9 research outputs found

    Особливості управління персоналом підприємства в сучасних умовах

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    Система управління персоналом є складовою частиною загальної системи управління підприємством і за сучасних умов від її успішної побудови, і ефективності роботи залежить досягнення головних цілей функціонування організації. Основою системи управління персоналом підприємства є механізм управління, що включає в себе принципи, функції, методи управління і стиль керівництва

    Огляд візуальних мов програмування для навчання майбутніх інженерів-програмістів

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    Авторами здійснено огляд візуальних мов програмування. На основі аналізу їх властивостей візуальні мови програмування класифіковано на дві великі групи відповідно до формату графічного представлення синтаксису мов: мови з блоками та мови з блок-схемами. Візуальні мови програмування, що використовують блок-схеми класифіковано на чотири підтипи: що програмують потік даних, кінцеві автомати, поведінку дерев та правила на основі подій

    Проблема формування вмінь з академічного письма у майбутніх програмістів

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    The ability to write a scientific publications and works plays an important role in science. Different aspects of teaching academic writing were considered in the writings of scientists, in particular the peculiarities of writing skills and skills of foreign language students, approaches to the formation of academic writing skills in English language classes at medical universities, peculiarities of the methodology of teaching English writing (practical, academic and creative), content training courses on the formation of language competence from academic writing at separate stages of study (bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies), methods of teaching students writing in English. However, the features of academic writing in the field of computer science in the national scientific thought were considered insufficient. In the article, based on the analysis of theoretical studies on academic writing (J. Zobel, I. B. Korotkina) practical experience of forming an academic writing for future specialists (T. Babenko, L. Sazanovych), in particular future IT specialists (V. О. Safonov, O. S. Synekop), an understanding of the concept of "academic writing" is presented and the content component of the methodology of academic writing for future programmers is developed. Offered on the first and fourth courses to introduce elements of teaching academic writing future programmers in learning the disciplines "Introduction in specialty programmer" and "Methods of writing the diploma project". This approach will provide empiricism in research in the field of information technology and will prepare students for in-depth studies in a magistracy and postgraduate study, will allow us to teach future programmers to plan, conduct and describe research that involves the formulation of research questions, theory, data analysis (using both quantitative and qualitative methods), preparation of evidence, evaluation of the validity and publication. They will learn to use research methods, which are used for human interaction with computer technology: a controlled experiment, testing the software, efficiency of the calculation algorithms, the calculation of the economic efficiency of the developed software. In addition, we consider it appropriate to focus on the fact that despite the fact that at first glance, a programmer's professional activity has little to do with the writing, it is still an essential component of their daily work. In the future prospects of the study, it is planned to conduct an experimental study in order to find out the effectiveness of the proposed methodology of forming academic writing skills from future programmers.У статті, ґрунтуючись на аналізі теоретичних досліджень з академічного письма та практичного досвіду формування академічного письма у майбутніх фахівців, зокрема майбутніх ІТ-спеціалістів, подано розуміння поняття «академічне письмо», проаналізовано особливості академічного письма у галузі інформатики, зазначено типові помилки молодих програмістів і рекомендації щодо їх виправлення та розроблено змістову складову методики навчання академічного письма майбутніх програмістів. Запропоновано на першому і четвертому курсах ввести елементи навчання академічного письма майбутніх програмістів у ході вивчення дисциплін «Вступ до спеціальності програміста» та «Методика написання дипломного проекту». У подальших перспективах дослідження заплановано провести експеримент з метою з’ясування ефективності запропонованої методики формування вмінь з академічного письма у майбутніх програмістів

    Проблема формування вмінь з академічного письма у майбутніх програмістів

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    The ability to write a scientific publications and works plays an important role in science. Different aspects of teaching academic writing were considered in the writings of scientists, in particular the peculiarities of writing skills and skills of foreign language students, approaches to the formation of academic writing skills in English language classes at medical universities, peculiarities of the methodology of teaching English writing (practical, academic and creative), content training courses on the formation of language competence from academic writing at separate stages of study (bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies), methods of teaching students writing in English. However, the features of academic writing in the field of computer science in the national scientific thought were considered insufficient. In the article, based on the analysis of theoretical studies on academic writing (J. Zobel, I. B. Korotkina) practical experience of forming an academic writing for future specialists (T. Babenko, L. Sazanovych), in particular future IT specialists (V. О. Safonov, O. S. Synekop), an understanding of the concept of "academic writing" is presented and the content component of the methodology of academic writing for future programmers is developed. Offered on the first and fourth courses to introduce elements of teaching academic writing future programmers in learning the disciplines "Introduction in specialty programmer" and "Methods of writing the diploma project". This approach will provide empiricism in research in the field of information technology and will prepare students for in-depth studies in a magistracy and postgraduate study, will allow us to teach future programmers to plan, conduct and describe research that involves the formulation of research questions, theory, data analysis (using both quantitative and qualitative methods), preparation of evidence, evaluation of the validity and publication. They will learn to use research methods, which are used for human interaction with computer technology: a controlled experiment, testing the software, efficiency of the calculation algorithms, the calculation of the economic efficiency of the developed software. In addition, we consider it appropriate to focus on the fact that despite the fact that at first glance, a programmer's professional activity has little to do with the writing, it is still an essential component of their daily work. In the future prospects of the study, it is planned to conduct an experimental study in order to find out the effectiveness of the proposed methodology of forming academic writing skills from future programmers.У статті, ґрунтуючись на аналізі теоретичних досліджень з академічного письма та практичного досвіду формування академічного письма у майбутніх фахівців, зокрема майбутніх ІТ-спеціалістів, подано розуміння поняття «академічне письмо», проаналізовано особливості академічного письма у галузі інформатики, зазначено типові помилки молодих програмістів і рекомендації щодо їх виправлення та розроблено змістову складову методики навчання академічного письма майбутніх програмістів. Запропоновано на першому і четвертому курсах ввести елементи навчання академічного письма майбутніх програмістів у ході вивчення дисциплін «Вступ до спеціальності програміста» та «Методика написання дипломного проекту». У подальших перспективах дослідження заплановано провести експеримент з метою з’ясування ефективності запропонованої методики формування вмінь з академічного письма у майбутніх програмістів

    The problem of forming skills from academic writing for future programmers

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    The ability to write a scientific publications and works plays an important role in science. Different aspects of teaching academic writing were considered in the writings of scientists, in particular the peculiarities of writing skills and skills of foreign language students, approaches to the formation of academic writing skills in English language classes at medical universities, peculiarities of the methodology of teaching English writing (practical, academic and creative), content training courses on the formation of language competence from academic writing at separate stages of study (bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies), methods of teaching students writing in English. However, the features of academic writing in the field of computer science in the national scientific thought were considered insufficient. In the article, based on the analysis of theoretical studies on academic writing (J. Zobel, I. B. Korotkina) practical experience of forming an academic writing for future specialists (T. Babenko, L. Sazanovych), in particular future IT specialists (V. О. Safonov, O. S. Synekop), an understanding of the concept of "academic writing" is presented and the content component of the methodology of academic writing for future programmers is developed. Offered on the first and fourth courses to introduce elements of teaching academic writing future programmers in learning the disciplines "Introduction in specialty programmer" and "Methods of writing the diploma project". This approach will provide empiricism in research in the field of information technology and will prepare students for in-depth studies in a magistracy and postgraduate study, will allow us to teach future programmers to plan, conduct and describe research that involves the formulation of research questions, theory, data analysis (using both quantitative and qualitative methods), preparation of evidence, evaluation of the validity and publication. They will learn to use research methods, which are used for human interaction with computer technology: a controlled experiment, testing the software, efficiency of the calculation algorithms, the calculation of the economic efficiency of the developed software. In addition, we consider it appropriate to focus on the fact that despite the fact that at first glance, a programmer's professional activity has little to do with the writing, it is still an essential component of their daily work. In the future prospects of the study, it is planned to conduct an experimental study in order to find out the effectiveness of the proposed methodology of forming academic writing skills from future programmers

    Organisational foundations of functioning of the Right-Bank Ukraine orthodox brotherhoods from the 1850s to 1900s

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    This research aims to reveal the peculiarities of standardization and organizational principles behind the functioning of Orthodox brotherhoods on the territory of Right-Bank Ukraine from the 1850s to the 1900s. Methods. Methodologically, the authors of the work rely on the principles of novelty, objectivity, and historicism and employ general scientific methods (internal criticism of the sources, analysis, synthesis, generalization). Results. The study revealed that during the second half of the 19th century, the activity of Orthodox brotherhoods on the territories controlled by the Russian Empire was regulated by the law “Basic Rules for the Establishment of the Orthodox Church Brotherhoods” which regulated the prioritized tasks, membership and main vectors of their work. At the beginning of the 20th century, some changes occurred in the social-political life of the Russian Empire, which also affected the position of the Orthodox brotherhoods of Right-Bank Ukraine. Conclusion. The church authorities devoted considerable efforts to revitalizing and restoring the activity of the Orthodox brotherhoods at the beginning of the 20th century. In order to find new solutions to the situation, they discussed the further functioning of the fraternities at the congresses in which participated the representatives of the Orthodox brotherhoods of the western provinces of the Russian Empire. Thus, the church management controlled brotherhoods and channelled them into the required course of action

    Reforming the system of administrative and territorial organization in Ukraine and the Polish Republic

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    En el artículo se analizan los principios históricos de las reformas constitucionales y legales al sistema de organización administrativa y territorial de la República de Polonia y Ucrania, así como su implementación y los enfoques científicos existentes. Se estudian las posibilidades de aplicar la experiencia polaca de modelamiento constitucional de la organización territorial en Ucrania. Igualmente, se analizan las principales reformas al sistema de organización administrativa y territorial de Ucrania y Polonia durante las distintas etapas de su desarrollo histórico. Se observa que cada período de reforma de la estructura administrativo-territorial de los estados estudiados se caracteriza, entre otras razones, por diferentes actitudes hacia el autogobierno local. Se clarificaron así los modelos de los sistemas de organización administrativa y territorial en Ucrania y Polonia y sus características comunes y específicas.The historical principles of the constitutional and legal reform of the administrative and territorial organization in Ukraine and the Republic of Poland are studied, analyzing the constitutional legislation of both countries, the implementation of the reforms, and the existing scientific approaches. The possibilities of applying the Polish experience of constitutional modelling of the territorial organization in Ukraine are determined. Attention is paid to the main directions of reform the system of administrative and territorial organization in Ukraine and Poland at different stages of their historical development. It is noted that each period of reform to the administrative and territorial organization of these states is characterized by a different attitude towards local self-government. This allowed to outline the models of the system of administrative and territorial organization in Ukraine and Poland and to clarify their common and specific features

    In situ measurement of the spectral reflectance of mirror-like metallic surfaces during plasma exposition

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    Visible spectroscopy in fusion plasmas crucially depends on the optical properties of first mirrors withstanding a considerable amount of radiation and particle fluxes. As a result of this interaction the optical properties of the mirrors could be changed so that a cleaning of the mirror is regularly required. Thus the reflectance of the first mirror must be monitored in situ. The newly developed Doppler-Shifted Reflectance Measurement (DSRM) diagnostic provides the spectral reflectance of mirrors in the absence of any calibration sources. It is based on the emission of fast H/D atoms in a low density Ar-H plasma by applying a negative potential on the order of −80⋯−200V to the mirror surface. Until now, the experimental data were restricted to measure only the fast atoms emission at the Hα line. In this work we prove that the new technique also provides the mirror reflectance at the Hβ line (Cu) (486 nm) relevant for the charge-exchange recombination spectroscopy (CXRS) measurements of the He II line (468 nm) in ITER. Moreover, the DSRM diagnostic remains sensitive to the polarization of the reflected light of a W mirror. We present the first experimental data on the time-dependent regime of operation: in situ monitoring of the degradation of an Al mirror is shown as a function of the mirror temperature. The passive heating of the mirror was performed by the plasma itself, which makes the separation between the impact of high temperature and plasma erosion on the mirror reflectance for the temperatures above 500 K impossible. A very good agreement of the experimental and the theoretical data calculated using the Drude theory for the temperature below 500 K is found. For the temperatures above 500 K the degradation of the reflectance of the mirror is determined by the erosion of Al, which is confirmed by monitoring the Al I spectral lines in unison. Keywords: optical emission spectroscopy, fast neutral atoms, spectral reflectance, light polarization, surface degradation, CXR

    In situ measurements of the spectral reflectance of metallic mirrors at the Hα line in a low density Ar–H plasma

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    The efficient and reliable control and monitoring of the quality of the optical properties of mirrors is an open problem in laboratory plasmas. Until now, the measurement of the reflectance of the first mirrors was based on the methods that require additional light calibration sources. We propose a new technique based on the ratio of the red- and blue-shifted emission signals of the reflected hydrogen atoms which enables the in situ measurement of the spectral reflectance of metallic mirrors in low-density Ar–H or Ar–D plasmas. The spectral reflectance coefficients were measured for C, Al, Ag, Fe, Pd, Ti, Sn, Rh, Mo, and W mirrors installed in the linear magnetized plasma device PSI-2 operating in the pressure range of 0.01-0.1 Pa. The results are obtained for the Hα line using the emission of fast atoms induced by excitation of H atoms through Ar at a plasma-solid interface by applying a negative potential U = −80, …, −220 V to the mirror. The agreement between the measured and theoretical data of reflectance is found to be within 10% for the investigated materials (except for C). The spectra also allow us to efficiently determine the material of the mirror