183 research outputs found

    Resolving an Individual One-Proton Spin Flip to Determine a Proton Spin State

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    Previous measurements with a single trapped proton or antiproton detected spin resonance from the increased scatter of frequency measurements caused by many spin flips. Here a measured correlation confirms that individual spin transitions and states are detected instead. The high fidelity suggests that it may be possible to use quantum jump spectroscopy to measure the p and \pbar magnetic moments much more precisely.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figure

    Test-Retest Reliability of the Digijump Machine

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    Repetitive jumping has been identified as a possible exercise modality able to provide sufficient stimulus to improve bone health. However, it is necessary to establish whether repetitive jumping can elicit a consistent physiological response with the ablity to monitor work rate. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the stability reliability of the Digijump device for the commonly used laboratory measures of oxygen uptake (VO2), heart rate (HR), and rate of perceived exertion (RPE). College-aged individuals (N = 17) completed two 3-min repetitive jumping bouts on the Digijump machine (120 jumps per minute, jump height = 1.27 cm) at least seven days apart. Stability reliability was calculated using the intraclass correlation coefficient derived from 1-way ANOVA. Absolute VO2 displayed the highest test-retest reliability (0.95), while the coefficient for relative VO2 was also acceptable (0.71). The test-retest reliability coefficients for HR (0.89), and RPE (0.75) were determined to be within acceptable limits. Coefficients for all variables compared well with the stability reliability reported for other ergometers such as the Stairmaster, treadmill, and cycle. This data represent an important step in determining the validity of the Digijump machine for physiological testing

    One-Particle Measurement of the Antiproton Magnetic Moment

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    \DeclareRobustCommand{\pbar}{\HepAntiParticle{p}{}{}\xspace} \DeclareRobustCommand{\p}{\HepParticle{p}{}{}\xspace} \DeclareRobustCommand{\mup}{μp\mu_{p}{}{}\xspace} \DeclareRobustCommand{\mupbar}{\mu_{\pbar}{}{}\xspace} \DeclareRobustCommand{\muN}{μN\mu_N{}{}\xspace For the first time a single trapped \pbar is used to measure the \pbar magnetic moment {\bm\mu}_{\pbar}. The moment {\bm\mu}_{\pbar} = \mu_{\pbar} {\bm S}/(\hbar/2) is given in terms of its spin S{\bm S} and the nuclear magneton (\muN) by \mu_{\pbar}/\mu_N = -2.792\,845 \pm 0.000\,012. The 4.4 parts per million (ppm) uncertainty is 680 times smaller than previously realized. Comparing to the proton moment measured using the same method and trap electrodes gives \mu_{\pbar}/\mu_p = -1.000\,000 \pm 0.000\,005 to 5 ppm, for a proton moment μp=μpS/(/2){\bm{\mu}}_{p} = \mu_{p} {\bm S}/(\hbar/2), consistent with the prediction of the CPT theorem.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1201.303

    Detection of sub-shot-noise spatial correlation in high-gain parametric down-conversion

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    Using a 1GW-1ps pump laser pulse in high gain parametric down-conversion allows us to detect sub-shot-noise spatial quantum correlation with up to one hundred photoelectrons per mode, by means of a high efficiency CCD. The statistics is performed in single-shot over independent spatial replica of the system. The paper highlights the evidence of quantum correlation between symmetrical signal and idler spatial areas in the far field, in the high gain regime. In accordance with the predictions of numerical calculations the observed transition from the quantum to the classical regime is interpreted as a consequence of the narrowing of the down-converted beams in the very high gain regime.Comment: 4,2 pages, 4 figure

    The ‘state of exception’ and disaster education: a multilevel conceptual framework with implications for social justice

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    The term ‘state of exception’ has been used by Italian political theorist Giorgio Agamben to explain the ways in which emergencies, crises and disasters are used by governments to suspend legal processes. In this paper, we innovatively apply Agamben’s theory to the way in which countries prepare and educate the population for various types of emergencies. We focus on two main aspects of Agamben’s work: first, the paradoxical nature of the state of exception, as both a transient and a permanent part of governance. Second, it is a ‘liminal’ concept expressing the limits of law and where ‘law’ meets ‘not-law’. We consider the relationship between laws related to disasters and emergencies, and case studies of the ways in which three countries (England, Germany and Japan) educate their populations for crisis and disaster. In England, we consider how emergency powers have been orientated around the protection of the Critical National Infrastructure and how this has produced localised ‘states of exception’ and, relatedly, pedagogical anomalies. In Germany, we consider the way in which laws related to disaster and civil protection, and the nature of volunteering for civil protection, produce exceptional spaces for non-German bodies. In Japan, we consider the debate around the absence of emergency powers and relate this to Japanese non-exceptional disaster education for natural disasters. Applying Agamben’s work, we conclude by developing a new, multilevel empirical framework for analysing disaster education with implications for social justice

    Toward a geography of black internationalism: Bayard Rustin, nonviolence and the promise of Africa

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    This article charts the trip made by civil rights leader Bayard Rustin to West Africa in 1952, and examines the unpublished ‘Africa Program’ which he subsequently presented to leading American pacifists. I situate Rustin’s writings within the burgeoning literature on black internationalism which, despite its clear geographical registers, geographers themselves have as yet made only a modest contribution towards. The article argues that within this literature there remains a tendency to romanticize cross-cultural connections in lieu of critically interrogating their basic, and often competing, claims. I argue that closer attention to the geographies of black internationalism, however, allows us to shape a more diverse and practiced sense of internationalist encounter and exchange. The article reconstructs the multiplicity of Rustin’s black internationalist geographies which drew eclectically from a range of Pan-African, American and pacifist traditions. Though each of these was profoundly racialized, they conceptualized race in distinctive ways and thereby had differing understandings of what constituted the international as a geographical arena. By blending these forms of internationalism Rustin was able to promote a particular model of civil rights which was characteristically internationalist in outlook, nonviolent in principle and institutional in composition; a model which in selective and uneven ways continues to shape our understanding of the period