112 research outputs found

    Cultura em estratégia e segurança nacional : um estudo de caso do Japão medieval

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    Lusíada. Política Internacional e Segurança. - ISSN 1647-1342. - S. 1, n. 23-24 (2022). - p. ....-...

    Digitization of music and audio-visual industries in Brazil: new actors and the challenges to cultural diversity

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    Over the last two decades, the Brazilian cultural industries experience the digitization of their contents with different levels of difficulties. Since the 2010’s, global digital platforms started their operations in the country. In a matter of years, they consolidated the market for both digital music and video on demand (VoD). If there is no doubt that global digital companies were pivotal to the growth of the digital content market, it is true that they present new challenges for cultural diversity. For if, on the one hand, they open the market to a plurality of cultural expressions in an unprecedented level, on the other, they change qualitatively the relations between production, distribution and consumption of cultural goods. Actually, little is known about how such plurality of artistic expressions will be accessed by consumers. It is a sensitive issue especially for developing countries, inasmuch as they have little control upon the technology provided by international platforms. We intend to address the challenges to cultural diversity in developing countries by analysing the digitization of the music and audio-visual industries in Brazil. In order to do so, we describe the digitization of both markets, underlying the market players, their vested interests and conflicts. In the concluding remarks, we address the challenges to both sectors and comment on the difficulties encountered by the Brazilian government in its attempt to regulate digital content markets in favour of the local cultural diversity.Au cours des deux dernières décennies, les industries culturelles brésiliennes ont connu une numérisation de leurs contenus impliquant différents niveaux de difficultés. Depuis 2010, les plateformes numériques mondiales ont commencé leurs opérations dans le pays et en quelques années, elles ont consolidé le marché de la musique numérique et de la vidéo à la demande (VoD). S’il ne fait aucun doute que les entreprises numériques mondiales ont joué un rôle crucial dans la croissance du marché du contenu numérique, il est vrai qu’elles représentent de nouveaux défis pour la diversité culturelle. Car si, d’une part, elles ouvrent le marché à une pluralité d’expressions culturelles à un niveau sans précédent, de l’autre, elles modifient les relations entre production, distribution et consommation de biens culturels. En réalité, on sait encore peu de choses sur la manière dont les consommateurs auront accès à cette pluralité d’expressions artistiques. C’est un sujet sensible, en particulier pour les pays en développement, dans la mesure où ils n’ont guère de contrôle sur la technologie fournie par les plateformes internationales. Nous proposons d’interroger la question de la diversité culturelle dans les pays en développement à travers l’analyse des processus de numérisation des industries musicales et audiovisuelles au Brésil. Pour ce faire, nous présenterons pour chacun de ces deux secteurs, les différents acteurs qui le sous-tendent, leurs perspectives et les conflits générés. Dans les remarques finales, nous aborderons les défis auxquels sont confrontés les deux secteurs et commentons les difficultés rencontrées par le gouvernement brésilien dans sa tentative de régulation des marchés de contenu numérique en faveur de la diversité culturelle locale

    A Brincadeira no desenvolvimento infantil

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    Anais do 35º Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul - Área temática: Direitos HumanosO presente texto tem como objetivo dialogar a relação das brincadeiras infantis com a produção cultural construída entre pares e destes com os adultos. A metodologia utilizada pauta-se num estudo bibliográfico tendo como base teórica os seguintes autores: SPOLIN (2001), COURTNEY (2010), MAGER et. al (2011), MÜLLER (2002), SARMENTO (2003) e CORSARO (2011). Ao Pensar a criança a partir de uma visão sociológica que defende-a com produtora de cultura no ambiente em que está inserida, apontamos que suas contribuições podem ser utilizadas como uma possível ferramenta para reflexão acerca do papel da criança como categoria geracional na sociedad

    Agroindústrias familiares rurais integradas ao programa de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE) na Região Sudoeste do Paraná

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    Trabalho apresentado no 31º SEURS - Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul, realizado em Florianópolis, SC, no período de 04 a 07 de agosto de 2013 - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar resultados finais das ações desenvolvidas pelo projeto de extensão tecnológica aplicada às agroindústrias familiares rurais integradas ao Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE), localizadas na região sudoeste do Paraná. No período de janeiro de 2011 a maio de 2013 foram desenvolvidas ações junto à comunidade rural no sentido de apoiar e ampliar a inclusão de agroindústrias familiares rurais nos canais de comercialização institucionais como o PNAE. O projeto foi desenvolvido por meio de parcerias entre a Universidade e entidades regionais com a inserção de bolsistas de extensão. Neste período foram avaliados parâmetros e ações como a abrangência do projeto, os treinamentos realizados, a adequação e melhoria de processos e produtos, o desenvolvimento de novos produtos e a organização e participação em eventos técnicos. Todas as ações foram registradas por meio de cadastro e listas de presença. Em relação à abrangência do projeto foram atendidas 55 agroindústrias familiares, localizadas em 8 (seis) municípios da região, totalizando cerca de 210 famílias de agricultores envolvidos diretamente. Os treinamentos viabilizaram a participação de 220 agricultores familiares e, juntamente com as assessorias tecnológicas in loco, causaram um grande impacto nas tecnologias adotadas, refletindo-se diretamente na melhoria de qualidade dos produtos e processos utilizados pelas unidades. Estas ações permitiram a transferência e apropriação de tecnologias pelos agricultores e viabilizaram a inserção de bolsistas na comunidade

    Serological evidence of Toscana virus infection in Portuguese patients.

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    SUMMARYToscana virus (TOSV) is an emergingPhlebovirusof growing interest as a human pathogen in the Mediterranean Basin. In Portugal, however, little is known about the prevalence of TOSV infection. The aim of this work was to perform a seroprevalence study in patients with requests for laboratory diagnosis of vector-borne viruses. A total of 538 patients with and without neurological signs from 2004 to 2008 were studied by in-house indirect immunofluorescence assay and commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. A prevalence of 4·2% for IgG antibodies was found in the group of patients with neurological signs. Five (3%) of these had recent infections. In the group with no neurological signs, the IgG prevalence was 1·3%. Two samples, belonging to two patients, were also confirmed with plaque reduction neutralization tests with the TOSV ISS. Phl.3 Italian strain. This work showed that TOSV is present and causing disease from north to south in Portugal. The probable circulation of different phlebovirus serotypes in Portugal emphasizes the need for further studies


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    Analytical techniques are critical for ensuring physical and chemical stability of a drug both for assessing the stability of drug molecules and for quantifying and identifying the drug content in products. We proposed the development of dry-powders of lipid-core nanocapsules containing dapsone and coated with chitosan, as well as, the analytical quantification of dapsone in dry-powders with 1% and 2% (m/v) of leucine by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Size is the most relevant physicochemical property of nanoparticulated drug delivery systems. In this context, our results demonstrated that during the powders redispersion in water, could be observed that the mean particle diameters (DAP-LNC-CS-L1 and DAP-LNC-CS-L2) decreased with redispersion times increase. The spray-drying of the lipid-core nanocapsule formulations showed yields ranging from 58 ± 1.0 % (DAP-LNC-CS-L1) to 61 ± 1.5 % (DAP-LNC-CS-L2) indicating an efficient drying process. In this context, the analytical quantifications of dapsone in the dry powders of nanocapsules by HPLC showed that the dapsone content ranged from 92 ± 1.4% (DAP-LNC-CS-L2) to 95 ± 0.8% (DAP-LNC-CS-L1). Can be concluded that spray-drying process of DAP-LNC-CS-L1 and DAP-LNC-CS-L2 formulations showed an efficient aqueous dispersion of nanocapsule powders and the analytical quantification of dapsone in spray-dryed powders were higher than 90%

    Projeto de Iluminação com Sistema Fotovoltaico Isolado para Ônibus Food Truck

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    As for the current society, there’s a search for renewable energy sources, and given the situation, this project was brought up as a way to provide energy to an isolated system that has not got a way of generating energy for itself, automatizing this energy-give process. Therefore the objective of this project was to develop a photovoltaic system that has the autonomy to provide energy to itself, and thy system shall be allocated onto a food truck. The system was fixed into a structure on top of the food truck, the structure which can be detached if the food truck ever needs to move. A few other components could be found inside of the food truck. This system was implanted into IFSC Campus Xanxerê’s container, simulating a food truck. Developing thy project helped to show how IFSC Campus Xanxerê is committed with sustainable development and with the communit