73 research outputs found

    Approaches to Statutory Interpretation and Legislative History in France

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    The study investigated potential effects of the presentation order of numeric information on retrospective subjective judgments of descriptive statistics of this information. The studies were theoretically motivated by the assumption in the naive sampling model of independence between temporal encoding order of data in long-term memory and retrieval probability (i.e. as implied by a "random sampling'' from memory metaphor). In Experiment 1, participants experienced Arabic numbers that varied in distribution shape/variability between the first and the second half of the information sequence. Results showed no effects of order on judgments of mean, variability or distribution shape. To strengthen the interpretation of these results, Experiment 2 used a repeated judgment procedure, with an initial judgment occurring prior to the change in distribution shape of the information half-way through data presentation. The results of Experiment 2 were in line with those from Experiment 1, and in addition showed that the act of making explicit judgments did not impair accuracy of later judgments, as would be suggested by an anchoring and insufficient adjustment strategy. Overall, the results indicated that participants were very responsive to the properties of the data while at the same time being more or less immune to order effects. The results were interpreted as being in line with the naive sampling models in which values are stored as exemplars and sampled randomly from long-term memory

    Two-step actions in infancy—the TWAIN model

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    In this paper, we propose a novel model—the TWAIN model—to describe the durations of two-step actions in a reach-to-place task in human infants. Previous research demonstrates that infants and adults plan their actions across multiple steps. They adjust, for instance, the velocity of a reaching action depending on what they intend to do with the object once it is grasped. Despite these findings and irrespective of the larger context in which the action occurs, current models (e.g., Fitts’ law) target single, isolated actions, as, for example, pointing to a goal. In the current paper, we develop and empirically test a more ecologically valid model of two-step action planning. More specifically, 61 18-month olds took part in a reach-to-place task and their reaching and placing durations were measured with a motion-capture system. Our model explained the highest amount of variance in placing duration and outperformed six previously suggested models, when using model comparison. We show that including parameters of the first action step, here the duration of the reaching action, can improve the description of the second action step, here the duration of the placing action. This move towards more ecologically valid models of action planning contributes knowledge as well as a framework for assessing human machine interactions. The TWAIN model provides an updated way to quantify motor learning by the time these abilities develop, which might help to assess performance in typically developing human children

    Developmental relations between mathematics anxiety, symbolic numerical magnitude processing and arithmetic skills from first to second grade

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    We investigated the levels of and changes in mathematics anxiety (MA), symbolic numerical magnitude processing (SNMP) and arithmetic skills, and how those changes are linked to each other. Children's (n = 264) MA, SNMP and arithmetic skills were measured in Grade 1, and again in Grade 2, also including a mathematics performance test. All three constructs correlated significantly within each time point, and the rank-order stability over time was high, particularly in SNMP and arithmetic skills. By means of latent change score modelling, we found overall increases in SNMP and arithmetic skills over time, but not in MA. Most interestingly, changes in arithmetic skills and MA were correlated (i.e. steeper increase in arithmetic skills was linked with less steep increase in MA), as were changes in SNMP and arithmetic skills (i.e. improvement in SNMP was associated with improvement in arithmetic skills). Only the initial level of arithmetic skills and change in it predicted mathematics performance. The only gender difference, in favour of boys, was found in SNMP skills. The differential effects associated with MA (developmentally only linked with arithmetic skills) and gender (predicting only changes in SNMP) call for further longitudinal research on the different domains of mathematical skills.Peer reviewe

    Discrimination of small forms in a deviant-detection paradigm by 10-month-old infants

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    Using eye tracking, we investigated if 10-month-old infants could discriminate between members of a set of small forms based on geometric properties in a deviant-detection paradigm, as suggested by the idea of a core cognitive system for Euclidian geometry. We also investigated the precision of infants' ability to discriminate as well as how the discrimination process unfolds over time. Our results show that infants can discriminate between small forms based on geometrical properties, but only when the difference is sufficiently large. Furthermore, our results also show that it takes infants, on average, <3.5 s to detect a deviant form. Our findings extend previous research in three ways: by showing that infants can make similar discriminative judgments as children and adults with respect to geometric properties; by providing a first crude estimate on the limit of the discriminative abilities in infants, and finally; by providing a first demonstration of how the discrimination process unfolds over time

    Riskaversion och anstrÀngning vid prestationsbaserad ersÀttning - En kvantitativ studie pÄ bostadsmÀklare i SkÄne

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    SAMMANFATTNING Examensarbetets titel: Riskaversion och anstrĂ€ngning vid prestationsbaserad ersĂ€ttning Seminariedatum: 2013-06-07 Ämne/kurs: FEKH19, Examensarbete kandidatnivĂ„, 15 högskolepoĂ€ng Författare: Malin Andersson, Martin Damm och Marcus Lindskog Andersson Handledare: Christine Blomquist Nyckelord: Agentteorin, Incitament, Prestationsbaserad ersĂ€ttning, Riskaversion, AnstrĂ€ngning Syfte: Studiens syfte Ă€r att undersöka om samband kan pĂ„visas mellan bostadsmĂ€klares riskaversion och deras anstrĂ€ngning. Vi undersöker Ă€ven om det föreligger nĂ„got samband mellan bostadsmĂ€klares riskaversion och variablerna kön och Ă„lder. Metod: En tvĂ€rsnittsstudie med en deduktiv ansats genomfördes via en web-baserad enkĂ€t. EnkĂ€ten mĂ€tte variablerna riskaversion, anstrĂ€ngning, kön och Ă„lder. Insamlad data analyserades genom statistiska test. Detta gjordes dels för att undersöka ett eventuellt samband mellan variablerna riskaversion och anstrĂ€ngning, dels för att undersöka ett eventuellt samband mellan riskaversion och variablerna kön och Ă„lder. Teoretiska perspektiv: Det teoretiska ramverket har sin utgĂ„ngspunkt i agentteorin som beskriver intressekonflikten mellan principalen och agenten samt hur risk förflyttas frĂ„n principalen till agenten dĂ„ ersĂ€ttningen Ă€r prestationsbaserad. Enligt teorin har agenter olika attityd till risktagande. En mindre riskavert person kommer att anstrĂ€nga sig mer vid prestationsbaserad ersĂ€ttning jĂ€mfört med en mer riskavert sĂ„dan. Dock Ă€r sambandet mellan riskaversion och anstrĂ€ngning vid prestationsbaserad ersĂ€ttning ett Ă€mne som Ă€r tĂ€mligen outforskat. Empiri: Tidigare forskning tyder pĂ„ att kvinnor tenderar att vara mer riskaverta Ă€n mĂ€n och att Ă€ldre Ă€r mer riskaverta Ă€n yngre. Vi har valt att undersöka bostadsmĂ€klarbranschen i SkĂ„ne och vĂ„rt urval bestĂ„r av bostadsmĂ€klare i Malmö/Lund eftersom könsfördelning och Ă„ldersspridning i denna region Ă€r proportionerlig med vĂ„r population. Att vara bostadsmĂ€klare anses vara riskfyllt eftersom ersĂ€ttningen inom denna bransch ofta Ă€r helt provisionsbaserad och det pĂ„gĂ„r en debatt huruvida ersĂ€ttningssystemet Ă€r optimalt inom branschen. Detta gör det intressant och lĂ€mpligt att utföra undersökningen pĂ„ bostadsmĂ€klarbranschen. Resultat: Studien visar att det inte förekommer nĂ„got signifikant linjĂ€rt samband mellan riskaversion och anstrĂ€ngning vid prestationsbaserad ersĂ€ttning. Det finns dock en mycket svag negativ korrelation mellan riskaversion och anstrĂ€ngning. Vi kan ej heller pĂ„visa nĂ„gon signifikant skillnad mellan mĂ€n och kvinnors riskaversion. Vidare visade undersökningen att det inte förekommer nĂ„got signifikant linjĂ€rt samband mellan riskaversion och Ă„lder. Vi ser dock en mycket svag tendens till att riskaversionen ökar i takt med att respondenterna blir Ă€ldre. PĂ„ grund av för lĂ„ga signifikansnivĂ„er i samtliga tester kan vi inte med sĂ€kerhet sĂ€ga att de erhĂ„llna resultaten Ă€r representativa för populationen

    The social foundation of executive function

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    In this study, we propose that infant social cognition may ‘bootstrap' the successive development of domain‐general cognition in line with the cultural intelligence hypothesis. Using a longitudinal design, 6‐month‐old infants (N = 118) were assessed on two basic social cognitive tasks targeting the abilities to share attention with others and understanding other peoples' actions. At 10 months, we measured the quality of the child's social learning environment, indexed by parent's abilities to provide scaffolding behaviors during a problem‐solving task. Eight months later, the children were followed up with a cognitive test‐battery, including tasks of inhibitory control and working memory. Our results showed that better infant social action understanding interacted with better parental scaffolding skills in predicting simple inhibitory control in toddlerhood. This suggests that infants' who are better at understanding other's actions are also better equipped to make the most of existing social learning opportunities, which in turn may benefit future non‐social cognitive outcomes

    Att spela pÄ konjunktioner : en studie av hur feedback pÄverkar konjunktionsfel

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    Denna studie undersöker hur antalet konjunktionsfel pÄverkas av feedback av varierande komplexitet. Ett konjunktionsfel uppstÄr nÀr en sammansatt hÀndelse A&amp;B bedöms som mer sannolik Àn nÄgon av de ingÄende hÀndelserna A eller B. Ett datorbaserat experiment med 45 deltagare fördelade pÄ tre betingelser (Singel, Trippel, Mix) kördes. I en trÀningsfas bedömde deltagarna utgÄngen pÄ spelkuponger innehÄllande en fotbollsmatch (Singel), tre fotbollsmatcher (Trippel) eller bÄde en och tre fotbollsmatcher (Mix) och fick feedback pÄ bedömningarna. I en testfas gjorde alla deltagarna bedömningar av sannolikheten för vinst pÄ spelkuponger med en eller tre fotbollsmatcher. Resultaten visar pÄ att en komplex feedback, av bÄde komponenter och konjunktioner, reducerar proportionen konjunktionsfel mer Àn feedback av bara komponenter eller konjunktioner. Dock Àr konjunktionsfelet robust, trots att försöksdeltagare fÄr feedback och har kunskap om sannolikheter för konjunktioner och komponenter

    Bildning, vetenskaplighet och högskolemÀssig utbildning : En textanalys

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    Syftet med denna uppsats Ă€r att utforska innebörden hos begreppen Bildning och HögskolemĂ€ssighet sĂ„ som de anvĂ€nds i debatten kring svensk högre utbildning i början av 2000-talet. Vidare vill studien se om det Ă€r möjligt, utifrĂ„n de innebörder begreppen ges, att bedriva en högre utbildning som innefattar dem bĂ„da. För att fĂ„ en hanterlig analys har endast en delaspekt av HögskolemĂ€ssighet, vetenskaplighet, analyserats. Studien har genomförts som en textanalys av nio texter med anknytning till svensk högre utbildning. Analysen har bestĂ„tt av tvĂ„ steg. För det första en idĂ©analys dĂ€r innebörder av begreppen identifierats och klassificerats och för det andra en diskursanalys dĂ€r innebörderna satts i ett sammanhang genom att beskriva den formande praktik, den diskurs, som gett dem deras innebörd. IdĂ©analysen visar pĂ„ ett brett bildningsbegrepp och tolv dimensioner av begreppet identifieras. För vetenskaplighetsbegreppet identifieras fyra dimensioner. Diskursanalysen visar pĂ„ ett bildningsbegrepp som Ă€r starkt prĂ€glat av Högskoleverkets dokument kring bildning. Högskoleverket har uttryckt en önskan om ett brett bildningsbegrepp nĂ„got som kommit att ge ett bildningsbegrepp som innefattar innebörder som historiskt sett varit Ă„tskilda. Det vetenskaplighetsbegrepp som identifieras hĂ€mtar innebörder frĂ„n sĂ„vĂ€l klassiska som kontemporĂ€ra vetenskapsideal. I materialet identifieras tre tendenser hos begreppen. För det första en breddning av bildningsbegreppet dĂ€r allt fler och ibland motstridiga innebörder kommit att inkorporeras. För det andra en ”utbildningifiering” av bildningsbegreppet som innebĂ€r att bildning som begrepp rör sig mot utbildning, en utveckling som kan ses som en degradering av bildningsbegreppet, och för det tredje en överlappning av begreppen bildning och vetenskaplighet. Den senare tendensen ger upphov till en diskurs dĂ€r sĂ„vĂ€l bildning som vetenskaplighet Ă€r nödvĂ€ndiga komponenter i en högskolemĂ€ssig högre utbildning

    Att spela pÄ konjunktioner : en studie av hur feedback pÄverkar konjunktionsfel

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    Denna studie undersöker hur antalet konjunktionsfel pÄverkas av feedback av varierande komplexitet. Ett konjunktionsfel uppstÄr nÀr en sammansatt hÀndelse A&amp;B bedöms som mer sannolik Àn nÄgon av de ingÄende hÀndelserna A eller B. Ett datorbaserat experiment med 45 deltagare fördelade pÄ tre betingelser (Singel, Trippel, Mix) kördes. I en trÀningsfas bedömde deltagarna utgÄngen pÄ spelkuponger innehÄllande en fotbollsmatch (Singel), tre fotbollsmatcher (Trippel) eller bÄde en och tre fotbollsmatcher (Mix) och fick feedback pÄ bedömningarna. I en testfas gjorde alla deltagarna bedömningar av sannolikheten för vinst pÄ spelkuponger med en eller tre fotbollsmatcher. Resultaten visar pÄ att en komplex feedback, av bÄde komponenter och konjunktioner, reducerar proportionen konjunktionsfel mer Àn feedback av bara komponenter eller konjunktioner. Dock Àr konjunktionsfelet robust, trots att försöksdeltagare fÄr feedback och har kunskap om sannolikheter för konjunktioner och komponenter

    Is the Intuitive Statistician Eager or Lazy? : Exploring the Cognitive Processes of Intuitive Statistical Judgments

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    Numerical information is ubiquitous and people are continuously engaged in evaluating it by means of intuitive statistical judgments. Much research has evaluated if people’s judgments live up to the norms of statistical theory but directed far less attention to the cognitive processes that underlie the judgments. The present thesis outlines, compares, and tests two cognitive models for intuitive statistical judgments, summarized in the metaphors of the lazy and eager intuitive statistician. In short, the lazy statistician postpones judgments to the time of a query when the properties of a small sample of values retrieved from memory serve as proxies for population properties. In contrast, the eager statistician abstracts summary representations of population properties online from incoming data. Four empirical studies were conducted. Study I outlined the two models and investigated whether an eager or a lazy statistician best describes how people make intuitive statistical judgments. In general the results supported the notion that people spontaneously engage in a lazy process. Under certain specific conditions, however, participants were able to induce abstract representations of the experienced data. Study II and Study III extended the models to describe naive point estimates (Study II) and inference about a generating distribution (Study III). The results indicated that both the former and the latter type of judgment was better described by a lazy than an eager model. Finally, Study IV, building on the support in Studies I-III, investigated boundary conditions for a lazy model by exploring if statistical judgments are influenced by common memory effects (primacy and recency). The results indicated no such effects, suggesting that the sampling from long-term memory in a lazy process is not conditional on when the data is encountered. The present thesis makes two major contributions. First, the lazy and eager models are first attempts at outlining a process model that could possibly be applied for a large variety of statistical judgments. Second, because a lazy process imposes boundary conditions on the accuracy of statistical judgments, the results suggest that the limitations of a lazy intuitive statistician would need to be taken into consideration in a variety of situations
