1,979 research outputs found

    On The Road to Euro: How Synchronized Is Estonia with the Euro zone?

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    While the currency board served Estonia well during transition in the 1990s, it has limited its ability to counter the impact of the global financial crisis and heightened the currency risks. The euro adoption has thus become a top policy priority again. However, this paper finds that even after almost two decades of hard peg with the core of the euro zone shocks affecting Estonia are relatively weakly synchronized with those of the zone, contributing to large output volatility. Nevertheless, the case for euro adoption by Estonia holds, since the costs of the loss of independent monetary policy were paid, and – as the global financial crisis demonstrated – the currency board is no substitute for the common currency. To reduce future output volatility, Estonia should move to counter-cyclical fiscal policies, maintain labor and product market flexibility, and adopt policies stimulating rise in the knowledge and high-tech content of its production.shock synchronization; structural VAR; euro adoption; financial crisis; Estonia

    On The Road to Euro: How Synchronized Is Estonia with the Euro zone?

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    While the currency board served Estonia well during transition in the 1990s, it has limited its ability to counter the impact of the global financial crisis and heightened the currency risks. The euro adoption has thus become a top policy priority again. However, this paper finds that even after almost two decades of hard peg with the core of the euro zone shocks affecting Estonia are relatively weakly synchronized with those of the zone, contributing to large output volatility. Nevertheless, the case for euro adoption by Estonia holds, since the costs of the loss of independent monetary policy were paid, and - as the global financial crisis demonstrated - the currency board is no substitute for the common currency. To reduce future output volatility, Estonia should move to counter-cyclical fiscal policies, maintain labor and product market flexibility, and adopt policies stimulating rise in the knowledge and high-tech content of its production

    Clinical Phenotype of Bernard Soulier Syndrome Case Resulting from Compound Heterozygous Inheritance

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    Background: Bernard Soulier Syndrome (BSS) is a rare, autosomal recessive inheritance disorder of platelet function. Estimated to affect one per one million, there are currently only 200 cases reported worldwide presenting more commonly in families with parental consanguinity. This syndrome occurs when there is a genetic defect in the subunits (GPIb-alpha, GPIB-beta, and GP9) that form the GPIb-IX-V complex. The result is inadequate binding to von Willebrand factor. The clotting cascade is, therefore, unable to begin, causing symptoms of excessive and prolonged bleeding. Objectives: We report a case with multiple episodes of exaggerated bleeding and easy bruising. Methods: We analyzed complete blood count, coagulation studies, platelet aggregation assays, platelet glycoprotein expression by flow cytometry, as well as screened both patient and parents for relevant genes responsible for BSS. Results: 14-month-old Caucasian male born at 38w3d gestational age, non-consanguineous parents with multiple episodes of exaggerated bleeding and easy bruising from minor injuries. His symptoms started early in life with excessive bleeding after circumcision. No history of intramuscular, joint, or intracranial bleeding. Complete blood counts showed macrothrombocytopenia (98 X109 /L MPV 12.3 fl) no leukocyte inclusion bodies on peripheral smear. Coagulation tests (prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, vWF antigen, and vW-Ristocetin cofactor activity, platelet function assay) were normal. Platelet glycoprotein expression by flow cytometry revealed significantly reduced binding of monoclonal antibodies to platelet GPIb and normal GPIIb/IIIa. Comprehensive platelet disorder panel revealed two clinically significant variants missense mutations in the GP9 gene (P.Cys135 Tyr and P.Asn61Ser) These variants were on opposite alleles and results were consistent with the diagnosis of Bernard Soulier syndrome (BSS). The mother reported heavy menstrual cycles, the father had no significant bleeding symptoms, and both parents had normal platelet counts. Target genetic testing identified these two distinct missense mutations from both Mother and Father of the child. Conclusion: The two rare variants occurring on the gene for GPIX (GP9) increase the number of known genetic defects associated with the manifestation of Bernard Soulier Syndrome

    Long-term exposure to low concentrations of air pollutants and hospitalisation for respiratory diseases:A prospective cohort study in Australia

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    Background: Short- and long-term spatiotemporal variation in exposure to air pollution is associated with respiratory morbidity in areas with moderate-to-high level of air pollution, but very few studies have examined whether these associations also exist in areas with low level exposure. Objectives: We assessed the association between spatial variation in long-term exposure to PM and NO and hospitalisation for all respiratory diseases, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and pneumonia, in older adults residing in Sydney, Australia, a city with low-level concentrations. Methods: We recorded data on hospitalisations for 100,084 participants, who were aged >45 years at entry in 2006–2009 until June 2014. Annual NO and PM concentrations were estimated for the participants’ residential addresses and Cox proportional hazards regression was used to model the association between exposure to air pollutants and first episode of hospitalisation, controlling for personal and area level covariates. We further investigated the shape of the exposure-response association and potential effect modification by age, sex, education level, smoking status, and BMI. Results: NO and PM annual mean exposure estimates were 17.5 ÎŒg·m and 4.5 ÎŒg·m respectively. NO and PM was positively, although not significantly, associated with asthma. The adjusted hazard ratio for a 1 ÎŒg·m increase in PM was 1.08, 95% confidence interval 0.89–1.30. The adjusted hazard ratio for a 5 ÎŒg·m increase in NO was 1.03, 95% confidence interval 0.88–1.19. We found no positive statistically significant associations with hospitalisation for all respiratory diseases, and pneumonia while negative associations were observed with COPD. Conclusions: We found weak positive associations of exposure to air pollution with hospitalisation for asthma while there was no evidence of an association for all respiratory diseases

    Walk with Me: a protocol for a pilot RCT of a peer-led walking programme to increase physical activity in inactive older adults

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    Background: Levels of physical activity decline with age. Some of the most disadvantaged individuals in society, such as those from lower socio-economic position, are also the most inactive. Increasing physical activity levels, particularly among those most inactive, is a public health priority. Peer-led physical activity interventions may offer a model to increase physical activity in the older adult population. This study aims to test the feasibility of a peer-led, multicomponent physical activity intervention in socio-economically disadvantaged community dwelling older adults. Methods: The Medical Research Council framework for developing and evaluating complex interventions will be used to design and test the feasibility of a randomised controlled trial (RCT) of a multicomponent peer-led physical activity intervention. Data will be collected at baseline, immediately after the intervention (12 weeks) and 6 months after baseline measures. The pilot RCT will provide information on recruitment of peer mentors and participants and attrition rates, intervention fidelity, and data on the variability of the primary outcome (minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity measured with an accelerometer). The pilot trail will also assess the acceptability of the intervention and identify potential resources needed to undertake a definitive study. Data analyses will be descriptive and include an evaluation of eligibility, recruitment, and retention rates. The findings will be used to estimate the sample size required for a definitive trial. A detailed process evaluation using qualitative and quantitative methods will be conducted with a variety of stakeholders to identify areas of success and necessary improvements. Discussion: This paper describes the protocol for the ‘Walk with Me’ pilot RCT which will provide the information necessary to inform the design and delivery of a fully powered trial should the Walk with Me intervention prove feasible

    A Randomized Study Comparing Digital Imaging to Traditional Glass Slide Microscopy for Breast Biopsy and Cancer Diagnosis.

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    BACKGROUND: Digital whole slide imaging may be useful for obtaining second opinions and is used in many countries. However, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration requires verification studies. METHODS: Pathologists were randomized to interpret one of four sets of breast biopsy cases during two phases, separated by ≄9 months, using glass slides or digital format (sixty cases per set, one slide per case, RESULTS: Sixty-five percent of responding pathologists were eligible, and 252 consented to randomization; 208 completed Phase I (115 glass, 93 digital); and 172 completed Phase II (86 glass, 86 digital). Accuracy was slightly higher using glass compared to digital format and varied by category: invasive carcinoma, 96% versus 93% ( CONCLUSIONS: In this large randomized study, digital format interpretations were similar to glass slide interpretations of benign and invasive cancer cases. However, cases in the middle of the spectrum, where more inherent variability exists, may be more problematic in digital format. Future studies evaluating the effect these findings exert on clinical practice and patient outcomes are required

    Emerging Themes from the ESA Symposium Entitled “Pollinator Nutrition: Lessons from Bees at Individual to Landscape Levels”

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    Pollinator populations are declining (Biesmeijer et al., 2006; Brodschneider et al., 2018; Cameron et al., 2011; Goulson, Lye, & Darvill, 2008; Kulhanek et al., 2017; National Research Council, 2007; Oldroyd, 2007), and both anecdotal and experimental evidence suggest that limited access to high quality forage might play a role (Carvell, Meek, Pywell, Goulson, & Nowakowski, 2007; Deepa et al., 2017; Goulson, Nicholls, Botias, & Rotheray, 2015; Potts et al., 2003, 2010; Vanbergen & The Insect Pollinators Initiative, 2013; Vaudo, Tooker, Grozinger, & Patch, 2015; Woodard, 2017). Multiple researchers are earnestly addressing this topic in a diverse array of insect-pollinator systems. As research continues to be published, increased communication among scientists studying the topic of nutrition is essential for improving pollinator health

    Peer-led walking programme to increase physical activity in inactive 60- to 70-year-olds: Walk with Me pilot RCT

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    Background Levels of physical activity decline with age. Some of the most disadvantaged individuals in society, such as those with a lower rather than a higher socioeconomic position, are also the most inactive. Peer-led physical activity interventions may offer a model to increase physical activity in these older adults and thus help reduce associated health inequalities. This study aims to develop and test the feasibility of a peer-led, multicomponent physical activity intervention in socioeconomically disadvantaged community-dwelling older adults. Objectives The study aimed to develop a peer-led intervention through a rapid review of previous peer-led interventions and interviews with members of the target population. A proposed protocol to evaluate its effectiveness was tested in a pilot randomised controlled trial (RCT). Design A rapid review of the literature and the pilot study informed the intervention design; a pilot RCT included a process evaluation of intervention delivery. Setting Socioeconomically disadvantaged communities in the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust and the Northern Health and Social Care Trust in Northern Ireland. Participants Fifty adults aged 60–70 years, with low levels of physical activity, living in socioeconomically disadvantaged communities, recruited though community organisations and general practices. Interventions ‘Walk with Me’ is a 12-week peer-led walking intervention based on social cognitive theory. Participants met weekly with peer mentors. During the initial period (weeks 1–4), each intervention group participant wore a pedometer and set weekly step goals with their mentor’s support. During weeks 5–8 participants and mentors met regularly to walk and discuss step goals and barriers to increasing physical activity. In the final phase (weeks 9–12), participants and mentors continued to set step goals and planned activities to maintain their activity levels beyond the intervention period. The control group received only an information booklet on active ageing. Main outcome measures Rates of recruitment, retention of participants and completeness of the primary outcome [moderate- and vigorous-intensity physical activity measured using an ActiGraph GT3X+ accelerometer (ActiGraph, LLC, Pensacola, FL, USA) at baseline, 12 weeks (post intervention) and 6 months]; acceptability assessed through interviews with participants and mentors. Results The study planned to recruit 60 participants. In fact, 50 eligible individuals participated, of whom 66% (33/50) were female and 80% (40/50) were recruited from general practices. At 6 months, 86% (43/50) attended for review, 93% (40/43) of whom returned valid accelerometer data. Intervention fidelity was assessed by using weekly step diaries, which were completed by both mentors and participants for all 12 weeks, and checklists for the level of delivery of intervention components, which was high for the first 3 weeks (range 49–83%). However, the rate of return of checklists by both mentors and participants diminished thereafter. Outcome data indicate that a sample size of 214 is required for a definitive trial. Limitations The sample was predominantly female and somewhat active. Conclusions The ‘Walk with Me’ intervention is acceptable to a socioeconomically disadvantaged community of older adults and a definitive RCT to evaluate its effectiveness is feasible. Some modifications are required to ensure fidelity of intervention delivery is optimised. Future research needs to identify methods to recruit males and less active older adults into physical activity interventions
