1,622 research outputs found

    Opinión de los Estudiantes sobre la Evaluación Efectuada en Teoría e Historia de la Educación

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    Uno de los pilares del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior consiste en el establecimiento de criterios y metodologías pedagógicas comparables asegurando la calidad de los estudios universitarios. Desde este punto de vista, en la asignatura de Teoría e Historia de la Educación venimos implementando un nuevo sistema de evaluación final en el que integramos de forma transversal los temas con las competencias. Siguiendo esta premisa, el objetivo de este trabajo es conocer la opinión del alumnado sobre la prueba de evaluación final de la asignatura. Para ello, la metodología utilizada ha consistido en un cuestionario con el que se ha consultado a 206 alumnos/as. Como resultados más destacables podemos citar los problemas para la comprensión de las preguntas, la adecuación de las respuestas al espacio establecido para ello y el nivel de dificultad de la evaluación, que en general los alumnos califican como difícil. Mediante este estudio ponemos de manifiesto que la evaluación final de la asignatura no sólo es un instrumento para revisar lo aprendido por los alumnos sino también para ofrecerles retroalimentación para mejorar su educación, haciéndoles partícipes de la misma y posibilitando a los docentes la oportunidad de mejorarla

    Integración de competencias con temas en la enseñanza del grado de maestro. El maestro mecánico

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    La ficha de la asignatura de Teoría e Historia de la Educación para la formación de maestros de educación primaria y de educación infantil se halla en la web de la Facultad de Educación conteniendo los temas y competencias aprobados. Este recurso será el empleado para diseñar y efectuar la docencia y los procesos de evaluación, guiando a los estudiantes para optimizar sus capacidades. El reto del EEES no estriba sólo en confeccionar este instrumento informático, se procurará integrar en cada tema los tres ejes didácticos mediante el diseño correspondiente. Con el objeto de ofrecer unos lineamientos, en esta aportación a las jornadas de Redes-2014, trataremos de emplear el esquema confeccionado por Peiró (2013), para desarrollar la parte del tema, que versa sobre “La profesión docente”, mediante el enfoque de “modelos de maestro”, en el punto que explica la metáfora del maestro-mecánico (Peiró, 1999). Se procederá analógicamente al modelo que Peiró ideó para experimentarlo y que se expuso en su Tesis de la Licenciatura (1975), publicado en (1981, 230) como una vía metódica para llevar a cabo los niveles de relación interdisciplinaria con referencia a las sucesivas concreciones de objetivos y temas de la educación

    Identification and modeling of a novel chloramphenicol resistance protein detected by functional metagenomics in a wetland of Lerma, Mexico

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    The exploration of novel antibiotic resistance determinants in a particular environment may be limited because of the presence of uncultured microorganisms. In this work, a culture independent approach based on functional metagenomics was applied to search for chloramphenicol resistance genes in agro-industrial wastewater in Lerma de Villada, Mexico. To this end, a metagenomic library was generated in Escherichia coli DH10B containing DNA isolated from environmental samples of the residual arsenic-enriched (10 mg/ml) effl uent. One resistant clone was detected in this library and further analyzed. An open reading frame similar to a multidrug resistance protein from Aeromonas salmonicida and responsible for chloramphenicol resistance was identifi ed, sequenced, and found to encode a member of the major facilitator superfamily (MFS). Our results also showed that the expression of this gene restored streptomycin sensitivity in E. coli DH10B cells. To gain further insight into the phenotype of this MFS family member, we developed a model of the membrane protein multiporter that, in addition, may serve as a template for developing new antibiotics. [Int Microbiol 2013; 16(2):103-111]Keywords: Escherichia coli; chloramphenicol; functional metagenomics; major facilitator superfamily; homology models; membrane proteins; arseni

    Intergroup contact in computer-mediated communication: The interplay of a stereotype-disconfirming behavior and a lasting group identity on reducing prejudiced perceptions

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    [EN] The present study investigated the impact of online intergroup contact on prejudiced and stereotyped perceptions toward an outgroup. Informed by research on contact in computer-mediated communication, a model of contact in which individual outgroup members displayed a stereotype-disconfirming (vs confirming) behavior in virtual teams made up of ingroup members was tested. Moreover, this hypothesized model of contact was examined across two visual conditions of group identification: one in which a pre-existing ethnic category (i.e, lasting membership) was made salient, and one without salient group identities. Results showed that when participants were conscious of their lasting identities, the enacted disconfirming behavior reduced prejudiced perceptions by the mediation of perceived attraction towards the individual outgroup member. Conversely, stereotyped perceptions were not affected by this behavior. These findings suggest that the generalization of the contact effect in CMC is more likely to occur in attitudinal variables than in cognitive ones, and as long as participants are aware of intergroup memberships when participating in short online interactions

    Antioxidant activity and physical-chemical properties of spray and spouted bed dried extracts of Bauhinia forficata

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    Two distinct drying methods (spouted bed and spray drying) were used for production of dried extracts of Bauhinia forficata Link (Leguminosae, Caesalpinoideae). High-quality powder products in terms of physical and chemical properties were obtained. HPLC fingerprints revealed that the chromatographic profiles of flavonoid compounds present in the dried extract did not change significantly, due to drying. In general, the spouted bed drying caused a degradation of total flavonoids than was lower than that of the spray drying. Antioxidant properties of the dried extract, examined by their radical scavenging activity using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH•) and inhibition of lipid peroxidation induced by Fe+2 assays (LPO), confirmed their antioxidant potential. The slight reduction in scavenging activity of the dried extracts may be associated with the occurrence of oxidative reactions, decomposition or losses of thermolabile compounds, induced by the heat.Neste trabalho foram utilizados dois distintos secadores (leito de jorro e spray dryer) para a produção de extratos secos de Bauhinia forficata Link (Leguminosae, Caesalpinoideae) obtendo-se um produto seco com elevada qualidade em termos de suas propriedades físicas e químicas. Análises qualitativas obtidas por CLAE revelam que os perfis cromatográficos dos compostos flavonóides presentes nos extratos secos não apresentaram significativas mudanças durante a secagem quando comparados aos perfis obtidos para os extratos concentrados. Em geral, a secagem por leito de jorro acarreta menores perdas dos flavonóides totais do que a secagem em spray drying. A atividade antioxidante dos extratos secos foi examinada pelos métodos de (DPPH•) e peroxidação lipídica induzida por Fe+2 (LPO). Uma pequena redução na atividade sequestradora de radicais livres observada para os extratos secos pode ser associada com a ocorrência de reações oxidativas, decomposição e/ou perdas de compostos termolábeis induzidas pelo calor.(FAPESP) São Paulo Research Foundatio

    Large-eddy simulation analysis of the influence of the needle lift on the cavitation in diesel injector nozzles

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    The cavitation phenomenon has a strong influence on the internal flow and spray development in diesel injector nozzles. Despite its importance, there are many aspects which still remain unclear, especially for partial needle lifts when the injector is in the opening and closing phases. For that reason, the current paper is focused on the influence of the needle lift on the internal flow in a diesel nozzle. This study was carried out with three-dimensional simulations at a high injection pressure (160 MPa) using a homogeneous equilibrium model implemented in OpenFOAM to model the cavitation phenomenon. The nozzle was simulated with large-eddy simulation methods at six different needle lifts (10 mm, 30 mm, 50 mm, 75 mm, 100 mm and 250 mm), providing relevant information about the evolution of the internal flow, the turbulence development (the vorticity, the turbulence–cavitation interaction and the turbulent structures) and the flow characteristics in the nozzle outlet (the mass flow, the momentum flux and the effective velocity) with the needle position.Desantes Fernández, JM.; Salvador Rubio, FJ.; Carreres Talens, M.; Martínez López, J. (2015). Large-eddy simulation analysis of the influence of the needle lift on the cavitation in diesel injector nozzles. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. 229(4):407-423. doi:10.1177/0954407014542627S4074232294Faeth, G. ., Hsiang, L.-P., & Wu, P.-K. (1995). Structure and breakup properties of sprays. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 21, 99-127. doi:10.1016/0301-9322(95)00059-7Park, S. H., Suh, H. K., & Lee, C. S. (2009). Effect of Bioethanol−Biodiesel Blending Ratio on Fuel Spray Behavior and Atomization Characteristics. Energy & Fuels, 23(8), 4092-4098. doi:10.1021/ef900068aPAYRI, R., GARCIA, J., SALVADOR, F., & GIMENO, J. (2005). Using spray momentum flux measurements to understand the influence of diesel nozzle geometry on spray characteristics. Fuel, 84(5), 551-561. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2004.10.009Suh, H. K., & Lee, C. S. (2008). Effect of cavitation in nozzle orifice on the diesel fuel atomization characteristics. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 29(4), 1001-1009. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2008.03.014Payri, R., Salvador, F. J., Gimeno, J., & de la Morena, J. (2009). Effects of nozzle geometry on direct injection diesel engine combustion process. Applied Thermal Engineering, 29(10), 2051-2060. doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2008.10.009Park, S. H., Kim, S. H., & Lee, C. S. (2009). Mixing Stability and Spray Behavior Characteristics of Diesel−Ethanol−Methyl Ester Blended Fuels in a Common-Rail Diesel Injection System. Energy & Fuels, 23(10), 5228-5235. doi:10.1021/ef9004847Desantes, J. M., Payri, R., Salvador, F. J., & Gil, A. (2006). Development and validation of a theoretical model for diesel spray penetration. Fuel, 85(7-8), 910-917. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2005.10.023Desantes, J. M., Payri, R., Garcia, J. M., & Salvador, F. J. (2007). A contribution to the understanding of isothermal diesel spray dynamics. Fuel, 86(7-8), 1093-1101. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2006.10.011Badock, C., Wirth, R., Fath, A., & Leipertz, A. (1999). Investigation of cavitation in real size diesel injection nozzles. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 20(5), 538-544. doi:10.1016/s0142-727x(99)00043-0Som, S., Aggarwal, S. K., El-Hannouny, E. M., & Longman, D. E. (2010). Investigation of Nozzle Flow and Cavitation Characteristics in a Diesel Injector. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 132(4). doi:10.1115/1.3203146Macian, V., Payri, R., Margot, X., & Salvador, F. J. (2003). A CFD ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF DIESEL NOZZLE GEOMETRY ON THE INCEPTION OF CAVITATION. Atomization and Sprays, 13(5-6), 579-604. doi:10.1615/atomizspr.v13.i56.80Alajbegovic, A., Meister, G., Greif, D., & Basara, B. (2002). Three phase cavitating flows in high-pressure swirl injectors. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 26(6-7), 677-681. doi:10.1016/s0894-1777(02)00179-6Unverdi, S. O., & Tryggvason, G. (1992). A front-tracking method for viscous, incompressible, multi-fluid flows. Journal of Computational Physics, 100(1), 25-37. doi:10.1016/0021-9991(92)90307-kBrackbill, J. ., Kothe, D. ., & Zemach, C. (1992). A continuum method for modeling surface tension. Journal of Computational Physics, 100(2), 335-354. doi:10.1016/0021-9991(92)90240-yPlesset M, Devine R. Effect of exposure time on cavitation damage. Report (Office of Naval Research Contract Nonr-220(28)), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA, 1965.Chen, Y., & Heister, S. D. (1996). MODELING CAVITATING FLOWS IN DIESEL INJECTORS. Atomization and Sprays, 6(6), 709-726. doi:10.1615/atomizspr.v6.i6.50Vortmann, C., Schnerr, G. H., & Seelecke, S. (2003). Thermodynamic modeling and simulation of cavitating nozzle flow. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 24(5), 774-783. doi:10.1016/s0142-727x(03)00003-1Echouchene, F., Belmabrouk, H., Le Penven, L., & Buffat, M. (2011). Numerical simulation of wall roughness effects in cavitating flow. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 32(5), 1068-1075. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2011.05.010Salvador, F. J., Romero, J.-V., Roselló, M.-D., & Martínez-López, J. (2010). Validation of a code for modeling cavitation phenomena in Diesel injector nozzles. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 52(7-8), 1123-1132. doi:10.1016/j.mcm.2010.02.027Salvador, F. J., Hoyas, S., Novella, R., & Martínez-López, J. (2011). Numerical simulation and extended validation of two-phase compressible flow in diesel injector nozzles. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 225(4), 545-563. doi:10.1177/09544070jauto1569Payri, F., Payri, R., Salvador, F. J., & Martínez-López, J. (2012). A contribution to the understanding of cavitation effects in Diesel injector nozzles through a combined experimental and computational investigation. Computers & Fluids, 58, 88-101. doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2012.01.005Salvador, F. J., Martínez-López, J., Caballer, M., & De Alfonso, C. (2013). Study of the influence of the needle lift on the internal flow and cavitation phenomenon in diesel injector nozzles by CFD using RANS methods. Energy Conversion and Management, 66, 246-256. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2012.10.011Salvador, F. J., Martínez-López, J., Romero, J.-V., & Roselló, M.-D. (2013). 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    Experimental Characterization of the Thermodynamic Properties of Diesel Fuels Over a Wide Range of Pressures and Temperatures

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    The influence of pressure and temperature on some of the important thermodynamic properties of diesel fuels has been assessed for a set of fuels. The study focuses on the experimental determination of the speed of sound, density and compressibility (via the bulk modulus) of these fuels by means of a method that is thoroughly described in this paper. The setup makes use of a common-rail injection system in order to transmit a pressure wave through a high-pressure line and measure the time it takes for the wave to travel a given distance. Measurements have been performed in a wide range of pressures (from atmospheric pressure up to 200 MPa) and temperatures (from 303 to 353 K), in order to generate a fuel properties database for modelers on the field of injection systems for diesel engines to incorporate to their simulations.This work was partly sponsored by "Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad" (Spanish Ministry of Economy) in the frame of the project "Comprension de la influencia de combustibles no convencionales en el proceso de inyeccion y combustion tipo diesel", reference TRA2012-36932. The equipment used in this work hasDesantes Fernández, JM.; Salvador Rubio, FJ.; Carreres Talens, M.; Jaramillo-Císcar, D. (2015). Experimental Characterization of the Thermodynamic Properties of Diesel Fuels Over a Wide Range of Pressures and Temperatures. SAE International Journal of Fuel and Lubricants. 8(1):190-199. https://doi.org/10.4271/2015-01-0951S1901998

    Accessibility in video games: a systematic review

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    Video games are software products with several purposes that are growing in strength and weight in society. However, thereis one noticeable problem about them; in most cases, their developers most often do not take into consideration peoplewith disabilities when they are creating video game applications. People with disabilities are thus partially or completelyexcluded from their use. Prior to any additional work, it is required to have an updated state of the art about this topic. Thispaper shows the results of a systematic literature review conducted to define the current status of video games accessibility.The type of review is broader than usual, so it is a systematic mapping study (a specific class of systematic review). Besideselaborating the state of the art (qualitative information), we identified and analyzed related works (45 relevant studies) toprovide quantitative information of the performed search (including graphs and tables), such as the number of articles foundby phases, their sources, their research type, the research questions answered, the kind of disability addressed, and the typeand year of publications. None of the studied initiatives can guarantee universally accessible video game applications. Ourproposal is to create an integral software engineering methodology that considers accessibility guidelines, techniques, strategies,human factors, etc. in the video game software development process.European Commisio

    Removal of indigo carmine by a Ni nanoscale oxides/Schoenoplectus acutus composite in batch and fixed bed column systems

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    Removal behavior of indigo carmine by Schoenoplectus acutus and Ni nanoscale oxides/Schoenoplectus acutus composite was determined. The characterization of both materials was done by TEM, SEM/EDS, DRX, and BET. Experimental data were best fitted to pseudo second order and Langmuir-Freundlich models for kinetics and isotherm, respectively; these results indicate a chemisorption mechanism on heterogeneous materials. Adsorption capacity of Ni nanoscale oxides/Schoenoplectus acutus composite was high in comparison with other adsorbents (760 mg/g). Adsorption of dye is not affected by pH (3 to 9). Metal nanoparticles supported on cheap and eco-friendly adsorbents are an alternative for the removal of dyes from wastewater