216 research outputs found

    La lutte au terrorisme international au Canada: panopticon ou banopticon ?

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    Depuis quelques années, mais surtout depuis le 11 septembre 2001, les contrôles migratoires sont devenus le locus principal d’affirmation du pouvoir souverain dans les pays occidentaux. La mouvance sécuritaire actuelle semble avoir donné les outils conceptuels nécessaires aux États pour leur permettre d’amalgamer des notions autrefois distinctes, comme la sécurité et l’immigration, et d’en inférer des liens qui paraissent désormais naturels et évidents aux yeux du public. Le Canada s’inscrit aussi dans cette mouvance où l’immigrant et l’étranger sont désormais pensés en relation avec l’illégalité, la criminalité et le sujet de non-droit. En pratique, cela se traduit par la mise en œuvre étatique d’un pouvoir souverain qui se manifeste clairement et ouvertement dans le cadre de contrôles migratoires de plus en plus serrés et contraignants. Ainsi, alimenté par la justification sécuritaire, par l’affect de la peur et par la nécessité de combattre le terrorisme international, le Canada applique ses lois et ses politiques de manière à exercer un contrôle accru sur sa population, plus particulièrement sur les migrants en général, mais encore davantage sur les demandeurs d’asile et les réfugiés soupçonnés de terrorisme. La mise en œuvre de pratiques restrictives à l’endroit des demandeurs d’asile et des réfugiés est facilitée par une conviction très tenace. À la lumière de son comportement, le gouvernement canadien semble convaincu que l’exclusion, l’expulsion, voire le refoulement, à l’extérieur du territoire national des personnes jugées être de potentiels terroristes, permettront de renforcer la sécurité nationale. Cette conviction est elle-même supportée par une autre, à savoir la croyance selon laquelle le pouvoir souverain d’exclure quelqu’un du territoire est absolu et, qu’en situation d’exception, il ne peut être limité d’aucune manière par le droit international. Suivant ceci, la lutte antiterroriste s’exécute presque exclusivement par le rejet des éléments potentiellement dangereux à l’extérieur du pays, au détriment d’autres mesures moins attentatoires des droits et libertés, plus légitimes et plus à même de remplir les objectifs liés à la lutte au terrorisme international. Dans notre étude, par une relecture d’une décision paradigmatique de la Cour suprême du Canada, l’affaire Suresh, nous chercherons à ébranler ces convictions. Notre thèse est à l’effet que la prétention du Canada à vouloir en arriver à un monde plus sécuritaire, en excluant d’une protection internationale contre la torture et en refoulant de potentiels terroristes à l'extérieur de son territoire, constitue une entreprise vouée à l’échec allant potentiellement à l’encontre des objectifs de lutte au terrorisme et qui se réalise présentement dans le déni de ses obligations internationales relatives aux droits de l’Homme et à la lutte contre l’impunité. Généralement, à la lumière d’une analyse de certaines obligations du Canada dans ces domaines, notre étude révélera trois éléments, ceux-ci se trouvant en filigrane de toute notre réflexion. Premièrement, le pouvoir souverain du Canada d’exclure des individus de son territoire n’est pas absolu. Deuxièmement, le droit d’une personne à obtenir protection non plus n’est pas absolu et des mécanismes d’équilibrage existant en droit international permettent de protéger les personnes tout en s’assurant que le Canada ne devienne pas un refuge pour les terroristes potentiels. Troisièmement, le Canada est astreint à d’autres obligations internationales. Celles-ci protègent les personnes exclues d’une protection et forcent le gouvernement à lutter contre l’impunité.In recent years, but especially since September 11, 2001, migration control has become the primary locus of assertion of sovereign power in western countries. The current security trend seems to have provided governments with the conceptual tools needed to merge notions that used to be distinct, such as security and immigration, and derive links that now appear natural and obvious in the eyes of the public. Canada has also been caught up in this movement, in which immigrants and foreigners are associated with illegality, criminality and rightlessness. In practice, this translates into government application of sovereign power that can be seen clearly and openly in increasingly severe and restrictive migration controls. Thus, fed by security rationales, fear and the need to combat international terrorism, Canada applies its laws and policies so as to increase control over its population, particularly over migrants in general, but even more so over asylum seekers and refugees suspected of terrorism. The implementation of restrictive practices targeting asylum seekers and refugees is facilitated by a very tenacious belief. Given its behaviour, the Canadian government seems persuaded that exclusion, deportation and even refoulement of potential terrorists can strengthen national security. This belief is itself supported by another, namely that Canada’s sovereign power to exclude an individual from its territory is absolute and, aside from in exceptional situations, cannot be limited by international law in any way. Accordingly, the war on terrorism is proceeding almost exclusively by throwing potentially dangerous elements from the country, to the detriment of other measures that could minimize violations of rights and freedoms, and would be more legitimate and more appropriate for achieving the objectives of the fight against international terrorism. In our study, through a rereading of Suresh, a paradigmatic Supreme Court of Canada decision, we seek to shake these beliefs. Our thesis is that Canada’s attempt to achieve a safer world by excluding international protection from torture and preventing potential terrorists from ever entering the country is doomed to failure and could create obstacles to combating terrorism if international responsibilities with respect to human rights and the fight against impunity are not met. Generally, in light of analysis of some of Canada’s obligations in these areas, our study pinpoints three elements, which underlie our reflection. First, Canada’s sovereign power to exclude individuals from its territory is not absolute. Second, an individual’s right to protection is also not absolute and there are balancing mechanisms in international law that are designed to protect individuals while ensuring that Canada does not become a refuge for potential terrorists. Third, Canada is bound by other international obligations, which protect excluded individuals and require the government to combat impunity

    Investigation des éléments génomiques impliqués dans la perte de virulence d’Aeromonas salmonicida ssp. salmonicida suite à un stress thermique

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    Aeromonas salmonicida ssp. salmonicida est l’agent étiologique de la furonculose chez les salmonidés, spécialement les poissons d’élevage. Les pertes économiques pour l’aquaculture au Québec liées à cette maladie sont considérables. En raison des traitements par antibiotiques, on observe une émergence de souches d’A. salmonicida ssp. salmonicida résistantes aux antibiotiques. C’est pourquoi différentes alternatives, dont la vaccination, sont étudiées afin de prévenir la furonculose. Généralement, les vaccins utilisés injectent des bactéries mortes. En revanche cette méthode peut être laborieuse et inefficace. Ce projet s’intéresse au développement de souches vivantes atténuées qui pourraient être utilisées comme vaccin dans les piscicultures. Des études antérieures ont démontré que la virulence de la bactérie pouvait être atténuée lorsqu’exposée à un stress. Cela est expliqué par la perte des gènes du système de sécrétion de type trois (SSTT), qui ont un rôle essentiel dans la virulence de la bactérie. Cependant, le mécanisme reste encore inconnu et conséquemment, ce projet avait comme principal objectif d’identifier et caractériser les différents éléments génomiques pouvant contribuer à l’instabilité du SSTT. Tout d’abord, plusieurs souches d’A. salmonicida ssp. salmonicida ont été cultivées à 25 °C, ce qui est supérieur à leur température optimale de 18 °C. Les résultats ont révélé que certaines souches pouvaient perdre leur SSTT, mais que d’autres étaient réfractaires à la délétion des gènes malgré leur exposition à un stress. Une analyse génomique de ces différentes souches a permis d’identifier la présence d’un regroupement de gènes qui semble jouer un rôle dans l’instabilité du SSTT. Ces gènes sont retrouvés en majorité chez les souches sensibles et ils sont absents pour les souches réfractaires. Ce regroupement de gènes sera étudié en vue de créer des souches atténuées à partir de souches réfractaires. Ces souches seront ensuite testées sur les poissons pour déterminer l’efficacité de cette approche vaccinale contre la furonculose.Aeromonas salmonicida ssp. salmonicida is the causative agent of furunculosis in salmonids, especially in farmed fish. The economic losses for aquaculture in Quebec related to this disease are considerable. As a result of antibiotic treatments, there is the emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains of Aeromonas salmonicida ssp. salmonicida. This is why different alternatives, including vaccination, are being studied to prevent furunculosis. Historically, the vaccines used are composed of dead bacteria. However, this method can be laborious and inefficient. This project is interested in the development of live attenuated strains that could be used as a vaccine in fish farms. Previous studies have shown that the virulence of the bacteria can be reduced when exposed to stress. This is explained by the loss of the genes of the type three secretion system (TTSS), which is essential in the virulence of the bacteria. However, the mechanism is still not fully understood and consequently the main objective of this project was to identify and characterize the different genomic elements that can contribute to the instability of TTSS. First, several strains of A. salmonicida ssp. salmonicida were grown at 25 ° C, which is above their optimum temperature of 18 ° C. The results revealed that some strains could lose their TTSS, but others were resistant to gene deletion despite their exposure to stress. Genomic analysis of these different strains identified the presence of a cluster of genes that appears to play a role in the instability of TTSS. These genes are found mostly in sensitive strains and they are absent in refractory strains. This cluster of genes will be studied to create attenuated strains from refractory strains. These strains will then be tested on fish to determine the effectiveness of these strains as a vaccine approach against furunculosis

    Réactivité et manipulation de nanotubes de carbone monocouches : fonctionnalisation de surface par greffage covalent et mise en oeuvre comme agent structurant.

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    This thesis work is concerned with the use of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) as structural directing agent, and with the covalent grafting of SWNTs in order to modify their surface properties. In the first part, we discuss the use of SWNTs as structural directing agent in the synthesis, in the hydrothermal way, of mesoporous aluminosilicates. Some composites presenting the MCM-41 structure are thus formed. They are characterized by electronic microscopy, Raman diffusion, X-ray diffraction and adsorption-desorption of N2. Isolated nanotubes in the mesopores were observed with transmission microscopy, but the structure of the composites is not yet well defined. The second part deals with the fluorination of SWNTs with F2. The spectroscopic evolutions of fluorinated buckypapers are discussed as a function of growing amounts of grafted fluorine. The good solvation properties of C2F fluorotubes in isopropanol is highlighted by atomic force microscopy (observation of a majority of isolated tubes, and not bundles). The defluorination reaction, using hydrazine, has been studied with Raman diffusion, first upon solvated fluorotubes, then upon isolated fluorotubes deposited on a surface. The evolution of the radial breathing modes, observed after defluorination, are explained by the bundle effect. The last chapter is focused on the grafting of aryl groups on SWNTs, using the electrochemical reduction of diazonium salts. Thin films made of nanotubes are utilized as a work electrode in a constant potential device. The grafting of 4-bromophenyl, 4-carboxyphenyl and 4-chloromethylphenyl groups are characterized with Raman diffusion and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The possibility of coupling some grafted aryls and other groups has been explored upon nanotubes functionalised with 4-chloromethylphenyls (nucleophilic substitutions with amines and diamines).Ce travail de thèse est consacré à l'utilisation de nanotubes de carbone monocouches (SWNTs) comme agent structurant, ainsi qu'au greffage covalent de SWNTs en vue de modifier leurs propriétés de surface. La première partie traite de l'emploi de SWNTs comme agent structurant dans la synthèse, par voie hydrothermale, d'aluminosilicates mésoporeux de type MCM-41. Les composites qui en résultent sont caractérisés par microscopie électronique, diffusion Raman, diffraction des rayons X et adsorption-désorption de N2. La microscopie à transmission a permis d'observer la présence de nanotubes isolés au sein des mésopores, mais la structure des composites n'est pas encore clairement élucidée. La deuxième partie aborde la fluoration de SWNTs par F2. Les évolutions spectroscopiques de buckypapers fluorés sont suivies en fonction de stoechiométries CnF croissantes. La bonne solubilité des fluorotubes C2F dans l'isopropanol est mise en évidence par microscopie à force atomique (observation d'une majorité de tubes isolés, et non pas de fagots). La réaction de défluoration, utilisant l'hydrazine, a été étudiée par diffusion Raman, d'abord sur des fluorotubes en solution, puis sur des fluorotubes isolés préalablement déposés sur une surface. Les évolutions des modes radiaux observées après défluoration sont expliquées par l'effet fagot. Le dernier chapitre traite du greffage de groupes aryles sur des SWNTs, par réduction électrochimique de sels de diazonium. Des films minces de nanotubes sont employés comme électrode de travail dans un montage à potentiel constant. Les greffages de groupes 4-bromophényles, 4-carboxyphényles et 4-chlorométhylphényles ont été caractérisés par spectroscopies de diffusion Raman et de photoélectrons X. La possibilité d'effectuer des couplages entre les aryles greffés et d'autres groupes a été explorée sur les nanotubes fonctionnalisés par les 4-chlorométhylphényles (substitutions nucléophiles par des amines et diamines)

    Wave front migration of endothelial cells in a bone-implant interface

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    The neo-vascularization of the host site is crucial for the primary fixation and the long-term stability of the bone-implant interface. Our aim was to investigate the progression of endothelial cell population in the first weeks of healing. We proposed a theoretical reactive model to study the role of initial conditions, random motility, haptotaxis and chemotaxis in interactions with fibronectin factors and transforming angiogenic factors. The application of governing equations concerned a canine experimental implant and numerical experiments based upon statistical designs of experiments supported the discussion. We found that chemotaxis due to transforming angiogenic factors was attracting endothelial cells present into the host bone. Haptotaxis conditioned by fibronectin factors favored cells adhesion to the host bone. The combination of diffusive and reactive effects nourished the wave front migration of endothelial cells from the host bone towards the implant. Angiogenesis goes together with new-formed bone formation in clinics, so the similarity of distribution patterns of mineralized tissue observed in-vivo and the spatio-temporal concentration of endothelial cells predicted by the model, tended to support the reliability of our theoretical approach

    Crystallisation in flow Part I: paleo-circulation track by texture analysis and magnetic fabrics.

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    International audienceIn order to better define the dependence of the mineral texture on flow, Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) and microscopic observations have been performed on calcite rich precipitations occurring in a horizontal pipe where the flow direction is clearly defined. Sixty-five cubes were cut from 5 slices, magnetic studies identified-pseudo-single domain magnetite as the major AMS carrier. Horizontal foliation characterizes the magnetic fabrics and the lineation is parallel to the pipe axis, i.e. the flow direction. The origin of this lineation is discussed and is interpreted to be mainly the consequence of elongated pseudo single domain magnetite. To complete the magnetic fabric studies, shape preferred orientation statistics were performed on 563 calcite sections in the (0001) calcite plane. It shows elongated shapes with a general orientation parallel to the pipe axis. The mean shape orientation is the average of two distinct sub-populations that deviated slightly from the pipe axis. Observation on calcite shapes and the direction of the magnetic lineation are coherent, suggesting that it is possible to track hydrothermal paleo-circulation using magnetic lineation and petrographic fabrics

    Micro-confinement of bacteria into w/o emulsion droplets for rapid detection and enumeration

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    International audienceToday, rapid detection and identification of bacteria in microbiological diagnosis is a major issue. Reference methods usually rely on growth of microorganisms, with the drawback of lengthy time-to-result. The method provides global information on a clonal population that is known to be inhomogeneous relative to metabolic states and activities. Therefore, there may be a significant advantage of methods that allow characterisation of individual bacteria from a large population, both for test time reduction and the clinical value of the characterisation. We report here a method for rapid detection and real-time monitoring of the metabolic activities of single bacteria. Water-in-oil emulsions were used to encapsulate single Escherichia coli cells into picolitre (pL)-sized microreactor droplets. The glucuronidase activity in each droplet was monitored using the fluorogenic reporter molecule MUG (4-methylumbelliferyl- - d-glucuronide) coupled to time-lapse fluorescence imaging of the droplets. Such bacterial confinement provides several major advantages. (1) Enzymatic activities of a large number of single bacterium-containing droplet could be monitored simultaneously, allowing the full characterisation of metabolic heterogeneity in a clonal population. We monitored glucuronidase enzymatic activity and growth over ∼200 single bacteria over a 24-h period. (2) Micro-confinement of cells in small volumes allows rapid accumulation of the fluorescent metabolite, hence decreasing the detection time. Independent of the initial concentration of bacteria in the sample, detection of the presence of bacteria could be achieved in less than 2 h. (3) Considering the random distribution of bacteria in droplets, this method allowed rapid and reliable enumeration of bacteria in the initial sample. Overall, the results of this study showed that confinement of bacterial cells increased the effective concentration of fluorescent metabolites leading to rapid (2 h) detection of the fluorescent metabolites, thus significantly reducing time to numeration

    Transitions - Note 5

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    Note complète ; Résumé ; Capsule 5 : L'influence des aspirations scolaires sur l'accès aux études postsecondaires

    Pharmacokinetic modelling and development of Bayesian estimators for therapeutic drug monitoring of mycophenolate mofetil in reduced-intensity haematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Mycophenolate mofetil, a prodrug of mycophenolic acid (MPA), is used during non-myeloablative and reduced-intensity conditioning haematopoetic stem cell transplantation (HCT) to improve engraftment and reduce graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). However, information about MPA pharmacokinetics is sparse in this context and its use is still empirical. OBJECTIVES: To perform a pilot pharmacokinetic study and to develop maximum a posteriori Bayesian estimators (MAP-BEs) for the estimation of MPA exposure in HCT. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Fourteen patients administered oral mycophenolate mofetil 15 g/kg three times daily were included. Two consecutive 8-hour pharmacokinetic profiles were performed on the same day, 3 days before and 4 days after the HCT. One 8-hour pharmacokinetic profile was performed on day 27 after transplantation. For these 8-hour pharmacokinetic profiles, blood samples were collected predose and 20, 40, 60, 90 minutes and 2, 4, 6 and 8 hours post-dose. Using the iterative two-stage (ITS) method, two different one-compartment open pharmacokinetic models with first-order elimination were developed to describe the data: one with two gamma laws and one with three gamma laws to describe the absorption phase. For each pharmacokinetic profile, the Akaike information criterion (AIC) was calculated to evaluate model fitting. On the basis of the population pharmacokinetic parameters, MAP-BEs were developed for the estimation of MPA pharmacokinetics and area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) from 0 to 8 hours at the different studied periods using a limited-sampling strategy. These MAP-BEs were then validated using a data-splitting method. RESULTS: The ITS approach allowed the development of MAP-BEs based either on 'double-gamma' or 'triple-gamma' models, the combination of which allowed correct estimation of MPA pharmacokinetics and AUC on the basis of a 20 minute-90 minute-240 minute sampling schedule. The mean bias of the Bayesian versus reference (trapezoidal) AUCs was 20%. AIC was systematically calculated for the choice of the most appropriate model fitting the data. CONCLUSION: Pharmacokinetic models and MAP-BEs for mycophenolate mofetil when administered to HCT patients have been developed. In the studied population, they allowed the estimation of MPA exposure based on three blood samples, which could be helpful in conducting clinical trials for the optimization of MPA in reduced-intensity HCT. However, prior studies will be needed to validate them in larger populations

    Large scale analysis of routine dose adjustments of mycophenolate mofetil based on global exposure in renal transplant patients.

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: : We report a feasibility study based on our large-scale experience with mycophenolate mofetil dose adjustment based on mycophenolic acid interdose area under the curve (AUC) in renal transplant patients. METHODS: : Between 2005 and 2010, 13,930 requests for 7090 different patients (outside any clinical trial) were posted by more than 30 different transplantation centers on a free, secure web site for mycophenolate mofetil dose recommendations using three plasma concentrations and Bayesian estimation. RESULTS: : This retrospective study showed that 1) according to a consensually recommended 30- to 60-mg*h/L target, dose adjustment was needed for approximately 35% of the patients, 25% being underexposed with the highest proportion observed in the first weeks after transplantation; 2) when dose adjustment had been previously proposed, the subsequent AUC was significantly more often in the recommended range if the dose was applied than not at all posttransplantation periods (72-80% vs. 43-54%); and 3) the interindividual AUC variability in the "respected-dose" group was systematically lower than that in the "not respected-dose" group (depending on the posttransplantation periods; coefficient of variation %, 31-41% vs 49-70%, respectively). Further analysis suggested that mycophenolic acid AUC should best be monitored at least every 2 weeks during the first month, every 1 to 3 months between months 1 and 12, whereas in the stable phase, the odds to be still in the 30- to 60-mg*h/L range on the following visit was still 75% up to 1 year after the previous dose adjustment. CONCLUSION: : This study showed that the monitoring of mycophenolate mofetil on the basis of AUC measurements is a clinically feasible approach, apparently acceptable by the patients, the nurses, and the physicians owing to its large use in routine clinics

    Apport de la géologie marine à la détermination des sources de matières premières au paléolithique dans le massif armoricain : origine possible du silex utilisé sur les stations paléolithique inférieur de Menez‑Dregan (Plouhinec, Finistère, France). Implications paléoclimatiques et paléoenvironnementales

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    Le silex n’est pas présent dans le sous‑sol armoricain. Sa mise en œuvre au Paléolithique est principalement liée à la collecte de galets marins prélevés dans les cordons littoraux à différents niveaux. Toutefois, dans la couche 5d’ de Menez‑Dregan1, apparaissent des éclats de silex dont le cortex ne porte pas trace d’un transport important. L’exploitation des minutes de dragages et carottages au large de la Baie d’Audierne montre que, pour une part, le matériau qui a servi à la taille de l’outillage récolté au niveau 5d’ de Menez Dregan peut provenir d’un estran situé vers ‑40 m et localisé à une distance de 5 à 10 km de la côte actuelle lors d’une phase de régression marine associée à un début de dégradation climatique. Ces résultats sont en remarquable concordance avec ceux de la paléobotanique (anthracologie). Ceci nous donne des indications paléogéographiques et paléoenvironnementales importantes pour la connaissance des occupations paléolithiques à l’Ouest de la Bretagne.There is no flint in the armorican terrain. Its use during Palaeolithic is mainly dependent from the gathering of marine pebbles taken along the old shorelines located at different levels. However, at Menez‑Dregan1 layer 5d’, flint flakes do not show the cortex aspect which witness for a long transport. Analysis of dredging and coring samples made off Baie d’Audierne shows that, part of the raw material used to make the tools from Menez‑Dregan1 layer 5d’ may come from an old shore located at about ‑40 m depth and at a distance of 5 to 10 km from the actual coast, which developed during a marine regression phase associated with the beginning of a climatic deterioration. These results are in strong concordance with those of paleobotany (anthracology). They provide paleo‑geographic and paleoenvironmental informations for a better knowledge of the Palaeolithic presence in Western Brittany
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