71 research outputs found

    A non-invasive biomechanical model of mild TBI in larval zebrafish

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    A mild traumatic brain injury is a neurological dysfunction caused by biomechanical forces transmitted to the brain in physical impacts. The current understanding of the neuropathological cascade resulting in the manifested clinical signs and symptoms is limited due to the absence of sensitive brain imaging methods. Zebrafish are established models for the reproduction and study of neurobiological pathologies. However, all available models mostly recreate moderate-to-severe focal injuries in adult zebrafish. The present work has induced a mild brain trauma in larval zebrafish through a non-invasive biomechanical approach. A custom-made apparatus with a commercially available motor was employed to expose larvae to rapidly decelerating linear movements. The neurophysiological changes following concussion were assessed through behavioural quantifications of startle reflex locomotor distance and habituation metrics. Here we show that the injury was followed, within five minutes, by a transient anxiety state and CNS dysfunction manifested by increased startle responsivity with impaired startle habituation, putatively mirroring the human clinical sign of hypersensitivity to noise. Within a day after the injury, chronic effects arose, as evidenced by an overall reduced responsivity to sensory stimulation (lower amplitude and distance travelled along successive stimuli), reflecting the human post-concussive symptomatology. This study represents a step forward towards the establishment of a parsimonious (simple, less ethically concerning, yet sensitive) animal model of mild TBI. Our behavioural findings mimic aspects of acute and chronic effects of human concussion, which warrant further study at molecular, cellular and circuit levels. While our model opens wide avenues for studying the underlying cellular and molecular pathomechanisms, it also enables high-throughput testing of therapeutic interventions to accelerate post-concussive recovery

    Cervical Spine Inhomogeneously Enhancing Lesion: Avoiding Confirmation Bias

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    Confirmation bias is the tendency to seek information and evidence in order to confirm a preexisting hypothesis while giving less importance and overlook an alternative solution. This report describes the case of a 52-year-old man with a long history of neck pain and bilateral upper limbs paresthesias with a cervical intracanal inhomogeneously enhancing lesion. Despite all the preoperative radiological findings, a spinal meningioma an anterior approach was performed. The mass ended up being a large migrated hernia with the involvement of two levels. Before suggesting treatment, especially surgery, physicians and practitioners need to evaluate all of the possible alternatives in order to optimize patient outcome

    Exact beta function from the holographic loop equation of large-N QCD_4

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    We construct and study a previously defined quantum holographic effective action whose critical equation implies the holographic loop equation of large-N QCD_4 for planar self-avoiding loops in a certain regularization scheme. We extract from the effective action the exact beta function in the given scheme. For the Wilsonean coupling constant the beta function is exacly one loop and the first coefficient agrees with its value in perturbation theory. For the canonical coupling constant the exact beta function has a NSVZ form and the first two coefficients agree with their value in perturbation theory.Comment: 42 pages, latex. The exponent of the Vandermonde determinant in the quantum effective action has been changed, because it has been employed a holomorphic rather than a hermitean resolution of identity in the functional integral. Beta function unchanged. New explanations and references added, typos correcte

    History of Galaxy Interactions and their Impact on Star Formation over the Last 7 Gyr from GEMS

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    We perform a comprehensive estimate of the frequency of galaxy mergers and their impact on star formation over z~0.24--0.80 (lookback time T_b~3--7 Gyr) using 3698 (M*>=1e9 Msun) galaxies with GEMS HST, COMBO-17, and Spitzer data. Our results are: (1) Among 790 high mass (M*>=2.5e10 Msun) galaxies, the visually-based merger fraction over z~0.24--0.80, ranges from 9%+-5% to 8%+-2%. Lower limits on the major and minor merger fractions over this interval range from 1.1% to 3.5%, and 3.6% to 7.5%, respectively. This is the first approximate empirical estimate of the frequency of minor mergers at z<1. For a visibility timescale of ~0.5 Gyr, it follows that over T_b~3--7 Gyr, ~68% of high mass systems have undergone a merger of mass ratio >1/10, with ~16%, 45%, and 7% of these corresponding respectively to major, minor, and ambiguous `major or minor' mergers. The mean merger rate is a few x 1e-4 Gyr-1 Mpc-3. (2) We compare the empirical merger fraction and rate for high mass galaxies to a suite of Lambda CDM-based models: halo occupation distribution models, semi-analytic models, and hydrodynamic SPH simulations. We find qualitative agreement between observations and models such that the (major+minor) merger fraction or rate from different models bracket the observations, and show a factor of five dispersion. Near-future improvements can now start to rule out certain merger scenarios. (3) Among ~3698 M*>=1e9 Msun galaxies, we find that the mean SFR of visibly merging systems is only modestly enhanced compared to non-interacting galaxies over z~0.24--0.80. Visibly merging systems only account for less than 30% of the cosmic SFR density over T_b~3--7 Gyr. This suggests that the behavior of the cosmic SFR density over the last 7 Gyr is predominantly shaped by non-interacting galaxies.Comment: Accepted for Publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 17 pages of text, 21 figures, 3 tables. Uses emulateapj5.st

    Twisted local systems solve the (holographic) loop equation of large-N QCD_4

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    We construct a holographic map from the loop equation of large-N QCD in d=2 and d=4, for planar self-avoiding loops, to the critical equation of an equivalent effective action. The holographic map is based on two ingredients: an already proposed holographic form of the loop equation, such that the quantum contribution is reduced to a regularized residue; a new conformal map from the region encircled by the based loop to a cuspidal fundamental domain in the upper half-plane, such that the regularized residue vanishes at the cusp. As a check, we study the first coefficient of the beta function and that part of the second coefficient which arises from the rescaling anomaly, in passing from the Wilsonian to the canonically normalised (holographic) effective action.Comment: 42 pages, latex; abstract shortened and a reference added as suggested by the referee; typos in Eq.(72,76,77,82,83,84) correcte

    Acceptability and design of video-based research on healthcare communication: evidence and recommendations

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    Objectives: To contribute to understandings about acceptability and risks entailed in video-based research on healthcare communication. To generate recommendations for non-covert video-based research on healthcare communication − with a focus on maximising its acceptability to participants, and managing and reducing its risks. Methods: A literature review and synthesis of (a) empirical research on participant acceptability and risks of video recording; (b) regulations of professional and governmental bodies; (c) reviews and commentaries; (d) guidance and recommendations. These were gathered across several academic and professional fields (including medical, educational, and social scientific). Results: 36 publications were included in the review and synthesis (7 regulatory documents, 7 empirical, 4 reviews/commentaries, 18 guidance/recommendations). In the context of research aiming in some way to improve healthcare communication: •Most people regard video-based research as acceptable and worthwhile, whilst also carrying risks. •Concerns that recording could be detrimental to healthcare delivery are not confirmed by existing evidence. •Numerous procedures to enhance acceptability and feasibility have been documented, and our recommendations collate these. Conclusion and practice implications: The recommendations are designed to support deliberations and decisions about individual studies and to support ethical scrutiny of proposed research studies. Whilst preliminary, it is nevertheless the most comprehensive and detailed currently available

    Solving loop equations by Hitchin systems via holography in large-N QCD_4

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    For (planar) closed self-avoiding loops we construct a "holographic" map from the loop equations of large-N QCD_4 to an effective action defined over infinite rank Hitchin bundles. The effective action is constructed densely embedding Hitchin systems into the functional integral of a partially quenched or twisted Eguchi-Kawai model, by means of the resolution of identity into the gauge orbits of the microcanonical ensemble and by changing variables from the moduli fields of Hitchin systems to the moduli of the corresponding holomorphic de Rham local systems. The key point is that the contour integral that occurs in the loop equations for the de Rham local systems can be reduced to the computation of a residue in a certain regularization. The outcome is that, for self-avoiding loops, the original loop equations are implied by the critical equation of an effective action computed in terms of the localisation determinant and of the Jacobian of the change of variables to the de Rham local systems. We check, at lowest order in powers of the moduli fields, that the localisation determinant reproduces exactly the first coefficient of the beta function.Comment: 65 pages, late