3,074 research outputs found

    Neoformación de minerales de la arcilla en la España Peninsular: tendencias termidinámicas basadas en la composición de las aguas de los ríos españoles

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    [Abstract] Stable or metastabie minerals are established for 381 sampling points from river water compositions for every spanish watershed aiong the years 1974-75, 1975-76, 1981-82, 1982-83 and 1983-84, as published by the spanish Department of Public Works. Phase diagrams for the systems SiO2-Al2O3-H2O, K2O-SiO2-Al2O3-H2O, Na2O-SiO2-Al2O3-H2O, MgO-SiO2-Al2O3-H2O, and CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-H2O, for 298 K and 1 atm. conditions, are used in order to determine the mineraiogical stability, and therefore neoformation trends. Stable and metastable phases were taken into account to draw the diagrams (Fernandez Marcos and Macias, 1987). The prevailing trend in the Peninsula, according to this method, is towards kaolinite neoformation. Nevertheless differences are observed between watersheds. So kaolinite is the only stable mineral neoformed in the North watersheds while there exist severa! stable minerals (kaolinite, mica, (kaolinite, mica, chlorite, pyrophillite) or metastable ones (smectite) in the Tajo, Guadiana, Guadalquivir, South, Jucar, Segura and East Pyrenees watersheds, depending on sampling point and date. Geographic distribution of different minerals is satisfactorily explained by taking into account: rainfall distribution, sileceous or calcareous nature of ground, and upper, medium or lower position in the river course

    Insights into the room temperature magnetism of ZnO/Co3O4 mixtures

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    The origin of room temperature (RT) ferromagneticlike behavior in ZnO-based diluted magnetic semiconductors is still an unclear topic. The present work concentrates on the appearance of RT magnetic moments in just mixed ZnO/Co3O4 mixtures without thermal treatment. In this study, it is shown that the magnetism seems to be related to surface reduction of the Co3O4 nanoparticles, in which, an antiferromagnetic Co3O4 nanoparticle (core) is surrounded by a CoO-like shell. This singular superficial magnetism has also been found in other mixtures with semiconductors such as TiO2 and insulators such as Al2O3

    Diagnóstico del sistema productivo de las microempresas de los sectores de confección, ebanistería y alimentos, atendidas por el Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA) y desarrollo de un plan estratégico de soluciones /

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    Al hablar de desarrollo empresarial y por ende del desarrollo del país, el tema de la producción se hace primordial. Este es un concepto complejo que relaciona la eficacia y la eficiencia de un proceso determinado; entendiendo por lo primero sus resultados sin reparar el cómo se alcanzaron y por lo segundo la adecuada utilización de los recursos, para lograrlo hay que manejar diferentes aspectos con sus respectivos niveles de incidencia como por ejemplo: La calidad de la mano de obra, entorno laboral, la tecnología, la gestión empresarial, la provisión de insumos, la infraestructura, el desempeño macroecónomico, la dinámica de la política macroecónomico del medio ambiente competitivo y la microeconomía empresarial. En Colombia el tema de la productividad ha adquirido gran importancia debido a la preocupación por alcanzar mayores niveles de competitividad, para poder hacer frente al fenómeno de apertura económica que se viene gestando en el país, el cual obliga a las empresas a ser más productivas para poder sobrevivir en un mercado de consumidores cada vez más exigentes, debido a la gran variedad de los productos que se presentan en el mercadoIncluye bibliografí

    Aplicación para la gestión personalizada de pacientes con diabetes

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    El término "diabetes mellitus" se emplea para describir un grupo de trastornos metabólicos caracterizados por la hiperglucemia debido a la deficiencia en la secreción de insulina, acción deteriorada de la insulina o ambas condiciones. Además, se erige como una de las enfermedades no contagiosas más comunes en el mundo. Los individuos con diabetes requieren un monitoreo constante de sus niveles de glucosa y otros factores que afectan la enfermedad, lo que genera una carga importante en los centros de salud que se centran en tareas de control y seguimiento. Con el avance de las tecnologías, han surgido aplicaciones móviles orientadas a mejorar la vida de las personas afectadas por esta enfermedad. Este estudio presenta una aplicación diseñada para la gestión personalizada e integral de la diabetes, abordando las limitaciones que tienen otras aplicaciones existentes en el mercado. La aplicación captura, monitorea y analiza todos los factores relevantes que contribuyen a la enfermedad, al tiempo que evalúa el cumplimiento del paciente de los objetivos establecidos. Esta contribución aspira a mejorar la calidad de vida y las capacidades de autocuidado de las personas que padecen diabetes, ofreciendo un enfoque global de su condición

    Including coronary ostia in patient-specific 3D models of the whole aortic valve apparatus, derived from TEE, for biomechanical simulations

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    There is an increasing interest in the numerical modeling and simulation of the aortic valve behavior and functioning, on the different stages involved as healthy, stenotic or replacement procedure. As echocardiography is a ubiquitous and economic modality, the geometric model construction based on such images is therefore of major interest. In this paper, a new patient-specific approach for modeling the complete aortic valve apparatus - derived from parameters extracted from 3D transesophageal echocardiographs -that includes for the first time the left ventricle outflow tract and the coronary ostia, both crucial for proper assessment of valve biomechanical behavior, is presented. An innovative method for characterizing coronary pressures from patient-specific clinical data, to be used as boundary conditions for the numerical simulation is also described. Results from experiments were presented to evaluate the novel aspects of the model, that permits to compare the existing models (non-coronary model NCM) and the proposed new coronary model (CM). Variations of displacement and stress on each leaflet prove the need of considering leaflet asymmetry. Computed quantities in the results sections are within the range of physiological data. This permits to conclude that the proposed aortic valve apparatus model of the aortic valve apparatus improves on previous ones by considering this extremely complex structure in greater detail.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. IN606A-2017/02

    Modelling the effect of environmental and anthropogenic factors on the abundance of early life-history stages of the European sardine in the Guadalquivir estuary

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    Estuarine coastal areas play an important role in the recruitment of some small pelagic sh populations mainly when stable salinity-gradients are present. Damming of these ecosystems results in major alterations in this natural hydrological regime. Therefore, changes in the marine/freshwater balance can result in services loss, like the nursery habitat estuaries provide to small pelagic sh, such as sardines. Our previous work showed that the main important recruitment of sardine occurs in spring when this water balance is more variable. However, the drivers of sardine recruitment and particularly the interactive effects of environmental (temperature, salinity, turbidity and winds) and anthropogenic (freshwater discharges) factors are largely unknown. We modelled these effects on the abundance of sardine larvae and juveniles in the Guadalquivir estuary, the most southwestern one in the Atlantic Europe. Sardine early stages tend to occur at the most seaward and more saline sampling site in our study area. The best selected models included the freshwater ow and the wind regimen (northern-southern component) as main drivers explaining their abundance. Freshwater input –tightly controlled by a dam– had a negative short-term effect on the abundance of juvenile sardines above a critical threshold. On top of this, the wind-speed variability in the northern-southern direction showed a clear linear effect: with strong northerly winds enhancing the sardine abundance in the Guadalquivir estuary. These results contribute to the knowledge of the recruitment process of the European sardine and eventually to implementing an ecosystem approach to its fishery in the Gulf of Cadiz

    Criteria for mathematical model selection for satellite vibro-acoustic analysis depending on frequency range

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    Satellites and space equipment are exposed to diffuse acoustic fields during the launch process. The use of adequate techniques to model the response to the acoustic loads is a fundamental task during the design and verification phases. Considering the modal density of each element is necessary to identify the correct methodology. In this report selection criteria are presented in order to choose the correct modelling technique depending on the frequency ranges. A model satellite’s response to acoustic loads is presented, determining the modal densities of each component in different frequency ranges. The paper proposes to select the mathematical method in each modal density range and the differences in the response estimation due to the different used techniques. In addition, the methodologies to analyse the intermediate range of the system are discussed. The results are compared with experimental testing data obtained in an experimental modal test

    A setup for integral measurements of multiple scattering angular distributions by 10- to 100-keV electrons

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    A dedicated setup has been developed to study the angular distributions of electrons traversing thin films employing the low-energy beam available from the gun of the São Paulo Microtron. In this first stage, only integral measurements are possible using the fraction of the electron beam current collected in a Faraday cup and in a ring surrounding the entrance of the former. The overall normalisation is provided by measuring the beam current collected by the scattering chamber as well, thus covering the full solid angle. In this work, important construction specifications are presented. The experience gained by operating this system is also discussed regarding its critical aspects like: avoiding cross talk between the cup and the ring both at the physical and electronic levels, measurements of small charges deposited on large objects (the chamber in particular), and conditioning of the various surfaces involved. Finally, some selected results are compared to the well-known theory by Goudsmit and Saunderson with good agreement

    Dating the Anthropocene in deep-sea sediments: a gamma spectrometric approach

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    1 poster presented at the International meeting of Sedimentology 2017 in Toulouse, France, from October 10th to 13thUtilizando muestras de sedimentos superficiales obtenidas durante la campaña OVIDE/BOCATS 2016 y una innovadora técnica para establecer cronologías absolutas, se ha obtenido una primera estimación cuantitativa de los flujos de carbono hacia sedimentos profundos en la cuenca subpolar de Irminger. La geocronología basada en espectrometría gamma de alta resolución y bajo fondo con dos detectores simultáneos de germanio hiper-puro (HPGe) es una técnica suficientemente precisa y sensible como para datar sedimentos pelágicos profundos. El papel cuantitativo del Irminger como sumidero de carbono durante el Antropoceno se evaluó combinando una cronología basada en el radionúclido natural 210Pb junto a análisis sedimentológicos y de composición elemental. La tasa media de sedimentación para el canal central del Irminger es de 0.83±0.14 mm·yr-1. Los cálculos de flujos de carbono concluyen que durante el Antropoceno 32±14 g·Cinorg·m-2·año-1 y 4.5±3 g·Corg·m-2·año-1 sedimentan en la cuenca del Irminger, suponiendo un considerable sumidero de carbono en el área cuantificado en más de 22 Tg-C·año−1N

    Conservation of aging and cancer epigenetic signatures across human and mouse

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    Aging and cancer are two interrelated processes, with aging being a major risk factor for the development of cancer. Parallel epigenetic alterations have been described for both, although differences, especially within the DNA hypomethylation scenario, have also been recently reported. While many of these observations arise from the use of mouse models, there is a lack of systematic comparisons of human and mouse epigenetic patterns in the context of disease. However, such comparisons are significant as they allow to establish the extent to which some of the observed similarities or differences arise from pre-existing species-specific epigenetic traits. Here, we have used reduced representation bisulfite sequencing to profile the brain methylomes of young and old, tumoral and non-tumoral brain samples from human and mouse. We first characterized the baseline epigenomic patterns of the species and subsequently focused on the DNA methylation alterations associated with cancer and aging. Next, we described the functional genomic and epigenomic context associated with the alterations, and finally we integrated our data to study interspecies DNA methylation levels at orthologous CpG sites. Globally, we found considerable differences between the characteristics of DNA methylation alterations in cancer and aging in both species. Moreover, we describe robust evidence for the conservation of the specific cancer and aging epigenomic signatures in human and mouse. Our observations point towards the preservation of the functional consequences of these alterations at multiple levels of genomic regulation. Finally, our analyses reveal a role for the genomic context in explaining disease- and species-specific epigenetic traits.© The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution