536 research outputs found

    Redox Mediation at 11-Mercaptoundecanoic Acid Self-Assembled Monolayers on Gold

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    Cyclic voltammetry (CV), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and digital simulation techniques were used to investigate quantitatively the mechanism of electron transfer (ET) through densely packed and well-ordered self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid on gold, either pristine or modified by physically adsorbed glucose oxidase (GOx). In the presence of ferrocenylmethanol (FcMeOH) as a redox mediator, ET kinetics involving either solution-phase hydrophilic redox probes such as [Fe(CN)6]3-/4- or surface-immobilized GOx is greatly accelerated: [Fe(CN)6]3-/4- undergoes diffusion-controlled ET, while the enzymatic electrochemical conversion of glucose to gluconolactone is efficiently sustained by FcMeOH. Analysis of the results, also including the digital simulation of CV and EIS data, showed the prevalence of an ET mechanism according to the so-called membrane model that comprises the permeation of the redox mediator within the SAM and the intermolecular ET to the redox probe located outside the monolayer. The analysis of the catalytic current generated at the GOx/SAM electrode in the presence of glucose and FcMeOH allowed the high surface protein coverage suggested by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements to be confirmed.

    Papillocystic Variant of Acinar Cell Pancreatic Carcinoma

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    Acinar cell pancreatic carcinoma is a rare solid malignant neoplasm. Recent review of the literature showed occasional cases with papillary or papillocystic growth patterns, ranging from 2 to 5 cm in diameter. We report a large 10 cm pancreatic tumor with papillocystic pathology features involving the pancreatic head. The growth pattern of these tumors could be mistaken for intraductal papillary mucinous tumors or other pancreatic cystic neoplasms

    Hydrogeological characterization of peculiar Apenninic springs

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    Abstract. In the northern Apennines of Italy, springs are quite widespread over the slopes. Due to the outcropping of low-permeability geologic units, they are generally characterized by low-yield capacities and high discharge variability during the hydrologic year. In addition, low-flow periods (discharge lower than 1 Ls-1) reflect rainfall and snowmelt distribution and generally occur in summer seasons. These features strongly condition the management for water-supply purposes, making it particularly complex. The "Mulino delle Vene" springs (420 m a.s.l., Reggio Emilia Province, Italy) are one of the largest in the Apennines for mean annual discharge and dynamic storage and are considered as the main water resource in the area. They flow out from several joints and fractures at the bottom of an arenite rock mass outcrop in the vicinity of the Tresinaro River. To date, these springs have not yet been exploited, as the knowledge about the hydrogeological characteristics of the aquifer and their hydrological behaviour is not fully achieved. This study aims to describe the recharge processes and to define the hydrogeological boundaries of the aquifer. It is based on river and spring discharge monitoring and groundwater balance assessment carried out during the period 2012–2013. Results confirm the effectiveness of the approach, as it allowed the total aliquot of discharge of the springs to be assessed. Moreover, by comparing the observed discharge volume with the one calculated with the groundwater balance, the aquifer has been identified with the arenite slab (mean altitude of 580 m a.s.l.), extended about 5.5 km2 and located 1 km west of the monitored springs

    Identità religiosa e diritto alla salute. Interazioni classiche ed emergenti

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    Sommario: PARTE I: LE INTERAZIONI CLASSICHE - 1. Salute e religione, un tema tradizionale in evoluzione - 2. La “religione” come cura. Santoni e guaritori - 3. Libertà religiosa versus tutela della salute. Le pratiche di mutilazione genitale femminile - 4. (segue) La circoncisione maschile - PARTE II: LE INTERAZIONI EMERGENTI - 5. Il dissenso religioso al trattamento sanitario. Il caso dei testimoni di Geova, e non solo - 6. Le nuove frontiere di tutela della salute nella legge n. 219 del 2017. Gli effetti sull’identità religiosa del paziente-fedele - 7. (segue) Gli spazi di obiezione di coscienza del personale medico sanitario. Religious identity and right to health. Classic and emerging interactions ABSTRACT: The relationship existing between health and religion is innate. Legal systems started dealing with it since the first formulations about freedom of religion and right to health, in order to take care of the individual and collective needs. Taking this premise into account, the first part of the essay analyzes the classic interactions between health and religion, in which the latter replaces official medicine or prescribes harmful conduct. Consequently, legal systems have developed resolutive dialectics which can be applied to new specific cases brought by multiculturalism, like infibulation. In the second part, the essay examines the emerging interactions caused by a third party - the medical health personnel - owner of the duty of care and freedom of conscience, recreating the solutions offered by doctrine and law. Lastly, it focuses on the objections which can be moved by the medical health personnel, which are connected to early end-of-life dispositions (law n. 219/2017), proposing solutions to the lack of regulation left by the law

    Rottura della simmetria di isospin in tripletti isobari

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    In questo lavoro di tesi si analizzano le Triplet energy differences, TED, e le Mirror energy differences, MED, per tripletti isobari di masse comprese tra A=22 e A=38. Vengono descritti il modello a shell che è stato utilizzato per il calcolo delle energie di eccitazione e il formalismo di isospin. Si pone poi l'attenzione sui vari contributi all'energia, analizzando i due di tipo elettromagnetico: quello di monopolo e multipolo; quello dovuto alle correzioni di energia di particella singola e quello dovuto agli effetti di non conservazione della simmetria di isospin. Le stime teoriche sono state ottenute seguendo un metodo che è stato formulato ed utilizzato per la prima volta nello studio dei nuclei nell'orbitale f_(7/2). I calcoli di modello a shell sono stati fatti con il codice ANTOINE, che ha permesso di indivuiduare i singoli contributi alle MED e alle TED, inoltre ha consentito l'analisi della composizione della funzione d'onda in ogni stato. Dai risultati ottenuti si evince che per le TED il termine di non conservazione della simmetria di isospin, V_B, è fondamentale per una buona riproduzione dei dati sperimentali, in quanto solo il contributo di monopolo risulta insufficiente. Per le MED, invece, il termine V_B non è sempre necessario come si pu\'o osservare nelle masse A=30 e A=34. I buoni risultati ottenuti nel confronto con i dati sperimentali per le TED hanno confermato che il metodo adottato è efficace anche per nuclei della shell sd e che la parametrizzazione adottata per descrivere i vari effetti di rottura della simmetria di isospin rimane valida. I risultati insoddisfacenti per le MED invece lasciano aperta la questione della natura del termine V_B; la comprensione del suo comportamento e la ricerca delle sue origini, sono oggetto di studi recenti e costituiscono quindi un tema di grande interesse per la ricerca futura.ope

    Morality and moral arguments: a preliminary analysis of the moral development theory, the moral intuitionism model and the moral disconnection theory

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    El presente trabajo forma parte de un estudio sobre los argumentos morales que brindan los adolescentes. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar y discutir teorías y modelos sobre la moralidad y la función de la argumentación en cada uno de ellos. Se desarrolla en base a las siguientes preguntas: ¿Qué papel ocupa la argumentación en cada modelo teórico? ¿Es posible desarrollar un modelo integrador para explicar la toma de decisiones morales en adolescentes que incluya al mismo tiempo nociones de la psicología evolutiva, la psicología de la interacción social y la psicología cognitiva? Se revisa la teoría cognitiva del desarrollo moral, el modelo del intuicionismo social y la teoría de la desconexión moral. Analizar los modelos existentes permitirá evaluar el estado del arte y estos resultados se tendrán en cuenta para construir nuevos instrumentos de medición. Se espera contribuir al desarrollo de un modelo explicativo sobre el desarrollo y la acción moral.This paper is part of a project about moral arguments used by adolescents. In this work the author presents and briefly discusses theories and theoretic models about morality and the place that argumentation has in each of them. The research questions are: Which is the role given to argumentation in these theoretic models? Is it possible to develop an integrative model to explain moral decision-making in adolescents that includes notions from developmental psychology, social interaction psychology and cognitive psychology? The moral development theory, the moral intuitionism model and the moral disconnection theory are considered. Reviewing existing models may allow estimating the estate of the art and, if so the results will be taken into account to build new measuring instruments. It is expected that this outcome can lead to an explanatory model about development and moral action.Fil: Marcaccio, Antonela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones en Psicología Matemática y Experimental Dr. Horacio J. A. Rimoldi; Argentin

    Electron transfer in polyaromatic hydrocarbons and molecular carbon nanostructures

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    Planar and curved polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) represent an interesting class of compounds with physical chemical properties particularly appealing, as good organic semiconductors and molecular model of larger carbon nano- structures. Investigation of the heterogeneous electron transfer in these systems lets to probe their electronic properties and the reactivity of the corresponding generated carbanions and carbocations that can form new bonds, thus leading to different carbon systems. A particular focus is on the intrinsically high reactivity of carbocations which induces a series of reactions building up new carbon–carbon bonds, thus allowing to enlarge the initial molecular unit into a nanostructure. This represents a new and convenient way to exploit the electro- chemically triggered reactivity into the synthesis of carbon nanostructured materials

    DSDHA's Grounded Research Agenda : Collective impressions

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    When architects give lectures about their work they tend to show a series of photographs of their completed buildings: striking images (often devoid of human presence) taken by third-party professional photographers, which suggest a totally unproblematic relationship between design practice, physical artefacts and their photographic representations. But this is clearly not the case. Arguably indeed architects do not make buildings; they rather craft the instructions and oversee the processes that eventually lead to their completion; processes over which they have no monopoly –as they often take place even without the architects’ mediation and always involve many other ‘actors’. So why do architects insist on showing photographs of buildings? This paper will first unpack the complex nature of the relationship between architecture, buildings and photography, to then introduce the way in which DSDHA, as research-oriented architects, experiment with the photographic medium; using it to portray the ‘differential’ in value that we bring to our projects, and treating it as a design tool that contributes to, and speaks of, our approach –rather than simply fixing on glossy images the final outcomes of our endeavours. The focus will be on DSDHA’s research techniques that use photography as their starting point to investigate latent concerns, aspirations and trends of the many individuals which inhabit our sites –all aspects that often remain hidden to the generic gaze of statistics and evade the canonical artifact-focused photographic representations of architecture. The images we manufacture by means of these techniques are our starting point to map what we call ‘personal landscapes’, and understand how individual narratives relate to the urban morphology as well as to the history of a place. It is from this vantage point that we then proceed to speculate on possible future scenarios