2,766 research outputs found

    Tension Between Agricultural Growth and Sustainability: The El Bajio Case, Mexico

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    human development, water, sanitation

    Using Concept Maps to improve Scientific Communications

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    Scientic talks, like scientic papers, are an important part of the scientic communication process. Good oral presentation skills, are vital to educational sciences, as well as to many other fields. In the engineering community, such presentations offer, a quick outline of project proposals and progress reports. In the academic community, the ability to clearly transmit scientic information, in an oral presentation, is critical to both teaching and research. Over the last years, it has become apparent, to many educational researchers, that representing knowledge, in a visual format, allows one to better recognize and understand, incoming information. Since Novak, placed concept mapping on the educational agenda, it has become an increasingly popular advanced teaching and learning tool. Due mainly to the innovation of visual design software like CmapTool, the production and modication of Concept Maps is straightforward. While there are no strict rules about how to give a motivating and compelling presentation, there are some guiding principles which are easy to grasp and apply. The modern scientist must be able to create well organized, well delivered scientic talks. In this context, Concept Maps harness the power of our vision to understand complex information. We propose some ideas and resources based, on the use of concept maps to make the process of preparing and organizing good talks easier. In essence, good scientic talks must satisfy the following three goals: to connect with the audience, to direct and hold attention, and to promote understanding and memory. To accomplish these goals talk material must be elaborated carefully and logically. The plan to achieve them should have four parts: preparation, structure, design, and exposition. We focus our work on the first two parts of the plan, and supply some helpful guidelines on efective ways to prepare the scientic information, using conceptual maps with the software CmapTool

    Cambio global y gestión de productos no madereros en Los Alcornocales

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    3 páginas, 3 referenccias.-- Forma parte del capítulo: Ejemplos de cómo integrar el cambio global en la gestión.La extensa superficie de bosques mixtos que se extiende por el extremo sur de la Península Ibérica posee singularidades ambientales y biogeográficas. El bosque actual es resultado de los cambios ocurridos en las condiciones del medio y en la historia de la gestión. El paisaje natural estaba posiblemente dominado por bosques caducifolios que fueron alterados hace unos 3000 años por el uso del fuego y el pastoreo, favoreciendo a las especies perennifolias como el alcornoque (Quercus suber). La demanda de maderas y curtientes llevó a la tala masiva de árboles en los siglos XVIII y XIX, pero el invento del tapón de corcho hace 150 años y su utilización a escala industrial favoreció la persistencia de los alcornocales. Durante el último siglo, el precio elevado del corcho ha estimulado la expansión y cuidado de estos bosques, que actualmente dominan el paisaje (unas 80.000 ha) del Parque Natural “Los Alcornocales” (Marañón, 2010).Peer reviewe

    Estudio contrastivo de los Programas de Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas en las Universidades Públicas de la Comunidad de Madrid y de la Comunidad Valenciana.

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    Public Universities of Madrid and Valencia have a large, diverse and innovative range of PhD Programs tailored to the Royal Decree 99/2011 and sponsored by the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). It analyzes the area of Social Sciences and Law, with a predominance of Graduate Programs related to Business Administration, Economics and Law, which allows the diffusion of knowledge among teachers, researchers and professionals.Las Universidades Públicas de la Comunidad de Madrid y de la Comunidad Valenciana presentan una amplia, heterogénea e innovadora oferta de Programas de Doctorado adaptados al Real Decreto 99/2011 y auspiciados por el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES). Se analiza el área de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas, en la que predominan los Programas de Tercer Ciclo vinculados a Administración y Dirección de Empresas, Economía y Derecho, lo que permite la difusión del conocimiento entre docentes, investigadores y profesionales

    Jo ta ke o el problema radical: la ideología de la izquierda abertzale en el cine documental francés

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    I Congreso Internacional de Historia y Cine: 5, 6, 7 y 8 de Septiembre de 2007

    Visibilidad y producción científica de las Tesis Doctorales de Historia del Periodismo en las Universidades Españolas (2002-2012)

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    The Doctoral Thesis constitute a very relevant document types to assess knowledge. The objective of this research is to investigate doctoral scientific production in History of Journalism in the period 2002-2012. The sample is supported by 93 PhD Thesis by frequency variables, year of defense, Department and University. The results indicate the primacy of Catalonia as the most fruitful field of research in this area; the predominance of the Department of Communication, and the prevalence of 2009 as the most productive doctoral.Las Tesis Doctorales constituyen una tipología documental muy relevante para evaluar el conocimiento. El objetivo de esta investigación es indagar la producción científica doctoral en Historia del Periodismo en el período 2002-2012. La muestra está avalada por 93 Tesis Doctorales a través de las variables de frecuencia, año de defensa, Departamento y Universidad. Los resultados constatan la primacía de Cataluña como el ámbito investigador más fructífero en esta área; el predominio del Departamento de Comunicación; y la prevalencia del año 2009 como el de mayor producción doctoral

    Sufrir y humanizar. El conflicto palestino-israelí en el cine de ficción

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    La capacidad de sugerencia y simbolismo del cine indudablemente nos induce a construir un imaginario que compone la manera en la que una sociedad se define ante sí misma o se representa ante las demás. En este caso, a través del análisis de los filmes Caminar sobre las aguas (2004), Los limoneros (2008) y Una botella en el mar de Gaza (2008) se vislumbra el modo en el que se presenta el conflicto palestino-israelí, mostrando como el séptimo arte aborda esta confrontación y la perspectiva que nos ofrece para tender puentes entre estas dos sociedades en liza permanente.Cinema´s suggestion and symbolism ability does, no doubt, lead us to build an imaginary which forms the way in which a society defines itself or is represented before others. In this case, through the analysis of the films Walk on water (2004), Lemon tree (2008) and Une bouteille à la mer (2008), the way in which the palestin israeli conflict is introduced is glimpsed, showing how the seventh art deals with this confrontation and the perspective it offers to build bridges between this two societies in constant competition

    The Concept of Equivalence Applied to The Snows of Kilimanjaro: Analysis of Two Spanish Translations

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    This undergraduate dissertation deals with the translation strategy of ‘equivalence’. We have been able to study ‘equivalence’ thanks to the works of experts in translation such as Newmark, Munday, and Catford. In fact, we have focused on the different types of ‘equivalence’ according to Mona Baker. The aim of this undergraduate dissertation is to prove that Baker’s ‘equivalence at word level’ is the type of ‘equivalence’ most used by translators. In order to achieve this purpose, two different translations from an original English short story have been analysed. The short story is called The Snows of Kilimanjaro, by Ernest Hemingway. The methodology followed for the subsequent analysis has consisted of comparing the same sentences of the source text and the target texts. Finally, we have reached the conclusion that the ‘equivalence at word level’ is preferred over the other three types of equivalences defined by Mona Baker.El presente TFG se centra en la técnica de traducción llamada ‘equivalencia’. Hemos podido estudiar la ‘equivalencia’ gracias a los trabajos de expertos en traducción, como Newmark, Munday, Catford y Baker. Precisamente, en este trabajo, nos hemos centrado en los distintos tipos de ‘equivalencia’ establecidos por esta última autora. El objetivo de este TFG es demostrar que ‘la equivalencia léxica’ de Baker es el tipo de ‘equivalencia’ más recurrido por los traductores. Para conseguir dicho propósito, hemos analizado dos traducciones distintas de un mismo relato corto, Las Nieves del Kilimanjaro, escrito por Ernest Hemingway. La metodología utilizada durante el análisis se ha basado en la comparación, entre el texto original y los textos traducidos, de las mismas oraciones y citas. Finalmente, hemos podido demostrar que ‘la equivalencia léxica’ es la más frecuente y, por tanto, prima sobre los otros tres tipos de equivalencia definidos por Baker.Departamento de Filología InglesaGrado en Estudios Inglese

    Development of a cartilage tissue engineering construct based on hASCs spheroids differentiated under hypoxia in a chitosan/chitin nanocrystals 3D scaffold.

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    212 p.The generation of a cartilage tissue engineering (TE) construct is currently a viable strategy for the treatment of osteoarthritis. Such construct requires a biomaterial with optimal properties, including biocompatibility, biodegradability and porosity, among others. Natural polymers like, CH and CS are attractive building block for the development of biomaterials for TE applications. We investigated the role of the incorporation of chitin nanoforms (i.e., nanocrystals or nanofibers) into Genipin-chitosan crosslinked (GCS) matrices designed in two different shapes, 2D films and 3D porous scaffolds. The aim was to assess the potential of these biomaterials as support for L-929 murine fibroblast cell line and human adipose-derived stem cells (hASCs) growth.The incorporation of chitin nanocrystals or nanofibers on the GCS 2D films and 3D porous scaffolds displayed better swelling properties and enhanced the mechanical performance when compared to nanoform-free GCS materials. Furthermore, our data showed that these biomaterials provide topological cues to support hASCs growth. The incorporation of low concentration of chitin nanoforms, in particular,was found to be the most appropriate supports for the proliferation and adhesion of hASCs.As cell source, hASCs have shown potential for cartilage regeneration when cultured in the appropriate conditions. Moreover, it has been suggested that physiological low oxygen (hypoxia) can significantly improve hASCs adhesion, proliferation and chondrogenic differentiation while preventing their osteogenic differentiation. We first investigated the chondrogenic potential of the hASCs spheroids and demonstrated that were positive to cartilage-specific markers including collagen type II (COL2A1) and aggrecan (ACAN), while lacked expression in the osteogenic differentiation marker collagen type I (COL1A2). Moreover, hypoxia inducible factor 1¿, which positively directs COL2A1 and ACAN expression, was upregulated in chondrospheroids cultured under hypoxia.Finally, this 3D culture hypoxic system created a pro-chondrogenic environment that allowed hASCs to differentiate into the chitosan/chitin nanocrystals 3D porous scaffold producing a chondral extracellular matrix with a high sulphated glucosaminoglycan content, which is characteristic of articular cartilage. This 3D chondrogenic differentiation model mimics the in vivo cartilage environment during the embryonic development, which entails a further step in cartilage TE, having potential application for articular cartilage regeneration