240 research outputs found

    String Theory and the Kauffman Polynomial

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    We propose a new, precise integrality conjecture for the colored Kauffman polynomial of knots and links inspired by large N dualities and the structure of topological string theory on orientifolds. According to this conjecture, the natural knot invariant in an unoriented theory involves both the colored Kauffman polynomial and the colored HOMFLY polynomial for composite representations, i.e. it involves the full HOMFLY skein of the annulus. The conjecture sheds new light on the relationship between the Kauffman and the HOMFLY polynomials, and it implies for example Rudolph's theorem. We provide various non-trivial tests of the conjecture and we sketch the string theory arguments that lead to i

    TBA equations and resurgent Quantum Mechanics

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    We derive a system of TBA equations governing the exact WKB periods in one-dimensional Quantum Mechanics with arbitrary polynomial potentials. These equations provide a generalization of the ODE/IM correspondence, and they can be regarded as the solution of a Riemann-Hilbert problem in resurgent Quantum Mechanics formulated by Voros. Our derivation builds upon the solution of similar Riemann-Hilbert problems in the study of BPS spectra in N=2\mathcal{N}=2 gauge theories and of minimal surfaces in AdS. We also show that our TBA equations, combined with exact quantization conditions, provide a powerful method to solve spectral problems in Quantum Mechanics. We illustrate our general analysis with a detailed study of PT-symmetric cubic oscillators and quartic oscillators.Comment: 42 pages, Typos corrected, references are added, published versio

    Counting Higher Genus Curves with Crosscaps in Calabi-Yau Orientifolds

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    We compute all loop topological string amplitudes on orientifolds of local Calabi-Yau manifolds, by using geometric transitions involving SO/Sp Chern-Simons theory, localization on the moduli space of holomorphic maps with involution, and the topological vertex. In particular we count Klein bottles and projective planes with any number of handles in some Calabi-Yau orientifolds.Comment: 40 pages, 18 figures, some corrections in section

    Softly Broken N=2 QCD with Massive Quark Hypermultiplets, I

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    We present a general analysis of all the possible soft breakings of N=2 supersymmetric QCD, preserving the analytic properties of the Seiberg-Witten solutions for the SU(2) group with Nf=1, 2, 3 hypermultiplets. We obtain all the couplings of the spurion fields in terms of properties of the Seiberg-Witten periods, which we express in terms of elementary elliptic functions by uniformizing the elliptic curves associated to each number of flavors. We analyze in detail the monodromy properties of the softly broken theory, and obtain them by a particular embedding into a pure gauge theory with higher rank group. This allows to write explicit expressions of the effective potential, which are close to the exact answer for moderate values of the supersymmetry breaking parameters. The vacuum structures and phases of the broken theories will be analyzed in the forthcoming second part of this paper.Comment: 35 pages, 3 figures, LaTeX file. Minor corrections in a few formulae, typos correcte

    From Weak to Strong Coupling in ABJM Theory

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    The partition function of N=6{\mathcal{N}=6} supersymmetric Chern-Simons-matter theory (known as ABJM theory) on S3{\mathbb{S}^3} , as well as certain Wilson loop observables, are captured by a zero dimensional super-matrix model. This super-matrix model is closely related to a matrix model describing topological Chern-Simons theory on a lens space. We explore further these recent observations and extract more exact results in ABJM theory from the matrix model. In particular we calculate the planar free energy, which matches at strong coupling the classical IIA supergravity action on AdS4×CP3{{\rm AdS}_4\times\mathbb{C}\mathbb{P}^3} and gives the correct N 3/2 scaling for the number of degrees of freedom of the M2 brane theory. Furthermore we find contributions coming from world-sheet instanton corrections in CP3{\mathbb{C}\mathbb{P}^3} . We also calculate non-planar corrections, both to the free energy and to the Wilson loop expectation values. This matrix model appears also in the study of topological strings on a toric Calabi-Yau manifold, and an intriguing connection arises between the space of couplings of the planar ABJM theory and the moduli space of this Calabi-Yau. In particular it suggests that, in addition to the usual perturbative and strong coupling (AdS) expansions, a third natural expansion locus is the line where one of the two 't Hooft couplings vanishes and the other is finite. This is the conifold locus of the Calabi-Yau, and leads to an expansion around topological Chern-Simons theory. We present some explicit results for the partition function and Wilson loop observables around this locu

    Torus Knots and Mirror Symmetry

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    We propose a spectral curve describing torus knots and links in the B-model. In particular, the application of the topological recursion to this curve generates all their colored HOMFLY invariants. The curve is obtained by exploiting the full Sl(2,Z){{\rm Sl}(2, \mathbb {Z})} symmetry of the spectral curve of the resolved conifold, and should be regarded as the mirror of the topological D-brane associated with torus knots in the large N Gopakumar-Vafa duality. Moreover, we derive the curve as the large N limit of the matrix model computing torus knot invariant

    Asymptotics of the Instantons of Painlevé I

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    The 0-instanton solution of Painlevé I is a sequence (un,0) of complex numbers which appears universally in many enumerative problems in algebraic geometry, graph theory, matrix models, and 2-dimensional quantum gravity. The asymptotics of the 0-instanton (un,0) for large n were obtained by the third author using the Riemann-Hilbert approach. For k=0,1,2, , the k-instanton solution of Painlevé I is a doubly indexed sequence (un,k) of complex numbers that satisfies an explicit quadratic nonlinear recursion relation. The goal of the paper is three-fold: (a) to compute the asymptotics of the 1-instanton sequence (un,1) to all orders in 1/n by using the Riemann-Hilbert method, (b) to present formulas for the asymptotics of (un,k) for fixed k and to all orders in 1/n using resurgent analysis, and (c) to confirm numerically the predictions of resurgent analysis. We point out that the instanton solutions display a new type of Stokes behavior, induced from the tritronquée Painlevé transcendents, and which we call the induced Stokes phenomenon. The asymptotics of the 2-instanton and beyond exhibits new phenomena not seen in 0 and 1-instantons, and their enumerative context is at present unknow

    Multi-Instantons and Multi-Cuts

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    We discuss various aspects of multi-instanton configurations in generic multi-cut matrix models. Explicit formulae are presented in the two-cut case and, in particular, we obtain general formulae for multi-instanton amplitudes in the one-cut matrix model case as a degeneration of the two-cut case. These formulae show that the instanton gas is ultra-dilute, due to the repulsion among the matrix model eigenvalues. We exemplify and test our general results in the cubic matrix model, where multi-instanton amplitudes can be also computed with orthogonal polynomials. As an application, we derive general expressions for multi-instanton contributions in two-dimensional quantum gravity, verifying them by computing the instanton corrections to the string equation. The resulting amplitudes can be interpreted as regularized partition functions for multiple ZZ-branes, which take into full account their back-reaction on the target geometry. Finally, we also derive structural properties of the trans-series solution to the Painleve I equation.Comment: 34 pages, 3 figures, JHEP3.cls; v2: added references, minor changes; v3: added 1 reference, more minor changes, final version for JMP; v4: more typos correcte

    Phase transitions, double-scaling limit, and topological strings

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    Topological strings on Calabi--Yau manifolds are known to undergo phase transitions at small distances. We study this issue in the case of perturbative topological strings on local Calabi--Yau threefolds given by a bundle over a two-sphere. This theory can be regarded as a q--deformation of Hurwitz theory, and it has a conjectural nonperturbative description in terms of q--deformed 2d Yang--Mills theory. We solve the planar model and find a phase transition at small radius in the universality class of 2d gravity. We give strong evidence that there is a double--scaled theory at the critical point whose all genus free energy is governed by the Painlev\'e I equation. We compare the critical behavior of the perturbative theory to the critical behavior of its nonperturbative description, which belongs to the universality class of 2d supergravity. We also give evidence for a new open/closed duality relating these Calabi--Yau backgrounds to open strings with framing.Comment: 49 pages, 3 eps figures; section added on non-perturbative proposal and 2d gravity; minor typos correcte

    Resurgence and 1/N Expansion in Integrable Field Theories

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    In theories with renormalons the perturbative series is factorially divergent even after restricting to a given order in 1/N, making the 1/N expansion a natural testing ground for the theory of resurgence. We study in detail the interplay between resurgent properties and the 1/N expansion in various integrable field theories with renormalons. We focus on the free energy in the presence of a chemical potential coupled to a conserved charge, which can be computed exactly with the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz (TBA). In some examples, like the first 1/N correction to the free energy in the non-linear sigma model, the terms in the 1/N expansion can be fully decoded in terms of a resurgent trans-series in the coupling constant. In the principal chiral field we find a new, explicit solution for the large N free energy which can be written as the median resummation of a trans-series with infinitely many, analytically computable IR renormalon corrections. However, in other examples, like the Gross-Neveu model, each term in the 1/N expansion includes non-perturbative corrections which can not be predicted by a resurgent analysis of the corresponding perturbative series. We also study the properties of the series in 1/N. In the Gross-Neveu model, where this is convergent, we analytically continue the series beyond its radius of convergence and show how the continuation matches with known dualities with sine-Gordon theories