2,209 research outputs found

    Characterization of traffic accidents for urban road safety

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    Transit crashes are a serious social problem for any country, with a significant loss of human lives and economic consequences that are difficult to quantify. This article proposes a characterization of the transit crash rate for urban road safety using time series. A quantitative descriptive study was conducted, characterizing the variables of each crash extracted from the National Traffic Agency of Ecuador (NTA); the data were processed at a descriptive and predictive level for the city of Guayaquil. The first step was an exploration of the scientific interest of the topic with the processing of bibliographic data taken from Scopus and Web of Science articles. Among the results obtained, there is a growing trend of research related to the evaluation of traffic crash through applied statistics. Every day, approximately 155 people die as a result of a traffic crash. In addition, traffic crashes are analyzed based on three indicators: number of crashes, injuries and onsite fatalities. Finally, an adequate performance is found, with very few differences in the forecast of incidents using three times series models, autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA). It is expected that this study will be valuable for data analysts and decision makers at the security level to reduce human losses related to these events in urban cities with similar characteristics to the analyzed cases

    Plan de negocios para la exportación de pimiento piquillo en conserva al mercado de España de la empresa agroindustrias Salas, 2020 – 2023

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    El presente estudio tuvo por finalidad proponer un plan de negocios que permita la exportación de pimiento piquillo en conserva para el mercado de España de la empresa Agroindustrias Salas, 2020-2023. La investigación es de tipo descriptiva-propositiva, con un diseño no experimental, bajo un enfoque cuantitativo-cualitativo. Se consideró como muestra al gerente general de la empresa Agroindustrias Salas, a 96 posibles clientes en el mercado español. Así mismo, para el estudio del mercado de España, se recurrió a tres expertos en comercio exterior. Para la recolección de datos se aplicó los siguientes instrumentos: Guía de entrevista, cuestionario y análisis documental. Los resultados de la investigación se obtuvieron de los objetivos específicos como; determinar la capacidad de producción de la empresa de este producto e identificar el mercado potencial en Europa para la exportación del pimiento piquillo. Se observó que el pimiento piquillo en conserva tiene gran demanda en el mercado español debido a que es un producto que valoran por ser de calidad. Así mismo se realizó esta investigación con la finalidad de conocer la estructura que tiene un plan de negocios para brindarle a la empresa. Finalmente, se pudo concluir que la empresa Agroindustrias Salas no exporta el pimiento piquillo en conserva porque no cuenta con un estudio de mercado para que pueda exportar el producto. La propuesta de un Plan de Negocios será de gran utilidad para la exportación del pimiento piquillo en conserva al mercado de España, ya que el diseñado y propuesto fue viable.TesisGestión empresarial y emprendimient

    Dinámica científica de software de código abierto en países de habla hispana: estadísticas para la bibliometría

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    Open source software is gaining space, along with its culture and philosophy, it is used in some cases without realizing that it is present, as is the case with Mozilla Firefox, Chromium, the Linux operating system or its Android derivative. On the other hand, nowadays, bibliometrics is very important, since it constitutes a powerful tool that influences the deliberations made by academics or society in general on any topic discussed. In recent years, the use of open source software has developed rapidly throughout the world; however, no consolidated topics related to open source software have been found in scientific production. The objective of this study was to explore the dimensions and trends related to open source software in Spanish-speaking countries for the identification of important achievements and main research fields with reference to this topic. Calculations were made with the extracted data using the R programming language for statistical analysis, together with the Bibliometrix package to determine scientometric variables; while the bibliometric visual approach was carried out using VOSviewer. The results indicate that research related to open source software in Spanish-speaking countries has evolved in recent years. They show how the realities in scientific production are different, varied and with a multidisciplinary character, this topic being able to play a crucial role in the development of these other disciplines.El software de código abierto está ganando espacio, junto con su cultura y filosofía, se lo usa en algunos casos sin percibir que está presente, como es el caso de Mozilla Firefox, Chromium, el sistema operativo Linux o su derivado Android. Por otra parte, hoy en día, la bibliometría cobra mucha importancia, puesto que, constituye una poderosa herramienta, que influencia en las deliberaciones hechas por académicos o la sociedad en general sobre algún tema tratado. En los últimos años, el uso de software de código abierto se ha desarrollado rápidamente en todo el mundo; sin embargo, no se ha encontrado algún consolidado de los temas relacionados de software de código abierto en la producción científica. El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar las dimensiones y tendencias relacionadas con el software de código abierto en países de habla hispana para la identificación de logros importantes y campos de investigación principales con referencia a este tema. Se realizaron cálculos con los datos extraídos utilizando el lenguaje de programación R para el análisis estadístico, junto al paquete Bibliometrix para determinar variables cienciométrícas; mientras que, el enfoque visual bibliométrico se lo realizó utilizando VOSviewer. Los resultados indican que la investigación relacionada con el software de código abierto en los países de habla hispana ha evolucionado en los últimos años. Muestran cómo las realidades en la producción científica son diferentes, variadas y con un carácter multidisciplinario, pudiendo este tema desempeñar un papel crucial en el desarrollo de estas otras disciplinas


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    The leaf composition has been used as a tool in establishing the nutritional diagnosis and evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of nutrients. This knowledge is still scarce in subtropical conditions of cultivation. In this sense, the study aims to evaluate the effect of N, P and K fertilization on leaf concentration of Eucalyptus urograndis. The experiments were installed in the Oxisols of the sandy-loam texture, in the counties of Jaguariaíva and Ventania, state of Paraná. In the N and P experiments, the following doses: 0; 30; 60; 120 and 240 kg ha-1 of N and P2O5; and 0; 35; 70; 140 and 280 kg ha-1 K2O, split in four applications: during planting and side dressing at 3, 9 and 12 months of age. The response was evaluated according to the nutritional status of the plants at 12, 24 and 36 months, by foliar concentration. It also evaluated levels of K deficiency plant through visual and chemical analysis. The application of N and P did not result in alteration in the leaf contents of the same in all evaluated periods and in the two regions, with a slight decrease in the concentrations with time. A different effect occurred with K at the Jaguariaíva site, which altered its foliar concentration at the 24th and 36th month, and increased foliar concentrations with time. These effects demonstrate that foliar diagnosis, through foliar concentrations, may present limitations of interpretation and should not be evaluated separately for fertilization recommendation

    Validation of pain catastrophizing scale on breast cancer survivor

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    Introduction: Pain catastrophizing scale (PCS) is the most used scale to measure pain catastrophizing. In breast cancer survivors (BCS), pain catastrophizing is related to upper-limbs dysfunction and disability. This study aimed to assess the internal consistency, internal structure, and convergent validity of the Spanish version of the PCS in Spanish BCS. Material and Methods: Breast cancer survivors were recruited from the service of Medical Oncology of the University Clinical Hospital Virgen de la Victoria, in Málaga (Spain). The psychometric properties were evaluated with analysis factor structure by maximum likelihood extraction (MLE), internal consistency, and construct validity by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Results: Factor structure was three-dimensional, and one item was removed due to cross-loading. The new 12-item PCS showed a high internal consistency for the total score (α = 0.91) and a good homogeneity, and CFA revealed a satisfactory fit. PCS showed an acceptable correlation with FACS (r =0.53, p <0.01). Conclusion: Pain catastrophizing scale is a valid and reliable instrument to evaluate pain catastrophizing in Spanish BCS. This tool may help clinicians in the management of pain by assessing pain and by measuring the effect of interventions.This work was partially supported by Novartis Oncology [Contract N° PS16060 in IBIMA between Novartis-IBIMA, (Translation Research in Cancer B-01 & Clinimetric F-14)]. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Identificación de amenazas informáticas aplicando arquitecturas de Big Data

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    The massive use of Information and Communication Technologies has caused the interdependence of society with respect to them; added to the absence of efficient and effective controls at a general level, they increase the exposure to attacks or computer threats, to vulnerabilities in the information assets of the organizations. In this context, this article proposes a data analysis architecture through Big Data tools using events or security logs, which allow to improve the identification, integration and correlation of events. The methodology of the supported research was characterized as exploratory and descriptive. For the development of the proposed solution, the phases of Big Data processing proposed by Labrinidis &amp; Jagadish were used, allowing the identification of computer threats. The technological architecture designed was based on the integration of Elastic Stack and its main components (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana), and technologies such as Filebeat and Wazuh Security Detection (NIPS / HIDS), managing security in information assets such as communications equipment, data and application servers, database engines, and end-user terminals. Its implementation would allow real-time and historical monitoring of an agile and effective response to security alerts and incident status reports.El uso masivo de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones ha ocasionado la interdependencia de la sociedad respecto de estas; sumado a la ausencia de controles eficientes y efectivos a nivel general, incrementan la exposición a los ataques o amenazas informáticas, a las vulnerabilidades en los activos de información de las organizaciones. En este contexto, el presente artículo propone una arquitectura de análisis de datos a través de herramientas de Big Data mediante la utilización de eventos o registros de seguridad, que permitan mejorar la identificación, integración y correlación de eventos. La metodología de la investigación soportada se caracterizó por ser exploratoria y descriptiva. Para el desarrollo de la solución propuesta se empleó las fases del procesamiento de Big Data propuesta por Labrinidis y Jagadish, que permita la identificación de amenazas de informáticas. La arquitectura tecnológica diseñada se basó en la integración de Elastic Stack y sus componentes principales (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana), y tecnologías como Filebeat y Wazuh Security Detection (NIPS/HIDS), gestionando la seguridad en activos de información como equipos de comunicaciones, servidores de datos y aplicaciones, motores de bases de datos, y terminales de usuario final. Su implementación permitiría la supervisión en tiempo real e histórica de una respuesta ágil y efectiva de alertas de seguridad e informes de estado ante incidentes


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    The objective of this research aim was to evaluate after tree years nitrogen and potassium fertilization of plum (Prunus salicina), cv. ‘Reubennel’, this effect in the pH, conductive electric and levels potassium this soil, in the projection ray and middle alley. The experiment was conducted in Araucaria (Brazil) and design was a split-plot in a randomized complete block with three replications. Main plot treatments were potassium rates (55 and 110 kg of K2O ha-1 ano-1), and subplot treatments were the nitrogen rates (40, 80, 120, 160 and 200 kg of N ha-1 ano-1), during the seasons 2003, 2004 and 2005, in the soil type Cambisol not irrigated. The place of collection of the soil under the canopy and in the middle alley, were analyzed was analyzed as split-split plot. Three years of different rates of nitrogen and potassium, was not effect of pH, electrical conductivity and K in the soil. The soil pH ranged from 5.6 to 6.1 until 40 cm depth, was not influenced by N application, due to combined effect of sort-term application, low potential acidification of N source (urea), and residual effect of large application of limestone at orchard establishment. Soil available K was also high and was not influenced by levels K applications during three years. Higher values for soil pH, electric conductivity and K from samples collected canopy compared to middle alley, can explain the results for localized application of limestone and fertilizer on canopy area.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar após três anos de aplicações de adubações potássica e nitrogenada para a cultura da ameixeira (Prunus salicina), cultivar ‘Reubennel’, o efeito no pH, na condutividade elétrica e na concentração de potássio do solo, na projeção da copa e no centro da rua. O experimento foi realizado em Araucária (PR) e teve delineamento experimental em parcela sub-subdividida com três repetições, distribuídos em parcelas sub-subdivididas. Na parcela foi aplicado o potássio (55 e 110 kg de K2O ha-1 ano-1), e na  subparcela o nitrogênio (40, 80, 120, 160 e 200 kg de N ha-1 ano-1), durante as safras de 2003, 2004 e 2005, em solo do tipo Cambissolo não irrigado. O solo foi analisado na projeção da copa e centro da rua como sub-subparcela. Três anos de diferentes doses de adubação nitrogenada e potássica, não apresentaram efeito no pH, na condutividade elétrica e no K do solo. O pH do solo apresentou variação entre 5,6 a 6,1, até 40 cm de profundidade, não sendo alterado pela aplicação de nitrogênio, possivelmente efeito combinado da fonte e do tempo, a baixa capacidade de acidificação da fonte de N utilizada (uréia), e o efeito residual da aplicação do calcário utilizado na implantação do pomar. O K disponível no solo era alto e não foi influenciado pelas doses de K aplicadas durante três anos. Os valores de pH, de condutividade elétrica e de K do solo, maiores na projeção da copa quando comparados ao centro da rua, podem ser explicados pela concentração de fertilizante e calcário na projeção da copa

    Forearm Muscle Activity During the Handgrip Test in Breast Cancer Survivors: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    We recruited 102 breast cancer survivors at a secondary care in Malaga. Included breast cancer survivors showed a good upper limb functionality but a reduced forearm muscle activity. Forearm muscle activity showed a poor significant correlation with the cancer-related fatigue . Handgrip strength also showed a poor correlation with the upper limb functionality. Both outcomes tended to lower values with higher levels of cancer-related fatigue. Introduction/Background: Breast cancer survivors (BCS) frequently show upper limb dysfunctions. The forearm muscle activity measured by surface electromyography (sEMG) in this population has not been studied. This study aimed to describe forearm muscle activity in BCS, as well as to assess its possible relationship with other variables related to upper limb functionality and cancer-related fatigue (CRF). Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out including 102 BCS as volunteers at a secondary care in Malaga, Spain. BCS were included if they were aged between 32 and 70 years old, without evidence of cancer recurrence at the time of recruitment. The forearm muscle activity (microvolts, μV) was assessed by sEMG during the handgrip test. The handgrip strength was assessed by dynamometry (kg), the upper limb functionality (%) was measured by the upper limb functional index (ULFI) question- naire and the CRF was also assessed by revised Piper Fatigue Scale (0-10 points). Results: BCS reported reduced forearm muscle activity (287.88 μV) and reduced handgrip strength (21.31 Kg), a good upper limb functionality (68.85%), and a moderate cancer-related fatigue (4.74). Forearm muscle activity showed a poor significant correlation (r = –0.223, P = .038) with the CRF. Handgrip strength showed a poor correlation with the upper limb functionality (r = 0.387, P < .001) and age (r=-0.200, P = .047)...Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga /CBU

    Laser Photobiomodulation in the acute inflammatory response of the calcaneal tendon injury in rats exposed to cigarette smoke

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    La nicotina retarda el proceso de cicatrización y eleva los niveles de la enzima mieloperoxidasa (MPO), que tiene un papel fundamental en la producción de especies reactivas de oxígeno durante el proceso inflamatorio. La fotobiomodulación con láser (FBM) es uno de los agentes electrofísicos más utilizados en el tratamiento del tendón calcáneo, sin embargo sus efectos sobre la actividad de la MPO carecen de mayor elucidación. Este estudio objetivó evaluar los efectos de la FBM sobre la actividad de la MPO después de lesión del tendón calcáneo en ratones expuestos al humo de cigarrillo. Se utilizaron 34 ratones Wistar, machos, con 90 días de vida. Después de 14 días de exposición al humo de cigarrillo, los animales fueron divididos en tres grupos experimentales: grupo de control (GC, n=12), no sometido a la lesión o tratamiento; grupo sham (GSh, n=10), sometido a la lesión parcial del tendón calcáneo y a la simulación de la FBM láser; y el grupo FBM láser (GFBM, n=12), sometido a la lesión parcial del tendón calcáneo y tratado con FBM láser, en el primer minuto después de la lesión. La FBM disminuyó los niveles de actividad de MPO en el GFBM en comparación con el GSh (GC: 1,38±0,69 pg/ml; GSh: 3,78±1,09pg/ml; GFBM: 2,58±0,93pg/ml, p&lt;0,005). Se concluye que la FBM láser aplicada inmediatamente después de la lesión del tendón calcáneo atenúa la actividad inflamatoria aguda en ratones expuestos al humo de cigarrillo.A nicotina retarda o processo de cicatrização e eleva os níveis da enzima mieloperoxidase (MPO), a qual possui um papel fundamental na produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio durante o processo inflamatório. A fotobiomodulação laser (FBM) é um dos agentes eletrofísicos mais utilizados no tratamento do tendão calcâneo, no entanto, os seus efeitos sobre a atividade da MPO carecem de maior elucidação. Este estudo objetivou avaliar os efeitos da FBM sobre a atividade da MPO, após lesão do tendão calcâneo em ratos expostos à fumaça de cigarro. Foram utilizados 34 ratos Wistar, machos, com 90 dias de vida. Após 14 dias de exposição à fumaça de cigarro, os animais foram divididos em três grupos experimentais: grupo controle (GC, n=12), não submetido à lesão ou tratamento; grupo sham (GSh, n=10), submetido à lesão parcial do tendão calcâneo e a simulação da FBM laser; grupo FBM laser (GFBM, n=12), submetido à lesão parcial do tendão calcâneo e tratados com FBM laser, no primeiro minuto após a lesão. A FBM diminuiu os níveis de atividade da MPO no GFBM em comparação ao GSh (GC: 1,38±0,69 pg/ml; GSh: 3,78±1,09pg/ml; GFBM: 2,58±0,93pg/ml; p&lt;0,005). Conclui-se que a FBM laser aplicada imediatamente após lesão do tendão calcâneo, atenua a atividade inflamatória aguda em ratos expostos à fumaça de cigarro.Nicotine delays the healing process and increases the levels of myeloperoxidase (MPO), an enzyme that plays a key role in the production of reactive oxygen species during the inflammatory process. Laser Photobiomodulation (PBM) is one of the most used electrophysical agents in the treatment of the calcaneal tendon, however, its effects on MPO activity need to be further elucidated. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of laser PBM on MPO activity after inflicting an injury to the calcaneal tendon of rats exposed to cigarette smoke. Thirty-four male Wistar rats with 90 days of age were used. After 14 days of exposure to cigarette smoke, the animals were divided into three experimental groups: control group (CG, n=12), not submitted to injury or treatment; sham group (ShG, n=10), submitted to partial calcaneal tendon injury and laser PBM simulation; and laser PBM group (PBMG, n=12), submitted to partial calcaneal tendon lesion and treated with laser PBM within the first minute after injury. PBM decreased MPO activity levels in PBMG compared to ShG (CG: 1.38±0.69pg/ml; ShG: 3.78±1.09pg/ml; PBMG: 2.58±0.93pg/ml; p&lt;0.005). In conclusion, applying laser PBM immediately after inflicting damage to the calcaneal tendon attenuates acute inflammatory activity in rats exposed to cigarette smoke

    Implementación de Balanced Scorecard basado en herramientas de inteligencia de negocios para PYMEs ecuatorianas

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    El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo exponer el proceso de desarrollo de un Balanced Scorecard basado en herramientas de inteligencia de negocios dirigido hacia una PYME (pequeñas y medianas empresas) ecuatoriana. La poca información con la que cuentan tanto el directivo principal como los jefes departamentales de la empresa referente, así como otras PYME similares, al momento de tomar decisiones, definió el problema a resolver, por lo que se planteó como solución la aplicación de inteligencia de negocios. Para cumplir este propósito, la investigación inició con una revisión teórica, que, entre otros, planteó importante información sobre las herramientas de Balanced Scorecard e inteligencia de negocios, y del proceso de la toma de decisiones. La propuesta de solución tomó como base la combinación de las metodologías tecnológicas CRISP-DM con HEFESTO. La metodología de investigación empleada fue de tipo descriptiva – aplicativa con un enfoque cuantitativo donde se utilizó el método empírico y su técnica de validación fue una encuesta dirigida al gerente general y los mandos medios de la empresa con un cuestionario de nueve preguntas. El resultado de estas determinó que la solución propuesta sustentará favorablemente la toma de decisiones en base a la información de las diferentes perspectivas de la empresa que se muestran en el Balanced Scorecard.PALABRAS CLAVES: Balanced Scorecard,;toma de decisiones; inteligencia de negocios; Power BI Desktop.Implementation of a balanced scorecard based on business intelligence tools for ecuadorian smesABSTRACTThe aim of this paper is to expose the development process of a Balanced Scorecard based on business intelligence tools aimed at an Ecuadorian SME (small and medium enterprises). The lack of information available to the main manager and departmental heads of the company, as well as other similar SMEs, when making decisions, defined the problem to be solved, so the application of business intelligence was proposed as a solution. To fulfil this purpose, the research began with a theoretical review, which, among other things, provided important information on the Balanced Scorecard and business intelligence tools, and on the decision-making process. The proposed solution was based on the combination of the CRISP-DM and HEFESTO technological methodologies. The research methodology used was descriptive-applicative with a quantitative approach where the empirical method was used and its validation technique was a survey addressed to the general manager and middle management of the company with a questionnaire of nine questions. The result of these determined that the proposed solution would support favorably the decision making based on the information of the different perspectives of the company shown in the Balanced Scorecard.KEYWORDS: Balanced Scorecard; decision making; business intelligence; Power BI Desktop