57 research outputs found

    The Control of Flora and Aquatic Fauna by CONAMA Resolution 467: Considerations on Brazilian Regulation

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    The monitoring and management of aquatic organisms is critical to ensure the sustainability of freshwater bodies, particularly the reservoirs. There are regulations related to mandatory monitoring of some aquatic organisms in Brazil, especially cyanobacteria and coliforms, but not of macrophytes. Monitoring and management plans are both required, respectively, to track changes in water and sediment quality and to plan actions to ensure the reservoir’s current and future quality. This paper aims to present a critical analysis of the aquatic organisms’ management proposal stated by CONAMA Resolution 467 (July 17, 2015). This Resolution states about criteria for the authorization of the use of products or physical, chemical or biological agents on water bodies’ surface to control pollution and the extreme growth of flora and fauna organisms, and other measures. Among other considerations, based on the presented analysis, it is concluded that this Resolution reinforces biota management through the use of chemical compounds, in a continuous vicious cycle of management and recurrent uncontrolled growth of organisms, since it does not state preventive and self-sustaining management, for instance, through sewage collection and treatment. Such measure would deal with the main causes of nutrients input and eutrophication, consequently, of explosive growth of algae and macrophytes.O monitoramento e manejo de organismos aquáticos é fundamental para garantir a sustentabilidade dos corpos de água doce, em particular dos reservatórios. Há normativas relacionadas à obrigatoriedade do monitoramento das cianobactérias e coliformes, mas não de macrófitas aquáticas no Brasil. Cabe a um plano de monitoramento acompanhar as alterações na qualidade da água e do sedimento, e a um plano de manejo as ações práticas necessárias para que possam ser garantidas a qualidade dos usos atuais e futuros de um dado reservatório. Este manuscrito apresenta análise crítica à proposta de manejo de organismos aquáticos disciplinada pela Resolução CONAMA 467, de 17 de julho de 2015, que dispõe sobre os critérios para a autorização de uso de produtos ou de agentes de processos físicos, químicos ou biológicos em corpos hídricos superficiais para controle da poluição e do crescimento desordenado ou indesejável de organismos da flora e da fauna e dá outras providências. Entre outras considerações, com base na análise apresentada, conclui-se que esta Resolução apenas reforçará o manejo da biota principalmente pelo emprego de compostos químicos, num ciclo vicioso contínuo de manejos e crescimentos descontrolados recorrentes, visto não disciplinar a atuação de modo preventivo e auto-sustentável, disciplinando a coleta e o tratamento dos esgotos, os verdadeiros responsáveis pela entrada de nutrientes e pelo processo de eutrofização e, consequentemente, do crescimento explosivo das algas ou de macrófitas aquáticas

    Determinação da Pressão Ambiental que o Uso da Terra Exerce sobre os Recursos Hídricos na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Juqueri, no Município de Mairiporã, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil

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    The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between land use and water quality, through canonical correlations between the WQI parameters and the changes in the last 30 years, using LANDSAT 5, 7 and 8 satellite imagery, through supervised classification were determined 6 classes of use. In order to determine the IQA in the basin, were collected 8 samples in the summer period and 8 in the winter in the years 2015 and 2016 in 3 points in the upper, middle and in the mouth. The results showed that the bodies of water suffered a decrease of area that went from 1,1% to 0,68% in total reducing 0,42%. Regarding the IQA in some sample points were observed values below 51 that is classified as regular for human consumption. Correlations were found between the decrease in BOD values by urban areas. In view of the above, there is a need for planning land use and occupation in the basin area.  O trabalho objetivou determinar as relações existentes entre o uso da terra e a qualidade da água, mediante correlações canônicas existem entre os parâmetros que compõem o IQA e as mudanças nos últimos 30 anos, a partir das imagens de satélite LANDSAT 5, 7 e 8 mediante classificação supervisionada se determinou 6 classes de uso. Para se determinar o IQA na bacia foram coletadas 8 amostras no período de verão e 8 no inverno nos anos de 2015 e 2016 em 3 pontos da bacia, na parte alta, média e na foz. Os resultados obtidos revelaram que os corpos de água sofreram uma diminuição de área que passou de 1,1% para 0,68 % diminuindo em total 0,42%. Referente ao IQA em alguns pontos amostrais foram observados valores abaixo de 51 que se classifica como regular para consumo humano. Encontrou-se correlações entre a diminuição nos valores de DBO pelas áreas urbanas. Diante do exposto, verifica-se a necessidade, de planejamento do uso e ocupação das terras na área da bacia

    Cyanobacteria and Cyanotoxin in the Billings Reservoir (Sâo Paulo, SP, Brazil)

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    The Billings Complex and the Guarapiranga System are important strategic reservoirs for the city of Sâo Paulo and surrounding areas because the water is used, among other things, for the public water supply. They produce 19,000 liters of water per second and supply water to 5.4 million people. Crude water is transferred from the Taquacetuba branch of the Billings Complex to the Guarapiranga Reservoir to regulate the water level of the reservoir. The objective of this study was to evaluate the water quality in the Taquacetuba branch, focusing on cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins. Surface water samples were collected in February (summer) and July (winter) of 2007. Analyses were conducted of physical, chemical, and biological variables of the water, cyanobacteria richness and density, and the presence of cyanotoxins. The water was classified as eutrophic-hypereutrophic. Cyanobacteria blooms were observed in both collection periods. The cyanobacteria bloom was most significant in July, reflecting lower water transparency and higher levels of total solids, suspended organic matter, chlorophyll-a, and cyanobacteria density in the surface water. Low richness and elevated dominance of the cyanobacteria were found in both periods. Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii was dominant in February, with 352 661.0 cel mL−1, and Microcystis panniformis was dominant in July, with 1 866 725.0 cel mL−1. Three variants of microcystin were found in February (MC-RR, MC-LR, MC-YR), as well as saxitoxin. The same variants of microcystin were found in July, but no saxitoxin was detected. Anatoxin-a and cylindropermopsin were not detected in either period. These findings are of great concern because the water in the Taquacetuba branch, which is transferred into the Guarapiranga Reservoir, is not treated nor managed. It is recommended that monitoring be intensified and more effective measures be taken by the responsible agencies to prevent the process of eutrophication and the consequent development of the cyanobacteria and their toxinsEl Complejo Billings y el Sistema Guarapiranga son embalses estratégicos importantes para la ciudad de Sâo Paulo (Brasil) y áreas circundantes porque, entre otras cosas, el agua es utilizada para el abastecimiento público. Este sistema produce 19 mil litros de agua por segundo, que es suministrado a 5.4 millones de personas. El agua bruta es transferida por el afluente Taquacetuba desde el Complejo Billings hacia el Embalse Guarapiranga, para regular el nivel de agua del embalse. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la calidad del agua en el tramo del Taquacetuba, teniendo como foco las cianobacterias y cianotoxinas. El muestreo de agua bruta superficial fue realizado en febrero (verano) y julio (invierno 2007). Fueron analizadas variables físicas, químicas y biológicas, cianobacteria, riqueza, densidad y la presencia de cianotoxinas. El tramo fue clasificado como eutrófico-hipereutrófico. Las cianobacterias fueron observadas en ambos periodos de colecta. El crecimiento más significativo de algas fue observado en julio, reflejando baja transparencia del agua y niveles más altos en el agua superficial de sólidos totales, materia orgánica, clorofila-a y densidad de cianobacterias en el agua superficial. Una baja riqueza y un elevado dominio de cianobacteria fueron encontrados en ambos períodos. Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii fue dominante en febrero, con 352 661.0 cel mL�1, y Microcystis panniformis fue dominante en julio, con 1 866 725.0 cel mL�1. Tres variedades de microcistina fueron encontradas en febrero (MC-RR, MC-LR, MC- YR), as� como saxitoxina. Las mismas variedades de microcistina fueron encontradas en julio, pero ninguna saxitoxina fue observada. Anatoxina-a y cylindropermopsina no fueron observadas en ningún período. Estas conclusiones son preocupantes porque el agua del tramo del Taquacetuba, que es transferida al Embalse Guarapiranga, no es tratada o manejada. Se recomienda intensificar el monitoreo y medidas más eficaces deben ser tomadas por parte de las agencias responsables para prevenir el proceso de eutrofización y el desarrollo consiguiente de cianobacterias y sus toxina

    Levantamento florístico de plantas aquáticas e palustres na Represa Guarapiranga, São Paulo, Brasil

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    O objetivo desse trabalho foi verificar a composição de plantas aquáticas e palustres no reservatório Guarapiranga, além de contribuir para o conhecimento taxonômico das espécies. Foram realizadas coletas mensais de julho/2008 a junho/2009, em 20 bancos de plantas aquáticas distribuídos ao longo de todo o reservatório. Em cada banco foram coletadas e registradas as espécies presentes. A comunidade de plantas aquáticas e palustres do reservatório é composta por 133 espécies, pertencentes a 89 gêneros, distribuídos em 45 famílias, sendo 127 de Angiospermas, 5 de Samambaias e 1 de Hepática. As famílias mais representativas foram Cyperaceae com 27 espécies, seguida de Poaceae (14) e Asteraceae (10). Das 67 espécies consideradas plantas daninhas ou infestantes, apenas 14 são subespontâneas ou naturalizadas, as demais 120 espécies são nativas, sendo 6 endêmicas do Brasil. O presente trabalho contribuiu significativamente para a Flora de plantas aquáticas e palustres, bem como para Lista da Flora do Brasil, registrando espécies que não haviam sido referidas anteriormente para o estado de São Paulo, além da apresentação de uma chave de identificação e descrições para as espécies presentes na área de estudo. Foi possível concluir que a Represa Guarapiranga possui uma elevada riqueza de plantas aquáticas e palustres

    Ceratium furcoides (Levander) Langhans in reservoirs at the Ebro watershed, Spain and Sao Paulo state, Brazil

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    This study compares the morphological characteristics of the dinoflagellate Ceratium furcoides from three Ebro basin reservoirs (Spain) and from six reservoirs at São Paulo state (Brazil) with the aim to identify the distinct morphotypes of Ceratium furcoides in Spain and Brazil. We studied the physical and chemical variables to determine the trophic state of each reservoir. Unlike Ceratium hirundinella, Ceratium furcoides is not a frequent species within the plankton community at Ebro Basin reservoirs, however, this species has been responsible of one monospecific bloom at El Val reservoir. Nevertheless, both Ceratium species are considered invasive in South America. Ceratium furcoides has displaced C. hirundinella at São Paulo state reservoirs, reaching high densities, to the extent of forming monospecific blooms. Morphometric analysis was performed by optic and electronic microscopy (DIC and SEM respectively). The analysis shows significant differences in: i) total cell length, ii) horns length and iii) presence or absence of a fourth horn. While the microscopic study allows differentiating morphotypes according to the reservoir typology, a deeper study using molecular genetic techniques on the different populations of C. furcoides would allow to know better the relationship between the dinoflagellate dynamics and the reservoirs trophic states

    Taxonomic and non-taxonomic responses of benthic macroinvertebrates to metal toxicity in tropical reservoirs: The case of cantareira complex, São Paulo, Brazil

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    Benthic macroinvertebrates are organisms that are recognized as water quality bio-indicators. A wide variety of indices and metrics have been shown to respond to a variety of anthropogenic impacts, usually under a general condition of environmental impairment. The absence of a clear distinction in the relations between specific pollutants and biotic variables is very common and can lead to biased interpretation of biomonitoring. The aims of this research were to test taxonomic and non-taxonomic responses to specific environmental conditions instead to general conditions. For this purpose, we estimated the theoretical toxicity by comparing toxicity values published by EPA with metal concentrations in water and sediments. Then we tested the responses of biological variables to toxicity and other environmental conditions using the linear mixed effects models approach. We generated 32 models considering 24 different biological metrics and indices that were grouped in five levels. Taxonomic and abundance metrics were best predictor than functional or tolerance-based indexes. The strongest model was that which considered subfamily taxonomic resolution responding to Al_w and Cr_s.Fil: de Souza, Frederico Guilherme. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; BrasilFil: Cetra, Maurício. Universidade Federal do São Carlos; BrasilFil: Marchese Garello, Mercedes Rosa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto Nacional de Limnología. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto Nacional de Limnología; ArgentinaFil: López Dovál, Júlio César. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Rosa, André H.. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; BrasilFil: Pompêo, Marcelo L. M.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Moschini Carlos, Viviane. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; Brasi

    Connections among Land Use, Water Quality, Biodiversity of Aquatic Invertebrates, and Fish Behavior in Amazon Rivers

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    Rivers in the Amazon have among the greatest biodiversity in the world. The Xingu River, one of the tributaries of the Amazon River, has a length of 1640 km, draining 510,000 km2 in one of the most protected regions on the planet. The Middle Xingu region in Brazil has been highly impacted by mining and livestock farming, leading to habitat fragmentation due to altered water quality. Therefore, comparing two rivers (the preserved Xingu River and the impacted Fresco River) and their confluence, the aims of the present study were to (1) assess the land uses in the hydrographic basin; (2) determine the water quality by measurements of turbidity, total solids, and metals (Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn, and Hg); (3) compare the zooplankton biodiversity; and (4) to evaluate the avoidance behavior of fish (Astyanax bimaculatus) when exposed to waters from the Xingu and Fresco Rivers. Zooplankton were grouped and counted down to the family level. For the analysis of fish avoidance, a multi-compartment system was used. The forest class predominated at the study locations, accounting for 57.6%, 60.8%, and 63.9% of the total area at P1XR, P2FR, and P3XFR, respectively, although since 1985, at the same points, the forest had been reduced by 31.3%, 25.7%, and 27.9%. The Xingu River presented almost 300% more invertebrate families than the Fresco River, and the fish population preferred its waters (>50%). The inputs from the Fresco River impacted the water quality of the Xingu River, leading to reductions in local invertebrate biodiversity and potential habitats for fish in a typical case of habitat fragmentation due to anthropic factors.Fil: Silva de Sousa, Rodrigo. Federal University of Southern and Southeastern Pará; BrasilFil: Silva, Gilmar Clemente. Universidade Federal Fluminense; BrasilFil: Bazzan, Thiago. Earth Observation And Geoinformatics Division, National; BrasilFil: de la Torre, Fernando Roman. Universidad Nacional de Luján. Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable; ArgentinaFil: Nebo, Caroline. Federal University of Southern and Southeastern Pará; BrasilFil: Siqueira Silva, Diógenes Henrique. Federal University of Southern and Southeastern Pará; BrasilFil: Cardoso Silva, Sheila. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Martins Pompêo, Marcelo Luiz. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Brazil de Paiva, Teresa Cristina. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Teixeira da Silva, Flávio. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Vieira Rêgo da Silva, Daniel Clemente. Federal University of Southern and Southeastern Pará; Brasi

    Monitoramento e manejo de macrófitas aquáticas

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    MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT OF AQUATIC MACROPHYTES. Aquatic macrophytes are macroscopic plants with active photosynthetic parts that remain totally or partially submerged in fresh or salty water for several months per year. They can also occur fl oating freely on water surface. Their main biological traits are: tendency to accumulate biomass, acceleration of nutrient cycling, marked infl uence on water chemistry, act as substrate to other algae, support detritus and herbivorous food chains. They are also important structural components participants of metabolism in South American aquatic ecosystems, where they growing continuous throughout the year, as thermal and light conditions are favorable. However, their growth is potentially harmful in water reservoirs of diverse utility, such as energy generation and water supply. Therefore, aquatic macrophytes are important in structuring and setting the dynamics of aquatic ecosystems, and studies of their communities are therefore important and ought to consider both theoretical and practical approaches (monitoring and management). The present paper focused on on aquatic macrophyte management, regarding methods to control their growth, ways of disposing of plants, uses to removed biomass, and how to use controlled growth of aquatic macrophytes in water reservoirs, especially of public use. Keywords: aquatic macrophyte, monitoring, management, water reservoir.Macrófi tas aquáticas são vegetais visíveis a olho nu com partes fotossinteticamente ativas, permanentemente, total ou parcialmente submersa em água doce ou salobra, por diversos meses, todos os anos, ou ainda fl utuante sobre a água. Entre suas principais características destacam-se: acumular biomassa; acelerar a ciclagem de nutrientes; infl uenciar a química da água; atuar como substrato para algas; e sustentar a cadeia de detritos e de herbivoria. São importantes componentes estruturais e do metabolismo dos ecossistemas aquáticos tropicais sul-americanos apresentando crescimento durante todo o ano, pois há regime térmico e luminoso favoráveis. No entanto, podem apresentar intenso crescimento, tornando-se potencialmente prejudiciais aos usos múltiplos de reservatórios, tais como para a geração de energia e água para abastecimento público. Assim, as macrófi tas aquáticas têm reconhecida importância na estruturação e na dinâmica dos ecossistemas aquáticos e os estudos dessa comunidade não podem ser negligenciados e devem contemplar aspectos teóricos e aplicados (monitoramento e manejo). Neste manuscrito será dada ênfase na discussão sobre o manejo das macrófi tas aquáticas, como os métodos de controle do crescimento, as formas de descarte, o aproveitamento da biomassa removida e a utilização do crescimento controlado das macrófi tas aquáticas, particularmente em reservatórios empregados para o abastecimento público. Palavras-chave: macrófita aquática, monitoramento, manejo, reservatório

    Phytoplankton primary productivity in an urban eutrophic reservoir (São Paulo, Brazil)

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    The aim of this study was to analyze temporal ..d vertical variation of the biomass and of phytoplankton primary productivity in an urban eutrophic reservoir, in relation to the physical and chemical characteristics of the water. The physical and chemical variables of the water were defined in the limnetic region of the reservoir, at depths of 0.0; 0.5; 1.0; 2.0; 3.0 and 4.0 meters. Three samples were taken to define both the physical and chemical variables, concomitantly with the biomass (chlorophyll-a and phaeophytin) and phytoplankton primary productivity (C-14 method). Based on data obtained on differences in depth of the mixture zone and the euphotic zone, it is hypothesised that, depending on the time of the year, phytoplankton is conditioned by differences in the light and nutrient regimes, which change according to the constant loads of nutrients thrown into the system. The highest concentration of chlorophyll-a in the photic zone of the limnetic region was observed in November 2000 (1,197.3 mg Chl L -1) and the lowest in November 1999 (94.0 mg ChI L -1), whereas the profiles of primary activity of phytoplankton presented the highest rates on the surface of the water column, with values varying from 84.7 (May 2000) to 1,376.7mg C m -3 h -1 (December 2000). Annual primary productivity was calculated at 1,567.0gC m -2y -1, considered euproductive. The primary productivity profiles reported in this study are typical of aquatic eutrophic systems, rich in plankton and with low light penetration. It can be stated that Garças Lake is a system that suffers from anthropogenic impact, through receiving large loads of organic pollution, reflecting on the physical and chemical characteristics of the water and on the high values of biomass and primary phytoplankton activity. © National Institute of Ecology, New Delhi