118 research outputs found

    La política privatizadora en sanidad.

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    Comienza la contrarreforma sanitaria

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    Estatuko Osasun Sistemaren sostengarritasuna eta berak eskaintzen dituen prestazioen kalitatea eta seguritatea bermatzeko premiazko neurriak jasotzen dituen apirilaren 20ko, 16/2012 Errege Dekretu-Legeak, agerian jartzen du gizakiaren oinarrizko eskubidea den osasun sistema unibertsalarekin amaitzeko borondatea, segurtatze ereduaren alde egiten baitu, horrekin baliabide gutxien dituzten pertsonen aurka joaz. Bigarrenik, nolabaiteko jarrera xenofoboa azaltzen da, osasun sistematik kanpo gelditzen baitira egoera irregularrean dauden atzerritarrak. Era berean, kopagoa ezartzen duen sistemak larriki erasotzen die pentsionistei eta gaixo kronikoei. Horren aurrean, farmazia-industriaren gaineko jarduerak erabat itxurazkoak dira.; The 16/2012 Real decree of the 20th April 2013 on "urgent measures to guarantee the sustainability of the National Health System and to improve the quality and safety of its provisions", shows the wish to end with the universal health-care system as a basic right of the people, in favour of a model of health assurance which would be detrimental for the people with fewer resources. Secondly, it shows a certain xenophobic attitude by leaving out of the health-care service the illegal immigrants. Also, the setting up of the co-payment system will be an extremely aggressive measure for pensioners and chronic patients. By contrast, the proceedings over the pharmaceutical industry are testimonial.; El Real Decreto-ley 16/2012, de 20 de abril, de medidas urgentes para garantizar la sostenibilidad del Sistema Nacional de Salud y mejorar la calidad y seguridad de sus prestaciones, evidencia la voluntad de acabar con el sistema sanitario universal, como derecho básico de la ciudadanía, favoreciendo un modelo de aseguramiento, lo cual perjudica a las personas con menos recursos. En segundo lugar, se muestra cierta actitud xenófoba al dejar fuera de la atención sanitaria a los inmigrantes no regularizados. Asimismo, el establecimiento del sistema de copagos supone una medida extremadamente agresiva para los pensionistas y enfermos crónicos. En contraste, las actuaciones sobre la industria farmacéutica son testimoniales

    Model-dependent radiative corrections to tau- -> pi- pi0 nu revisited

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    The long-distance electromagnetic radiative corrections to tau- -> pi- pi0 nu are re-evaluated. A meson dominance model is used to describe the emission of real photons in this decay. Results obtained for the hadronic spectrum and the decay rate in photon inclusive reactions are compared with previous calculations based on the chiral resonance theory. Independent tests in tau -> pi pi nu gamma that can help to validate the predictions of one of the two models are briefly discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, talk given by GLC at the 9th International Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics, Pisa (Italy), september 200

    Tau weak dipole moments from azimuthal asymmetries

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    We show that transverse and normal single-tautau polarization of tautau pairs produced at e+e^+ ee^- unpolarized collisions, at the ZZ peak, are sensitive to weak (magnetic and electric) dipole moments of the tautau. We also show how these components of the τ\tau polarization are accessible by measuring appropriate azimuthal asymmetries in the angular distribution of its decay products. Sensitivities of the order of 101810^{-18} ecme\cdot cm, for the weak-electric dipole moment, and 10410^{-4} (10310^{-3}), for the real (imaginary) part of the weak-magnetic dipole moment of τ\tau, may be achieved. Compatible bounds are also presented from spin-spin correlated asymmetries.Comment: Talk given at the TAU'98 Workshop, September 1998, Santander, Spain. 8 pages, 2 figure

    SU(3)_c X SU(4)_L X U(1)_x without exotic electric charges

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    We present an extension of the Standard Model to the local gauge group SU(3)cSU(4)LU(1)XSU(3)_c\otimes SU(4)_L\otimes U(1)_X with a family non-universal treatment and anomalies canceled among the three families in a nontrivial fashion. The mass scales, the gauge boson masses, and the masses for the spin 1/2 particles in the model are analyzed. The neutral currents coupled to all neutral vector bosons in the model are studied, and particular values of the parameters are used in order to simplify the mixing between the three neutral currents present in the theory, mixing which is further constrained by experimental results from the CERN LEP, SLAC Linear Collider, and atomic parity violation.Comment: RevTeX, 11 pages, 1 figure. Several formulas corrected. One reference added. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.