5,057 research outputs found

    ESEF 70 Anos: o processo de federalização sob o olhar discente

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    Artigo publicado na Revista MovimentoEste artigo analisa o processo de federalização da Escola de Educação Física da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul sob o olhar dos discentes que se graduaram em 1970 na primeira turma formada sob o regime federal de ensino. Fundamentada no aporte teórico da História Cultural analisamos aspectos relacionados ao envolvimento político dos alunos nesse processo bem como aspectos relacionados a estrutura e funcionamento da Escola como um todo. Para tanto, recorremos a História Oral entrevistando discentes e docentes do período bem como analisamos fontes de diversa natureza tais como documentos, atas de reuniões, livros, reportagens de jornal, fotografia entre outras. Da análise realizada apreendemos que esta turma vivenciou a federalização de modo muito peculiar: por dentro do processo, mas, em certa medida, muito afastada dele.Produção decorrente do projeto "ESCOLA DE EDUCAÇÃO FÍSICA DA UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL (1940-2010): mapeando cenários da formação profissional e da produção do conhecimento em políticas públicas de esporte e lazer", financiado pela Rede Cede

    Forensic anthropology at Medico Legal Centre of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto/USP - comparative study of cases from 1999-2009

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    Forensic Anthropology is an area of knowledge that applies the methods of physical anthropology andarcheology within a legal context. The Medico Legal Centre (CEMEL) of the Faculty of Medicine of RibeirãoPreto of University of São Paulo (FMRP-USP) has a Forensic Anthropology Laboratory (LAF), created in2005 in a partnership project with the University of Sheffield (UK) and financed by the British Foreign andCommonwealth Office Global Opportunities Fund. As part of this project, a protocol for skeletal analysiswas established, supported by an upgraded scientific infrastructure, for application in a socially important context in Brazil. Accumulated cases from 1999 to 2006 were analyzed initially, followed by casesfrom 2007 to 2009. These analyses indicated that many skeletons forwarded to CEMEL were incomplete,making the completion of a biological profile difficult. Despite of this, a statistically significant increasewas detected in the mean number of bones forwarded in the 2007-2009 group (112.83) in comparison tothe 1999-2006 group (79.57). Also, a statistically significant decline in the mean age from 38.34 years inthe 1999-2006 group to 35.65 years in the 2007-2009 group was detected, probably associated withviolent crime. Analysis indicated that in the 1999-2006 group, handedness could not be assigned in themajority of the cases (57.14%), while in the 2007-2009 group assignment was possible in the majority ofthe cases (85.72%), with 57.15% being right-handed and 28.57% left. The improvement in assignmentis explained by the increase in the mean number of bones forwarded per skeleton. For all other examinedanthropological parameters, no statistical difference was detected.  Male,  Caucasian and right- handedskeletons were predominant in both groups. The chance of identifying an individual through anthropological examination increased from 73.81% in 1999-2006 group to 90.47% in 2007-2009. These resultsindicate that improvement in the quality bone recovery from the scene and subsequent anthropologicalanalysis increases the likelihood of individual identification, fulfilling the scientific and social goals offorensic anthropological examination.A Antropologia Forense é uma área de conhecimento que aplica os métodos da antropologia física e daarqueologia em um contexto legal. O Centro de Medicina Legal (CEMEL) da Faculdade de Medicina deRibeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo (FMRP-USP) possui um Laboratório de AntropologiaForense (LAF), criado em 2005, em um projeto de parceria com a University of Sheffield (UK) e financiado pelo British Foreign and Commonwealth Office Global Opportunities Fund. Como parte desseprojeto, foi elaborado um protocolo para análise de ossadas com uma estrutura científica atualizadaaplicável ao contexto social brasileiro. Inicialmente foram analisados os casos acumulados de 1999 a2006, seguidos dos casos de 2007 a 2009. Este estudo revelou que a maioria das ossadas encaminhadas ao CEMEL estavam incompletas, o que dificulta a obtenção de um perfil bioantropológico.Apesar disso, um aumento estatisticamente significativo foi detectado no número médio de ossosencaminhados no grupo de 2007-2009 (112,83) em comparação com o grupo de 1999-2006 (79,57).Além disso, foi detectado um declínio estatisticamente significativo na média de idade de 38,34 anos nogrupo de 1999-2006 para 35,65 anos no grupo de 2007-2009, provavelmente associado a crimesviolentos. A análise indicou que na maioria dos casos (57,14%), no grupo de 1999-2006, a lateralidadenão poderia ser atribuída, enquanto que no grupo de 2007-2009 foi possível atribuir a lateralidade namaioria dos casos (85,72%), sendo que 57,15% eram destros e 28,57% canhotos. A melhora na atribui-ção pode ser explicada pelo aumento do número médio de ossos enviados por esqueleto. Para todosos outros parâmetros antropológicos analisados, não foram detectadas diferenças estatisticamentesignificativas. Esqueletos do sexo masculino, caucasianos e destros foram predominantes em ambosos grupos. A chance de identificar um indivíduo através do exame antropológico aumentou de 73,81%em 1999-2006 para 90,47% em 2007-2009. Estes resultados indicam uma melhoria na qualidade dacoleta dos ossos no local de seu encontro, e subseqüente, um aumento da probabilidade de identifica-ção do individuo através da análise antropológica, cumprindo o papel científico e social do exameantropológico forense


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    The authors present a report of the seven years experience of the Medico Legal Centre (CEMEL) of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto of the University of São Paulo (FMRPUSP) in receiving and keeping non-identified copses and in the attention to the families that search for missing relatives. In CEMEL, victims of natural, suspicious or violent deaths are examined, whose can be carbonized, putrefied or skeletonized, situations in which identification is difficult and require full attention of professionals involved. CEMEL has as priority the rescue of human dignity in dealing with corpses and their families, because of the repetitive denounces of disrespectful treatment in many mortuaries in Brazil. From December 1999 to December 2006, 166 non-identified bodies were examined, being 112 of recent deaths, 45 skeletonized, 7 in advanced putrefaction and 2 carbonized. The interviews with those allegedly relatives was done in all cases to obtain the life history of the deceased, which allowed the identification of 25 people. Obtaining valid information for identification was proportionally more efficient to the longer time spent with the relatives, the availability in help, the interest in listening to their complaints and the care in keeping the corpses.Os autores apresentam um relato da experiência de sete anos do Centro de Medicina Legal (CEMEL) da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo (FMRP-USP), no recebimento e guarda de cadáveres não-identificados e na atenção às famílias que procuram parentes desaparecidos. No CEMEL, vítimas de morte violenta são examinadas pelos peritos do IML, as quais podem estar carbonizadas, putrefeitas ou esqueletizadas, situações nas quais a identificação é difícil e requer atenção completa dos profissionais envolvidos. O CEMEL tem como um de seus objetivos no trabalho tanatológico, o resgate da dignidade humana no trato com os cadáveres e seus familiares, através da educação continuada de seus funcionários sobre estes princípios. De dezembro de 1999 a dezembro de 2006 foram examinados 166 cadáveres sem identificação, sendo 112 de pessoas recém falecidas, 45 esqueletizados, 7 em estado de putrefação avançada e 02 carbonizados. As entrevistas com as pessoas que se apresentaram como sendo familiares foram realizadas em todos os casos para conhecimento da história de vida do falecido, o que possibilitou a identificação de 25 pessoas. A obtenção de informações válidas para identificação foi proporcionalmente mais eficaz quanto maior o tempo de contato com os familiares, a disponibilidade em atendê-los, o interesse em ouvir suas queixas e o zêlo e trato na guarda do cadáver

    Three-Dimensional and Biomimetic Technology in Cardiac Injury After Myocardial Infarction: Effect of Acellular Devices on Ventricular Function and Cardiac Remodelling

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    Dilated cardiomyopathy (DMC) of ischemic or non-ischemic aetiology remains a lethal condition nowadays. Despite early percutaneous or medical revascularization after an acute myocardial infarct (AMI), many patients still develop DMC and severe heart failure due to cardiac remodelling. Possibility of regenerating myocardium already damaged or at least inducing a more positive cardiac remodelling with use of biodegradable scaffolds has been attempted in many experimental studies, which can be cellular or acellular. In the cellular scaffolds, the cells are incorporated in the structure prior to implantation of the same into the injured tissue. Acellular scaffolds, in turn, are composites that use one or more biomaterials present in the extracellular matrix (ECM), such as proteoglycans non-proteoglycan polysaccharide, proteins and glycoproteins to stimulate the chemotaxis of cellular/molecular complexes as growth factors to initiate specific regeneration. For the development of scaffold, the choice of biomaterials to be used must meet specific biological, chemical and architectural requirements like ECM of the tissue of interest. In acute myocardial infarction, treating the root of the problem by repairing injured tissue is more beneficial to the patient. Inducing more constructive forms of endogenous repair. Thus, patches of acellular scaffolds capable of mimicking the epicardium and ECM should be able to attenuate both cardiac remodelling and adverse cardiac dysfunction

    Mechanisms underlying skeletal muscle insulin resistance induced by fatty acids: importance of the mitochondrial function

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    Insulin resistance condition is associated to the development of several syndromes, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome. Although the factors linking insulin resistance to these syndromes are not precisely defined yet, evidence suggests that the elevated plasma free fatty acid (FFA) level plays an important role in the development of skeletal muscle insulin resistance. Accordantly, in vivo and in vitro exposure of skeletal muscle and myocytes to physiological concentrations of saturated fatty acids is associated with insulin resistance condition. Several mechanisms have been postulated to account for fatty acids-induced muscle insulin resistance, including Randle cycle, oxidative stress, inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction. Here we reviewed experimental evidence supporting the involvement of each of these propositions in the development of skeletal muscle insulin resistance induced by saturated fatty acids and propose an integrative model placing mitochondrial dysfunction as an important and common factor to the other mechanisms

    Structure, computational and biochemical analysis of PcCel45A endoglucanase from phanerochaete chrysosporium and catalytic mechanisms of GH45 subfamily C members

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    FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIORThe glycoside hydrolase family 45 (GH45) of carbohydrate modifying enzymes is mostly comprised of β-1,4-endoglucanases. Significant diversity between the GH45 members has prompted the division of this family into three subfamilies: A, B and C, which may d8FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIORFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR10/52362-511/20505-411/21608-115/13684-0405191/2015-4303988/2016-9440977/2016-9sem informaçãoThe PcCel45A dataset was collected at the Brookhaven National Laboratory, during the RapiData course. This study was supported by the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) via grants 10/52362-5, 11/20505-4, 11/21608-1 and 15/13684

    Structure, computational and biochemical analysis of PcCel45A endoglucanase from <i>Phanerochaete chrysosporium </i>and catalytic mechanisms of GH45 subfamily C members

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    Abstract The glycoside hydrolase family 45 (GH45) of carbohydrate modifying enzymes is mostly comprised of β-1,4-endoglucanases. Significant diversity between the GH45 members has prompted the division of this family into three subfamilies: A, B and C, which may differ in terms of the mechanism, general architecture, substrate binding and cleavage. Here, we use a combination of X-ray crystallography, bioinformatics, enzymatic assays, molecular dynamics simulations and site-directed mutagenesis experiments to characterize the structure, substrate binding and enzymatic specificity of the GH45 subfamily C endoglucanase from Phanerochaete chrysosporium (PcCel45A). We investigated the role played by different residues in the binding of the enzyme to cellulose oligomers of different lengths and examined the structural characteristics and dynamics of PcCel45A that make subfamily C so dissimilar to other members of the GH45 family. Due to the structural similarity shared between PcCel45A and domain I of expansins, comparative analysis of their substrate binding was also carried out. Our bioinformatics sequence analyses revealed that the hydrolysis mechanisms in GH45 subfamily C is not restricted to use of the imidic asparagine as a general base in the “Newton’s cradle” catalytic mechanism recently proposed for this subfamily

    Aerobic exercise and telomere length in patients with systolic heart failure : protocol study for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Heart failure (HF) with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) is a syndrome that leads to fatigue and reduced functional capacity due to disease-related pathophysiological mechanisms. Aerobic exercise (AERO) plays a key role in improving HF outcomes, such as an increase in peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak). In addition, HF promotes cell senescence, which involves reducing telomere length. Several studies have shown that patients with a worse prognosis (i.e., reduced VO2 peak) also have shorter telomeres. However, the effects of AERO on telomere length in patients with HFrEF are still unknown. In an attempt to fill this gap, we designed a study to determine the effects of 16 weeks of aerobic training (32 sessions) on telomere length in HFrEF patients. Methods: In this single-center randomized controlled trial, men and women between 50 and 80 years old will be allocated into two different groups: a moderate-intensity aerobic training and a control grouTelomere length, functional capacity, echocardiographic variables, endothelial function, and walking ability will be assessed before and after the 16-week intervention period. Discussion: Understanding the role of physical exercise in biological aging in HFrEF patients is relevant. Due to cell senescence, these individuals have shown a shorter telomere length. AERO can delay biological aging according to a balance in oxidative stress through antioxidant action. Positive telomere length results are expected for the aerobic training group

    A Nanoscale Shape-Discovery Framework Supporting Systematic Investigations of Shape-Dependent Biological Effects and Immunomodulation

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    Since it is now possible to make, in a controlled fashion, an almost unlimited variety of nanostructure shapes, it is of increasing interest to understand the forms of biological control that nanoscale shape allows. However, a priori rational investigation of such a vast universe of shapes appears to present intractable fundamental and practical challenges. This has limited the useful systematic investigation of their biological interactions and the development of innovative nanoscale shape-dependent therapies. Here, we introduce a concept of biologically relevant inductive nanoscale shape discovery and evaluation that is ideally suited to, and will ultimately become, a vehicle for machine learning discovery. Combining the reproducibility and tunability of microfluidic flow nanochemistry syntheses, quantitative computational shape analysis, and iterative feedback from biological responses in vitro and in vivo, we show that these challenges can be mastered, allowing shape biology to be explored within accepted scientific and biomedical research paradigms. Early applications identify significant forms of shape-induced biological and adjuvant-like immunological control