
O problema da moral no sistema cosmológico/soteriológico Necessitarista maniqueísta


Manicheism is founded in two world originating ontological principles: Good or Light, presented by the sun and Evil or Darkness, personinified in the matter. From this ontological dualism proceeds the idea which man is not responsible to the evil he practices according to, but this-one (evil) is to be blamed to his bad nature, in other words evil is inherent to his corporal nature. Hence, strictly speaking, there is no real evil in manicheism, but only natural evil. However, paradoxally, manicheism refers to a duty Moral, which through the man good part (the soul) must struggle in order to be liberated from matter´s bonds (the boddy), through an ascetical rigorous life, materialized in three commandments observance, the to called three seals: mouth, hands and breast seals.Manicheism is founded in two world originating ontological principles: Good or Light, presented by the sun and Evil or Darkness, personinified in the matter. From this ontological dualism proceeds the idea which man is not responsible to the evil he practices according to, but this-one (evil) is to be blamed to his bad nature, in other words evil is inherent to his corporal nature. Hence, strictly speaking, there is no real evil in manicheism, but only natural evil. However, paradoxally, manicheism refers to a duty Moral, which through the man good part (the soul) must struggle in order to be liberated from matter´s bonds (the boddy), through an ascetical rigorous life, materialized in three commandments observance, the to called three seals: mouth, hands and breast seals.O maniqueísmo fundamenta-se na afirmação de dois princípios ontológicos originantes do mundo: o Bem ou a Luz, representado no sol, e o Mal ou as Trevas, personificado na matéria. Desse dualismo ontológico, deriva a idéia de que o homem não é responsável pelo mal que pratica, mas esse é culpa de sua natureza má, ou o mal está inerente à sua natureza corpórea. Daí que, a rigor, não existe mal moral no maniqueísmo, mas apenas mal natural. Entretanto, paradoxalmente, esse fala de uma Moral do dever, através da qual a parte boa do homem (a alma) deve lutar para libertar -se das amarras da matéria (o corpo), mediante uma rigorosa vida ascética, concretizada na observância dos três mandamentos chamados de três selos: o selo da boca, das mãos e dos seios

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