73 research outputs found

    Konsolidasi Tanah: Studi Kasus Kecamatan Gedebage, Kota Bandung

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    To create equal distribution of development, Gedebage region was developed as activity centre initiated by building a Sport Centre. In order to do so, a land consolidation program to collect citizen land was launched. The program was carefully designed to protect people's right on land and support the whole process. This study examines Land Consolidation Program. The research is carried out by Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) approach, using focus group discussion to collect data. The research showed that land consolidation activity was failed due to the absence of land legal document, lack of people participation and lack of government roles.Guna menciptakan pemerataan pembangunan, wilayah Gedebage dikembangkan sebagai pusat aktivitas yang diawali dengan pembangunan Pusat Olahraga (Sport Centre). Untuk itu, program konsolidasi tanah guna mengumpulkan tanah warga diluncurkan. Program tersebut dirancang dengan cermat untuk melindungi hak warga atas tanah, serta mendukung keseluruhan proses. Kajian ini meneliti Program Konsolidasi Tanah Gedebage, dengan pendekatan Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), yang menggunakan diskusi kelompok terarah guna mengumpulkan data. Hasilnya, terlihat bahwa aktivitas konsolidasi tanah telah mengalami kegagalan karena ketiadaan dokumen legal menyangkut status tanah, kurangnya partisipasi penduduk, dan lemahnya peran pemerintah

    Genomic Diversity of a Globally Used, Live Attenuated Mycoplasma Vaccine

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    : The Mycoplasma synoviae live attenuated vaccine strain MS-H (Vaxsafe MS; Bioproperties Pty., Ltd., Australia) is commonly used around the world to prevent chronic infections caused by M. synoviae in birds and to minimize economic losses in the poultry industry. MS-H is a temperature-sensitive strain that is generated via the chemical mutagenesis of a virulent M. synoviae isolate, 86079/7NS. 32 single nucleotide polymorphisms have been found in the genome of MS-H compared to that of 86079/7NS, including 25 in predicted coding sequences (CDSs). There is limited information on the stability of these mutations in MS-H in vitro during the propagation of the vaccine manufacturing process or in vivo after the vaccination of chickens. Here, we performed a comparative analysis of MS-H genomes after in vitro and in vivo passages under different circumstances. Studying the dynamics of the MS-H population can provide insights into the factors that potentially affect the health of vaccinated birds. The genomes of 11 in vitro laboratory passages and 138 MS-H bird reisolates contained a total of 254 sequence variations. Of these, 39 variations associated with CDSs were detected in more than one genome (range = 2 to 62, median = 2.5), suggesting that these sequences are particularly prone to mutations. From the 25 CDSs containing previously characterized variations between MS-H and 86079/7NS, 7 were identified in the MS-H reisolates and progenies examined here. In conclusion, the MS-H genome contains individual regions that are prone to mutations that enable the restoration of the genotype or the phenotype of wild-type 86079/7NS in those regions. However, accumulated mutations in these regions are rare. IMPORTANCE Preventative measures, such as vaccination, are commonly used for the control of mycoplasmal infections in poultry. A live attenuated vaccine strain (Vaxsafe MS; MS-H; Bioproperties Pty. Ltd., Australia) is used for the prevention of disease caused by M. synoviae in many countries. However, information on the stability of previously characterized mutations in the MS-H genome is limited. In this study, we performed a comparative analysis of the whole-genome sequences of MS-H seeds used for vaccine manufacturing, commercial batches of the vaccine, cultures minimally passaged under small-scale laboratory and large-scale manufacturing conditions, MS-H reisolated from specific-pathogen-free (SPF) chickens that were vaccinated under controlled conditions, and MS-H reisolated from vaccinated commercial poultry flocks around the world. This study provides a comprehensive assessment of genome stability in MS-H after in vitro and in vivo passages under different circumstances and suggests that most of the mutations in the attenuated MS-H vaccine strain are stable

    Valutazione della formabilità di lamiere di titanio a freddo e a tiepido

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    Il lavoro descrive i risultati di prove di trazione e di prove di formabilità limite Nakazima effettuatea temperatura ambiente e a tiepido (300°C) utili per lo sviluppo di un modello simulativo per la valutazionedella fattibilità di un elemento di geometria complessa per l’industria automobilistica, da realizzare in lamieradi titanio commercialmente puro. Si dimostra come le caratteristiche del materiale considerato, espressein termini di legge di flusso e di formabilità, cambino al variare della temperatura di lavorazione rendendofattibile o meno il prodotto. Il modello FEM e l’applicazione delle curve di flow stress e di formabilità limite(FLC) sono state validate tramite simulazione preliminare delle prove Nakazima stesse.L’approccio proposto è particolarmente adatto per definire, in ambiente virtuale, geometria e parametridi processo per operazioni di stampaggio su materiali innovativi difficilmente deformabili a temperaturaambiente e consente notevoli risparmi di tempo e di costo, evitando operazioni di “trial-and-error”normalmente utilizzate nella fase di setup del processo produttivo

    Genome-Scale Analysis of Mycoplasma agalactiae Loci Involved in Interaction with Host Cells

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    Mycoplasma agalactiae is an important pathogen of small ruminants, in which it causes contagious agalactia. It belongs to a large group of “minimal bacteria” with a small genome and reduced metabolic capacities that are dependent on their host for nutrients. Mycoplasma survival thus relies on intimate contact with host cells, but little is known about the factors involved in these interactions or in the more general infectious process. To address this issue, an assay based on goat epithelial and fibroblastic cells was used to screen a M. agalactiae knockout mutant library. Mutants with reduced growth capacities in cell culture were selected and 62 genomic loci were identified as contributing to this phenotype. As expected for minimal bacteria, “transport and metabolism” was the functional category most commonly implicated in this phenotype, but 50% of the selected mutants were disrupted in coding sequences (CDSs) with unknown functions, with surface lipoproteins being most commonly represented in this category. Since mycoplasmas lack a cell wall, lipoproteins are likely to be important in interactions with the host. A few intergenic regions were also identified that may act as regulatory sequences under co-culture conditions. Interestingly, some mutants mapped to gene clusters that are highly conserved across mycoplasma species but located in different positions. One of these clusters was found in a transcriptionally active region of the M. agalactiae chromosome, downstream of a cryptic promoter. A possible scenario for the evolution of these loci is discussed. Finally, several CDSs identified here are conserved in other important pathogenic mycoplasmas, and some were involved in horizontal gene transfer with phylogenetically distant species. These results provide a basis for further deciphering functions mediating mycoplasma-host interactions

    Active Suppression of Early Immune Response in Tobacco by the Human Pathogen Salmonella Typhimurium

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    The persistence of enteric pathogens on plants has been studied extensively, mainly due to the potential hazard of human pathogens such as Salmonella enterica being able to invade and survive in/on plants. Factors involved in the interactions between enteric bacteria and plants have been identified and consequently it was hypothesized that plants may be vectors or alternative hosts for enteric pathogens. To survive, endophytic bacteria have to escape the plant immune systems, which function at different levels through the plant-bacteria interactions. To understand how S. enterica survives endophyticaly we conducted a detailed analysis on its ability to elicit or evade the plant immune response. The models of this study were Nicotiana tabacum plants and cells suspension exposed to S. enterica serovar Typhimurium. The plant immune response was analyzed by looking at tissue damage and by testing oxidative burst and pH changes. It was found that S. Typhimurium did not promote disease symptoms in the contaminated plants. Live S. Typhimurium did not trigger the production of an oxidative burst and pH changes by the plant cells, while heat killed or chloramphenicol treated S. Typhimurium and purified LPS of Salmonella were significant elicitors, indicating that S. Typhimurium actively suppress the plant response. By looking at the plant response to mutants defective in virulence factors we showed that the suppression depends on secreted factors. Deletion of invA reduced the ability of S. Typhimurium to suppress oxidative burst and pH changes, indicating that a functional SPI1 TTSS is required for the suppression. This study demonstrates that plant colonization by S. Typhimurium is indeed an active process. S. Typhimurium utilizes adaptive strategies of altering innate plant perception systems to improve its fitness in the plant habitat. All together these results suggest a complex mechanism for perception of S. Typhimurium by plants

    Structure-Function Analysis of the HrpB2-HrcU Interaction in the Xanthomonas citri Type III Secretion System

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    Bacterial type III secretion systems deliver protein virulence factors to host cells. Here we characterize the interaction between HrpB2, a small protein secreted by the Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri type III secretion system, and the cytosolic domain of the inner membrane protein HrcU, a paralog of the flagellar protein FlhB. We show that a recombinant fragment corresponding to the C-terminal cytosolic domain of HrcU produced in E. coli suffers cleavage within a conserved Asn264-Pro265-Thr266-His267 (NPTH) sequence. A recombinant HrcU cytosolic domain with N264A, P265A, T266A mutations at the cleavage site (HrcUAAAH) was not cleaved and interacted with HrpB2. Furthermore, a polypeptide corresponding to the sequence following the NPTH cleavage site also interacted with HrpB2 indicating that the site for interaction is located after the NPTH site. Non-polar deletion mutants of the hrcU and hrpB2 genes resulted in a total loss of pathogenicity in susceptible citrus plants and disease symptoms could be recovered by expression of HrpB2 and HrcU from extrachromossomal plasmids. Complementation of the ΔhrcU mutant with HrcUAAAH produced canker lesions similar to those observed when complemented with wild-type HrcU. HrpB2 secretion however, was significantly reduced in the ΔhrcU mutant complemented with HrcUAAAH, suggesting that an intact and cleavable NPTH site in HrcU is necessary for total functionally of T3SS in X. citri subsp. citri. Complementation of the ΔhrpB2 X. citri subsp. citri strain with a series of hrpB2 gene mutants revealed that the highly conserved HrpB2 C-terminus is essential for T3SS-dependent development of citrus canker symptoms in planta

    Negative Regulation of EGFR/MAPK Pathway by Pumilio in Drosophila melanogaster

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    In Drosophila melanogaster, specification of wing vein cells and sensory organ precursor (SOP) cells, which later give rise to a bristle, requires EGFR signaling. Here, we show that Pumilio (Pum), an RNA-binding translational repressor, negatively regulates EGFR signaling in wing vein and bristle development. We observed that loss of Pum function yielded extra wing veins and additional bristles. Conversely, overexpression of Pum eliminated wing veins and bristles. Heterozygotes for Pum produced no phenotype on their own, but greatly enhanced phenotypes caused by the enhancement of EGFR signaling. Conversely, over-expression of Pum suppressed the effects of ectopic EGFR signaling. Components of the EGFR signaling pathway are encoded by mRNAs that have Nanos Response Element (NRE)–like sequences in their 3’UTRs; NREs are known to bind Pum to confer regulation in other mRNAs. We show that these NRE-like sequences bind Pum and confer repression on a luciferase reporter in heterologous cells. Taken together, our evidence suggests that Pum functions as a negative regulator of EGFR signaling by directly targeting components of the pathway in Drosophila

    Characterization of a Drosophila Alzheimer's Disease Model: Pharmacological Rescue of Cognitive Defects

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    Transgenic models of Alzheimer's disease (AD) have made significant contributions to our understanding of AD pathogenesis, and are useful tools in the development of potential therapeutics. The fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, provides a genetically tractable, powerful system to study the biochemical, genetic, environmental, and behavioral aspects of complex human diseases, including AD. In an effort to model AD, we over-expressed human APP and BACE genes in the Drosophila central nervous system. Biochemical, neuroanatomical, and behavioral analyses indicate that these flies exhibit aspects of clinical AD neuropathology and symptomology. These include the generation of Aβ40 and Aβ42, the presence of amyloid aggregates, dramatic neuroanatomical changes, defects in motor reflex behavior, and defects in memory. In addition, these flies exhibit external morphological abnormalities. Treatment with a γ-secretase inhibitor suppressed these phenotypes. Further, all of these phenotypes are present within the first few days of adult fly life. Taken together these data demonstrate that this transgenic AD model can serve as a powerful tool for the identification of AD therapeutic interventions

    Replication and active partition of integrative and conjugative elements (ICEs) of the SXT/R391 family : the line between ICEs and conjugative plasmids is getting thinner

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    Integrative and Conjugative Elements (ICEs) of the SXT/R391 family disseminate multidrug resistance among pathogenic Gammaproteobacteria such as Vibrio cholerae. SXT/R391 ICEs are mobile genetic elements that reside in the chromosome of their host and eventually self-transfer to other bacteria by conjugation. Conjugative transfer of SXT/R391 ICEs involves a transient extrachromosomal circular plasmid-like form that is thought to be the substrate for single-stranded DNA translocation to the recipient cell through the mating pore. This plasmid-like form is thought to be non-replicative and is consequently expected to be highly unstable. We report here that the ICE R391 of Providencia rettgeri is impervious to loss upon cell division. We have investigated the genetic determinants contributing to R391 stability. First, we found that a hipAB-like toxin/antitoxin system improves R391 stability as its deletion resulted in a tenfold increase of R391 loss. Because hipAB is not a conserved feature of SXT/R391 ICEs, we sought for alternative and conserved stabilization mechanisms. We found that conjugation itself does not stabilize R391 as deletion of traG, which abolishes conjugative transfer, did not influence the frequency of loss. However, deletion of either the relaxase-encoding gene traI or the origin of transfer (oriT) led to a dramatic increase of R391 loss correlated with a copy number decrease of its plasmid-like form. This observation suggests that replication initiated at oriT by TraI is essential not only for conjugative transfer but also for stabilization of SXT/R391 ICEs. Finally, we uncovered srpMRC, a conserved locus coding for two proteins distantly related to the type II (actin-type ATPase) parMRC partitioning system of plasmid R1. R391 and plasmid stabilization assays demonstrate that srpMRC is active and contributes to reducing R391 loss. While partitioning systems usually stabilizes low-copy plasmids, srpMRC is the first to be reported that stabilizes a family of ICEs