848 research outputs found

    Perfil matemático de los niños con Dificultades Específicas de Aprendizaje en Matemáticas en función de su capacidad lectora

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    Este trabajo pretende identificar las características matemáticas diferenciadoras de los niños que sólo presentan dificultades en matemáticas (DAM) de aquellos que además tienen dificultades en lectura (DAL). Para ello, comparamos la ejecución matemática de tres grupos de niños de 3.º de E.P.: uno con dificultades de aprendizaje en matemáticas (DAM) que tenía además un nivel lector bajo (DAM-DL), otro con dificultades de aprendizaje en matemáticas y un nivel lector aceptable (DAM), y un tercero formado por niños sin dificultades. Los resultados muestran que los grupos con dificultades de aprendizaje obtienen rendimientos significativamente inferiores a los niños sin dificultades en general. Por otra parte, los niños DAM alcanzan puntuaciones más altas que los DAM-DL en conteo, lectura y escritura de números, cálculo, hechos numéricos, sentido del número, problemas verbales y relaciones conceptuales, pero lo hacen de forma significativa en conteo, lectura y escritura de números. No se ha podido relacionar el tipo de DAM con la mayor o menor dominancia hemisférica.This work pretends to identify the differentiating characteristics of the children that only present Learning Difficulties in mathematics (LDM) and those that also have difficulties in reading (LDM-LDR). To do so, we compare the mathematical execution of three groups of children in the third grade of primary school: one group with Learning Difficulties in Mathematics (LDM) that also had a low reading level (LDM-LDR), another with learning difficulties in mathematics and a acceptable reading level (LDM), and a third group formed by children without difficulties. The results show that the groups with learning difficulties obtain significantly inferior performances to the children without difficulties, both in the total scoring of the applied mathematical test, like in the different count subtests: reading and writing of numbers, calculation, numeric facts, numerical sense, verbal problems and conceptual relationships. Also the LDM children reach achieve higher scores than the LDM-LDR in all these tasks, but even higher in counting, reading and writing of numbers. It has not been possible to relate the type of LDM with the bigger or smaller hemispheric dominance

    Reflections on love : "Reflection engages individuals to explore their experience in order to lead to new understandings and apprecitation" (Bound, Leogh & Walker)

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    Premio extraordinario de Trabajo Fin de Máster curso 2013-2014. Profesorado en Enseñanza Secundaria obligatoria, Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas

    Traducciones al español de la narrativa de Christa Wolf

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    La obra creativa de Christa Wolf ha sido traducida casi en su totalidad al castellano y en algunos casos, como veremos a continuación, poco después de su publicación en Alemani

    El pensamiento mágico en la obra de Gabriel García Márquez

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultd de Filosofía y Letras, Departamento de Lingüística, Lengua Modernas, Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia y Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada, 22 de octubre de 201

    Las mujeres en la historia de Colombia, sus derechos, sus deberes

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    Gender equality has been subject to a long religious, political, economic and social, due to the interests that motivate the male society against women. The women at the beginning of its history, remained subject to a moral code that did not recognize more than an uncountable number of duties, however, motivated by reasons of their mother and wife, especially, managed to get involved in decision-making mechanisms, where he designed and built to the involvement of his family, then helped build a road in the political and labor that could not be indifferent for long.La igualdad de géneros ha estado sujeta a un largo proceso religioso, político, económico y social, en razón a los intereses que mueven a la sociedad masculina frente a la femenina. Las mujeres, al principio de su historia, permanecieron sujetas a un código moral que no reconocía más que un incontable número de deberes, sin embargo, movida por sus razones de madre y esposa, principalmente, logró involucrarse en la toma de decisiones familiares, de donde pudo proyectarse hacia la participación y construcción de su núcleo familiar, de ahí contribuyó a labrar un camino en lo político y laboral que no le pudo ser indiferente por mucho tiempo

    Estrelato como mitologia da era digital: a hiperculturalidade e "El mal querer" de Rosalía

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    Stardom is a paradigmatic example of contemporary mythology. Through their function as semiotic-cultural and somatic-emotional receptacles, the stars serve as referents and mirror of the social collective that engenders them. Within digital communities and through interactive technology, celebrity liturgy, fan rituals, and the symbolism of this massive secular religion reach its zenith. Our first goal is to analyze the parallels between stardom and religion. To do this, we will place idols in a theoretical framework and describe the transformations that digital fan communities are undergoing. Our second objective is to interrelate the transmedia phenomenon of Rosalía's album El mal querer with the notion of "hyperculturality" proposed by Byung-Chul Han. We will expose how the conceptual universe generated by the Catalan artist reflects the transformations that identities attend in the globalized, hyper-connected and digital culture. The article concludes by developing the idea of ​​stardom as modern mythology and the importance of interactive digital technology in the transformation of online audiences. Likewise, the global and intergenerational dissemination of Rosalía's work is symptomatic of the non-fundamentalist model of globalized culture, as well as the prominence of the traditional, the consumption of the aesthetic-cultural and the active role of audiences in the configuration of contemporary cultural identity.El estrellato constituye un ejemplo paradigmático de mitología contemporánea. A través de su función como receptáculos semiótico-culturales y somático-emocionales, las estrellas sirven como referentes y espejo del colectivo social que las engendra. En el seno de las comunidades digitales y a través de la tecnología interactiva, la liturgia de las celebrities, los rituales de los fans y la simbología de esta religión secular masiva alcanza su cénit. Nuestro primer objetivo es analizar el paralelismo entre el estrellato y la religión. Para ello, situaremos a los ídolos en un marco teórico y describiremos las transformaciones que las comunidades digitales de fans están experimentando. Nuestro segundo objetivo es interrelacionar el fenómeno transmedia del álbum El mal querer de Rosalía con la noción de "hiperculturalidad" propuesta por Byung-Chul Han. Expondremos cómo el universo conceptual generado por la artista catalana refleja las transformaciones a la que asisten las identidades en la cultura globalizada, hiperconectada y digital. El artículo concluye desarrollando la idea del estrellato como mitología moderna y la importancia de la tecnología digital interactiva en la transformación de los públicos en red. Así mismo, la difusión global e intergeneracional de la obra de Rosalía es sintomática del modelo no fundamentalista de la cultura globalizada, así como de la prominencia de lo tradicional, el consumo de lo estético-cultural y el papel activo de las audiencias en la configuración de la identidad cultural contemporánea.O estrelato é um exemplo paradigmático da mitologia contemporânea. Por sua função de receptáculos semiótico-culturais e somático-emocionais, as estrelas servem como referentes e espelho do coletivo social que as engendra. Dentro das comunidades digitais e por meio de tecnologia interativa, liturgia de celebridades, rituais de fãs e o simbolismo dessa religião secular massiva atingem seu apogeu. Nosso primeiro objetivo é analisar o paralelismo entre estrelato e religião. Para isso, colocaremos os ídolos em uma estrutura teórica e descreveremos as transformações pelas quais as comunidades de fãs digitais estão passando. Nosso segundo objetivo é inter-relacionar o fenômeno transmídia do álbum mal querido de Rosalía com a noção de "hiperculturalidade" proposta por Byung-Chul Han. Vamos expor como o universo conceitual gerado pela artista catalã reflete as transformações que as identidades assistem no mundo globalizado , cultura hiperconectada e digital. O artigo conclui desenvolvendo a ideia do estrelato como mitologia moderna e a importância da tecnologia digital interativa na transformação do público online. Da mesma forma, a difusão global e intergeracional da obra de Rosalía é sintomática do modelo não fundamentalista da cultura globalizada, bem como da proeminência do tradicional, do consumo do estético-cultural e do papel ativo do público na configuração do contemporâneo. identidade cultural

    Utilitarismo y liberalismo en la república de Colombia, 1821-1839

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    Before the Republic of Colombia was organized in 1821, santafereños Creoles already had news about foreign nations with high levels of development. The model of english, french or North American “State – Nation” became an example for Colombia that always dreamed about getting to be. Liberalism was of great theoretical influence for the rising Republic, and Jeremy Bentham one of main ideologists for the national statesmen who organized the republic to start off of 1821.Antes que se organizara la República de Colombia en 1821, los criollos santafereños ya habían tenido noticia de naciones extranjeras con elevados niveles de desarrollo. El modelo de Estado-Nación inglés, francés o norteamericano se convirtió en ejemplo para Colombia, que siempre soñó con llegar a ser. El liberalismo fue de gran influencia teórica para la naciente república, y Jeremías Bentham uno de los principales ideólogos para los estadistas nacionales que organizaron la república a partir de 1821

    Epigenetics as a therapeutic target in osteoarthritis

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    Review[Abstract] Osteoarthritis (OA) is a heterogenous, complex disease affecting the integrity of diarthrodial joints that, despite its high prevalence worldwide, lacks effective treatment. In recent years it has been discovered that epigenetics may play an important role in OA. Our objective is to review the current knowledge of the three classical epigenetic mechanisms—DNA methylation, histone post-translational modifications (PTMs), and non-coding RNA (ncRNA) modifications, including microRNAs (miRNAs), circular RNAs (circRNAs), and long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs)—in relation to the pathogenesis of OA and focusing on articular cartilage. The search for updated literature was carried out in the PubMed database. Evidence shows that dysregulation of numerous essential cartilage molecules is caused by aberrant epigenetic regulatory mechanisms, and it contributes to the development and progression of OA. This offers the opportunity to consider new candidates as therapeutic targets with the potential to attenuate OA or to be used as novel biomarkers of the disease.Instituto de Salud Carlos III; PI19/01213Xunta de Galicia; IN607D2022/12Xunta de Galicia; IN607A 2021/

    Genetic variability on worldwide populations of the scale insect Pulvinariella mesembryanthemi

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    The South African scale insect Pulvinariella mesembryanthemi was introduced worldwide in several coastal areas with Mediterranean climate, probably through infested plants of Carpobrotus sp. Its high host specificity and its capacity to produce severe damages in the invasive Carpobrotus sp. plants makes this insect a potential biocontrol agent. To test the efficiency and host range of insects used for biocontrol, population genetic studies can help to unravel cryptic complexes and intraspecific diversity. In this study we performed a genetic analysis including native and exotic populations of P. mesembryanthemi, through Sanger sequencing of mitochondrial (cytochrome c oxidase I, COI) and ribosomal (D2–D3 expansion segments of the large subunit ribosomal RNA gene 28S) gene fragments. Accidentally, an endosymbiont was sequenced with one of the pair of primers used. The exotic populations of the insect did not show any variability among populations for both studied genes, which suggest a common origin of all studied introduced populations. Contrastingly, native populations showed high variability and seemed to be a cryptic species complex. Moreover, the Gauteng populations (from NE South Africa) were phylogenetically the closest to the exotic ones, suggesting that the exotic populations could be original from somewhere near this area. An endosymbiont of P. mesembryanthemi was detected, and the sequenced coxA gene was similar to that of the Rickettsiaceae family from the α-Proteobacteria, and close to other insect endosymbionts. To the best of our knowledge, this was the first mention of this endosymbiont in P. mesembryanthemi, although α-Proteobacteria endosymbionts have been reported for other sap-sucking insects.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Solving Large Problem Sizes of Index-Digit Algorithms on GPU: FFT and Tridiagonal System Solvers

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    [Abstract] Current Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are capable of obtaining high computational performance in scientific applications. Nevertheless, programmers have to use suitable parallel algorithms for these architectures and usually have to consider optimization techniques in the implementation in order to achieve said performance. There are many efficient proposals for limited-size problems which fit directly in the shared memory of CUDA GPUs, however, there are few GPU proposals that tackle the design of efficient algorithms for large problem sizes that exceed shared memory storage capacity. In this work, we present a tuning strategy that addresses this problem for some parallel prefix algorithms that can be represented according to a set of common permutations of the digits of each of its element indices [1], denoted as Index-Digit (ID) algorithms. Specifically, our strategy has been applied to develop flexible Multi-Stage (MS) algorithms for the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm (MS-ID-FFT) and a tridiagonal system solver (MS-ID-TS) on the GPU. The resulting implementation is compact and outperforms other well-known and commonly used state-of-the-art libraries, with an improvement of up to 1.47x with respect to NVIDIA's complex CUFFT, and up to 33.2x in comparison with NVIDIA's CUSPARSE for real data tridiagonal systems