343 research outputs found

    Transient features of quantum open maps

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    We study families of open chaotic maps that classically share the same asymptotic properties -- forward and backwards trapped sets, repeller dimensions, escape rate -- but differ in their short time behavior. When these maps are quantized we find that the fine details of the distribution of resonances and the corresponding eigenfunctions are sensitive to the initial shape and size of the openings. We study phase space localization of the resonances with respect to the repeller and find strong delocalization effects when the area of the openings is smaller than \hbar.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Security for a multi-agent cyber-physical conveyor system using machine learning

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    One main foundation of Industry 4.0 is the connectivity of devices and systems using Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, where Cyber-physical systems (CPS) act as the backbone infrastructure based on distributed and decentralized structures. This approach provides significant benefits, namely improved performance, responsiveness and reconfigurability, but also brings some problems in terms of security, as the devices and systems become vulnerable to cyberattacks. This paper describes the implementation of several mechanisms to increase the security in a self-organized cyber-physical conveyor system, based on multi-agent systems (MAS) and build up with different individual modular and intelligent conveyor modules. For this purpose, the JADE-S add-on is used to enforce more security controls, also an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is created supported by Machine Learning (ML) techniques that analyses the communication between agents, enabling to monitor and analyse the events that occur in the system, extracting signs of intrusions, together they contribute to mitigate cyberattacks.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Equidad y Educación Secundaria. Estudio de casos en un centro de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria de Tenerife.

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    En el presente trabajo se va a abordar el término equidad enfocado en la educación secundaria. El objetivo principal es conocer las diferentes políticas equitativas presentes en los centros de educación secundaria. Para ello, se ha realizado un marco teórico en el que se establecen las principales visiones y enfoques sobre dicho término además de las políticas educativas actuales. Al tratarse de un estudio de casos, cuenta con el análisis de entrevistas realizadas a diferentes agentes educativos y posteriormente con su respectiva discusión. Por último, unas conclusiones y sugerencias para futuros estudios.In the present work the term equity focused on education is going to be approached. The main objective is to know the different equity policies present in educational centers. For this purpose, a theoretical framework has been developed in which the main visions and approaches to this term as well as current educational policies are established. Since this is a case study, it includes the analysis of interviews conducted with different educational agents and their respective discussion. Finally, some conclusions and suggestions for future studies

    Mecanismos bioquímicos de la Enfermedad de Alzheimer: aproximaciones terapéuticas

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    Pocas enfermedades son tan destructivas como la de Alzheimer. La población del mundo está envejeciendo irremisiblemente lo que ha aumentado la prevalencia de la demencia hasta niveles alarmantes. A través del siguiente trabajo se pretende analizar algunos de los acontecimientos que ocurren en el cerebro de estas personas, haciendo hincapié en los dos mecanismos bioquímicos que están mejor caracterizados en la patogenia de esta enfermedad, la generación del péptido β-amieloide y la hiperfosforilación de la proteína tau. Asimismo, se presta especial atención a la búsqueda de uno de los principales eslabones que vinculan ambos procesos como se cree que es la glucógeno sintasa quinasa 3β y que puede ejercer un papel importante como diana terapéutica a la hora de encontrar un tratamiento eficaz para esta terrible enfermeda

    Respuestas de adecuación ante los escenarios de cambio climático

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    La perspectiva del cambio climático abre numerosos interrogantes sobre las políticas de adaptación que resultarán más apropiadas a medio y largo plazo en el sector de la gestión de recursos hídricos. A pesar de que existe un amplio consenso en el mundo científico sobre la posible evolución de las temperaturas y precipitaciones a escala regional, resulta todavía muy difícil cuantificar el impacto que éstas tendrán sobre la disponibilidad de recursos hídricos a escala local. Los últimos estudios realizados en España concluyen que el cambio climático supondrá una presión adicional a las muchas que ya se ejercen sobre los sistemas de explotación de recursos hídricos. En esta ponencia se pasa revista a un abanico de medidas de adaptación que se consideran apropiadas para reaccionar a la nueva situación creada por el cambio climático. Estas políticas pueden verse como una colección de buenas prácticas o principios generales, cuya aplicación en el tiempo dependerá en gran medida de la iniciativa de los poderes públicos, de la evolución de la situación climática y de su percepción por parte de los usuarios

    Previsiones para España según los últimos estudios de cambio climático

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    En este capítulo se describen las perspectivas de evolución de los recursos hídricos en España según los últimos estudios realizados sobre cambio climático. Se analizan los resultados del proyecto PRUDENCE, que es un proyecto europeo reciente, dedicado a la elaboración de proyecciones regionalizadas de cambio climático en Europa para finales del siglo XXI, basadas en los escenarios de emisiones A2 y B2 del Informe Especial de Escenarios de Emisiones del Panel Intergubernamental para el Cambio Climático (IPCC). Se ha procedido al análisis de datos de escorrentía media mensual resultantes del citado proyecto relativos a la España peninsular, comparándolos con los datos de aportaciones medias mensuales del estudio de recursos recogido en el Libro Blanco del Agua en España, con la doble finalidad de evaluar la capacidad de los modelos para reproducir la hidrología española y de analizar sus proyecciones sobre el impacto global del cambio climático en los recursos hídricos de España. Los resultados obtenidos indican que, a pesar del alto grado de incertidumbre que tienen las proyecciones climáticas, la mayor parte de los modelos regionales de clima utilizados en el proyecto Prudence coinciden en señalar disminuciones muy significativas de las aportaciones en régimen natural, lo que tendrá indudables impactos sobre la futura gestión de nuestros recursos hídrico

    Precise 210Pb determination with high-efficiency gamma spectrometry for dating of marine sedimentary cores

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    [EN]In order to establish the chronology of deep-sea sediments from high-resolution 210Pb-dating, the determination of 210Pb and 226Ra activity concentrations needs to be improved. Gamma spectrometry allows determining simultaneously both radionuclides. However, spectrum background is still an issue to obtain high sensitivity. Four deep-sea sediment cores were dated using Mazinger, a gamma spectrometer with high-efficiency and very low-background, and the Constant Rate and Supply model was applied to obtain recent age

    Vestibular fold configuration during phonation in adults with and without dysphonia

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    The real participation of the vestibular folds during phonation mechanism is unknown. How vestibular folds change their configuration during phonation is still unclear. Learning about these changes in the functional mechanism of vestibular fold would be helpful for the evaluation of pathological conditions. AIM: The objective of the present study was to analyze the configuration of laryngeal vestibular folds during phonation (sustained emission of vowel /µ/) by comparing exams of individuals without vocal complaints (the normal voice group) with those with vocal complaints. STUDY DESIGN: Transversal simple study. MATERIAL AND METHOD: 120 images of larynges were analyzed, 60 of normal voice individuals and 60 of dysphonic subjects, with equal gender distribution. The position of the free margin of the vestibular fold was identified in relation to a straight line that brought together the anterior and posterior insertions. Regarding this position, three types of configurations were described: concave, when it was in a lateral position, convex when it was in a medial position, and linear when it overlapped. RESULTS: Out of the 240 vestibular folds, 158 were concave, 41 convex and 31 linear. The concave form was predominant in both groups in relation to the other two forms, although the number of convex and linear forms increased in the dysphonic group. Analyzing the behavior of these forms in each gender we noticed that among women, the linear form was significantly increased in the dysphonic group, whereas among men there was significant increase in convex form. CONCLUSION: We concluded that there were differences in behavior of vestibular folds in the dysphonic group in relation to the normal voice group, and that the differences occurred differently in both gender groups.As pregas vestibulares participam da emissão vocal com mudanças evidentes de posição e forma durante este processo, porém pouco ou quase nada se conhece sobre o significado desta participação e como se iniciam estes movimentos ativos que mudam sua forma e contorno. Entendemos que o conhecimento da participação das pregas vestibulares na fisiologia laríngea possa ter importante aplicação prática, pois permitirá avaliar melhor o comprometimento funcional em condições patológicas, o que auxiliará na definição de estratégias para o adequado tratamento. OBJETIVO: Estudar a configuração da prega vestibular durante a fonação (emissão sustentada do /µ/) comparando exames de indivíduos sem queixa vocal (grupo eufonia) com portadores de queixa de voz (grupo disfonia). FORMA DE ESTUDO: Coorte transversal simples. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram analisados 120 registros de imagens de laringes, sendo 60 de indivíduos eufônicos e 60 de disfônicos, constituído cada grupo de igual número de indivíduos em relação ao gênero. Foi identificada a posição da borda livre de prega vestibular em relação a uma reta que une as inserções anterior e posterior da mesma. Na dependência desta posição, foram descritos três tipos de configurações: côncava, quando estava em posição lateral, convexa quando em posição medial e linear quando paralela ou se sobrepunha. RESULTADOS: Das 240 pregas vestibulares, 158 eram côncavas, 41 convexas e 31 lineares. A forma côncava predominou nos dois grupos em relação às outras, porém as formas convexa e linear aumentaram no grupo disfonia. No feminino, a forma linear teve aumento significante no grupo disfonia, enquanto no masculino o aumento significante ocorreu na forma convexa. CONCLUSÃO: Existe diferença no comportamento da prega vestibular no grupo disfonia em relação à eufonia, sendo que esta diferença ocorre de forma diversa em relação aos gêneros.Universidade Regional de BlumenauUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    Enzymatic Logic Gates with Noise-Reducing Sigmoid Response

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    Biochemical computing is an emerging field of unconventional computing that attempts to process information with biomolecules and biological objects using digital logic. In this work we survey filtering in general, in biochemical computing, and summarize the experimental realization of an AND logic gate with sigmoid response in one of the inputs. The logic gate is realized with electrode-immobilized glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme that catalyzes a reaction corresponding to the Boolean AND functions. A kinetic model is also developed and used to evaluate the extent to which the performance of the experimentally realized logic gate is close to optimal.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, PD

    Weed control and herbicide selectivity in perennial cotton associated with corn and cowpea

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    Um ensaio de campo foi conduzido no município de Patos, PB, no ano agrícola de 1979, com o objetivo de determinar a eficiência de vários herbicidas no controle de plantas invasoras e seus efeitos fitotóxicos nas culturas do algodoeiro arbóreo Gossypium hirsutum var. marie galante Hutch, do milho Zea mays L. e do caupi Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp, cultivadas em consórcio. O diuron e o fluometuron foram os tratamentos que causaram os mais fortes sintomas de fitotoxicidade às espécies consorciadas, sendo o caupi a cultura mais afetada. Os herbicidas mais eficientes no controle de ervas daninhas de folhas largas foram: o diuron, o fluometuron e a mistura diuron + pendimethalin. As ervas daninhas predominantes foram: Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn, Rhynchelytrum roseum (Nees) Stapf et Hubb., Cenchrus echinatus L., Boerhavia diffusa (Rich.) Kuntze, Acanthospermum hispidum D.C. e Ageratum conyzoides L.In order to determine the efficiency of several herbicides against weeds and their phytotoxic effects in perennial cotton Gossypium hirsutum, var. marie galante Hutch, cultivated in association with field corn Zea mays L. and cowpea Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. a trial was placed at Patos, PB, Brazil, in 1979. The most strong symptoms of phytotoxicity were caused by the treatments diuron and fluometuron, being Vigna unguiculata the most affected among these species. The most efficient broad leave control was obtained by the herbicides diuron, fluometuron and diuron + pendimethalin. The predominant weeds were: Eleusine indica ( L.) Gaertn, Rhynchelytrum roseum (Nees) Stapf et Hubb., Cenchrus echinatus L., Boerhavia diffusa (Rich.) Kuntze, Acanthospermum hispidum D.C. and Ageratum conyzoides L