135 research outputs found

    Evaluating fidelity of CT based 3D models for Zebrafish conductive hearing system

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    The zebrafish Weberian apparatus is an emerging model for human conductive hearing system. Their Weberian apparatus comprises minute bones and ligamentary links, and conducts sound pressure transmission from the gas bladder to inner ear through four pairs of Weberian ossicles along the vertebral column. We herein present a methodological study using MicroCT to image the Weberian apparatus for biomechanical and morphological analysis. The aim of this work is to evaluate computational models generated from multiple MicroCT scans with different parameters, to identify the most feasible scan combination for practical (minimized scan time) yet accurate (relative to highest resolution) biomechanical simulations. We segmented and created 3D models from CT scan image stacks at 4.64 ÎĽm, 5.05 ÎĽm, 9.30 ÎĽm and 13.08 ÎĽm voxel resolutions, respectively. Then, we used geometric morphometrics analysis to quantify inter-model shape differences, as well as a series of finite element modal and harmonic analyses to simulate auditory signal vibrations. Relative to the highest resolution and most accurate model, the Model 9.30 is closest in overall geometry and biomechanical behavior of all lower resolution models. The differences in resolution and quality of the CT substantially affect the segmentation and reconstruction process of the three-dimensional model of the ossicles, and the subsequent analyses. We conclude that scan voxel resolution is a key factor influencing outcomes of biomechanical simulations of delicate and minute structures, especially when studying the harmonic response of minute ossicles connected by ligaments using finite element modeling. Furthermore, contrast variations in CT images as determined by x-ray power and scan speed, also affect fidelity in 3D models and simulation outcomes

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    Finite element analysis relating shape, material properties, and dimensions of taenioglossan radular teeth with trophic specialisations in Paludomidae (Gastropoda)

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    Altres ajuts: CERCA Programme/Generalitat de CatalunyaThe radula, a chitinous membrane with embedded tooth rows, is the molluscan autapomorphy for feeding. The morphologies, arrangements and mechanical properties of teeth can vary between taxa, which is usually interpreted as adaptation to food. In previous studies, we proposed about trophic and other functional specialisations in taenioglossan radulae from species of African paludomid gastropods. These were based on the analysis of shape, material properties, force-resistance, and the mechanical behaviour of teeth, when interacting with an obstacle. The latter was previously simulated for one species (Spekia zonata) by the finite-element-analysis (FEA) and, for more species, observed in experiments. In the here presented work we test the previous hypotheses by applying the FEA on 3D modelled radulae, with incorporated material properties, from three additional paludomid species. These species forage either on algae attached to rocks (Lavigeria grandis), covering sand (Cleopatra johnstoni), or attached to plant surface and covering sand (Bridouxia grandidieriana). Since the analysed radulae vary greatly in their general size (e.g. width) and size of teeth between species, we additionally aimed at relating the simulated stress and strain distributions with the tooth sizes by altering the force/volume. For this purpose, we also included S. zonata again in the present study. Our FEA results show that smaller radulae are more affected by stress and strain than larger ones, when each tooth is loaded with the same force. However, the results are not fully in congruence with results from the previous breaking stress experiments, indicating that besides the parameter size, more mechanisms leading to reduced stress/strain must be present in radulae

    Orthodontic Loads in Teeth after Regenerative Endodontics : A Finite Element Analysis of the Biomechanical Performance of the Periodontal Ligament

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    Altres ajuts: CERCA Programme/Generalitat de CatalunyaThe objective of this study was to analyse the stress distribution in the periodontal ligament and tooth structure of a cementum-reinforced tooth, a dentine-reinforced tooth and an immature tooth during orthodontic loads using a finite element analysis. A finite element model of a maxillary incisor and its supporting tissues was developed. The root was segmented into two parts: a part that represented a root in an immature state and an apical part that represented the tissue formed after regenerative endodontics. The apical part was given the mechanical properties of dentine or cementum. The three models underwent simulation of mesial load, palatal inclination and rotation. The mean stress values and stress distribution patterns of the periodontal ligament of the dentine- and cementum-reinforced teeth were similar in all scenarios. The maturation of the root, with either dentine or cementum, was beneficial for all scenarios, since the periodontal ligament of the immature tooth showed the highest mean stress values. Under the condition of this computational study, orthodontic loads can be applied in teeth previously treated with regenerative endodontics, since the distribution of stress is similar to those of physiologically mature teeth. In vivo studies should be performed to validate these results

    Insights into the controversy over materials data for the comparison of biomechanical performance in vertebrates

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    Mechanical comparison of different species is performed with the help of computational tools like Finite Element Analysis FEA. In palaeobiology it is common to consider bone like an isotropic material for simulations but often real data of bone materials is impossible to know. This work investigates the influence of choice of bone materials properties over the results of simulations, showing when and why the materials data are relevant and when the selection of these data becomes irrelevant. With a theoretical approach from continuum mechanics and with a practical example the relationship between material data and comparative metrics like stress, strains and displacements is discussed. When linear and elastic material properties are assumed in a comparative analysis, the effect of the elastic modulus of the material is irrelevant over stress patterns. This statement is true for homogeneous and inhomogeneous materials, in this last case the proportion between the different materials properties must kept constant. In the case of the strains and displacements, there is an inverse proportionality kept constant, between the values of the metrics and the changes in the elastic modulus. These properties allow comparative studies without considering the real elastic materials properties.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Broad-scale morpho-functional traits of the mandible suggest no hard food adaptation in the hominin lineage

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    An on-going debate concerning the dietary adaptations of archaic hominins and early Homo has been fuelled by contradictory inferences obtained using different methodologies. This work presents an extensive comparative sample of 30 extant primate species that was assembled to perform a morpho-functional comparison of these taxa with 12 models corresponding to eight fossil hominin species. Finite Element Analysis and Geometric Morphometrics were employed to analyse chewing biomechanics and mandible morphology to, firstly, establish the variation of this clade, secondly, relate stress and shape variables, and finally, to classify fossil individuals into broad ingesta related hardness categories using a support vector machine algorithm. Our results suggest that some hominins previously assigned as hard food consumers (e.g. the members of the Paranthropus clade) in fact seem to rely more strongly on soft foods, which is consistent with most recent studies using either microwear or stable isotope analyses. By analysing morphometric and stress results in the context of the comparative framework, we conclude that in the hominin clade there were probably no hard-food specialists. Nonetheless, the biomechanical ability to comminute harder items, if required as fallback option, adds to their strategy of increased flexibility

    Determining the constitutive parameters of the human femoral vein in specific patients

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    This study suggests a method for computing the constitutive model for veins in vivo from clinically registered ultrasound images. The vein is modelled as a hyperelastic, incompressible, thin-walled cylinder and the membrane stresses are computed using strain energy. The material parameters are determined by tuning the membrane stress to the stress obtained by enforcing global equilibrium. In addition to the mechanical model, the study also suggests a preconditioning of the pressure-radius signal. The preconditioning computes an average pressure-radius cycle from all consecutive cycles in the registration and removes, or reduces undesirable disturbances. In order to overcome this problem, an approach is proposed that allows constitutive equations to be determined from clinical data by means of reasonable assumptions regarding in situ configurations and stress states of vein walls. The approach is based on a two-dimensional Fung-type stored-energy function that captures the characteristic nonlinear and anisotropic responses of vein

    Design characteristics, primary stability and risk of fracture of orthodontic mini-implants: pilot scan electron microscope and mechanical studies

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    Objectives: Orthodontic mini-implants (OMIs) are increasingly used in orthodontics but can fail for various reasons. This study investigates the effects of OMI design characteristics on the mechanical properties in artificial bone. Material and Methods: Twelve self-drilling OMIs (2 small, 6 medium, 4 large) from 8 manufacturers were tested for their primary stability in simulated medium-high cancellous bone and the risk to fracture in high-density methacrylate blocks. For the assessments of the maximum insertion torque (IT) and torsional fracture (TF) 5 of each OMI were used and for the pull-out strength (POS) 10. The OMIs were inserted with a torque screwdriver (12 sec/360°) until the bottom at 8 mm depth was reached. OMI designs were analyzed with a scan electron mi - croscope (SEM). Results: SEM images revealed a great variation in product refinement. In the whole sample, a cylindrical OMI shape was associated with higher POS (p<0.001) but lower IT (p=0.002) values. The outer and inner OMI di - ameters were design characteristics well correlated with POS, IT and TF values (ranging from 0.601 to 0.961). Greater thread depth was related to greater POS values (r= 0.628), although OMIs with similar POS values may have different IT values. Thread depth and pitch had some impact on POS. TF depended mainly on the OMI inner (r= 0.961) and outer diameters (r=0.892). A thread depth to outer diameter ratio close to 40% increased TF risk. Conclusions: Although at the same insertion depth the OMI outer and inner diameters are the most important fac - tors for primary stability, other OMI design characteristics (cylindrical vs. conical, thread design) may significantly affect primary stability and torsional fracture. This needs to be considered when selecting the appropriate OMI for the desired orthodontic procedures

    The intervals method : a new approach to analyse finite element outputs using multivariate statistics

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    Background. In this paper, we propose a new method, named the intervals' method, to analyse data from finite element models in a comparative multivariate framework. As a case study, several armadillo mandibles are analysed, showing that the proposed method is useful to distinguish and characterise biomechanical differences related to diet/ecomorphology. - Methods. The intervals' method consists of generating a set of variables, each one defined by an interval of stress values. Each variable is expressed as a percentage of the area of the mandible occupied by those stress values. Afterwards these newly generated variables can be analysed using multivariate methods. - Results. Applying this novel method to the biological case study of whether armadillo mandibles differ according to dietary groups, we show that the intervals' method is a powerful tool to characterize biomechanical performance and how this relates to different diets. This allows us to positively discriminate between specialist and generalist species. - Discussion. We show that the proposed approach is a useful methodology not affected by the characteristics of the finite element mesh. Additionally, the positive discriminating results obtained when analysing a difficult case study suggest that the proposed method could be a very useful tool for comparative studies in finite element analysis using multivariate statistical approaches
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