and their central concepts, which give sense and action setting in the Communications studies with the purpose of verify its trans disciplinary, eclectic, transversal and heterodox character in the presence of others disciplines own theories in the Latin-American Communication thinking

    Factores que determinan el incumplimiento en las medidas de protección de los testigos en el delito de crimen organizado

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    El presente trabajo de investigación titulado “Factores que determinan el incumplimiento en las medidas de protección de los testigos en el delito de crimen organizado” tuvo como objetivo general analizar los factores que determinan el incumplimiento de las medidas de protección de los testigos en el delito de crimen organizado, teniendo un tipo de investigación básica y un diseño basado fundamentada no experimental; de enfoque cualitativo. Para la recolección de la información se empleó un cuestionario de entrevista y la guía de análisis de documentos, los cuales fueron validados por el juicio de tres expertos en la materia y aplicados a 1 juez, 1 fiscal y 5 abogados litigantes que han sido de ayuda a contribuir con la presente investigación. Existen diversos factores que conllevan al incumplimiento de las medidas de protección a los testigos y representa un alto porcentaje los testigos que se han negado a declarar en juicio por temor y otros que terminaron muertos por la gravedad del caso. La investigación concluyó que se necesita mejorar las medidas otorgadas a un testigo, trabajar en equipo tanto como policía nacional, fiscales, jueces y colaboradores para formar un sistema de protección al testigo o víctima de las organizaciones criminales

    Pertinencia Del Enfoque De Género Para Mejorar Los Procesos De Lectura Y Escritura En Estudiantes De Educación Secundaria

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    Este trabajo presenta los resultados de una investigación cualitativa apoyada en el método de la investigación acción en la que se averigua la pertinencia del enfoque de género, desde la Lingüística Sistémico Funcional (LSF) parar mejorar la lectura y escritura en estudiantes de grado noveno (9°) de una institución privada de la ciudad de Barranquilla; ello con base en el marco legal establecido por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional, que resalta la formación de individuos con un nivel crítico de lectura y una producción textual con propósitos definidos. Así pues, desde el análisis de resultados se tuvo que esta pedagogía de género se constituye en una herramienta que refuerza competencias significativamente en cuanto a la lectura y escritura, debido a que orienta claramente sus etapas a través de una mediación docente pertinente


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    The process of elaboration and execution of the pedagogical career projects, is an opportunity to innovate and raise the quality of studies in higher education centers, however, in the higher-level institutions in Angola, there are inadequacies in the curriculum design process and its implementation. This article, presents a theoretical methodological proposal for the design of pedagogical projects of university careers in the Angolan context, which integrates training actions and recommendations for the treatment of various topics in the improvement and adaptation of the curricular design. Different methods of the theoretical, empirical and mathematical-statistical level were used for the study and the proposal made. The relevance of the scientific result, its quality and topicality that responds to the demands of Angolan higher education were verified.El proceso de elaboración y ejecución de los proyectos pedagógicos de carreras es una oportunidad para innovar y elevar la calidad de estudios en los centros de enseñanza superior, sin embargo, en las instituciones de nivel superior en Angola existen insuficiencias en el proceso del diseño curricular y su implementación. En este artículo se presenta una propuesta teórico metodológica para el diseño de proyectos pedagógicos de carreras universitarias en el contexto angolano, la cual integra acciones de capacitación y recomendaciones para el tratamiento de diversas temáticas en el perfeccionamiento y adecuación del diseño curricular. Se utilizaron diferentes métodos del nivel teórico, empírico y matemático – estadístico para el estudio y la propuesta realizada. Se constató la pertinencia del resultado científico, su calidad y actualidad que da respuesta a exigencias de la enseñanza superior angolana

    Ciprofloxacin, ranitidine, and chlorphenamine removal from aqueous solution by adsorption. Mechanistic and regeneration analysis.

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    This work was supported by Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, for the schoolarship CVU49215Several studies have reported the presence of pharmaceuticals in freshwater bodies all around the world. For this investigation, the removal of the pharmaceuticals ciprofloxacin (CIP) ranitidine (RNT), and chlorphenamine (CPM) using lignocellulose-derived granular activated carbon (GAC) was analyzed, and the physicochemical mechanisms of removal were elucidated. Additionally, the textural and surface properties of the GAC were evaluated, the concentrations of the contaminants were monitored with UV–Vis Spectrophotometry. The results revealed that GAC is a mesoporous material with a surface area of 940 m2/g and an acidic character with a point of zero charge (pH PZC) around 2. The adsorption isotherms showed a consistent behavior with the Prausnitz–Radke model, reporting adsorption capacities of 668, 521, and 582μmol/g (221, 173 and 193 mg/g), at an equilibrium concentration of 50μmol/L, pH 7 and 25 °C for CIP, RNT and CPM, respectively. Moreover, studies at different pH levels, temperature, and reversibility suggested that adsorption obeys physical mechanisms, which led to the proposal of a chemical regeneration process with organic (ethanol and methanol) and inorganic (NaOH and HCl) diluents. Better results were obtained using the inorganic diluents, ranging between 44 and 73% thermodynamic desorption. Additionally, three reuse cycles were successfully performed at the best conditions, with a regeneration efficiency in the range of 68%–98% for each of the pharmaceuticals. The results demonstrate the viability of the use of GAC for the removal of drugs with different characteristics in scenarios that are very close to the real ones.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología CVU4921