15 research outputs found

    The Influence of Repetitive UIS on Electrical Properties of Advanced Automotive Power Transistors

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    This paper investigates a degradation of three types of automotive power MOSFETs through repetitive Unclamped Inductive Switching (UIS) test typically used to evaluate the avalanche robustness of power devices. It is not uncommon in switching ap- plications that greater than the planned voltage for volt- age spikes can occur, so even the best electronic designs may encounter frequent avalanche events. Hence, there is a need to analyse the impact of repetitive avalanch- ing on the electrical performance of power transis- tors. This article focused on the shift of main electri- cal parameters: on-resistance RON , breakdown voltage VBR, threshold voltage VT H , and corresponding char- acteristics, as well as capacitances. Analysis proved that DMOS transistors are less vulnerable to repeti- tive avalanching. The most impacted parameter was on-resistance RDSon, where a 14 % increase was ob- served after 6 · 107 stress pulses. The parameters shift is attributed to hot carrier injection in the space charge region of blocking PN junction and involves mainly defects generation/activation in the drain side region of the gate oxide. For the TrenchMOS transistor, a significant shift of I − V curves was observed with considerable impact on the RON where an increase of 22 % was observed. The trench corner is verified to be the mainly degraded region by Synopsys Tech- nology Computer Aided Design (TCAD) simulations. Degradation of drain-gate capacitance CDG and input capacitance Cin was observed in all three types of anal- ysed structures. DLTS was used to verify the gener- ation/activation of defects invoked by stress. An in- crease of DLTS signal corresponding to energy levels of oxygen vacancies and impurities in SiO2 and on in- terfaces were detected on stressed samples

    Trajnostni transport blaga z uporabo rešitev kombiniranega transporta

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    The new “global”: the role of cargo maritime transport of goods with focus on the transportation corridor between Southeast Asia and Northwestern Europe

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    Research background: Our research is framed by the new institutional theory reflected in: the property rights theory [1] and transfer of ownership of goods and the transaction costs theory that might be associated with economic exchange theory. Overall, we need to consider occurrence of deglobalization and the COVID-19 crisis, which recently not just decelerated growth of the world economy, but even put it to a halt; one might conclude that (de)globalization [2] and the COVID-19 crisis are behind the new “global” [3]. Purpose of the article: We investigate the impact of connectivity between selected countries by cargo maritime transport on costs to import of 1 TEU container transporting a specific commodity in a specific transportation corridor. Methods: Our research is based on a regression analysis creating a model of UNCTAD statistics; the Liner shipping connectivity index (LSCI); and the WEF Global Competitiveness Index (GCI). We consider the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) that converges with the global maritime transportation corridor between (Southeast) Asia/China – Northwestern Europe/EU (the North Sea Region) in this respect, bearing in mind the 2017 round of the International Comparison Program recently released by the World Bank. Findings & Value added: Our research reveals correlation of the costs to import of 1 TEU container vis-à-vis the quality and intensity of liner shipping connections and the quality of the business environment determining the transaction costs in import price. Value added of the paper is our focus on sustainable development reinvigorated by prestigious international organisations and European Union institutions

    Innovative activity and business cycle: Austria in the 19th and 20th century

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    This paper focuses on the analysis of the relationship between business cycles and innovative activity in a small open economy. Small economies benefit from imports of foreign technologies through international trade and foreign investments and are subjects to significant exogenous shocks that impact their business cycle. The economic analysis is based on the demand and supply theories of innovation and economic fluctuations. Hypotheses about long term and short term (Granger) effects are tested on Austrian historical data (1852-1979) about the economic output (gross domestic product and industry production) and innovation output (granted patents). The econometric analysis utilizes vector error correction procedure to estimate time-series models of the economy. The results are interpreted in Austrian historical context. The economic-historical analysis suggests that there is no long-term relationship between business cycles and innovative activity between 1852 and 1937. The long-term relationship manifested only between 1948 and 1979. This relationship is very complex and influenced by the historical context, and it is not easy to grasp by the econometric analysis. In the short run, there is no compelling evidence trough-out the analyzed time period (1852-1979). However, we cannot fully reject the hypothesis suggesting a relationship between economic cycles and innovative activities. In the most recent period (1948-1979), we can observe a negative impact (Granger causality) of granted patents on the real GDP. Future research taking into account more countries using parametric as well as non-parametric approach could shed some light on the demand hypothesis in the pre-war and post-war development of small open economies. This paper showed that there is a long-term equilibrium between economic output and innovation activity. This result suggests that long term factors such as political stability are behind the complex relationship

    3D-printed device for DNA fragmentation prior liquid biopsy testing

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    Direct detection of DNA in complex biological samples relates to several problems regarding the selectivity and sensitivity of analyses. Therefore, DNA pre-extraction from biofluids is an emerging tool in biologically related fields. Specifically, a newly developing family of liquid biopsy techniques using PCR detection of circulating tumor DNA from blood serum or blood plasma could be significantly improved by the harnessing of fast and high-throughput DNA sample preparation. For these reasons, we have developed a 3D-printed device and a method based on gel electrophoresis for the preparative separation of DNA fragments from blood. The introduced system successfully eliminated large DNA fragments from the samples. Recovery for short DNA fragments was reaching up to 80%. The developed method was tested on complex biological matrices as blood plasma and blood serum spiked with DNA standard, and it significantly alleviated the signal of matrix DNA