115 research outputs found
Ausencia de efectos en los balances de nutrientes después de defoliación por insectos en una cuenca
Nutrient export via streamflow after the defoliation by Gonipterus scutellatus Gill. in a Eucalyptus globulus Labill. watershed in Galicia (NW Spain) was monitored from 1999 to 2006. The effects of such defoliation on nutrients balance had not been previously evaluated. Insect defoliation caused no significant changes in streamflow nutrient concentrations during the period of study compared with the pre-perturbation period and nutrient exports in streamflow were compensated via precipitation in all cases. The results presented here show that in spite of the reduction in E.globulus growth caused by the defoliation, nutrient balances were positive, suggesting a minor impact in the soil-plant system nutrient budget.Se ha desarrollado un estudio entre 1999 y 2006 para evaluar el efecto de la defoliación por Gonypterus scutellatus Gill. sobre la pérdida de nutrientes por escorrentía en una cuenca experimental de Eucalyptus globulus Labill. Galicia (NW España). Esos efectos no habían sido evaluados hasta ahora.
La defoliación no causó variaciones significativas en las concentraciones de nutrientes durante el período de estudio en relación con el período pre-perturbación y las entradas de nutrientes por precipitación compensaron las salidas de nutrientes por escorrentía en todos los casos.
Los resultados que se presentan en este trabajo muestran que a pesar de la reducción en el crecimiento de E.globulus causado por la defoliación, los balances de nutrientes fueron positivos, sugiriendo un impacto menor en el balance de nutrientes del sistema suelo-planta
Efectos de la secuencia incendio-corta a hecho-selección de brotes en la pérdida de nutrientes por escorrentía en una cuenca experimental de E. globulus en Galicia (NW de España)
An experimental study was carried out between 1987 and 1999, to assess the effect of the sequence wildfire-clearfelling-coppice sprout selection thinning, on streamflow nutrient export in a Eucalyptus globulus Labill. watershed in Galicia (NW Spain). The effects of such a sequence on nutrient export via streamflow had not been previously evaluated. A wildfire in 1989 caused a significant increase in nutrient exports in streamflow during the following two years. No significant effect was observed the third year after wildfire. After clearfelling in 1992, inputs via precipitation compensated for nutrient exports in streamflow, except for K the first year following harvest and NO3- during the three years after this operation. Coppice sprout selection thinning in 1995 had less effect on nutrient exports than wildfire or harvest. The results presented here could may help in evaluating the effects of current intensive forest management and perturbations that affect eucalypt stands in NW Spain.Se ha desarrollado un estudio entre 1987 y 1999 para evaluar el efecto de la secuencia incendio-corta a hecho-selección de brotes sobre la pérdida de nutrientes por escorrentía en una cuenca experimental de Eucalyptus globulus Labill. en Galicia (NW España). Esos efectos no habían sido evaluados hasta ahora.
Un incendio en 1989 causó un aumento significativo de las pérdidas de nutrientes por escorrentía durante los dos años siguientes. Ningún efecto era apreciable al tercer año del incendio. Después de la corta a hecho del arbolado quemado en 1992, las entradas por precipitación compensaron las pérdidas por escorrentía, a excepción del K el primer año después de esta operación y del NO3- durante los tres años siguientes. La selección de brotes ejecutada en 1995 tuvo un efecto mucho menor en las pérdidas de nutrientes por escorrentía que el incendio o la corta.
Los resultados que se presentan en este trabajo pueden ayudar a los gestores a evaluar los efectos del manejo intensivo y de las perturbaciones que afectan a las masas de eucalipto en el NW de España
Aspectos limnológicos de estanques para la producción intensiva de tenca (Tinca tinca)
La Tenca está considerada una especie de crecimiento lento si se compara con otros ciprínidos, aunque la presencia de zooplancton en sistemas intensivos mejora significativamente el crecimiento de juveniles. Para determinar con mayor exactitud cuales son los factores que influyen en la producción de tenca en condiciones semiintensivas, se llevó a cabo un experimento en 9 estanques de engorde combinando diferentes condiciones de abonado (3 estanques control, 3 estanques con abonado inorgánico y 3 estanques con abonado orgánico). Desde julio a septiembre se realizaron muestreos quincenales de todas las características físico-químicas y del zooplancton con el fin de comprobar el efecto de las condiciones experimentales sobre dichas variables. En el estudio realizado se han identificado un total de 57 taxones: 6 copépodos, 18 cladóceros y 33 rotíferos. La abundancia zooplanctónica total fue mayor en los tratamientos fertilizados que en el control, siendo este incremento significativo para el caso del tratamiento inorgánico, lo que indica un efecto positivo del incremento en la carga de nutrientes sobre las comunidades zooplanctónicas. Aunque no se observaron diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos orgánico e inorgánico, la biomasa fue ligeramente superior en el tratamiento inorgánico. La composición faunística en los dos tratamientos fue similar. La comunidad zooplanctónica estuvo, en general, dominada por rotíferos y pequeños cladóceros, siendo los nauplios una fracción muy importante de dicha comunidad.Tench is considered a slow growing species in comparison with other ciprinids, even though high zooplancton densities in intensive farms significantly improve juvenile growth. In order to better study the which factors are important on trench production under semi-intensive conditions, an experiment was carried out, in nine triplicates pools combining different fertilizers (natural manure or nitrates) (3 inorganic pools, 3 organic pools and 3 control pools). From July to September 2003, fortnightly samples were taken from physical-chemical and zooplankton to test the effect of the experimental conditions over those variables. From the study, a total of 57 taxa were identified: 6 copepoda, 18 cladocerans and 33 rotifers. Total zooplankton abundance was higher in the fertilized treatments than in the control, the differences being significant in the inorganic treatment, which indicates a positive effect of the increment in the nutrient load over the zooplanktic communities. Even though no significant differences were observed among inorganic and organic fertilizers, the biomass was slightly superior in the inorganic treatment. The faunistic composition in both treatments was similar. The zooplankton community was dominated by rotifers, small cladocerans, and nauplii the latter being an important fraction of the community
Golgi structural stability and biogenesis depend on associated PKA activity
The mammalian Golgi complex consists of stacks of cisternae linked laterally into a continuous perinuclear ribbon structure. Protein kinase A is stably associated with the Golgi complex during interphase. To analyze its role in Golgi structural maintenance cells were depleted of protein kinase A regulatory subunits using small interfering RNAs. Under these conditions, the catalytic subunits redistributed to the cytosol and the entire Golgi complex underwent disassembly into multiple juxtanuclear fragments. A similar effect took place following pharmacological inhibition or redistribution of the complete holoenzyme to the cytosol. Golgi fragments maintained their polarization and competence for anterograde protein trafficking. By electron microscopy, they were identified as whorl-like structures composed of concentrically arrayed cisternae. To test a possible role of protein kinase A in Golgi biogenesis we analyzed its involvement during Golgi reassembly from the endoplasmic reticulum. In cells incubated with protein kinase A inhibitors, Golgi reconstruction was arrested at a late step of the reassembly process. This is consistent with the stage of enzyme recruitment from cytosol to emerging Golgi membranes during the reassembly process. We conclude that protein kinase A activity plays a relevant role in the assembly and maintenance of a continuous Golgi ribbon from separated membrane stacks
Cannabis use and involuntary admission may mediate long-term adherence in first-episode psychosis patients: a prospective longitudinal study
Background: This study aimed to examine factors associated with treatment adherence in first-episode psychosis (FEP) patients followed up over 8 years, especially involuntary first admission and stopping cannabis use.
Methods: This prospective, longitudinal study of FEP patients collected data on symptoms, adherence, functioning,and substance use. Adherence to treatment was the main outcome variable and was categorized as ‘good’ or ‘bad’.
Cannabis use during follow-up was stratified as continued use, stopped use, and never used. Bivariate and logistic regression models identified factors significantly associated with adherence and changes in adherence over the 8-year follow-up period.
Results: Of the 98 FEP patients analyzed at baseline, 57.1% had involuntary first admission, 74.4% bad adherence,and 52% cannabis use. Good adherence at baseline was associated with Global Assessment of Functioning score (p = 0.019), Hamilton Depression Rating Scale score (p = 0.017) and voluntary admission (p < 0.001). Adherence patterns over 8 years included: 43.4% patients always bad, 26.1% always good, 25% improved from bad to good.
Among the improved adherence group, 95.7% had involuntary first admission and 38.9% stopped cannabis use. In the subgroup of patients with bad adherence at baseline, involuntary first admission and quitting cannabis use during follow up were associated with improved adherence.
Conclusions: The long-term association between treatment adherence and type of first admission and cannabis use in FEP patients suggest targets for intervention to improve clinical outcomes
Molecular analysis of isoniazid and rifampin resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates recovered from Barcelona.
We studied the presence of mutations in the whole katG gene and specific regions of the oxyR-ahpC and mabA-inhA regulatory region in 61 Mycobacterium tuberculosis isoniazid-resistant isolates. An 81-bp region of the rpoB gene was also sequenced in 17 rifampin-resistant strains. Alterations in the katG gene were detected in 55% of the isolates. Mutation in codon 315 was the most prevalent (32%). Strains showed a high level of resistance, and most maintained a substantial catalase-peroxidase activity. Three strains with an isoniazid MIC of ≥32 µg/ml lacked catalase-peroxidase activity. Two of them had deletions in the catalytic domain of the KatG protein. One strain with deletion and three strains with mutations in the C-terminal domain showed low-level resistance and conserved the catalase-peroxidase activity. Mutations in the mabA-inhA regulatory region were identified in 32% of the isolates. All had low-level resistance, and the vast majority conserved catalase-peroxidase activity. Seventeen percent of the isoniazid-resistant isolates had no detectable alterations at the studied loci. Resistance to rifampin was associated with mutations in the 81-bp of the rpoB gene in all cases. IS6110 analysis indicated that recent transmission contributed substantially to the emergence of isoniazid- resistant tuberculosis in Barcelona through short transmission chains. A rapid genotypic assay, including the 315-katG codon and the -15 nucleotide of the mabA-inhA regulatory region, may cover 62% of isoniazid- resistant strains in Barcelona. In contrast, the targeting of the 81-bp region of rpoB would detect all our rifampin-resistant isolates
Grave morbidade materna na província de Granma. 2018
Maternal morbidity is multifactorial, a group of elements of very different origins converge: those concerning the mother and the pregnancy, in addition to being able to originate from a social, political, or economic problem; reason why its long-term solution will be based on prevention, which is supported by the benefit to large groups with low cost, in addition, its management has a high economic cost due to the significant number of resources and advanced technology that are used in the specialized perinatological and intensive care units in addition to what socially represents the mutilation of a family. In order to characterize severe maternal morbidity in the Granma province during 2018, a retrospective descriptive study of obstetric patients who classified as severe maternal mortality (MMG) treated in the Granma province during 2018 was carried out, by identifying of age, type of delivery, municipality of origin, incidence, MMG rate, prevalence and mortality rate. Patients with extreme ages of fertile life, and cesarean delivery predominated. Hypertensive disorders, hemorrhage, and puerperal sepsis were the main primary complications. The incidence, MMG rate, prevalence and mortality rate show high figures. These results will serve to identify risks and in the future establish regional preventive plans that improve the health of the maternal population.La morbilidad materna es multifactorial, un grupo de elementos de muy disimiles orígenes confluyen: los concernientes a la madre y a la gestación, además de poder originarse de un problema social, político, o económico; por lo que su solución a largo plazo estará basada en la prevención, que se sustenta del beneficio a grandes grupos con bajo costo, además, su manejo tiene un alto costo económico por el número importante de recursos y de tecnología avanzada que son utilizados en las unidades de cuidados especializados perinatologicos e intensivos además de lo que socialmente representa la mutilación de una familia. Con el objetivo de caracterizar la morbilidad materna grave en la provincia Granma durante el año 2018, se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de las pacientes obstétricas que clasificaron como mortalidad materna grave (MMG) atendidas en la provincia Granma durante el año 2018, mediante la identificación de la edad, tipo de parto, municipio de procedencia, incidencia, tasa de MMG, prevalencia y tasa de mortalidad. Predominaron las pacientes con edades extremas de la vida fértil, y el parto por cesárea. Los trastornos hipertensivos, la hemorragia y la sepsis puerperal fueron las principales complicaciones primarias. La incidencia, tasa de MMG, Prevalencia y tasa de mortalidad muestran cifras elevadas. Estos resultados servirán para la identificación de riesgos y en un futuro establecer planes preventivos regionales que mejoren la salud de la población materna.A morbidade materna é multifatorial, convergem um grupo de elementos de origens muito diferentes: os que dizem respeito à mãe e à gravidez, além de poder se originar de um problema social, político ou econômico; Por esse motivo, sua solução de longo prazo se baseará na prevenção, apoiada no benefício de grandes grupos de baixo custo; além disso, sua gestão possui um alto custo econômico devido ao número significativo de recursos e à avançada tecnologia utilizada no mercado. unidades perinatológicas e de terapia intensiva especializadas, além do que socialmente representa a mutilação de uma família. Para caracterizar a morbidade materna grave na província de Granma durante 2018, foi realizado um estudo descritivo retrospectivo de pacientes obstétricas classificadas como mortalidade materna grave (MMG) atendidas na província de Granma durante 2018, identificando idade, tipo de parto, município de origem, incidência, taxa de MMG, prevalência e taxa de mortalidade. Pacientes com idades extremas de vida fértil e parto cesáreo predominaram. Distúrbios hipertensivos, hemorragia e sepse puerperal foram as principais complicações primárias. A incidência, taxa de MMG, prevalência e taxa de mortalidade mostram números altos. Esses resultados servirão para identificar riscos e, no futuro, estabelecer planos preventivos regionais que melhorem a saúde da população materna
Acute Impacts of Different Types of Exercise on Circulating α-Klotho Protein Levels
[EN] Elevated plasma α-klotho (αKl) protects against several ageing phenotypes and has been proposed as a biomarker of a good prognosis for different diseases. The beneficial health effects of elevated plasma levels of soluble αKl (SαKl) have been likened to the positive effects of exercise on ageing and chronic disease progression. It has also been established that molecular responses and adaptations differ according to exercise dose. The aim of this study is to compare the acute SαKl response to different exercise interventions, cardiorespiratory, and strength exercise in healthy, physically active men and to examine the behavior of SαKl 72h after acute strength exercise.S
Effects of a Short-Term Resistance-Training Program on Heart Rate Variability in Children With Cystic Fibrosis—A Randomized Controlled Trial
[EN] Background: Cystic fibrosis (CF) affects the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and exercise in healthy children modulates the interaction between sympathetic and parasympathetic activity. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of a short-term resistance exercise program on heart rate variability (HRV) in children and adolescents with CF. Methods: A randomized controlled trial was carried out in children diagnosed with CF aged 6–18 years. Individuals were divided into two groups: control (CON) and resistance-training (EX). Individuals in the EX group completed an individualized guided resistance program (5-RM—60–80%) for 8 weeks (3 sessions of 60 min/week). Upper and lower limbs exercises (seated bench press, seated lateral row, and leg press) were used. HRV was measured using a Suunto watch with subjects in lying position. Results: Nineteen subjects (13 boys) were included (CON = 11; and EX = 8). Mean age was 12.2 ± 3.3, FEV1 (forced expiratory volume in the first second) z-score was 1.72 ± 1.54 and peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak) 42.7 ± 7.4 mL.Kg–1.min–1. Exercise induced significant changes in the frequency-domain variables, including a decrease in LF power (p = 0.001, d = 0.98) and LF/HF ratio (p = 0.020, d = 0.92), and an increase in HF power (p = 0.001, d = −0.97), compared to the CON group. No significant changes were found for time-domain variables, although increases with a moderate effect size were seen for SDNN (p = 0.152, d = −0.41) and RMSSD (p = 0.059, d = −0.49) compared to the CON group.SICatedra Fundación Asisa-UE y Universidad Europe
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