25 research outputs found

    Ecology of some keystone invertebrates inhabiting shallow soft bottom communities of the Maresme coast (NW Mediterranean Sea)

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    [cat] Els bivalves que viuen en grans agregacions d'individus, com ara algunes espècies de musclos, cloïsses i escopinyes; i alguns predadors que ocupen elevats nivells tròfics com ara les estrelles de mar juguen un paper fonamental en l'estructura, integritat, estabilitat i diversitat de les comunitats biològiques, sent habitualment considerats com espècies clau. La seva desaparició o declivi pot conduir a efectes desproporcionats sobre el conjunt de les comunitats on habiten, fins i tot afectant la supervivència d'altres espècies. Tot i que les espècies clau són essencials per mantenir la biodiversitat al planeta Terra, sovint no s'ha prestat prou atenció al seu estudi. El principal objectiu d'aquesta Tesi Doctoral ha estat l'estudi de l'ecologia d’algunes d’aquestes espècies clau que habiten els fons tous poc profunds de la costa del Maresme (nord-oest del Mar Mediterrani). Els resultats obtinguts milloren de manera significativa el coneixement de la població de petxinot de sang (Callista chione) i dels seus potencials depredadors, diferents espècies d'estrelles de mar (Astropecten spp.) que cohabiten a la zona. Al mateix temps ajuden a entendre les seves relacions tròfiques, l'estat de les seves poblacions i es proposen pautes per a la seva conservació. La costa del Maresme és molt propera a la ciutat Barcelona, i per això ha concentrat històricament una elevada pressió antropogènica que ha modificat i alterat el seu medi ambient. Els resultats d'aquesta Tesi Doctoral mostren com l'estat crític de la població de petxinot de sang (C. chione) és conseqüència de la combinació de diferents pressions antropogèniques: dragatges de sorres i la pesca de bivalves amb dragues. També s'ha observat que aquestes mateixes pressions han produït canvis significatius en les poblacions d'estrelles de mar Astropecten. A. aranciacus ha resultat ser l'estrella més vulnerable a aquestes pressions i en conseqüència ha estat la més afectada, veient-se la seva població disminuir a un ritme preocupant. A més, s'ha descrit per primera vegada la reproducció, el creixement i la segregació batimètrica per mida de A aranciacus. Els resultats obtinguts també mostren que les diferents espècies de Astropecten poden cohabitar per la segregació dels seus nínxols ecològics permeten-los no competir pels recursos disponibles (preses i hàbitat). Aquesta Tesi Doctoral pretén proporcionar un rerefons valuós per a millorar la conservació d'aquestes espècies clau, així com promoure l'explotació sostenible dels mol·luscs bivalves.[eng] Bivalves living in large aggregations of individuals (reefs or beds), such as mussels, clams, cockles and some high trophic predators such as sea stars, play an essential ecological role in the structure, integrity, stability, and diversity of the biological communities; being usually considered as keystone species. Their disappearance or decline could lead to disproportionate effects in their communities, even affecting the survival of other species. Although keystone species are crucial for maintaining the Earth biodiversity, often their study has not taken enough attention. The main aim of this Doctoral Thesis was to study the ecology of some keystone invertebrates inhabiting shallow soft bottom communities of the Maresme coast (Northwestern Mediterranean Sea). The results enhance the knowledge of the smooth clam (Callista chione) and also of its potential predators, several species of sea stars (Astropecten spp.) co-occurring in the area. But at the same time, our findings help to understand their trophic interactions, the status of their populations and propose guidelines for their conservation. Maresme coast is close to Barcelona and it has concentrated historically a high anthropogenic pressure that has altered and modified its environment. Our results have showed the critical status of the smooth clam bed as a consequence of the combination of different human coastal uses: sand dredging and clam fisheries. These anthropogenic pressures have also led to significant changes in Astropecten populations. A. aranciacus has been shown to be the most vulnerable, and consequently the most affected, to the extent that its population suffers an important and worrying decline. Moreover, A. aranciacus reproductive cycle, growth and depth segregation between size classes along the continental shelf have been described for the first time. Our results have documented Astropecten species niche segregation, which allow them to co-occur within a biological community scale, without compete for the same available recourses. Sea stars showed a partitioning of the prey (species) and microhabitats in the Maresme coast. This Doctoral Thesis aims to provide a valuable background to improve the conservation of these keystone invertebrates, as well as to promote the sustainable exploitation of shellfish.[spa] Los bivalvos que viven en grandes agregaciones de individuos, como por ejemplo algunas especies de mejillones, almejas y berberechos; y algunos predadores que ocupan elevados niveles tróficos como por ejemplo las estrellas de mar juegan un papel crucial en la estructura, integridad, estabilidad y diversidad de la comunidades biológicas, siendo habitualmente considerados como especies clave. Su desaparición o declive puede conducir a efectos desproporcionados sobre el conjunto de sus comunidades, incluso afectando la supervivencia de otras especies. Aunque las especies clave son esenciales para mantener la biodiversidad en el planeta Tierra, a menudo no se ha prestado suficiente atención a su estudio. El principal objetivo de esta Tesis Doctoral fue el estudio de la ecología de algunas especies clave que habitan los fondos blandos y someros de la costa del Maresme (noroeste del Mar Mediterráneo). Los resultados obtenidos mejoran de forma significativa el conocimiento sobre la concha fina (Callista chione) y sus depredadores potenciales, distintas species de estrellas de mar del género Astropecten que cohabitan en la zona. Al mismo tiempo ayudan a entender sus relaciones tróficas, el estado de sus poblaciones y se proponen pautas para mejorar su conservación. La costa del Maresme se halla cerca de la ciudad Barcelona, y por ello ha concentrado históricamente una elevada presión antropogénica que ha modificado y alterado su medio ambiente. Los resultados de esta Tesis Doctoral muestran como el estado crítico de la población de concha fina (C. chione) es consecuencia de la combinación de distintas presiones antrópogenicas: dragados de arenas y pesquerías de moluscos bivalvos. También se ha observado que estas mismas presiones han producido cambios significativos en las poblaciones de estrellas de mar Astropecten. A. aranciacus ha resultado ser la estrella más vulnerable a dichas presiones y en consecuencia ha sido la más afectada, viéndose su población disminuir a un rito preocupante. Además, se ha descrito por primera vez la reproducción, el crecimiento y la segregación batimétrica por tallas de A. aranciacus. Los resultados documentados también muestran que las distintas especies de Astropecten pueden cohabitar por la segregación de sus nichos ecológicos permitíendoles no competir por los recursos disponibles (presas y hábitat). Esta Tesis Doctoral pretende proporcionar un trasfondo valioso para mejorar la conservación de estas especies clave, así como promover la explotación sostenible de los moluscos bivalvos

    First description of a new worm bait fishery in the NW Mediterranean Sea

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    Most commercial clam stocks in the NW Mediterranean Sea have collapsed over the last few decades and, as a result, most clam dredge fishermen have been forced to leave the fishing sector. Recently, in order to sustain their economic activity, some fishermen have modified dredges to target sea worms to sell as bait for recreational fisheries. This study provides the first information about this new worm bait fishery on the Catalan Maresme coast (NE Spain). The local administration has regulated only a few aspects of the fishery: users (2 boats), geographical limits (40 km; between 0-7 m depth), fishing time (6:00-14:00) and dredge design (the same as those used for smooth clams but with interior structures to retain worms and an open back). Fishing activity takes place throughout the year. Fishermen target three worm bait species: Sigalion squamosus, Ophelia neglecta and Halla parthenopeia. A mean of 233.37 individuals of S. squamosus, 167.93 of O. neglecta and 2.17 of H. parthenopeia are gathered per boat and day. Worm baits are sold directly to local recreational fishing shops as a quality product at the highest prices on the market. This fishery has a high social and economic value for the Maresme coast, helping to maintain small-scale fishermen jobs with an economic benefit similar to clam fishing

    Long-term trends in striped venus clam (Chamelea gallina) fisheries in the western Mediterranean Sea: the case of Ebro Delta (NE Spain)

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    All clam fisheries in the western Mediterranean Sea have dramatically declined in the last few decades. Recently, most have collapsed in Spain, resulting in job loss for hundreds of small-scale fishers. However, insufficient attention has been given to the profound significance of this socio-ecological crisis. We evaluated the historical, social, and ecological context of the striped venus clam (Chamelea gallina) fisheries in the western Mediterranean Sea, focusing on one of the main productive areas of this region (the Ebro Delta, Catalonia, NE Spain) to detect possible causes of the decline in clam landings. Different governance systems (self-governance, centralized governance, and de facto co-governance) had been successful in maintaining striped clam fisheries since they were established in the 1940s. However, since the industrialization of fishing fleets in the mid-1970s, a lack of reliable management (e.g., free access; conflicts between different interested parties) and a progressive increase in fishing capacity, fishing effort, and technological enhancements across the small fishing grounds have increased the vulnerability of the exploited stocks and set them on a collapse trajectory. We recommend the following management measures to promote the recovery of the striped venus clam stock and mitigate the loss of its ecological, social, and economic value: (1) the closure of the fishery in the Ebro Delta; (2) the preparation and implementation of a Spanish Management Fishery Plan to restore the striped clam fishing grounds; (3) the establishment of a supra-regional Management Plan for the striped venus clam on the Mediterranean coast of Spain

    Long-term trends in striped venus clam (Chamelea gallina) fisheries in the western Mediterranean Sea: the case of Ebro Delta (NE Spain).

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    All clam fisheries in the western Mediterranean Sea have dramatically declined in the last few decades. Recently, most have collapsed in Spain, resulting in job loss for hundreds of small-scale fishers. However, insufficient attention has been given to the profound significance of this socio-ecological crisis. We evaluated the historical, social, and ecological context of the striped venus clam (Chamelea gallina) fisheries in the western Mediterranean Sea, focusing on one of the main productive areas of this region (the Ebro Delta, Catalonia, NE Spain) to detect possible causes of the decline in clam landings. Different governance systems (self-governance, centralized governance, and de facto co-governance) had been successful in maintaining striped clam fisheries since they were established in the 1940s. However, since the industrialization of fishing fleets in the mid-1970s, a lack of reliable management (e.g., free access; conflicts between different interested parties) and a progressive increase in fishing capacity, fishing effort, and technological enhancements across the small fishing grounds have increased the vulnerability of the exploited stocks and set them on a collapse trajectory. We recommend the following management measures to promote the recovery of the striped venus clam stock and mitigate the loss of its ecological, social, and economic value: (1) the closure of the fishery in the Ebro Delta; (2) the preparation and implementation of a Spanish Management Fishery Plan to restore the striped clam fishing grounds; (3) the establishment of a supra-regional Management Plan for the striped venus clam on the Mediterranean coast of Spain

    Microsatellites’ mutation modeling through the analysis of the Y-chromosomal transmission: Results of a GHEP-ISFG collaborative study

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    The Spanish and Portuguese Speaking Working Group of the International Society for Forensic Genetics (GHEP-ISFG) organized a collaborative study on mutations of Y-chromosomal short tandem repeats (Y-STRs). New data from 2225 father-son duos and data from 44 previously published reports, corresponding to 25,729 duos, were collected and analyzed. Marker-specific mutation rates were estimated for 33 Y-STRs. Although highly dependent on the analyzed marker, mutations compatible with the gain or loss of a single repeat were 23.2 times more likely than those involving a greater number of repeats. Longer alleles (relatively to the modal one) showed to be nearly twice more mutable than the shorter ones. Within the subset of longer alleles, the loss of repeats showed to be nearly twice more likely than the gain. Conversely, shorter alleles showed a symmetrical trend, with repeat gains being twofold more frequent than reductions. A positive correlation between the paternal age and the mutation rate was observed, strengthening previous findings. The results of a machine learning approach, via logistic regression analyses, allowed the establishment of algebraic formulas for estimating the probability of mutation depending on paternal age and allele length for DYS389I, DYS393 and DYS627. Algebraic formulas could also be established considering only the allele length as predictor for DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II-I, DYS390, DYS391, DYS393, DYS437, DYS439, DYS449, DYS456, DYS458, DYS460, DYS481, DYS518, DYS533, DYS576, DYS626 and DYS627 loci. For the remaining Y-STRs, a lack of statistical significance was observed, probably as a consequence of the small effective size of the subsets available, a common difficulty in the modeling of rare events as is the case of mutations. The amount of data used in the different analyses varied widely, depending on how the data were reported in the publications analyzed. This shows a regrettable waste of produced data, due to inadequate communication of the results, supporting an urgent need of publication guidelines for mutation studies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ecología de algunos invertebrados clave que habitan en comunidades de fondos blandos someros de la costa del Maresme (noroeste del Mar Mediterráneo)

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    Memoria de tesis doctoral presentada por Marc Baeta Alacio para optar al grado de Doctor por la Universitat de Barcelona (UB), realizada bajo la dirección de la Dra. Montserrat Ramón Herrero del Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC) y el Dr. Manuel Ballesteros de la Universitat de Barcelona (UB).-- 159 pages[EN] Bivalves living in large aggregations of individuals (reefs or beds), such as mussels, clams, cockles and some high trophic predators such as sea stars, play an essential ecological role in the structure, integrity, stability, and diversity of the biological communities; being usually considered as keystone species. Their disappearance or decline could lead to disproportionate effects in their communities, even affecting the survival of other species. Although keystone species are crucial for maintaining the Earth biodiversity, often their study has not taken enough attention. The main aim of this Doctoral Thesis was to study the ecology of some keystone invertebrates inhabiting shallow soft bottom communities of the Maresme coast (Northwestern Mediterranean Sea). The results enhance the knowledge of the smooth clam (Callista chione) and also of its potential predators, several species of sea stars (Astropecten spp.) co-occurring in the area. But at the same time, our findings help to understand their trophic interactions, the status of their populations and propose guidelines for their conservation. Maresme coast is close to Barcelona and it has concentrated historically a high anthropogenic pressure that has altered and modified its environment. Our results have showed the critical status of the smooth clam bed as a consequence of the combination of different human coastal uses: sand dredging and clam fisheries. These anthropogenic pressures have also led to significant changes in Astropecten populations. A. aranciacus has been shown to be the most vulnerable, and consequently the most affected, to the extent that its population suffers an important and worrying decline. Moreover, A. aranciacus reproductive cycle, growth and depth segregation between size classes along the continental shelf have been described for the first time. Our results have documented Astropecten species niche segregation, which allow them to co-occur within a biological community scale, without compete for the same available recourses. Sea stars showed a partitioning of the prey (species) and microhabitats in the Maresme coast. This Doctoral Thesis aims to provide a valuable background to improve the conservation of these keystone invertebrates, as well as to promote the sustainable exploitation of shellfish[ES] Los bivalvos que viven en grandes agregaciones de individuos, como por ejemplo algunas especies de mejillones, almejas y berberechos; y algunos predadores que ocupan elevados niveles tróficos como por ejemplo las estrellas de mar juegan un papel crucial en la estructura, integridad, estabilidad y diversidad de la comunidades biológicas, siendo habitualmente considerados como especies clave. Su desaparición o declive puede conducir a efectos desproporcionados sobre el conjunto de sus comunidades, incluso afectando la supervivencia de otras especies. Aunque las especies clave son esenciales para mantener la biodiversidad en el planeta Tierra, a menudo no se ha prestado suficiente atención a su estudio. El principal objetivo de esta Tesis Doctoral fue el estudio de la ecología de algunas especies clave que habitan los fondos blandos y someros de la costa del Maresme (noroeste del Mar Mediterráneo). Los resultados obtenidos mejoran de forma significativa el conocimiento sobre la concha fina (Callista chione) y sus depredadores potenciales, distintas species de estrellas de mar del género Astropecten que cohabitan en la zona. Al mismo tiempo ayudan a entender sus relaciones tróficas, el estado de sus poblaciones y se proponen pautas para mejorar su conservación. La costa del Maresme se halla cerca de la ciudad Barcelona, y por ello ha concentrado históricamente una elevada presión antropogénica que ha modificado y alterado su medio ambiente. Los resultados de esta Tesis Doctoral muestran como el estado crítico de la población de concha fina (C. chione) es consecuencia de la combinación de distintas presiones antrópogenicas: dragados de arenas y pesquerías de moluscos bivalvos. También se ha observado que estas mismas presiones han producido cambios significativos en las poblaciones de estrellas de mar Astropecten. A. aranciacus ha resultado ser la estrella más vulnerable a dichas presiones y en consecuencia ha sido la más afectada, viéndose su población disminuir a un rito preocupante. Además, se ha descrito por primera vez la reproducción, el crecimiento y la segregación batimétrica por tallas de A. aranciacus. Los resultados documentados también muestran que las distintas especies de Astropecten pueden cohabitar por la segregación de sus nichos ecológicos permitíendoles no competir por los recursos disponibles (presas y hábitat). Esta Tesis Doctoral pretende proporcionar un trasfondo valioso para mejorar la conservación de estas especies clave, así como promover la explotación sostenible de los moluscos bivalvos[CAT] Els bivalves que viuen en grans agregacions d'individus, com ara algunes espècies de musclos, cloïsses i escopinyes; i alguns predadors que ocupen elevats nivells tròfics com ara les estrelles de mar juguen un paper fonamental en l'estructura, integritat, estabilitat i diversitat de les comunitats biològiques, sent habitualment considerats com espècies clau. La seva desaparició o declivi pot conduir a efectes desproporcionats sobre el conjunt de les comunitats on habiten, fins i tot afectant la supervivència d'altres espècies. Tot i que les espècies clau són essencials per mantenir la biodiversitat al planeta Terra, sovint no s'ha prestat prou atenció al seu estudi. El principal objectiu d'aquesta Tesi Doctoral ha estat l'estudi de l'ecologia d’algunes d’aquestes espècies clau que habiten els fons tous poc profunds de la costa del Maresme (nord-oest del Mar Mediterrani). Els resultats obtinguts milloren de manera significativa el coneixement de la població de petxinot de sang (Callista chione) i dels seus potencials depredadors, diferents espècies d'estrelles de mar (Astropecten spp.) que cohabiten a la zona. Al mateix temps ajuden a entendre les seves relacions tròfiques, l'estat de les seves poblacions i es proposen pautes per a la seva conservació. La costa del Maresme és molt propera a la ciutat Barcelona, i per això ha concentrat històricament una elevada pressió antropogènica que ha modificat i alterat el seu medi ambient. Els resultats d'aquesta Tesi Doctoral mostren com l'estat crític de la població de petxinot de sang (C. chione) és conseqüència de la combinació de diferents pressions antropogèniques: dragatges de sorres i la pesca de bivalves amb dragues. També s'ha observat que aquestes mateixes pressions han produït canvis significatius en les poblacions d'estrelles de mar Astropecten. A. aranciacus ha resultat ser l'estrella més vulnerable a aquestes pressions i en conseqüència ha estat la més afectada, veient-se la seva població disminuir a un ritme preocupant. A més, s'ha descrit per primera vegada la reproducció, el creixement i la segregació batimètrica per mida de A aranciacus. Els resultats obtinguts també mostren que les diferents espècies de Astropecten poden cohabitar per la segregació dels seus nínxols ecològics permeten-los no competir pels recursos disponibles (preses i hàbitat). Aquesta Tesi Doctoral pretén proporcionar un rerefons valuós per a millorar la conservació d'aquestes espècies clau, així com promoure l'explotació sostenible dels mol·luscs bivalvesPeer Reviewe

    Comunidades faunísticas de un hábitat sublitoral de arena gruesa en el Mediterráneo Noroccidental

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    8 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables[EN] The sublittoral megabenthic assemblages of a northwestern Mediterranean coarse sandy beach exploited for the bivalve Callista chione were studied. The spatial and bathymetric variability of its distinctive faunal assemblages was characterised by quantitative sampling performed with a clam dredge. The taxa studied were Mollusca Bivalvia and Gastropoda, Crustacea Decapoda, Echinodermata and Pisces, which accounted for over 99% of the total biomass. Three well-differentiated species assemblages were identified: (1) assemblage MSS (Medium Sand Shallow) in medium sand (D50=0.37 mm) and shallow waters (mean depth =6.5 m), (2) assemblage CSS (Coarse Sand Shallow) in coarse sand (D50=0.62 mm) in shallow waters (mean depth =6.7 m), and (3) assemblage CSD (Coarse Sand Deep) in coarse sand (D50=0.64 mm) in deeper waters (mean depth =16.2 m). Assemblage MSS was characterised by the codominance of the bivalves Mactra stultorum and Acanthocardia tuberculata. C. chione was dominant in both density and biomass in assemblages CSS and CSD. The occurrence of the crab Thia scutellata also characterised assemblage CSS, whereas the occurrence of the sea urchin Echinocardium mediterraneum characterised assemblage CSD. A depth breaking point of around 10 m determined the discontinuity between assemblages CSS and CSD, which was related to the closure depth of the beaches in the study area. Species richness was highest in the coarse sand communities; however, Shannon-Wiener diversity and Pielou equitability indexes were higher in the shallow fine sand community[ES] Se han estudiado las comunidades megabentónicas sublitorales de playas de arena gruesa afectadas por la pesquería del bivalvo Callista chione en el Mediterráneo noroccidental (Maresme). Se ha caracterizado la variabilidad espacial y batimétrica de las comunidades faunísticas presentes mediante un muestreo cuantitativo utilizando un rastrillo de bivalvos. Los taxones estudiados fueron Mollusca Bivalvia y Gastropoda, Crustacea Decapoda, Echinodermata y Pisces, los cuales representaron más del 99% de la biomasa total. Se identificaron tres comunidades bien diferenciadas: (1) comunidad MSS en arenas medias (D50=0.37 mm) y poco profundas (profundidad media =6.5 m), (2) comunidad CSS en arena gruesa (D50=0.62 mm) en aguas someras (6.7 m), y (3) comunidad CSD en arenas gruesas (D50=0.64 mm) en aguas más profundas (16.2 m). La comunidad MSS se caracterizó por la codominancia de los bivalvos Mactra stultorum y Acanthocardia tuberculata. C. chione dominó en densidad y biomasa en las comunidades CSS y CSD. La presencia del braquiuro Thia scutellata también caracterizó la comunidad CSS, mientras que la presencia del erizo Echinocardium mediterraneum caracterizó la comunidad CSD. Se detectó una discontinuidad entre las comunidades CSS y CSD a una profundidad de unos 10 m, la cual está relacionada con la profundidad de cierre de las playas del área de estudio. La riqueza específica fue mayor en las comunidades de arena gruesa, no obstante los índices de diversidad de Shannon-Wiener y de equitabilidad fueron superiores en la comunidad de arenas finasThis paper is a result of the research project "Avaluació de l'estat del banc natural de petxina lluenta del Maresme" funded by the Departament d'Agricultura, Ramaderia i Pesca - Generalitat de Catalunya. PA and MR are part of the research group 2009_SGR_1364 of the Generalitat de CatalunyaPeer reviewe

    Cal protegir les masses d'ous de la sèpia?

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    Feeding ecology of three species of Astropecten (Asteroidea) coexisting on shallow sandy bottoms of the northwestern Mediterranean Sea

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    15 pages, 4 figures, 4 tablesPredation and competition are important biotic interactions influencing populations and communities in marine soft sediments. Sea stars are ubiquitous predators with diverse diets that play functionally important roles in the benthos. In this study, we examined the diet and the ecological roles of three sympatric species of the genus Astropecten (A. aranciacus, A. irregularis pentacanthus and A. platyacanthus). The study was performed between March 2010 and February 2011 on the Maresme coast (northwestern Mediterranean Sea). Results showed that their main diet consisted on gastropods and bivalves, such as Glycymeris glycymeris, Callista chione, Gibbula guttadauri and Cyclope neritea. Food competition between species was avoided by partition of prey resources. Intraspecific differences in the dietary compositions between seasons were found, but not between size classes. Ontogenetic patterns of prey size consumption were recognized in the three species. A large diet overlap was detected between A. aranciacus and A. platyacanthus in winter, due to changes in prey availability. Nevertheless, the analysis of the infaunal community composition and stomach contents indicated that food selection was not associated with prey availability. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin HeidelbergPeer Reviewe