521 research outputs found

    Progress and opportunities in lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender health communications

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    This article describes elements of effective health communication and highlights strategies that may best be adopted or adapted in relation to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) populations. Studies have documented the utility of multidimensional approaches to health communication from the macro level of interventions targeting entire populations to the micro level of communication between health care provider and consumer. Although evidence of health disparities in LGBT communities underscores the importance of population-specific interventions, health promotion campaigns rarely target these populations and health communication activities seldom account for the diversity of LGBT communities. Advances in health communication suggest promising direction for LGBT-specific risk prevention and health promotion strategies on community, group, and provider/consumer levels. Opportunities for future health communication efforts include involving LGBT communities in the development of appropriate health communication campaigns and materials, enhancing media literacy among LGBT individuals, supporting LGBT-focused research and evaluation of health communication activities, and ensuring that health care providers possess the knowledge, skills, and competency to communicate effectively with LGBT consumers

    Family history in the Aetiology of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Type 2 Diabetes

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    The aetiology of Type 2 diabetes [NIDDM] is assumed to involve a multiplicity of causal factors involving both genetic and environmental, including intrauterine, components. Aim: To identify the relationship of various aspects of family history and hence the possible role of genetic influence in the development of Type 2 DM in the Maltese population. Methods: The family history details of a study population undergoing an oGTT during pregnancy was assessed during pregnancy and at follow-up eight years postpartum. The findings were related to previous national epidemiological studies. Results: The study showed a definite statistical correlation between a maternal and sibling family history of diabetes with the onset of GDM/GIGT and later Type 2 DM. No such correlation was shown with a paternal or grandparent family history. Conclusions: The findings suggest that genetic factors are poor determinants for adult-onset GDM or Type 2 DM, the major role player being apparently alterations in the intrauterine environment of the fetus.peer-reviewe

    Descripción de un nuevo género de Cryptochiridae (Decapoda: Brachyura) asociado com Siderastrea (Anthozoa: Scleractinia), con notas sobre los hábitos alimentarios

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    Members of the Cryptochiridae are small gall-crabs that live as obligate symbionts of scleractinian corals. Only two species have so far been recorded in the western Atlantic Ocean. Herein a new Cryptochiridae genus and species is described, and new information is added on the life history of cryptochirids. The new genus is characterized by having the carapace with the lowest deflection angle among the genera, and also shows the following features: thoracic sternite 4 with setules and constriction smaller than half of the width of the basis, anterior margin curved with apical row of granules; third maxilliped with subcircular exopod reaching medially the lateral margin of the ischium; pereiopod 2 with prominent distomesial and anterolateral expansion on the merus, propodus almost twice larger than dactylus; thoracic sternite 7 with complete medial suture, female pleopod 3 uniramous with longitudinal opening. Male first pleopod straight with subdistal curvature of approximately 90°. Individuals belonging to the new genus are found in galls in massive corals although this structure is cited as being characteristic of ramified corals. The long plumose setae of the maxilliped 3 suggest a filter-feeding function, but the toothless chelae suggest that they are used to gather mucus.Los miembros de la familia Cryptochiridae son pequeños cangrejos agallas que viven como simbiontes obligados en corales escleractiniarios. Sólo dos especies han sido registradas del Océano Atlántico occidental. Se describe un nuevo género y especie de Cryptochiridae asociados con corales de la familia Siderastreidae y se añade información sobre el ciclo de vida de los cryptochíridos. El nuevo género se caracteriza por tener el ángulo de desviación menor entre los géneros, que también muestra las siguientes características: esternón torácico 4 menor que la mitad del ancho del basis y el margen anterior curvo con una hilera de gránulos; tercero maxilípedo con exopodito subcircular, alcanzando el margen medial lateral del isquion; pereiópodo 2 con una prominente expansión distomesial e anterolateral en el mero, propodio casi dos veces más grande que el dáctilo; esternón torácico 7 con una sutura medial completa, pleópodo 3 unirrámeo, con abertura longitudinal. Pleópodo 1 del macho recto con curvature subdistal de alrededos 90°. Los individuos del nuevo género viven en agallas en corales masivos a pesar de que esta estructura es citada como características de corales ramificados. Las largas setas plumosas del maxilipedo 3 sugieren una función filtradora, pero las quelas sin dientes sugieren su uso para colectar moco

    Cosmology with Gravitational Waves in des and LSST

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    Motivated by the prospect of the wealth of data arising from the inauguration of the era of gravitational wave detection by ground-based interferometers the DES collaboration, in partnership with members of the LIGO collaboration and members of the astronomical community at large, have established a research program to search for their optical counterparts and to explore their use as cosmological probes. In this talk we present the status of our program and discuss prospects for establishing this new probe as part of the portfolio of the Dark Energy research program in the future, in particular for the next generation survey, LSST


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    The present study on the socio-economic importance of the vegetable packing-sheets of the wetlands took place in three townships (AbomeyCalavi, Cotonou and Porto-Novo). It mainly aims at evaluating the potential of the area in vegetable species used as traditional packing by local people and their socio-economic importance for a better use of these species. Socioeconomic surveys were directed towards 270 sellers /users of the sheets like packing. The availability, the economic and ethnobotanic practical values of the species were given. Tests of comparison were carried out between different socio-demographic categories for the use of these species. Ten (10) species divided into ten (10) genres and families were listed. Thalia geniculata (85%), Lasimorpha senegalensis (45%), Tectona grandis (35%) and Musa sp (30%) are the most species used by the populations. The use of packing vegetable sheets depends on the educational level and the monthly income of respondents. These sheets make object of a flourishing trade paying of the substantial incomes (5000 to 8000FCFA/ day) to the sales women. This study could made up a data base for a better use of these species of biodegradable sheets for the environmental protection

    Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Contributes to Apoptosis in Hippocampal Neurons during Experimental Group B Streptococcal Meningitis

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    To evaluate the role of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) in neuronal injury in experimental group B streptococcal meningitis, infected neonatal rats were treated with a monoclonal antibody against TNF-α (20 mg/kg intraperitoneally) or saline given at the time of infection. Histopathology after 24 h showed necrosis in the cortex and apoptosis in the hippocampal dentate gyrus. Treated animals had significantly less hippocampal injury than did controls (P < .001) but had similar cortical injury and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) inflammation. The antibody was then administered directly intracisternally (170 µg) to test whether higher CSF concentrations reduced inflammation or cortical injury. Again, hippocampal apoptosis was significantly reduced (P < .01), while cortical injury and inflammation were not. Thus, TNF-α played a critical role in neuronal apoptosis in the hippocampus, while it was not essential for the development of inflammation and cortical injury in this mode

    Funções Executivas e Jogos Digitais no Contexto Universitário: Uma Revisão Integrativa da Literatura

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    As funções executivas são definidas como mecanismos cognitivos que direcionam e coordenam o comportamento de maneira adaptativa ao que o ambiente exige. Devido à possibilidade de incorporar princípios favoráveis à aprendizagem, os jogos digitais têm sido utilizados como meio de estimulação das funções executivas. O presente estudo buscou investigar nas produções acadêmicas brasileiras as relações estabelecidas entre a estimulação das funções executivas mediadas pelos games no contexto universitário. O estudo se caracteriza como uma revisão integrativa da literatura, com busca de produções em português dos últimos cinco anos (2014 a 2019) nas seguintes bases de dados: CAPES, PubMed, Google Acadêmico e Scielo; os descritores utilizados foram: digital brain games* estudantes universitários*, funções executivas*, flexibilidade cognitiva*, controle inibitório*, lumosity*, jogos digitais*, serious games* e memória*. A partir disso, foram levantadas 500 produções, chegando-se a 2 artigos - retirados da base de dados do Google Acadêmico. Através da análise feita com as produções acima, tem-se que no contexto universitário há um número significativo de sujeitos que interagem frequentemente com jogos eletrônicos; notou-se também que há uma forte presença de sujeitos da área educacional nos estudos. Além disso, foi possível identificar que games educativos podem ser utilizados como espaço de aprendizagem na universidade. Somado ao baixo número de produções encontradas sobre essa temática, foi revelada uma lacuna no cenário da pesquisa brasileira referente ao contexto universitário quanto à estimulação das funções executivas através dos games, podendo essa ser uma oportunidade para que autores de diferentes áreas, por meio de metodologias diversas, possam voltar-se para essa temática. Entre as funções executivas citadas, a atenção obteve destaque. Nota-se ainda que a literatura aponta divergências na definição dessas funções, o que pode se configurar como espaço para novas discussões

    Funções Executivas e Jogos Digitais no Contexto Universitário: Uma Revisão Integrativa da Literatura

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    As funções executivas são definidas como mecanismos cognitivos que direcionam e coordenam o comportamento de maneira adaptativa ao que o ambiente exige. Devido à possibilidade de incorporar princípios favoráveis à aprendizagem, os jogos digitais têm sido utilizados como meio de estimulação das funções executivas. O presente estudo buscou investigar nas produções acadêmicas brasileiras as relações estabelecidas entre a estimulação das funções executivas mediadas pelos games no contexto universitário. O estudo se caracteriza como uma revisão integrativa da literatura, com busca de produções em português dos últimos cinco anos (2014 a 2019) nas seguintes bases de dados: CAPES, PubMed, Google Acadêmico e Scielo; os descritores utilizados foram: digital brain games* estudantes universitários*, funções executivas*, flexibilidade cognitiva*, controle inibitório*, lumosity*, jogos digitais*, serious games* e memória*. A partir disso, foram levantadas 500 produções, chegando-se a 2 artigos - retirados da base de dados do Google Acadêmico. Através da análise feita com as produções acima, tem-se que no contexto universitário há um número significativo de sujeitos que interagem frequentemente com jogos eletrônicos; notou-se também que há uma forte presença de sujeitos da área educacional nos estudos. Além disso, foi possível identificar que games educativos podem ser utilizados como espaço de aprendizagem na universidade. Somado ao baixo número de produções encontradas sobre essa temática, foi revelada uma lacuna no cenário da pesquisa brasileira referente ao contexto universitário quanto à estimulação das funções executivas através dos games, podendo essa ser uma oportunidade para que autores de diferentes áreas, por meio de metodologias diversas, possam voltar-se para essa temática. Entre as funções executivas citadas, a atenção obteve destaque. Nota-se ainda que a literatura aponta divergências na definição dessas funções, o que pode se configurar como espaço para novas discussões

    Performance implications of heat pumps and micro-cogenerators participating in demand side management

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    This work considers the potential impact of participating in demand side management on the performance of air source heat pumps and micro-cogenerators. As significant consumers and generators of electricity at the distribution level, large numbers of heat pumps and micro-cogenerators would provide considerable scope for participation in demand-side management systems. However, it is possible that operating regimes which are optimised for grid considerations will not achieve the maximum performance that is possible from these units.Modelling has been conducted to investigate the significance of this effect, considering the case where local distribution constraints are the main driver for demand side interventions. A model of domestic electrical demand has been adapted to consider a neighbourhood of 128 dwellings in order to identify when interventions are necessary. This has been combined with dynamic models of two micro-cogenerators (derived by IEA ECBCS Annex 42 and based on Stirling engine and internal combustion engine prime movers) and a similar model of an air source heat pump. A simple thermal model of each building is combined with a range of user preferences in order to determine the preferred operating profiles of the heating units.The efficiency of the air source heat pump units is generally found to suffer by about 5% but additional heat losses bring the total increase in primary energy required by the air source heat pumps to 10% to 25%. Although the performance of the micro-combined heat and power units is observed to vary with the operating conditions, this variation is not specifically an effect of demand side management. The effects are not as significant as the observed variations in performance due to differences in installation and operation of the units but are large enough to warrant consideration when assessing the benefits and costs of a similar scheme