3,682 research outputs found

    Percepção dos formadores de professores sobre o que se ensina aos futuros professores sobre o livro didático de Física

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    Busca conhecer as discussões e/ou orientações que formadores de professores de Física realizam a respeito do livro didático com seus alunos, futuros professores. A pesquisa foi realizada com coordenadores e professores de cursos de formação de professores de Universidades e Institutos do Suldo Brasil e analisou se essas discussões e/ou orientações são ou não consideradas suficientes para que os futuros professores possam avaliar, selecionar e utilizar os livros didáticos fornecidos pelos programas do governo brasileiro. Os resultados mostram indícios de que os licenciandos devem ser preparados para desenvolver o pensamento crítico e ponderar sobre suas escolhas. Entretanto, o contraexemplo da maioria das disciplinas que compõem as matrizes dos cursos de Física deteriora o trabalho realizado nas disciplinas que se propõe a fornecer esse tipo de formação


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    This study aimed to analyze the relationship between moisture content and flammability of nine plant species from the Cerrado in southern Tocantins. The species studied were: Machaerium brasiliense, Qualea grandiflora, Luehea grandiflora, Campomanesia guaviroba, Astronium fraxinifolium, Curatella americana, Bauhinia forficata, Vatairea macrocarpa, and Anacardium Occidentale. The plants were analyzed at four moisture contents (M1, M2, M3, and M4). For each level, 50 samples (1 g ± 0.1 g) of each species were collected, and 50 repetitions of burning were performed. The parameters analyzed were: time to ignition (TI), frequency of ignition (FI), duration of combustion (DC), combustion index (CI), flammability value (FV), and height of flames (HF). Our results showed that moisture contents influence flammability in Cerrado plant species. The correlation coefficients between moisture and flammability parameters were r = 0.951 (TI), r = -0.962 (DC), r = -0.977 (HF), and r = -0.988 (FI)


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    Piscivorous fish are chain top predators in freshwater ecosystems. Thus, predation of forage fish by top fish in the food web is an expected but not always recorded event. This study reports for the first time the predation on Pterophyllum scalare by   Acestrorhynchus falcirostris.Keywords: Amazon basin; fish; foraging; predation.Peixes piscivorus são predadores de topo de cadeia em ecossistemas de água doce. Assim, a predação de peixes forrageiros por peixes do topo na cadeia alimentar é um evento esperado, mas nem sempre registrado. Este estudo relata pela primeira vez a predação de Pterophyllum scalare por Acestrorhynchus falcirostris.Palavras-chave: Bacia amazônica, peixes, forrageamento, predação

    Distributional Transform Based Information Reconciliation

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    In this paper we present an information reconciliation protocol designed for Continuous-Variable QKD using the Distributional Transform. By combining tools from copula and information theories, we present a method for extracting independent symmetric Bernoulli bits for Gaussian modulated CVQKD protocols, which we called the Distributional Transform Expansion (DTE). We derived the expressions for the maximum reconciliation efficiency for both homodyne and heterodyne measurement, which, for the last one, efficiency greater than 0.9 is achievable at signal to noise ratio lower than -3.6 dBComment: 6 pages, 3 Figures, Conference pape

    Stress and satisfaction of family members and independent living skills of psychiatric outpatients

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    Background There are several parameters that must be included in the evaluation psychosocial rehabilitation. Objectives To describe and correlate the degree of stress of family members who live with schizophrenic and bipolar disorder patients, their satisfaction with mental health services and the level of daily living skills of the patient. Method Cross-sectional and correlational study, from 2012 to 2013, with a sample of 100 caregivers. The Family Satisfaction with Mental Health Services Rating Scale (SATIS-BR), the Independent Living Skills Survey (ILSS-BR), and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) were used. Data were analyzed using SPSS v.21, with the Mann-Whitney test, Jonckheere-Terpstra test, and Pearson’s, Spearman’s and Partial correlations, and a significance level α = 0.05. Results The score for the SATIS-BR scale was 4.28, 1.59 for the ILSS, and 7.39 for the GHQ-12. The value of the Pearson correlation coefficient between the SATIS-BR and ILSS was r = -0.27, and r = -0.23 between the GHQ-12 and SATIS-BR. The Spearman’s correlation coefficient between Education and the GHQ-12 was r = -0.24 and there was a negative linear trend between stress and the level of education (JT = -2.54, p < 0:01). Discussion The caregivers presented a very high level of psychological distress, therefore, it is critical that mental health services perform more effective psychosocial rehabilitation actions

    Between culture and the market: what do physics teachers take into account when choosing their textbooks?

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    Here we present some results of an ongoing study into the processes by which secondary school teachers choose physics textbooks, in this case, teachers from Brazil and Portugal. The objective is to understand what teachers take into account when selecting a physics textbook. To contextualise the study, the development and presence of physics textbooks in Brazil in the period between the mid-nineteenth century and the present day is discussed. These reflections highlight how cultural, economic, political and social factors are carried through to educational expressions. We show that the production of physics textbooks went through three periods, according to the pedagogical conception prevailing at each time. This research is based on the assumption that these books should be understood as elements of the school culture, being identified as cultural products as well as commodities. These dimensions have been little explored in research on textbooks, so this work presents a unique discussion that reflects on the relationship between culture and the market in order to understand physics textbooks from a structural perspective

    On the Impact of Advance Reservations for Energy-Aware Provisioning of Bare-Metal Cloud Resources

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    International audienceThis work investigates factors that can impact the elasticity of bare-metal resources. We analyse data from a real bare-metal deployment system to build a deployment time model, which is used to evaluate how provisioning time impacts the reservation of bare-metal resources. Climate/Blazar, a reservation framework designed for OpenStack, is discussed. Simulation results show that reservations can help reduce the time to deliver a provisioned cluster to its customer while achieving energy savings similar to those of strategies that switch-off idle resources