86 research outputs found

    I mille nomi di Marianela. L'onomastica come strumento di analisi del rapporto autore-narratore

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    Onomastics has been used as an effective tool of literary analysis. From the etymological study to more complex reflections about the disintegration of the character through the anthroponym in contemporary literature, the naming process is still an excellent way to understand the narrative dynamics. In the novel Marianela by Benito Perez Galdos, the name of the main character is proposed as an extraordinary clue to penetrate the narratological level and to reveal the position of the author. The ambiguity in the naming process, together with some other biographical facts which the author doesn't clearly show, become a clue to reveal the critical posture of the author towards the staunchly positivist narrator. Galdos novel create a set of information around the main character which manifest itself as a representation of a doubt

    L'apport de l'informatique dans l'analyse conjointe des données numériques et textuelles

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    Sommaire du numéro :http://archive-edutice.ccsd.cnrs.fr/edutice-00000866Les dernières évolutions technologiques et de récents travaux en linguistique informatique, en particulier en ce qui concerne les capacités de traitement ainsi que l'élaboration de nouvelles méthodologies de recherche linguistique, ont contribué à banaliser l'utilisation des nouveaux logiciels. En psychologie, par exemple, le traitement des enquêtes et des entretiens - outils courants du psychologue - bénéficie aujourd'hui des toutes dernières techniques pour la gestion et l'exploitation des données numériques et textuelles. Nous présenterons brièvement ici, ces possibilités de traitement et de couplage statistique des enquêtes et des entretiens qui constituent désormais pour les étudiants et les chercheurs psychologues, grâce au progrès informatique, une nouvelle voie de formation et de recherche dont il faudra tenir compte dans nos filières universitaires. D'autant que, depuis 1986, les étudiants en sciences humaines sont, grâce au plan d'initiation à l'informatique (IPT), formés précocement à l'utilisation de l'ordinateur, ce qui rend possible la pratique, à partir de logiciels spécialisés, des différentes méthodes statistiques enseignées et utilisées en psychologie. Nous illustrerons notre propos à partir de nos derniers travaux, où nous avons étudié et appliqué les possibilités de traitement et de couplage des données numériques et textuelles

    La Spagna dell’età napoleonica nei romanzi storici di Arturo Pérez-Reverte

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    Four of the historical novels of Arturo Pérez-Reverte are set in the context of the Napoleonic era. The skilful descriptive ability of the author focus primarily on the military aspect: it is the character’s perspective, involved in war actions, which provides an interesting interpretation of the period, through a subjective evaluation which often departs from documentary work.Quattro dei romanzi storici di Arturo Pérez-Reverte si sviluppano nel contesto dell’età napoleonica. L’abile capacità descrittiva dell’autore si concentra prevalentemente sull’aspetto militare: nella prosa di Pérez-Reverte è la viva voce dei protagonisti, coinvolti più o meno volontariamente nella guerriglia e nelle campagne belliche, a fornire un’originale lettura dell’epoca, rinforzata da un filtro soggettivo che, spesso, allontana la visione narrativa dalla realtà documentaristica.Quattro dei romanzi storici di Arturo Pérez-Reverte si sviluppano nel contesto dell’età napoleonica. L’abile capacità descrittiva dell’autore si concentra prevalentemente sull’aspetto militare: nella prosa di Pérez-Reverte è la viva voce dei protagonisti, coinvolti più o meno volontariamente nella guerriglia e nelle campagne belliche, a fornire un’originale lettura dell’epoca, rinforzata da un filtro soggettivo che, spesso, allontana la visione narrativa dalla realtà documentaristica.Quattro dei romanzi storici di Arturo Pérez-Reverte si sviluppano nel contesto dell’età napoleonica. L’abile capacità descrittiva dell’autore si concentra prevalentemente sull’aspetto militare: nella prosa di Pérez-Reverte è la viva voce dei protagonisti, coinvolti più o meno volontariamente nella guerriglia e nelle campagne belliche, a fornire un’originale lettura dell’epoca, rinforzata da un filtro soggettivo che, spesso, allontana la visione narrativa dalla realtà documentaristica

    Retablo de picardías di Manuel Barrios: un esempio di picaresca contemporanea

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    Unfortunately, so far, it has been impossible to produce an exact definition of literatura picaresca, or of the features which constitute the literary material of this genre. However, we want to establish a relationship between traditional picaresca and contemporary instances of the same genre. It will be therefore possible, by diachronically comparing the novels, to isolate the typical features of contemporary picaresca, giving prominence to the effectiveness and the “contemporaneousness” of the main tool in literatura picaresca: the pícaro. Keywords: Barrios, picaresca, pícaro, contemporaneousness, hunger. È stato impossibile, fino ad oggi, produrre un definizione esatta di letteratura picaresca, ovvero dei caratteri che costituiscono il materiale letterario di un’opera picaresca. Si vuole tuttavia stabilire una relazione tra la picaresca tradizionale e gli esempi contemporanei del genere. Sarà così possibile, attraverso un confronto diacronico, sottolineare i tratti tipici della picaresca contemporanea, facendo così risaltare l’efficacia e la “contemporaneità” del principale strumento della letteratura picaresca: il picaro. Parole chiave: Barrios, picaresca, picaro, contemporaneità, fame.Unfortunately, so far, it has been impossible to produce an exact definition of literatura picaresca, or of the features which constitute the literary material of this genre. However, we want to establish a relationship between traditional picaresca and contemporary instances of the same genre. It will be therefore possible, by diachronically comparing the novels, to isolate the typical features of contemporary picaresca, giving prominence to the effectiveness and the “contemporaneousness” of the main tool in literatura picaresca: the pícaro. Keywords: Barrios, picaresca, pícaro, contemporaneousness, hunger. È stato impossibile, fino ad oggi, produrre un definizione esatta di letteratura picaresca, ovvero dei caratteri che costituiscono il materiale letterario di un’opera picaresca. Si vuole tuttavia stabilire una relazione tra la picaresca tradizionale e gli esempi contemporanei del genere. Sarà così possibile, attraverso un confronto diacronico, sottolineare i tratti tipici della picaresca contemporanea, facendo così risaltare l’efficacia e la “contemporaneità” del principale strumento della letteratura picaresca: il picaro. Parole chiave: Barrios, picaresca, picaro, contemporaneità, fame

    Neural correlates of emotional valence for faces and words

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    : Stimuli with negative emotional valence are especially apt to influence perception and action because of their crucial role in survival, a property that may not be precisely mirrored by positive emotional stimuli of equal intensity. The aim of this study was to identify the neural circuits differentially coding for positive and negative valence in the implicit processing of facial expressions and words, which are among the main ways human beings use to express emotions. Thirty-six healthy subjects took part in an event-related fMRI experiment. We used an implicit emotional processing task with the visual presentation of negative, positive, and neutral faces and words, as primary stimuli. Dynamic Causal Modeling (DCM) of the fMRI data was used to test effective brain connectivity within two different anatomo-functional models, for the processing of words and faces, respectively. In our models, the only areas showing a significant differential response to negative and positive valence across both face and word stimuli were early visual cortices, with faces eliciting stronger activations. For faces, DCM revealed that this effect was mediated by a facilitation of activity in the amygdala by positive faces and in the fusiform face area by negative faces; for words, the effect was mainly imputable to a facilitation of activity in the primary visual cortex by positive words. These findings support a role of early sensory cortices in discriminating the emotional valence of both faces and words, where the effect may be mediated chiefly by the subcortical/limbic visual route for faces, and rely more on the direct thalamic pathway to primary visual cortex for words

    On-farm welfare assessment protocol for suckling piglets: A pilot study

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    Piglets experience welfare issues during the nursery phase. This pilot study aimed to test a protocol for identifying the main welfare issues in suckling piglets and to investigate relationships among animal-based indicators and management conditions. Litters (n = 134), composed of undocked and tail-docked piglets, were assessed at two farms. After birth, observations were made at the age of 7 days and 20 days. At each observation, housing conditions (HCs) were measured, and 13 animal-based indicators, modified from Welfare Quality, Classyfarm, Assurewel and others introduced ex novo, were recorded. A generalized linear mixed model was used, considering animal-based indicators as dependent variables and farm, piglets\u2019 age, tail docking and HCs as independent variables. The main welfare issues were lesions of the limb (32.6%) and the front area of the body (22.8%), a poor body condition score (BCS) (16.1%), ear lesions (15.5%), and tail lesions (9.7%). Negative social behaviour (e.g., fighting and biting) represented 7.0% of the active behaviour, with tail biting observed in 8.7% of the piglets. While lesions on the front areas of the body were mostly associated with the farm, tail lesions, low BCS, tear staining, and diarrhoea were associated with light and nest temperature (p < 0.05). In particular, tail biting increased with scarce light (p = 0.007). Tail docking did not influence any animal-based indicator except for tear staining which was higher in the tail-docked as compared to the undocked piglets (p = 0.05), increasing awareness on this practice as a source of negative emotion in piglets. The protocol tested may be a promising tool for assessing on-farm piglets\u2019 welfare

    Notas sobre a Carta de Veneza

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    This paper presents a critical reading of the Venice Charter, an Icomos key document, fruit of a conference held in 1964. The Charter is often quoted in Brazil but is not always properly understood. The conservation and restoration charters - especially those produced by international institutions - are documents that have an indicatory or, at the most, prescriptive character. They constitute the deontological foundation of many professionals involved in preservation, but they are not recipes for immediate use. In order to elaborate a well-founded reading of the document, its ideas must be understood in connection to the theoretical postulates of the time they were engendered and to the developments of the field. Thus this paper will examine these subjects, commenting and enlightening the Charter's articles and pointing out the origins of specific ideas. It also discusses how the Charter relates to previous documents and their theoretical foundations. This approach, based in a critical analysis, is necessary in order to reach a fuller interpretation of the Charter's indications so that they can be used in the present

    Il restauro fra autonomia ed eteronomia

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