1,879 research outputs found

    Efficacy of perineal massage during the second stage of labor for the prevention of perineal injury: A systematic review and meta‐analysis

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    [EN] Background: Numerous interventions to reduce perineal trauma during childbirth have been studied in recent years, including perineal massage. Objective: To determine the efficacy of perineal massage during the second stage of labor to prevent perineal damage. Search Strategy: Systematic search in PubMed, Pedro, Scopus, Web of Science, ScienceDirect, BioMed, SpringerLink, EBSCOhost, CINAHL, and MEDLINE with the terms Massage, Second labor stage, Obstetric delivery, and Parturition. Selection Criteria: The articles must have been published in the last 10 years; the perineal massage was administered to the study sample; and the experimental design consisted of randomized controlled trial. Data Collection and Analysis: Tables were used to describe both the studies' characteristics and the extracted data. The PEDro and Jadad scales were used to assess the quality of studies. Main Results: Of the 1172 total results identified, nine were selected. Seven studies were included in the meta-analysis and indicated a statistically significant decreased number of episiotomies in perineal massage. Conclusions: Massage during the second stage of labor appears to be effective in preventing episiotomies and reducing the duration of the second stage of labor. However, it does not appear to be effective in reducing the incidence and severity of perineal tears.S

    Dual-Band Integrated Antennas for DVB-T Receivers

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    An overview on compact Planar Inverted-F Antennas (PIFAs) that are suitable for monitor-equipped devices is presented. In particular, high efficiency PIFAs (without any dielectric layer) with a percentage bandwidth (%BW) greater than 59% (470–862 MHz DVB-T band) are considered. In this context, two PIFA configurations are reviewed, where a dual-band feature has been obtained, in the 3300–3800 MHz (14% percentage bandwidth) WiMAX and 2400–2484 MHz (2.7% percentage bandwidth) WLAN IEEE 802.11b,g frequency bands, respectively, to also guarantee web access to on-demand services. The two PIFAs fill an overall volume of  mm3 and  mm3, respectively. They are composed of a series of branches, properly dimensioned and separated to generate the required resonances. Finally, to show the extreme flexibility of the previous two configurations, a novel dual-band L-shape PIFA has been designed. A reflection coefficient less than −6 dB and −10 dB and an antenna gain of around 2 dBi and 6.3 dBi have been obtained in the 470–862 MHz DVB-T band and the 2400–2484 MHz WLAN band, respectively. The L-shape PIFA prototype can be obtained by properly cutting and folding a single metal sheet, thus resulting in a relatively low-cost and mechanically robust antenna configuration

    Generation of magmatism under active continental margins: A thermodynamic study of subduction and translithospheric diapirs

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    A recent model of continental arc magmatism states that subducted sediments mix physically with the oceanic slab basalts in the subduction channel and produce diapirs that ascend through the mantle wedge, undergo melting and relaminate to the base of the continental crust. From here, melt or magma batches ascend through the crust, producing the Cordilleran batholiths and associated volcanism ranging in composition from 0 to 25 wt% maficity (FeOt + MgO) and 44–79 wt% SiO2, with a gap around 11.5 wt% maficity and 57–60 wt% SiO2. This model has been predicted by thermomechanical numerical studies and later supported by phase equilibrium experiments; however, thermodynamic modelling to verify whether the composition of the Cordilleran batholiths is reproduced by this model has not yet been carried out to complement the experimental approach. In this article, the evolution of the mélange along the subduction path and during the ascent of the diapirs is investigated, with focus on the conditions of generation of the diapirs, the composition and proportion of melt at the P-T conditions of relamination of the diapirs, the relationship between the basalt:sediment proportion (the composition) of the diapir to this melt composition and proportion and whether the composition of the melts match the Cordilleran batholiths. The key point to test is the process or processes that produce the compositional variability observed in these granitoids. Our findings indicate that (1) parental melts and/or magmas range in maficity from ∼1 to ∼11.5 wt%, with the compositional gap of the Cordilleran trend representing the most mafic composition possible of the parent, (2) the diapirs are restricted to having 50–60% of sediment component: diapirs with lower sediment contents may be too dense to detach from the slab and mélanges with higher sediment contents may be too less dense to be subducted to the depth of formation of diapirs, (3) melts at 1100 °C and 1.5 GPa from these diapirs have the bulk granodioritic composition of the batholiths, (4) restite unmixing occurs when magma batches segregate from the relaminated diapirs, (5) the lower the temperature of the region of the diapir from which the batch segregates, the higher the restite content, (6) the temperature, by controlling the restite content, is the ultimate factor controlling the compositional trends of Cordilleran batholiths, and (7) fractional crystallization or cotectic evolution is still needed to account for the full compositional range of these batholiths, from the parental 1–11.5 wt% to the observed 0–25 wt% in maficity.This investigation was funded by internal funds of the University of Los Andes, Colombia (FAPA – Fondo de Ayuda a Profesores Asistentes), FAPA number INV- 2019-63-1701

    Bordetella pertussis modulates human macrophage defense gene expression

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    Bordetella pertussis, the etiological agent of whooping cough, still causes outbreaks. We recently found evidence that B. pertussis can survive and even replicate inside human macrophages, indicating that this host cell might serve as a niche for persistence. In this work, we examined the interaction of B. pertussis with a human monocyte cell line (THP-1) that differentiates into macrophages in culture in order to investigate the host cell response to the infection and the mechanisms that promote that intracellular survival. To that end, we investigated the expression profile of a selected number of genes involved in cellular bactericidal activity and the inflammatory response during the early and late phases of infection. The bactericidal and inflammatory response of infected macrophages was progressively downregulated, while the number of THP-1 cells heavily loaded with live bacteria increased over time postinfection. Two of the main toxins of B. pertussis, pertussis toxin (Ptx) and adenylate cyclase (CyaA), were found to be involved in manipulating the host cell response. Therefore, failure to express either toxin proved detrimental to the development of intracellular infections by those bacteria. Taken together, these results support the relevance of host defense gene manipulation to the outcome of the interaction between B. pertussis and macrophages.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasCentro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Fermentaciones Industriale

    Impact of Wood-Boring Larvae of Xylotrechus arvicola (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) on Mechanical Properties of Vitis vinifera Plants

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    [EN] Xylotrechus arvicola represents a significant insect pest impacting Vitis vinifera within the principal wine-producing territories of the Iberian Peninsula. The larvae of this species bore into grapevine wood, resulting in significant structural and biomechanical deterioration to the plant. Compressive and flexural tests were conducted to assess the mechanical properties of wood affected by X. arvicola. Compressive and flexural strength exhibited a decline with the escalation of the Total Damaged Surface Area (TDSA) of the samples, ranging from 0.31% to 0.73% in trunks and from 0.04 to 0.76% in branches, irrespective of the wood moisture content (fresh and dry). The most significant reduction in resistance occurred in affected dry trunks and branches. Notably, the deflection at break for dry samples was lower compared to fresh samples (65.00 and 97.85 mm, respectively). Moreover, the deflection at break for affected fresh samples (164.37 mm) significantly surpassed that of unaffected fresh samples (72.58 mm) and affected dry samples (37.50 mm). It is noteworthy that a higher percentage of TDSA coincided with diminished wood resistance. The percentage of fungal growth symptoms observed in affected wood samples was 66.66% for dry trunks, 75.00% for fresh branches, and 60.00% for dry branches. The damage inflicted by larvae facilitated the spread of grapevine diseases via emergence of holes created by insects upon exiting the wood and through the larval galleries connected to them. This damage also altered the mechanical properties of grapevine plants, with fresh branches exhibiting the most pronounced effectsSIThank you to the research program of the Universidad de León 2022 for the grant awarded to Daniela Ramírez Lozano; to the Junta de Castilla y Leon for the aid for financing the predoctoral hiring of research personnel, co-financed by the European Social Fund and translated into ORDEN EDU/875/2021 awarded to Andrea Antolín Rodríguez; and to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (Spain) for the grant awarded to Laura Zanfaño González (FPU 20/03040

    Hallazgos clínicos y radiográficos en la articulación temporomandibular en pacientes con artritis reumatoidea

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    Durante el curso de la Artritis Reumatoidea (AR) la enfermedad compromete a la articulación temporomandibular (ATM). Este artículo presenta los hallazgos encontrados durante el análisis de 190 ATM en pacientes con AR y 44 controles sin AR, incluyendo una descripción de signos y síntomas, hallazgos radiográficos en la mano y en la ATM. La muestra incluía 57,89% de pacientes asociados a dolor espontáneo en la ATM, 87,89% con signos de destrucción radiográfica, 58,94% con menos de 20 piezas dentarias. Apertura bucal disminuida en 42,1% y de éste grupo el 71% bloqueada. Existió una asociación altamente significativa A/S (r= 0,62) entre las erosiones de la mano y las de la ATM. La temprana evaluación de ésta articulación y el trabajo en colaboración entre el odontólogo y reumatólogo es necesario para un mejor manejo de la enfermedad.Over the course of rheumatoid arthritis, the disease usually involves the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). This article presents the findings during examination of 190 TMJ in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients, and 44 controls without RA, including a description of signs and symptoms, radiological findings in hands and TMJ. The sample included 57,89% TMJ associated to spontaneous pain, 87,89% with signs of destruction in radiological images, 58,94% with 20 teeths or less. Restricted mouth opening was detected in 42,1%75% and 71 % from these group was blocked. Larsen scores showed a very significant association with TMJ erosions and Larsen scores A/S (r=0,62). The early evaluation of this joint and the collaborative work of odontologists and rheumatologists are both necessary for a better management of the disease.Facultad de OdontologíaFacultad de Ciencias Médica

    Açaí extract powder as natural antioxidant on pork patties during the refrigerated storage

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    The current trends among consumers are pushing for the use of natural antioxidants options. Açaí fruit is rich on polyphenolic components but no studies have been carried out to evaluate their effect in meat products. The objective was to investigate the effect of açaí extract on refrigerated pork patties quality. Five treatments were done: without antioxidant (CON), Sodium Erythorbate 500 mg.kg − 1 (ERY), Açaí Extract: 250 (AEL), 500 (AEM), 750 mg.kg − 1 (AEH). Açaí extract did not affect the proximate composition, pH and cooking parameters. The concentrations of açaí extract studied increased antioxidant activity and reduced lipid oxidation (0.379, 0.293, and 0.217 vs. 0.889 mg MDA.kg− 1 for AEL, AEM, AEH vs. CON, respectively). However, only the AEL treatment did not affect the color parameters, showing the best option for the application on pork patties. Thus, açaí extract at 250 mg.kg− 1 can be used as a natural antioxidant replacing sodium erythorbate to preserve the quality of refrigerated pork pattiesCYTED | Ref. 119RT0568GAIN (Axencia Galega de Innovación) | Ref. IN607A2019/0

    Sleep time estimated by an actigraphy watch correlates with CSF tau in cognitively unimpaired elders: the modulatory role of APOE

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    There is increasing evidence of the relationship between sleep and neurodegeneration, but this knowledge is not incorporated into clinical practice yet. We aimed to test whether a basic sleep parameter, as total sleep estimated by actigraphy for 1 week, was a valid predictor of CSF Alzheimer’s Disease core biomarkers (amyloid-β-42 and –40, phosphorylated-tau-181, and total-tau) in elderly individuals, considering possible confounders and effect modifiers, particularly the APOE ε4 allele. One hundred and twenty-seven cognitively unimpaired volunteers enrolled in the Valdecilla Study for Memory and Brain Aging participated in this study. Seventy percent of the participants were women with a mean age of 65.5 years. After adjustment for covariates, reduced sleep time significantly predicted higher t-tau and p-tau. This association was mainly due to the APOE ε4 carriers. Our findings suggest that total sleep time, estimated by an actigraphy watch, is an early biomarker of tau pathology and that APOE modulates this relationship. The main limitation of this study is the limited validation of the actigraphy technology used. Sleep monitoring with wearables may be a useful and inexpensive screening test to detect early neurodegenerative changes.This work was supported by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Fondo de Investigación Sanitario, PI08/0139, PI12/02288, PI16/01652, and PI20/01011), the JPND (DEMTEST PI11/03028), the CIBERNED, and the Siemens Healthineer

    Bordetella pertussis modulates human macrophage defense gene expression

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    Bordetella pertussis, the etiological agent of whooping cough, still causes outbreaks. We recently found evidence that B. pertussis can survive and even replicate inside human macrophages, indicating that this host cell might serve as a niche for persistence. In this work, we examined the interaction of B. pertussis with a human monocyte cell line (THP-1) that differentiates into macrophages in culture in order to investigate the host cell response to the infection and the mechanisms that promote that intracellular survival. To that end, we investigated the expression profile of a selected number of genes involved in cellular bactericidal activity and the inflammatory response during the early and late phases of infection. The bactericidal and inflammatory response of infected macrophages was progressively downregulated, while the number of THP-1 cells heavily loaded with live bacteria increased over time postinfection. Two of the main toxins of B. pertussis, pertussis toxin (Ptx) and adenylate cyclase (CyaA), were found to be involved in manipulating the host cell response. Therefore, failure to express either toxin proved detrimental to the development of intracellular infections by those bacteria. Taken together, these results support the relevance of host defense gene manipulation to the outcome of the interaction between B. pertussis and macrophages.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasCentro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Fermentaciones Industriale

    Evaluation of the purity of magnesium hydroxide recovered from saltwork bitterns

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    Magnesium has been listed among the 30 critical raw materials by the European Union. In recent years, many green and sustainable alternative Mg2+ sources have been sought to satisfy the EU’s demand and to avoid mineral ore consumption. In this context, saltwork bitterns, the by-products of solar sea salt production, have attracted much attention thanks to their high Mg2+ concentrations (up to 80 g/L) and low Ca2+ and bicarbonate contents (95% (w/w). This work presents a comprehensive experimental effort of reactive precipitation tests with NaOH solutions at stoichiometric and over-stoichiometric concentrations to: (i) assess the technical feasibility of Mg2+ recovery from real bitterns collected in saltworks of the Trapani district (Italy) and, (ii) for the first time, conduct an extensive purity investigation of the precipitated magnesium hydroxide powders as brucite. This experimental investigation demonstrates the possibility of extracting highly valuable compounds from saltwork bittern waste, embracing the water valorization and resource recovery approach.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version