297 research outputs found

    Control individualizado de cerdos ibéricos "in vivo" en campo y sobre la canal en matadero mediante tecnología NIRS

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es la puesta a punto y optimización de la tecnología NIRS para el control del cerdo Ibérico tanto en campo sobre el animal vivo, ya que es una técnica completamente inocua para el animal, como sobre la canal en el matadero, lo cual permitirá consolidar un sistema de trazabilidad basado en sensores no destructivos y rápidos

    Presencia de infección y lesiones mínimas en mama y otros tejidos en ovinos afectados de Maedi-Visna

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    5 páginas, 2 tablas.--Trabajo presentado al: XL Congreso Nacional y el XVI Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia. (Castellón de la Plana, España, 16-18 septiembre 2015).Este trabajo ha sido subvencionado por los proyectos LE361A12-1 y LE314U14 de la Junta de Castilla y León y por una beca FPU del Ministerio de Educación.Peer Reviewe

    Evaluation of Risk and Preventive Factors for Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Premature Newborns. A Systematic Review of the Literature.

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    Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a serious condition related to prematurity and the initiation of enteral feeding. In this article, we review the evidence published in recent years on necrotizing enterocolitis risk factors (prematurity, feeding with low-weight formula, existence of intestinal dysbiosis) and protective factors (human milk or donated milk supply, supplementation of human milk with oligosaccharides, probiotics administration, and the determination of disease predictive biomarkers). A systematic review was conducted of preventive, risk and predictive factors for necrotizing enterocolitis in neonates prior to 37 weeks’ gestational age, based on a literature search for clinical trials, meta-analyses, randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews published betweenJanuary2018andOctober2021.Forthispurpose,thePubMed,MEDLINE,and Cochrane Library databases were consulted. The literature search obtained 113 articles, of which 19 were selected for further analysis after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The conclusions drawn from this analysis were that adequate knowledge of risk factors that can be prevented or modified (such as alteration of the intestinal microbiota, oxidative stress, metabolic dysfunction at birth, or alteration of the immunity modulation) can reduce the incidence of NEC in premature infants. These factors include the supplementation of enteral nutrition with human milk oligosaccharides (with prebiotic and immunomodulatory effects), the combined administration of probiotics (especially the Lactobacillus spp and Bifidobacterium spp combination, which inhibits bacterial adhesion effects, improves the intestinal mucosa barrier function, strengthens the innate and adaptive immune system and increases the secretion of bioactive metabolites), the supplementation of human milk with lactoferrin and the use of donated milk fortified in accordance with the characteristics of the premature newborn. The determination of factors that can predict the existence of NEC, such as fecal calprotectin, increased TLR4 activity, and IL6 receptor, can lead to an early diagnosis of NEC. Although further studies should be conducted to determine the values of predictive biomarkers of NEC, and/or the recommended doses and strains of probiotics, lactoferrin or oligosaccharides, the knowledge acquired in recent years is encouraging

    New insights into the use and circulation of reindeer antler in northern Iberia during the Magdalenian (ca. 21-13 cal ka BP)

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    Interactions between prehistoric foragers and reindeer at the end of the Pleistocene are still poorly documented in northern Iberia, particularly the reasons and means by which their antlers were collected, processed and circulated. Here we review the main osseous industries dated to between 21 and 13 cal ka BP, focusing on the use and circulation of reindeer antler as a raw material for the production of weapons and tools by Magdalenian foragers. Thirty-six reindeer antler artefacts were identified from 11 Iberian sites that are located at either end of the Pyrenees: the Cantabrian region to the west, and to a lesser extent, in Catalonia to the east. Despite biases in the identification of production objectives (end-products), a detailed techno-typological, chronological and geographical analysis of these assemblages reveals both the existence of a consistent reindeer antler industry in northern Iberia and long-distance connections between the Cantabrian region and the Pyrenees. The integration of contemporary macrofaunal data makes it possible to explore the extension of the reindeer?s ecological niche in northern Iberia, as well as strategies for the acquisition and circulation of reindeer antler in the peninsula. Assuming that some reindeer assemblages result from the import of raw materials to supply manufacturing activities, we propose a scenario where the acquisition of reindeer antlers may have been organised at a local scale in the Basque region, and potentially in the neighbouring territories of Navarre, Cantabria and Asturias. On the other hand, in Catalonia, the combination of both faunal and technological data supports the hypothesis that reindeer antlers were imported (along with pelts) over longer distances, probably from the northern Pyrenees.This research was primarily financed by an international collaboration between the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and the European Union (NextGenerationEU/PRTR) as part of the HumAntler project (PCI2021-122053-2 B) based at the Grupo I + D + i EvoAdapta (UC). Funding was also provided by the UMR-5608 TRACES laboratory of the University of Toulouse and PID2020-114462 GB-I00 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (University of Salamanca)

    Acondroplasia: actualización en diagnóstico, seguimiento y tratamiento

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    Achondroplasia; Bone dysplasiaAcondroplasia; Displasia óseaAcondroplàsia; Displàsia òssiaAchondroplasia requieres multidisciplinary follow-up, with the aim of preventing and managing complications, improving the quality of life of people who suffer from it and favoring their independence and social inclusion. This review is justified by the multiple publications generated in recent years that have carried out a change in its management. Different guidelines and recommendations have been developed, among which the one made by the American Academy of Pediatrics in 2005 recently updated (2020), the Japanese guide (2020), the first European Consensus (2021) and the International Consensus on the diagnosis, approach multidisciplinary approach and management of individuals with achondroplasia throughout life (2021). However, and despite these recommendations, there is currently a great worldwide variability in the management of people with achondroplasia, with medical, functional and psychosocial consequences in patients and their families. Therefore, it is essential to integrate these recommendations into daily clinical practice, taking into account the particular situation of each health system.La acondroplasia requiere un seguimiento multidisciplinario, con el objetivo de prevenir y manejar las complicaciones, mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas que la padecen y favorecer su independencia e inclusión social. Esta revisión se justifica por las múltiples publicaciones generadas en los últimos años que han llevado a cabo un cambio en su gestión. Se han desarrollado diferentes guías y recomendaciones, entre las que destacan la realizada por la Academia Americana de Pediatría en 2005 recientemente actualizada (2020), la guía japonesa (2020), el primer Consenso Europeo (2021) y el Consenso Internacional sobre el diagnóstico, abordaje, enfoque multidisciplinario y manejo de individuos con acondroplasia a lo largo de la vida (2021). Sin embargo, y a pesar de estas recomendaciones, actualmente existe una gran variabilidad a nivel mundial en el manejo de las personas con acondroplasia, con consecuencias médicas, funcionales y psicosociales en los pacientes y sus familias. Por ello, es fundamental integrar estas recomendaciones en la práctica clínica diaria, teniendo en cuenta la situación particular de cada sistema sanitario

    The effect of potential supramolecular-bond promoters on the DNA-interacting abilities of copper-terpyridine compounds.

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    Three copper(II) coordination compounds have been prepared from three different 2,2′:6′,2′′-terpyridine-based ligands, which have been selected to investigate the potential role of supramolecular interactions on the DNA-interacting and cytotoxicity properties of the corresponding metal complexes. Hence, the ligands 4′-((naphthalen-2-yl)methoxy)-2,2′:6′,2′′-terpyridine (Naphtpy) and 4′-((1H-benzo[d]imidazol-2-yl)methoxy)-2,2′:6′,2′′-terpyridine (Bimztpy) have been synthesized from commercially-available 4′-chloro-2,2′:6′,2′′-terpyridine (Cltpy), and their copper(II) complexes have been obtained by reaction with copper(II) nitrate. The DNA-interacting abilities of the corresponding compounds [Cu(Cltpy)(H2O)(NO3)2] (1), [Cu(naphtpy)(NO3)(H2O)](NO3)(MeOH) (2) and [Cu(bimztpy)(NO3)(H2O)](NO3) (3) have been investigated using different techniques, and cytotoxicity assays with several cancer cell lines have revealed interesting features, viz. the more efficient complex is 2, which although it does not act as a DNA cleaver, displays the most effective DNA-interacting and cytotoxic properties, compared to 1 and 3

    Metodologías activas y gamificación en las asignaturas de iniciación a la programación

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    Aprender a programar es una tarea compleja que requiere del desarrollo de diversas habilidades. Los estudiantes que se inician en la programación se encuentran con serias dificultadas en el aprendizaje de esta materia. Actualmente en los nuevos Grados se han introducido asignaturas relacionadas con las tecnologías de la información, en donde se realiza un primer contacto con la programación. En esta comunicación presentamos el trabajo realizado para el desarrollo de una metodología docente para la enseñanza de programación, basada en el uso de metodologías activas y el empleo de gamificación para incentivar la participación del alumnado y aumentar su motivación. Comentamos la implantación de esta metodología en un curso de iniciación a la programación del Grado en Ingeniería Informática y exponemos los resultados obtenidos.Learning programming is a complex task that requires the development of various skills. Students who are new to programming encounter serious difficulties in learning the subject. Nowadays degrees in the new study system have introduced subjects related to information technology, where students make their first contact with programming. In this paper we present the work done to develop a methodology for teaching programming based on the use of active methodologies and gamification, to encourage student participation and increase motivation. We discuss the implementation of this methodology in an introductory course to programming in the Degree in Computer Science and present some results

    Characterization of minimal lesions related to the presence of visna/maedi virus in the mammary gland and milk of dairy sheep

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    [EN] Background: In order to characterize the complete range of lesions, especially minimal, affecting mammary gland and viral antigen distribution and target cells using immunohistochemistry in naturally Visna/maedi (VM) 84 infected sheep were studied, forty-four from flocks with clinical cases (A) and 35 randomly sampled from two abattoirs (B) together with five negative controls (C). An immunocytochemistry technique was developed and further milk samples (n = 39) were used to study viral excretion, carrier cells and the role of milk and colostrum in the transmission of the disease. Results: All sheep from group C and three sheep from group B were negative to VM in tissue sections by histopathology, immunohistochemistry and PCR, and also in serum using ELISA. Several degrees of CD3 + lymphocytic interstitial mastitis were observed in groups A and B: minimal (+) n = 26 sheep; moderate (++), n = 32 and severe (+++), n = 12. No differences in lesion distribution were observed between groups A and B. Viral presence was confirmed by immunohistochemistry using two different antibodies and/or PCR in every tissue with lesions while serology was negative in six sheep with lesions. Two milk samples taken from milk tanks from two flocks from group A and fourteen milk samples from 29 infected sheep from group B were positive to VM (most of them from animals with moderate and severe lesions). Positivity was only found in macrophages, even in focal and minimal lesions, while no positivity was observed in epithelial or any other cells in either tissue and milk samples. Conclusions: This new observation of the minimal lesions described in this work increased the prevalence of VM lesions in mammary gland up to 90.9% and VM should be considered as a differential diagnosis when minimal interstitial lesions are detected. A high prevalence of VM was observed in intensive milk-producing sheep, ELISA serology did not detect as positivity all infected animals, while histology, IHC or PCR showed higher sensitivity. The cytological technique developed was very useful in milk-cell studies using hematoxylin and eosin and immunocytochemistry. Viral detection in milk samples (16/39) confirms a potential but limited role of milk/colostrum in viral transmissionSIThis work was supported by LE361A12–1 project of Castilla y León Government and FPU13/01081 grant of the Spanish Government. LE361A12– 1 project financed the materials necessary for collection, analysis and interpretation of data. FPU13/01081 grant financed the pre-doctoral contract of the main performer of experiments and manuscript writer E