608 research outputs found

    O perfil de clientes de um shopping center: um estudo exploratório com consumidores do interior

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    The study was carried out in a Minas Gerais' inland city, so as to get acquainted with the profile and habits of its clients. This research is innovative as it approaches as customer the citizen of an inland town. The objective of this work was to identify the groups of customers taking into consideration their level of satisfaction as well as their social-economic profile. The collection of data was accomplished through the application of a closed questionnaire to the probabilistic, casual and stratified sample of the population of the city being researched, resulting in 500 questionnaires altogether. Entering and processing of the data were performed through a Statistical Package for the Social Science software (SPSS) v. 10.0. The analyses of data were accomplished through the use of the descriptive and multivaried statistics (cluster and discriminative). Other resources provided by the SPSS software were also used such as crosstabs and frequency. As a result three groups of consumers were formed, so called a) sporadic consumers group formed by people with lower income, not assiduous frequenters of the establishment and displaying difficulties in evaluating the mall; b) regular consumers with higher income capacity who frequent the establishment twice a month and finding themselves able to evaluate the quality of services and products in the mall; and c) assiduous consumers, with higher income and frequenting the establishment more often, being classified as critical and strict. The factors which discriminated the groups were: cinema and recreation facilities, trademarks, security, cleanliness, live music, events, the food area and advertisement of the mall.shopping mall, satisfaction, multivariate research,

    Redes semânticas de discursos orais de membros de grupos de ajuda mútua = Semantic networks of oral discourses of members of mutual aid groups

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    En este trabajo utilizamos el índice incidencia-fidelidad (IF) para identificar redes críticasen discursos de personas que forman partede Narcóticos Anónimos en la ciudad de Salvador-Bahía. El lenguaje fue estudiado bajo laóptica de la complejidad y fue modelado porredes semánticas. A partir de los datos recogidos,los individuos fueron clasificados en principiantes,intermediarios y experimentados. Unavez seleccionados los discursos, los resultadosmuestran que los valores de IF para la red críticaestán de acuerdo con trabajos anteriores.Estas redes permiten interpretaciones del discursopor los índices de redes y por la inspecciónvisual. Las diferencias obtenidas en lasredes reflejan cuales son las diferencias cognitivas-comportamentales entre los individuos

    A dimensão relacional da arte do presente no presente do ensino da arte

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    This paper discusses collective actions presentified in the field of Art taken as devices of the nowadays art; it also discusses how daily life is manifested in artistic propositions inserted or not in the approaches of art teaching. The text points to a form of aesthetic production that implies to relate the subject to the new statements about himself and the art of contemporary world. The research recovers some basic concepts to the understanding of such issues, especially relational aesthetics, seeking to narrow the relationship between aesthetic experience and relational art devices, inserted and updated in the educational context.Este artigo discute as ações-coletivas presentificadas no âmbito da arte tomadas como dispositivo da arte do agora; discorre também sobre como o cotidiano é manifesto nas proposições artísticas inseridas ou não nas abordagens do ensino da arte. O texto sinaliza para uma forma de produção estética que implica aproximar o sujeito com os novos enunciados acerca de si e da arte surgidos na contemporaneidade. A investigação recupera, portanto, alguns conceitos basilares para entendimento de tais questões, principalmente o de estética relacional, procurando estreitar a relação entre a experiência estética e dispositivos relacionais de arte, inserido e atualizado no contexto educacional.~ Recebido em: 09 outubro 2017Aprovado em: 28 novembro 201


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    Este trabalho visou realizar um estudo sobre a relação entre literatura e cinema na educação. Tratou especificamente da produção de textos audiovisuais adaptados de textos literários com alunos da terceira série do Ensino Médio do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia, Campus Araguatins, no ano de 2014. O objetivo principal desta investigação foi analisar as relações entre literatura e cinema no que concerne ao ensino de Literatura no Ensino Médio, propondo uma forma diferenciada de articular Literatura e Cinema, Educação e Cinema na escola. A abordagem da pesquisa foi qualitativa. A coleta de dados foi executada por meio da pesquisa-ação e diálogo organizado com os alunos, que pretendeu discutir a percepção do aluno litecineasta, em relação ao cinema e aos seus limites e potencialidades para o ensino da Literatura. Para o embasamento teórico foram utilizados autores como Walter Benjamin (1994), Robert Stam (2006) e Adriana Fresquet (2013).The work examines the relationship between literature and cinema in education. It deals, specifically, with the production of audiovisual texts adapted from literary texts, with students in the third year of High School at the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia – Araguatins Campus, in 2014. The main objective was to analyze the relationship between literature and Cinema on the teaching of Literature in High School, proposing a new way of discussing Literature and Cinema, Education and Cinema in schools. The research approach was qualitative. Data were collected through action research and organized dialogue with the students, aimed at discussing the views of litecineasta students in relation to cinema, and its limits and possibilities for teaching Literature. The theoretical background was drawn from authors like Walter Benjamin (1994), Robert Stam (2006) and Adriana Fresquet (2013).Este trabajo tuvo el propósito de realizar un estudio sobre la relación entre literatura y cine, en educación. Trató específicamente de la producción de textos audiovisuales adaptados de textos literarios, con estudiantes del quinto año de la educación secundaria del Instituto Federal de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología - Campus Araguatins, en el año 2014. El principal objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar las relaciones entre literatura y cine en la enseñanza de literatura en la educación secundaria, proponiendo una forma diferente de articular literatura y cine, educación y cine en la escuela. El abordaje de la investigación fue cualitativo. La recolección de datos fue ejecutada por medio de la investigación acción y del diálogo organizado con los estudiantes, que pretendió discutir la percepción del alumno litecineasta, con relación al cine y sus límites y potencialidades para la enseñanza de literatura. Para los fundamentos teóricos los autores utilizados fueron Walter Benjamin, Robert Stam y Adriana Fresquet


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    Resumo: o presente artigo discute sobre marketing digital, o qual é visto como uma ferramenta de gestão, e que dispõe de mecanismos pertinentes em tomada de decisão e definições de estratégias. É preciso utilizá-lo a favor da empresa e estar sempre atento às necessidades dos clientes. No entanto o marketing precisa ser visto como ferramenta significativa na divulgação e na comunicação das empresas para com seus clientes. Quando se refere a cooperativas de crédito, é preciso abordar e utilizar mecanismos estratégicos a fim de promover internamente seus produtos e serviços, considerando a satisfação em fazer parte da organização pelos seus colaboradores. Nessa perspectiva, o objetivo desse estudo é verificar a importância do marketing digital como ferramenta para venda de produtos em cooperativas de crédito no Brasil. Para a realização deste artigo, envolvendo estas variáveis, adotou-se a metodologia em pesquisas bibliográficas, quanto aos fins como exploratória, qualitativa, onde os dados foram coletados por meio de pesquisas em artigos e livros. Palavras-chave: Ambiente virtual. Ferramentas de gestão. Mecanismos estratégicos.  Marketing

    Estudo dos fatores que determinam a formação do capital social familiar em empresas familiares na região sul de Minas Gerais

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    ABSTRACTStudy of factors determining the formation of the family social capital in family enterprises in the southern region of Minas GeraisThe study identifies the factors that lead to the formation of family social capital in family businesses. To achieve this purpose the theory of social capital and family social capital was used as a theoretical basis. To this end, we conducted an exploratory survey of 120 family enterprises. A questionnaire was used to interview all entrepreneurs, and data were analyzed by factor analysis. The results are presented in two parts: first, to characterize the sample in relation to the profile of the respondent and the profile of the enterprise; and second, the presentation of the frequency of each of the assertions in the second part was made according to the factor analysis. Seven factors were found to be associated with family social capital: collaborative dialogue, family network, infrastructure morale, trust, ethical standards, own ideas, and external information channels. Family social capital is solidified by means of collaborative dialogue, which take root in the family and company ethical standards, resulting in what is called moral infrastructure — when the family and the company are aligned internally and externally. Conversely, the absence of collaborative dialogue generates authoritarianism on the part of the leaders and family members, privileging their own ideas, which was identified as contradictory to the development of family social capital

    Between art and teaching : a study on the profile of alumni from undergraduate dance programmes in southern Brazil

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    O presente texto analisa o perfil de egresso dos cursos universitários de graduação em dança do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Problematiza-se um enunciado recorrente em tais documentos, qual seja, a promessa de que a união entre arte e docência garantiria um futuro profissional melhor adequado ao mundo do trabalho. Tal análise se baseia na ideia de prática discursiva de Michel Foucault e, a partir dela, discute diversos conceitos com o intuito de compreender as formações e atravessamentos que podem ser lidos nos documentos analisados. A noção principal de não dicotomização entre arte e docência é explorada no interior da análise com especial atenção aos movimentos discursivos ali presentes.The following paper analyses the profile of alumni from undergraduate dance programmes in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. We problematise a recurring statement in such documents, that is, the promise that the combination of art and education would guarantee a better professional outlook, appropriate to the world of work. This analysis relies on Michel Foucault's ideas of discursive practice and discusses several concepts in order to understand the education and interrelations which can be read in the documents analysed. The main notion of non-dichotomization between art and teaching is explored in the analysis, with special attention to the discursive movements found therein.Este texto analiza el perfil de sus egresados de cursos universitarios de pregrado danza del Estado de Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Se coloca el solicitante en tales documentos, quees la promesa de que la unión entre el arte y la enseñanza sería garantía de un futuro profesional más adecuado para el mundo del trabajo. Este análisis se basa en la idea de práctica discursiva de Michel Foucault y, desde él, analiza diversos conceptos para entender las formaciones y cruces que se pueden leer en los documentos analizados. El concepto principal de la dicotomización entre el arte y la enseñanza se explotan dentro del análisis con especial atención a los movimientos discursivos allí presentes

    Reaccion en cadena de polimerasa en tiempo real cuantitativa (qPCR) para el diagnostico de tuberculosis pulmonar en esputo de pacientes con VIH/sida

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    Objetivo: Evaluar la Reacción en Cadena de Polimerasa en tiempo real cuantitativa (qPCR) para el diagnóstico de tuberculosis pulmonar (TBP) en esputo de pacientes con sida y sospecha clínica de TBP. Método: Se trata de un estudio prospectivo para evaluación de precisión de prueba diagnóstica, realizado en 140 muestras de esputo provenientes de 140 pacientes con sida y sospecha clínica de TBP atendidos en dos hospitales de referencia para atención VIH/sida en Recife-PE, Brasil. Se utilizó el cultivo en medios Löwenstein-Jensen y 7H9 como estándar de oro. Resultados: De las 140 muestras de esputo, 47 (33,6%) fueron positivas por el estándar de oro. La qPCR fue positiva en 42 (30%) de los pacientes. En apenas un (0.71%) caso no correspondió con el cultivo. La sensibilidad, especificidad y precisión de la qPCR fueron 87,2%, 98,9% y 95% respectivamente. De las 42 qPCR positivas en 39 (93%) el CT (threshold cycle) fue igual o inferior a 37. Conclusión: La qPCR realizada en muestra de esputo de pacientes con sida demostró sensibilidad, especificidad y precisión satisfactoria, pudiendo ser recomendada como método de diagnóstico de TBP.Objective: To assess quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (q-PCR) for the sputum smear diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) in patients living with HIV/AIDS with a clinical suspicion of PTB. Method: This is a prospective study to assess the accuracy of a diagnostic test, conducted on 140 sputum specimens from 140 patients living with HIV/AIDS with a clinical suspicion of PTB, attended at two referral hospitals for people living with HIV/AIDS in the city of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. A Löwenstein-Jensen medium culture and 7H9 broth were used as gold standard. Results: Of the 140 sputum samples, 47 (33.6%) were positive with the gold standard. q-PCR was positive in 42 (30%) of the 140 patients. Only one (0.71%) did not correspond to the culture. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the q-PCR were 87.2%, 98.9% and 95% respectively. In 39 (93%) of the 42 q-PCR positive cases, the CT (threshold cycle) was equal to or less than 37. Conclusion: q-PCR performed on sputum smears from patients living with HIV/AIDS demonstrated satisfactory sensitivity, specificity and accuracy, and may therefore be recommended as a method for diagnosing PTB

    Avaliação de Desempenho de Micro e Pequenas Empresas Fundamentada na Metodologia MCDA-C na cidade de Lages

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    When employed in a focused manner, corporate performance evaluation has proven to be instrumental for entrepreneurs as an important tool that contributes with performance improvements at their organizations. The descriptive study herein, prepared as of a questionnaire comprising 46 queries, poses to analyse the performance of micro and small companies (MSEs) by employing the multicriteria methodology for constructive decision aiding (MCDA-C). As of respondent replies, MCDA-C descriptors were formed, shaping six prime groups so as to identify relevant factors that drive or hinder MSE success. The questionnaire was applied to managers in charge administering 25 small and medium-sized companies of Lages, a city within the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina. Study findings provide evidence as to the fact that (i) 24% of surveyed companies, tend to go bankrupt; (ii) managerial functions at the MSEs are the prime source of influence on negative outcomes; (iii) from a financial control standpoint, surveyed companies fall far shorter than the minimum level deemed necessary to qualify as satisfactory; (iv) those that present the best results, operate both within the domestic and international markets; (v) the study placed under the spotlight the group “Evolution Stage”, evidencing the trend of ever increasing MSE expansion. This study revealed that corporate failure contributing factors are intensely interconnected and largely depend on the entrepreneur´s own performance, the prime contribution of findings residing in demonstrating that MCDA-C can be employed to analyse the performance of micro and small businesses.O tema estudado nesse artigo, Avaliação de Desempenho de Empresas, tem sido de grande valia quando aplicado corretamente, servindo ao gestor como importante ferramenta para maximizar sua gestão nas organizações. Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar o desempenho de micros e pequenas empresas, através da utilização da metodologia de avaliação multicritério de apoio à decisão construtivista (MCDA-C). Este estudo tem caráter descritivo e exploratório a partir de um questionário com 16 grupos de perguntas para avaliar o desempenho das empresas e a partir das respostas foram criados os descritores do MCDA-C, formando seis grandes grupos. Tais grupos buscam identificar fatores relevantes que levam as MPE’s a obterem sucesso ou não. O questionário foi aplicado junto a 25 empresas de pequeno e médio porte da cidade de Lages, sendo entrevistados os gestores responsáveis por sua administração. Os resultados do estudo evidenciam que (i) 24% das empresas pesquisadas tendem a falência, (ii) as funções gerenciais nas MPE’s são as que mais influenciam no resultado negativo, (iii) em relação ao controle financeiro, as empresas estão muito aquém do mínimo exigido para um controle satisfatório, (iv) as empresas com melhores resultados trabalham no mercado nacional e internacional, (v) grupo que mais se destacou foi o Estágio da Evolução, o que mostra a tendência de que as MPE’s estão cada vez mais se expandindo

    Artificial neural network used in the study of sensitives in iris reactor pressurizer

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    In general, the technique of sensibility analysis studies the behavior of the ratio between the variation of output results and the variation of input parameters. This study performed in the reactor pressurizer, which is a component responsible for control of the pressure inside the vessel, has fundamental importance in designing the security of any concept of advanced reactor. Above all, for its feature of passive action of the pressurizer (there is no spray), this analysis becomes a necessary step for safety and performance of the plant. The direct method through code MODPRESS, which represents the pressurizer model of the International Reactor Innovative and Secure (IRIS), has required large computational effort. Unlike this method, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), beyond faster, do not require a typical linear behavior of the system. Moreover, they can also use experimental data for their training and learning. If the ANN are satisfactory in this theoretical case may be used for future mapping and forecasting of the behavior of various phenomena in both plant operation and small-scale experiment to be installed in CRCN-NE. Based on the results obtained in this study, one can conclude that the artificial neural networks are presented as an alternative to MODPRESS code, as well as a great tool to calculate the sensitivity coefficient