507 research outputs found

    Museus, cultura e turismo: uma visão sistémica de poder

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    O artigo faz uma aplicação de métodos sistémicos juridicos e organizacionais aos museus e a cultura, entendidos enquanto organizações turísticas e conjuntos complexos, concluindo pela sua consideração como fortes estruturas organizacionais de apreensão de poder regulatório do Estado

    Can biowarfare agents be defeated with light?

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    Biological warfare and bioterrorism is an unpleasant fact of 21st century life. Highly infectious and profoundly virulent diseases may be caused in combat personnel or in civilian populations by the appropriate dissemination of viruses, bacteria, spores, fungi, or toxins. Dissemination may be airborne, waterborne, or by contamination of food or surfaces. Countermeasures may be directed toward destroying or neutralizing the agents outside the body before infection has taken place, by destroying the agents once they have entered the body before the disease has fully developed, or by immunizing susceptible populations against the effects. A range of light-based technologies may have a role to play in biodefense countermeasures. Germicidal UV (UVC) is exceptionally active in destroying a wide range of viruses and microbial cells, and recent data suggests that UVC has high selectivity over host mammalian cells and tissues. Two UVA mediated approaches may also have roles to play; one where UVA is combined with titanium dioxide nanoparticles in a process called photocatalysis, and a second where UVA is combined with psoralens (PUVA) to produce “killed but metabolically active” microbial cells that may be particularly suitable for vaccines. Many microbial cells are surprisingly sensitive to blue light alone, and blue light can effectively destroy bacteria, fungi, and Bacillus spores and can treat wound infections. The combination of photosensitizing dyes such as porphyrins or phenothiaziniums and red light is called photodynamic therapy (PDT) or photoinactivation, and this approach cannot only kill bacteria, spores, and fungi, but also inactivate viruses and toxins. Many reports have highlighted the ability of PDT to treat infections and stimulate the host immune system. Finally pulsed (femtosecond) high power lasers have been used to inactivate pathogens with some degree of selectivity. We have pointed to some of the ways light-based technology may be used to defeat biological warfare in the future

    Time response of increases in ATP and muscle resistance to fatigue after low-level laser (light) therapy (LLLT) in mice

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    Recently, low-level laser (light) therapy has been used to increase muscle performance in intense exercises. However, there is a lack of understanding of the time response of muscles to light therapy. The first purpose of this study was to determine the time response for light-emitting diode therapy (LEDT)-mediated increase in adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles in mice. Second purpose was to test whether LEDT can increase the resistance of muscles to fatigue during intense exercise. Fifty male Balb/c mice were randomly allocated into two equal groups: LEDT-ATP and LEDT-fatigue. Both groups were subdivided into five equal subgroups: LEDT-sham, LEDT-5 min, LEDT-3 h, LEDT-6 h, and LEDT-24 h. Each subgroup was analyzed for muscle ATP content or fatigue at specified time after LEDT. The fatigue test was performed by mice repeatedly climbing an inclined ladder bearing a load of 150 % of body weight until exhaustion. LEDT used a cluster of LEDs with 20 red (630 ± 10 nm, 25 mW) and 20 infrared (850 ± 20 nm, 50 mW) delivering 80 mW/cm[superscript 2] for 90 s (7.2 J/cm[superscript 2]) applied to legs, gluteus, and lower back muscles. LEDT-6 h was the subgroup with the highest ATP content in soleus and gastrocnemius compared to all subgroups (P < 0.001). In addition, mice in LEDT-6 h group performed more repetitions in the fatigue test (P < 0.001) compared to all subgroups: LEDT-sham and LEDT-5 min (~600 %), LEDT-3 h (~200 %), and LEDT-24 h (~300 %). A high correlation between the fatigue test repetitions and the ATP content in soleus (r = 0.84) and gastrocnemius (r = 0.94) muscles was observed. LEDT increased ATP content in muscles and fatigue resistance in mice with a peak at 6 h. Although the time response in mice and humans is not the same, athletes might consider applying LEDT at 6 h before competition.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant R01AI050875

    Distribuição do sistema radicular da cana-de-açúcar irrigada com efluente de esgoto doméstico por gotejamento subsuperficial

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    Irrigation with domestic sewage effluent (DSE) has been recommended by subsurface dripping, as it can obtain a high rate of irrigation efficiency and faster use of salts in comparison with other irrigation methods. The study aimed at evaluating the area, the length and the effective depth of the root system of sugarcane irrigated with DSE by subsurface drip system and with different irrigation rates at depths of 0.00-0.20, 0.20-0.40, 0.40-0.60 and 0.60-0.80m. The experiment was carried out in the municipality of Piracicaba, in the state of São Paulo (SP), Brazil, in a sugarcane area irrigated with DSE in a completely randomized blocks set up in furrows, with three replications and four treatments, which are: one area without irrigation (AWI) and three irrigated areas meeting 50% (T50%), 100% (T100%) and 200% (T200%) of the crop's water need between each round of irrigation. T100% and T200% provided smaller areas and lengths of roots in the two deepest layers, as compared to AWI and T50%, which stimulated the development of deeper roots due to the water stress. TWI, T100% and T200% presented 80% of the roots up to a depth of 0.40m and T50% treatment presented 76.43% of roots total.A irrigação com efluente de esgoto doméstico (EED) tem sido recomendada para aplicação por gotejamento subsuperficial, podendo-se obter elevados índices de eficiência de irrigação e mais rápido aproveitamento dos sais em comparação com outros métodos de irrigação. O trabalho objetivou avaliar a área de raiz, o comprimento e a profundidade efetiva do sistema radicular da cana-de-açúcar irrigada com EED aplicado por gotejamento subsuperficial e com diferentes lâminas de irrigação, nas camadas de solo de 0,00-0,20; 0,20-0,40; 0,40-0,60 e 0,60-0,80 m. O experimento foi realizado em Piracicaba-SP, numa área de cana-de-açúcar irrigada com EED, em um delineamento de blocos casualizados dispostos no esquema de faixas, com três repetições e quatro tratamentos, sendo estes: uma área sem irrigação (TSI) e três áreas irrigadas, atendendo a 50% (T50%), 100% (T100%) e 200% (T200%) da necessidade hídrica da cultura entre cada turno de rega. O T100% e o T200% proporcionaram menores áreas e comprimento de raízes nas duas camadas mais profundas, quando comparados ao TSI e ao T50%, que devido ao estresse hídrico, proporcionado à cultura, estimularam o desenvolvimento de raízes mais profundas. O TSI, T100% e T200% apresentaram 80% das raízes até 0,40 m e, nessa mesma profundidade, o tratamento T50% apresentou 76,43% do total de raízes.64765

    Monozygotic twins concordant for common variable immunodeficiency : strikingly similar clinical and immune profile associated with a polygenic burden

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    Copyright © 2019 Silva, Fonseca, Pereira, Silva, Barbosa, Serra-Caetano, Blanco, Rosmaninho, Pérez-Andrés, Sousa, Raposo, Gama-Carvalho, Victorino, Hammarstrom and Sousa. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.Monozygotic twins provide a unique opportunity to better understand complex genetic diseases and the relative contribution of heritable factors in shaping the immune system throughout life. Common Variable Immunodeficiency Disorders (CVID) are primary antibody defects displaying wide phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity, with monogenic transmission accounting for only a minority of the cases. Here, we report a pair of monozygotic twins concordant for CVID without a family history of primary immunodeficiency. They featured a remarkably similar profile of clinical manifestations and immunological alterations at diagnosis (established at age 37) and along the subsequent 15 years of follow-up. Interestingly, whole-exome sequencing failed to identify a monogenic cause for CVID, but unraveled a combination of heterozygous variants, with a predicted deleterious impact. These variants were found in genes involved in relevant immunological pathways, such as JUN, PTPRC, TLR1, ICAM1, and JAK3. The potential for combinatorial effects translating into the observed disease phenotype is inferred from their roles in immune pathways, namely in T and B cell activation. The combination of these genetic variants is also likely to impose a significant constraint on environmental influences, resulting in a similar immunological phenotype in both twins, despite exposure to different living conditions. Overall, these cases stress the importance of integrating NGS data with clinical and immunological phenotypes at the single-cell level, as provided by multi-dimensional flow-cytometry, in order to understand the complex genetic landscape underlying the vast majority of patients with CVID, as well as those with other immunodeficiencies.This work received funding from PAC - PRECISE - LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-016394, co-funded by FEDER through POR Lisboa 2020 - Programa Operacional Regional de Lisboa PORTUGAL 2020 and Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; and UID/BIM/50005/2019, project funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)/Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (MCTES) through Fundos do Orçamento de Estado. Work in MG-C lab is supported by UID/MULTI/04046/2019 Research Unit grant from FCT, Portugal (to BioISI) and FCT research grant PTDC/BIA-CEL/29257/2017.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    The present work is an excerpt from the master's dissertation entitled: Didactic kit as a facilitating tool for the teaching-learning process of the photoelectric effect using the inverted classroom methodology presented in the National Professional Master's Degree in Physics Teaching (MNPEF) pole 19 of the Federal University of the South and Southeast of Pará (UNIFESSPA), as part of the necessary requirements to obtain the title of Master in Physics Teaching. The present research was applied in the ninth-grade classes of the Municipal School of Basic Education Ronilton Aridal da Silva Grilo in the Municipality of Canaã dos Carajás-PA. In this context, this work starts from the use of new technologies in the classroom, specifically robotic sensors to apply concepts related to the photoelectric effect as a tool to facilitate the teaching-learning process. Three analog experimentsO presente trabalho é um recorte da dissertação de mestrado intitulada: Kit didático como ferramenta facilitadora para o processo ensino aprendizagem do efeito fotoelétrico usando a metodologia de sala de aula invertida, apresentada no Mestrado Nacional Profissional em Ensino de Física (MNPEF), polo 19 da Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará (UNIFESSPA), como parte dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do título de Mestre em Ensino de Física. Aplicada nas turmas do nono ano da Escola Municipal de Ensino Básico Ronilton Aridal da Silva Grilo do Município de Canaã dos Carajás-PA, a presente pesquisa parte da utilização de novas tecnologias em sala de aula, especificamente, dos sensores robóticos para aplicação de conceitos relacionados ao efeito fotoelétrico, como ferramenta facilitadora do processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Nesse contexto, apresenta-se três experimentos analógicos (in loco) e dois softwares (virtuais), que podem ser utilizados por professores de ensino médio como suporte para aplicação e abordagem dos fenômenos de Física Moderna, sobretudo, o efeito fotoelétrico, fazendo uso das contribuições dos modelos de aprendizagem significativa de Ausubel e Moreira. Para tanto, a utilização dos experimentos analógicos e dos softwares mostra-se uma ferramenta potencialmente significativa no processo de ensino-aprendizagem de conteúdos que envolvem a Física Moderna

    Potential use of space-based lightning detection in electric power systems

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    Information about lightning activity and its parameters is necessary to design and evaluate the lightning protection of an electrical power system. This information can be obtained from ground-based lightning detection networks that provide information on cloud-to-ground lightning strikes with a location accuracy of few hundred meters. Recently, the first satellite-based lightning optical detectors are operating continuously from geostationary orbits. These imagers observe the luminosity escaping from clouds to detect and locate total lightning activity with a spatial accuracy of several kilometers. This allows delineating the initiation and propagation (sometimes over tens to hundreds of kilometers before striking the ground) not observable by the ground-based networks. In this paper, we explore the use of this new technology for lightning protection in power systems. We focus on tall objects such as wind turbines and overhead transmission lines. We show how the optical detections allow identifying lightning flashes that likely produce continuing currents. This provides additional information for the identification of dangerous events and also can be used to estimate the number of upward-flashes from tall objects triggered by a nearby flash. The analysis of a transmission line shows the concentration of faults in the areas of high total lightning flash density. We found regional variations of the optical energy of the flashes along the line.This work was supported by research grants ESP2017-86263-C4-2-R funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”, by the “European Union”; and Grants PID2019- 109269RB-C42 and ENE2017-91636-EXP funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033. S. Goodman was in part supported by NASA Grant 80NSSC18K1689. M. M. F. Saba was in part supported by research grants 2012/15375–7 and 2013/05784–0, from Sao ˜ Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). S. Visacro was supported by a research grant (307381/2019–6) of the Brazilian National Council of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq). The GLM data are available from the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) and Cloud Service Providers (e.g., Amazon Web Services, AWS). The LIS data are available from the NASA GHRC Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) (https:// https://ghrc.nsstc.nasa.gov/home/access-data. The power system information for the 500 kV transmission line is provided by ISA-INTERCOLOMBIA and is supported by L. Porras.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft