8,926 research outputs found

    The written production of argumentative and dissertation text: a didactic project based on Bakhtin's philosophy

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    This article is characterized as a theoretical and practical research related to a project developed during the year 2015 in two schools - one public, the other private- , in the city of Birigui, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The main goal of the study was to analyze: the pedagogical project and the teachers’ activities oriented towards teaching and learning of argumentative and dissertation texts. The methodology used in this research comprised: (i) visiting both schools, (ii) producing a description of ongoing school practices, with focus on the teaching of argumentative and dissertation texts, (iii) suggesting a teacher’s activity to improve this apprenticeship, (iv) putting this activity into practice and (v) analyzing obtained results. The theoretical framework used for this study was the Bakhtinian philosophy (BAKHTIN, 2013; 2006a; 2006b; 2006c; 2006d; 2010; 2013; VOLOSHINOV, 1986). This theoretical approach was chosen due to the importance of comprehension of the text not just as an amalgamated set of words, phrases and paragraphs; other than that, we understand it as a structure of meaning, in which we encounter linguistic forms, ideologies and discursive stance. At last, we can say the results show that the argumentative texts render assistance to the development of the students’ argumentative competence and skill, that is, in their ability to argue and organize ideas in a communicative situation

    Time and Eternity in Saint Augustine

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    Every Augustinian disputation regarding to time - eternity relation arises from the need of combating the Manicheans and, by indirection, all those ones that affirmed, asserted world eternity, that denied ex nihilo Jewish - Christian Creation principle. Saint Augustine, departing from Genesis Scriptural Book in order to present a revelational founding and neoplatonic philosophy, in order to impart philosophic maintenance to the above - mentioned thesis, has ended up by moving away from not only Manichaeism, but from Neo-Platonism itself which has worked as philosophical foundation for contesting those ones

    A força coercitiva: um instrumento a serviço da pax temporalis na civitas, segundo santo Agostinho

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    Baseado no princípio ontológico da vera justitia, ou da "divina ordem", segundo a qual é justo que se "subordinem as coisas somente às dignas, as corporais às espirituais, as inferiores às superiores, as temporais às sempiternas" (Ep. , 140), o que resulta, na prática, na subordinação dos governados aos governantes, Agostinho introduz em sua doutrina ético-política o conceito de força coercitiva, como instrumento prático garantidor da ordinata concordia ou pax temporalis, na civitas, de forma que, punido pelo reto castigo, o pecador possa retornar à ordem e assim alcançar a vida eterna. Em Agostinho, todas as formas de castigos por ele admitidos não têm caráter de perseguição, vingança ou sadismo, mas de correção e reintegração do pecador na ordem, por isso devem ser guiados pela caridad

    O problema da moral no sistema cosmológico/soteriológico Necessitarista maniqueísta

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    Manicheism is founded in two world originating ontological principles: Good or Light, presented by the sun and Evil or Darkness, personinified in the matter. From this ontological dualism proceeds the idea which man is not responsible to the evil he practices according to, but this-one (evil) is to be blamed to his bad nature, in other words evil is inherent to his corporal nature. Hence, strictly speaking, there is no real evil in manicheism, but only natural evil. However, paradoxally, manicheism refers to a duty Moral, which through the man good part (the soul) must struggle in order to be liberated from matter´s bonds (the boddy), through an ascetical rigorous life, materialized in three commandments observance, the to called three seals: mouth, hands and breast seals.Manicheism is founded in two world originating ontological principles: Good or Light, presented by the sun and Evil or Darkness, personinified in the matter. From this ontological dualism proceeds the idea which man is not responsible to the evil he practices according to, but this-one (evil) is to be blamed to his bad nature, in other words evil is inherent to his corporal nature. Hence, strictly speaking, there is no real evil in manicheism, but only natural evil. However, paradoxally, manicheism refers to a duty Moral, which through the man good part (the soul) must struggle in order to be liberated from matter´s bonds (the boddy), through an ascetical rigorous life, materialized in three commandments observance, the to called three seals: mouth, hands and breast seals.O maniqueísmo fundamenta-se na afirmação de dois princípios ontológicos originantes do mundo: o Bem ou a Luz, representado no sol, e o Mal ou as Trevas, personificado na matéria. Desse dualismo ontológico, deriva a idéia de que o homem não é responsável pelo mal que pratica, mas esse é culpa de sua natureza má, ou o mal está inerente à sua natureza corpórea. Daí que, a rigor, não existe mal moral no maniqueísmo, mas apenas mal natural. Entretanto, paradoxalmente, esse fala de uma Moral do dever, através da qual a parte boa do homem (a alma) deve lutar para libertar -se das amarras da matéria (o corpo), mediante uma rigorosa vida ascética, concretizada na observância dos três mandamentos chamados de três selos: o selo da boca, das mãos e dos seios

    Tempo e Eternidade em Santo Agostinho

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    Toda discussão agostiniana acerca da relação tempo-eternidade nasce da necessidade combater os maniqueus, e de tabela todos aqueles que afirmavam a eternidade do mundo, os quais negavam o princípio judaicocristão da Criação ex nihilo. Santo Agostinho, utilizando o livro escriturístico do Gênesis para dar fundamento revelacional, e a Filosofia neoplatônica, para dar suporte filosófico à referida tese, acabou por distanciar-se não do só maniqueísmo, mas próprio do neoplatonismo que lhe serviu de alicerce filosófico para refutar aqueles.Every Augustinian disputation regarding to time - eternity relation arises from the need of combating the Manicheans and, by indirection, all those ones that affirmed, asserted world eternity, that denied ex nihilo Jewish - Christian Creation principle. Saint Augustine, departing from Genesis Scriptural Book in order to present a revelational founding and neoplatonic philosophy, in order to impart philosophic maintenance to the above - mentioned thesis, has ended up by moving away from not only Manichaeism, but from Neo-Platonism itself which has worked as philosophical foundation for contesting those ones

    Moradias e segurança pública : o estudo de caso do conjunto habitacional Cidade do Povo – AC

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito, 2017.O tema deste trabalho é a integralidade de proteção social, ou seja, da efetividade dos direitos fundamentais de todo cidadão, traçando uma análise da relação entre políticas públicas habitacionais e segurança pública, a partir de estudo de caso do conjunto habitacional Cidade do Povo em Rio Branco – Acre. O objetivo principal foi verificar se a referida política pública de habitação denominada Cidade do Povo, na cidade de Rio Branco, conseguiu sua finalidade principal que era promover a dignidade de seus beneficiários, principalmente quanto à efetivação satisfatória dos direitos fundamentais sociais, especialmente no que tange ao direito à moradia, segurança, educação, saúde, lazer, transporte, etc. O presente estudo partiu de duas hipóteses, sendo uma afirmativa e outra negativa. Enquanto a hipótese de forma afirmativa assevera que a Cidade do Povo conseguiu de forma satisfatória garantir o direito social de moradia, resultando na efetivação desse direito; a negativa delimita que, apesar de garantido o direito à moradia aos escolhidos, o empreendimento não garantiu os demais direitos fundamentais, em especial, a segurança pública, uma vez que a política pública acabou criando um gueto econômico e social de seus beneficiários, visto que os moradores acabaram alocados em local longínquo dos serviços públicos mínimos, reforçando os níveis de exclusão que se visava reduzir. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa qualitativa concluindo que a Cidade do Povo foi um empreendimento pensado de forma singular em face à garantia da moradia a seus beneficiários, porém, não logrou êxito porque o distanciamento físico criado acabou potencializando a exclusão de seus moradores, visto que dificultou o acesso aos demais serviços públicos. Dessa forma, criou-se estigma negativo de sua população e um próprio confinamento espacial que demonstra dois resultados totalmente antagônicos, um da implantação de uma política de moradia e outra de exclusão social. Portanto, tentou-se solucionar o problema de moradias vulneráveis no âmbito urbano, porém acabou gerando um resultado mais nefasto do que o cotidiano existente, ou seja, uma prisão de desigualdades, um cárcere sem muros, que gera a total exclusão social de seus moradores já que estão à margem de seus direitos mais mínimos, os fundamentais.Universidade de Brasília (UnB).The main theme of this Masters dissertation is the wholeness of social protection, meaning the effectiveness of the fundamental rights of all citizens, from the perspective of an analysis relating housing policy and public security based on a case study of Cidade do Povo in Rio Branco - Acre. Whether Cidade do Povo policies achieved or not its main purposes since its implementation is the research question that we intended to focus, considering these purposes as the promotion of its beneficiaries human dignity, especially as far as satisfactory fulfillment of fundamental social rights regarding housing, security, education, health, leisure and transportation are concerned. The starting point of this study stems from the double edged hypothesis that argues that even assuming that the urbanization of the low income neighbourhood of Cidade do Povo somehow represents the success of an effort aimed at realizing the right to housing for its beneficiaries, in the other hand that might have also represented a significant policy failure due to the lack of access by this population to basic public services such as a functional local police office. One could argue that the overall result of such a policy initiative ended up fostering the making of a sort of ghetto, where social exclusion takes the form of a distant, violent and poorly urbanized neighborhood built with the opposite purpose at least as far as policy rhetorics go. This dissertation research method include qualitative research techniques, basing its data collection on interviews made with Cidade do Povo current residents. The overall conclusion reaffirms that despite of its purposes, Cidade do Povo represents nowadays more a policy failure than a success due to the long distances imposed on its population and lack of access to basic public services, which have so far reinforced social exclusion. We can therefore say that the policy initiative aimed at solving the structural low income housing supply in Rio Branco ended up deepening the process of ghettoization of this population creating stigma, spatial confinement, social constraint and institutional exclusio

    Does Cell Lineage in the Developing Cerebral Cortex Contribute to its Columnar Organization?

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    Since the pioneer work of Lorente de Nó, Ramón y Cajal, Brodmann, Mountcastle, Hubel and Wiesel and others, the cerebral cortex has been seen as a jigsaw of anatomic and functional modules involved in the processing of different sets of information. In fact, a columnar distribution of neurons displaying similar functional properties throughout the cerebral cortex has been observed by many researchers. Although it has been suggested that much of the anatomical substrate for such organization would be already specified at early developmental stages, before activity-dependent mechanisms could take place, it is still unclear whether gene expression in the ventricular zone (VZ) could play a role in the development of discrete functional units, such as minicolumns or columns. Cell lineage experiments using replication-incompetent retroviral vectors have shown that the progeny of a single neuroepithelial/radial glial cell in the dorsal telencephalon is organized into discrete radial clusters of sibling excitatory neurons, which have a higher propensity for developing chemical synapses with each other rather than with neighboring non-siblings. Here, we will discuss the possibility that the cell lineage of single neuroepithelial/radial glia cells could contribute for the columnar organization of the neocortex by generating radial columns of sibling, interconnected neurons. Borrowing some concepts from the studies on cell–cell recognition and transcription factor networks, we will also touch upon the potential molecular mechanisms involved in the establishment of sibling-neuron circuits
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