13 research outputs found

    Webinar Dasar-Dasar Penulisan Manuskript Ilmiah Peningkatan Publikasi Ilmiah Webinar Zoom Meeting

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    Pekerjaan dosen di Indonesia cukup berat. Dosenharus melakukan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi; yaitu melakukan pengajaran, penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Setelah melakukan penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat, dosen diwajibkan untuk mempublikasikan karyanya pada jurnal-jurnal yang ada baik di Indonesia, maupun di luar negeri. Maka dari itu, banyak dosen yang mempunyai kesulitan untuk menulis hasil penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat untuk di publikasikan. Oleh itu, salah satu universitas yang ada di Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan, mengadakan Pelatihan Dasar-Dasar Penulisan Manuskript Ilmiah Untuk Peningkatan Publikasi Ilmiah yang dilakukan. Pelatihan ini dilakukan untuk para dosen agar dapat meningkatkan penulisan dan publikasi ilmiah. Pelatihan ini diikuti oleh sekitar 52 dosen pada universitas tersebut, ditambah dengan beberapa dosen dari beberapa universitas disekitarnya. Pelatihan dilakukan selama sehari melalui zoom yang disiapkan oleh universitas tersebut dan pelatih memberikan beberapa tips dan cara yang benar dalam penulisan karya ilmiah. Produk pelatihan ini diharapkan dapat menghasilkan karya ilmiah berupa makalah atau artikel ilmiah yang sesuai dengan kompetensi masing-masing dosen, yang nantinya dapat dipublikasikan dalam jurnal ilmiah di tingkat nasional dan internasional. Besar harapan dari universitas tersebut agar para dosen dapat melakukan penelitian dan menulis penelitian minimal satu tahun sekali dan menulis pengabdian kepada masyarakat setahun dua kali pada jurnal-jurnal nasional dan internasiona

    Webinar Pelatihan Peningkatan Keterampilan Parafrasing Penulisan Artikel Jurnal Ilmiah

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    Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris, semua dosen diharuskan untuk memiliki pengetahuan, kemampuan, keterampilan dan pemahaman dalam berbahasa Inggris. Maka dari itu, RJI Koordinasi DKI Jakarta memberikan pelatihan dan pengarahan dalam melakukan paraphrasing, membaca dan menulis artikel jurnal ilmiah sehingga penulis artikel dapat menulis kembali setelah di paraphrasing. Setelah melakukan pelatihan paraphrasing, diharapkan para dosen dapat mempublikasikan karyanya di jurnal-jurnal Indonesia yang bereputasi dan jurnal-jurnal internasional yang bereputasi. Permasalahannya adalah banyak dosen di Indonesia yang sulit melakukan paraphrasing, sehingga menyulitkan dosen tersebut untuk mempublikasikan karya ilmiahnya. Pelatihan ini diikuti oleh 62 dosen diseluruh Indonesia melalui Webinar yang diadakan oleh Relawan Jurnal Indonesia Koordinasi DKI Jakarta pada hari Senin, 25 Oktober, 2021, jam 13.30-15.00. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah semua dosen mengerti cara paraphrasing yang benar dan diharapkan dapat berkontribusi pada penulisan artikel di jurnal-jurnal nasional yang bereputasi dan jurnal-jurnal Internasional yang bereputasi

    Technological Determinism, New Literacies And Learning Process And The Impact Towards Future Learning

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    The interest of this research is to investigate technological change, new literacies and learning processes which impact future learning. With technological determinism, the members of the university need to have technological knowledge, belief of change and adopt the technology. The problem in this research is the habits in the individual who works within our campus that would not change, because with the new literacies used and introduced in communication, besides learning in using online systems will continue to be implemented.  The research sampling is conducted of 76 respondents, consisting of students, lecturers, employees, staff and technicians. And this research method uses is quantitative methods and semi-structured qualitative methods. The result obtained that there are members of campus who are willing to change in communication and the ways of thinking and acting to follow the change in future learning 4.0 industrial revolution

    Lecturer’s Attitude towards Advance Technology and Its Impact to the Learning Process: Case study in Tangerang City Campuses

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    This research aimed to determine the qualifications of lecturers in the field of social science depended on the use of advance technology, especially the power points, the Internet, and social media site. The problem that some of the lecturers preferred to use the traditional way of teaching, such as whiteboard and marker, lectures. This study research was to observe the categories of lecturers’ knowledge, ages and gender in using technology in the classroom. Also we sought lecturers’ difficulty in using technology to conduct the teaching and learning process in the classroom. The research design in this study was a quantitative method, with giving questionnaires to 107 lecturers in Tangerang City campuses. Data collection technique was taken by conducting observation, questionnaires and interview and data analysis. The result of this study research showed that there are 5 categories of lecturers’ attitudes towards advance technology based on their knowledge, ages and gender. And the purpose of the study research is to give an opportunity to increase lecturers’ qualifications for 2st century learning process and to leverage advance technology in campuses which it is to deliver contents and to engage students and lecturers learning process in ways not previously possible

    The Impact of Diffusion of Innovation on Classroom Management

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    The integration of digital technology in the school environment has led to transformative changes in classroom management, affecting both teachers and students. Teachers play a central role in this process, and research on classroom management innovations highlights various variables that influence learning outcomes. Consequently, schools must grasp the implications of adopting these innovative practices. This study employs a qualitative approach, focusing on in-depth exploration of specific scenarios related to the use of digital technology in classroom management. Interviews were conducted with school administrators, including principals, teachers, and students from secondary schools. The findings indicate that the post-COVID-19 learning environment, with the widespread use of digital technology, has significantly impacted students. The incorporation of digital tools has empowered students to manage their time effectively and actively participate in class activities. Teachers, on the other hand, have embraced digital technology for online classes and blended learning approaches, thereby enhancing students’ understanding and engagement in learning. Additionally, the evaluation processes implemented by schools have facilitated the establishment of effective learning models, resulting in the successful diffusion of innovation in classroom management. Future research could further enhance the curriculum and education system by exploring additional opportunities for utilizing digital technology in education. Keywords: diffusion of innovation, digital technology, management class

    The Role of Rationality and Technological Change in Learning Process

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    My goal in examining the role of rationality and technological change in the learning process is to investigate knowledge, the use of technology, especially in the classroom and belief from lecturers in following the changes in learning. The problems in Indonesia are that lecturers have difficulty in adopting technology and indeed need improvement, and some lecturers are even weak in technological knowledge, development of knowledge, lecturer's belief that the lecturer will never be able to change which will be complicated education on Indonesian campuses. The method used in this research is a quantitative method and is supported by a semi qualitative method using a Likert scale. Data collection was taken from 129 respondents who as lecturers spread throughout Indonesia from January 2018 to early May 2018; questionnaires were distributed using Google Form via email, Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger. The result of this study is that there is a relationship between rationality and technological change in the learning process. The author found small changes from several lecturers in using technology, even though technology became one of the tools in learning. Changes in the lecturers believe that they are difficult to adopt technology due to old age

    Basic Ethics of Religious Leaders as Social Adhesives in Society

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    Religious leaders influence people's lives in increasing community satisfaction and support through their contributions and presence. The expressions of behavior and humility of religious leaders inspire self-transparency, trust, and community satisfaction. The problem in Indonesia today is that many followers or people try to kill their religious leaders. They try to kill religious leaders because religious leaders do not establish trust. In addition, religious leaders do not understand how to apply the basic ethics that form the basis of people's lives. It can divide and violate between communities. This study investigates the problem of attempted murder of religious leaders and finds out the real problem. Almost all religious leaders cannot control their emotions and cannot apply basic ethics in social interactions in society. The research method used is a mixed-method using a questionnaire distributed on Google forms for three months to 247 respondents from all over Indonesia and interviewing eight respondents as a qualitative research method. The results showed that 34.3% of respondents indicated a low level of public trust in religious leaders in people's lives. Religious leaders who can control their emotions in dealing with the community and understand how to apply basic ethics are ideal religious figures. Respondents stated that religious leaders must be consistent and protect their followers; otherwise, people can backfire on religious leaders

    The Role of Rationality and Technological Change in Learning Process

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    My goal in examining the role of rationality and technological change in the learning process is to investigate knowledge, the use of technology, especially in the classroom and belief from lecturers in following the changes in learning. The problems in Indonesia are that lecturers have difficulty in adopting technology and indeed need improvement, and some lecturers are even weak in technological knowledge, development of knowledge, lecturer’s belief that the lecturer will never be able to change which will be complicated education on Indonesian campuses. The method used in this research is a quantitative method and is supported by a semi qualitative method using a Likert scale. Data collection was taken from 129 respondents who as lecturers spread throughout Indonesia from January 2018 to early May 2018; questionnaires were distributed using Google Form via email, Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger. The result of this study is that there is a relationship between rationality and technological change in the learning process. The author found small changes from several lecturers in using technology, even though technology became one of the tools in learning. Changes in the lecturers believe that they are difficult to adopt technology due to old age

    The Influence and Relation between Interest Rates, Tight Monetary Policy, the Growth and Development of Micro, and Small and Medium Enterprises

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    The importance of this research is to determine whether the interest rates and tight monetary policy set by Indonesian banks create obstacles for micro and small and medium enterprise (SMEs). Often when micro and SMEs face difficulties, they tend to blame interest rates and tight monetary policy. As a result, this paper seeks to research the influence of and relationship between interest rates and tight monetary policy on the growth and development of micro and SMEs. This paper uses the case study method with a quantitative and semi-structured qualitative method. The research object consists of 192 respondents from street peddlers in West Jakarta. Data was collected via observation, questionnaires, and interviews. The results revealed an influence of and relationship between interest rates, tight monetary policy, and the growth and development of micro and SMEs. Furthermore, the results showed that the micro and SMEs program is wellsuited as a twenty-first-century program for the Indonesian economy