137 research outputs found

    What Neanderthals and AMH ate: reassessment of the subsistence across the Middle–Upper Palaeolithic transition in the Vasco-Cantabrian region of SW Europe

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    Recent research in northern Spain has revealed the disappearance of Neanderthal populations in the Vasco Cantabrian region a few millennia earlier than in eastern and southern Iberia and discovered a short period of overlap with modern humans, at least, in terms of radiocarbon dates. However, the causes of Neanderthal decline understood as a regional and temporal process remain open. Despite the abundance of technological studies, modern?quality chronological dating, and the availability of archaeofaunal and palaeoenvironmental data, there is a lack of consensus about how climatic and environmental conditions could have affected ungulate prey and, therefore, Neanderthal subsistence strategies. In this paper, an analytical summary of the archaeofaunal and taphonomic data available for the Vasco?Cantabrian region, combined with the most recent chronological evidence, present general knowledge about animal biogeography and ecology during the Middle?Upper Palaeolithic transition, and provides an interpretation of the behaviour of both human species in the region. This work reviews the palaeomammal community of animals represented in the record as exploited by human groups in several caves and rock shelters and pointing to continuing lacunae in knowledge. Further research is needed to verify and potentially explain the apparent hominin population gap and the ultimate fate of the NeanderthalsThis research is funded by the European Research Council under the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (grant agreement No. 818299‐ SUBSILIENCE project (https://www.subsilience.eu) and the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (ABRUPT ‐ HAR2017‐84997‐P) to ABMA. ASR's PhD is supported within the SUBSILIENCE project. The authors would like to thank J. García Sanchez (Instituto de Arqueología‐ Merida, CSIC‐Junta de Extramadura) for technical assistance with catchment areas analysis and Figs. 1, 5 and 6. Special thanks to L. Agudo (EvoAdapta‐University of Cantabria) for her technical assistance and G. Terlato for comments on the final version of the manuscript. The authors wish to acknowledge L. Straus for editing the manuscript and for his suggestions to improve this manuscript, as kind and effective as always

    Hábitos alimentarios y patrones dietéticos, obesidad y tiempo de residencia en población inmigrante

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública y Microbiología. Fecha de lectura: 06-11-201

    Breve historia de la participación política de las mujeres en México

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    Con frecuencia encontramos que se identifica la participación política con la ocupación de un cargo público, en el caso de las mujeres esto parece más cierto aún, porque su derecho de votar y ser votada tiene apenas 53 años, sin embargo, su participación política tiene una larga historia, aunque no podamos documentarla con la amplitud que quisiéramos. En este capítulo intentaremos señalar la participación política de las mujeres antes y después de la obtención del voto, para ello nos basamos en la información sobre su actuación en los grandes momentos de la historia y de sus contribuciones a la formación y creación de la nación mexicana. Contribuciones que han tenido poco reconocimiento por la sociedad. A lo largo del tiempo sus hazañas y acciones han sido olvidadas, y sólo conocemos a un puñado de mujeres políticas que han trascendido el tiempo. El rescate de tantas mujeres comprometidas con las transformaciones sociales y políticas del país fue emprendido desde hace varios años por diversos estudiosos, pero en general, poco se conoce de la gran participación de las mujeres en el movimiento de Independencia, la lucha contra la Invasión norteamericana, las guerras de Reforma, la Intervención francesa, la Revolución mexicana y la etapa posrevolucionaria. Esta es una pequeña contribución para mostrar el gran aporte de esas mujeres políticas, comprometidas, a pesar de sus terribles condiciones de dependencia y sumisión, al esfuerzo de transformar las condiciones sociales y políticas en las distintas etapas de nuestra historia. El capítulo lo dividimos en dos partes. La primera abarca de la Independencia a 1953, año en que se otorga el voto a las mujeres. El segundo apartado, inicia con las mujeres que alcanzaron los puestos de elección popular y con aquellas otras, que si bien no llegaron a ellos, estuvieron participando en organizaciones que luchaban por mejorar las condiciones de las mujeres

    The information diet of future journalists. Media consumption and professional aspirations: a case study (2007-2013)

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    Este artículo analiza los hábitos informativos de los estudiantes de Periodismo en una investigación longitudinal, escogiendo como caso de estudio una muestra de 460 alumnos de la Universidad Miguel Hernández, con tres objetivos: a) determinar cuáles son sus medios y soportes preferidos; b) establecer la evolución de dichas preferencias a lo largo de un periodo de siete años (2007-2013) y c) recabar sus aspiraciones laborales. Los resultados, obtenidos a través de encuestas, confirman el protagonismo de internet. El trabajo subraya la necesidad de que los jóvenes conozcan las iniciativas innovadoras periodísticas surgidas al margen de la industria más tradicional.This article analyzes news consumption habits of journalism students in a longitudinal research, choosing a sample of 460 students of the University Miguel Hernández as a case study, with three main objectives: a) to identify their favorite media they use to keep themselves informed; b) to establish the evolution of their preferences over a period of seven years (2007-2013) and c) to examine their professional aspirations. The results confirm the increasing role of the Internet in terms of consumer trends. The study highlights the need for young people to learn about the journalistic innovative initiatives that have emerged

    Intervenciones de enfermería psicoeducativas presenciales y on-line, para el manejo de la ansiedad: revisión integradora de la literatura

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    Objective: To analyze the evidence found in the scientific literature of the impact of psycho-educational interventions on anxiety management, carried out online or in person with the participation of nursing professionals. Method: Narrative and integrative review of scientific literature by searching for publications in the main metasearch engines and in the indexed articles of the SciELO, MEDLINE and LILACS databases. Results/Discussion: The search for articles based on online psycho-educational interventions for anxiety management and nursing, provided 4,295 publications, of which, after the three stages of reading and filtering, only 11 were selected: two systematic reviews, eight RCTs and one quasi-experimental study. The psycho-educational aspect is transversal in each publication, being effective for the management of anxiety in various clinical situations. Although there are several studies that show the realization of face-to-face psycho-educational interventions led by nursing, we did not find any specific investigation or research carried out by nurses in an entirely online format. Conclusion: The intervention modalities, strategies and psycho-educational programs that take advantage of the ease of use and impact provided using ICT should be evaluated from the perspective of the clinical field in a more exhaustive way, since these tools facilitate the incorporation of psychoeducation into the clinical routine. The lack of evidence on the efficacy of these interventions when they are designed and implemented entirely by nurses makes it necessary to propose research that evaluates the results.Objetivo: analizar las evidencias encontradas en la literatura científica sobre el impacto de las intervenciones psico-educativas en el manejo de la ansiedad, desarrolladas en línea o presenciales con participación de profesionales de enfermería.Método: revisión narrativa e integradora de literatura científica mediante la búsqueda de publicaciones en los principales metabuscadores y en los artículos indexados de las bases de datos de SciELO, MEDLINE y LILACS.Resultados/Discusión: la búsqueda de artículos basados en intervenciones psico-educativas en línea para el manejo de la ansiedad y enfermería, aportó 4.295 publicaciones que, tras las tres etapas de lectura y filtrado, sólo 11 fueron seleccionados: dos revisiones sistemáticas, ocho ECAs y un estudio cuasiexperimental. El aspecto psico-educativo es transversal en cada publicación, siendo efectivo para el manejo de la ansiedad en diversas situaciones clínicas. Aunque hay diversos estudios que evidencian la realización de intervenciones psico-educativas presenciales lideradas por enfermería, no se encontró ningún estudio o investigación específica desarrollada por enfermeras íntegramente en formato on-line. Conclusión: Las modalidades de intervención, estrategias y programas psico-educativos que aprovechan la facilidad de uso e impacto que aporta el uso de las TICs, deben ser valorados desde el ámbito clínico de forma más exhaustiva, ya que estas herramientas facilitan la incorporación de la psico-educación en la rutina clínica. La falta de evidencia sobre la eficacia de estas intervenciones cuando son diseñadas y desarrolladas íntegramente por enfermeras hace necesario plantear investigaciones que evalúen sus resultados

    Estabilidad de los compuestos bioactivos de fresa sometida a tratamientos postcosecha oxidativos y atmosféricos

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    [SPA] La fresa es un fruto muy perecedero que necesita de tratamientos de postcosecha para prolongar su vida útil. En este estudio, se ha evaluado el uso de distintos tratamientos postcosecha: ozono (O3) gas, luz ultravioleta (UV-C) y el envasado en atmósferas modificadas (EAM), enriquecidas en O2 y/o CO2, en los constituyentes bioactivos de la fresa. En un primer ensayo, fresa de la variedad Camarosa fue sometida a diferentes dosis de luz UV-C (1, 5, 10 y 15 kJ m-2) y O3 gas (5000, 10000, 150000, 20000 ppm) con el objetivo de seleccionar las dosis óptimas de los tratamientos oxidativos. Se observó que las dosis más bajas de luz UV-C y O3 gas fueron los únicos tratamientos que no perjudicaron la calidad organoléptica del fruto, por lo que 1 kJ m-2 de luz UV-C y 5000 ppm de O3 gas se seleccionaron para los ensayos de conservación en atmósfera modificada. La estabilidad de los compuestos bioactivos presentes en fresa tratada con distintos tratamientos postcosecha se evaluaron a lo largo de 12 días de conservación a 2ºC. En los dos estudios llevados a cabo se observó que dosis de 1 kJ m-2 de luz UV-C y 5000 ppm O3 gaseoso redujeron de una forma significativa el contenido fenólico de las fresas, al igual que la conservación en alto O2 (≥ 60 kPa) y alto CO2 (≥10 kPa) a partir del quinto día de conservación. La calidad organoléptica de la fresa fue puntuada como buena a lo largo de la conservación, excepto por el sabor de las fresas conservadas en EAM, evaluada como regular al cabo de 9 y 12 días de conservación. [ENG] The short postharvest self-life of strawberries encourages the use of decay-control techniques. In this study, modified atmosphere packaging (MAP), gaseous ozone (O3), and ultraviolet-C (UV-C) light have been evaluated as novel postharvest techniques to prolong self-life and maintain quality of strawberries. In the first experience, strawberries of the variety Camarosa were treated with different doses of UV-C light (1, 5, 10 and 15 kJ m-2) and gaseous O3 (5000, 10000, 150000, 20000 ppm) to adjust the optimal doses of theses oxidative treatments. The lowest UV-C (1 kJm-2) and gaseous O3 (5000 ppm) doses were selected for the storage assays, as the rest of the doses provoked browning and drying of the strawberry calyx. The effect of UV-C light, gaseous O3, superatmospheric O2 and CO2-enriched atmospheres applied individually and in combination on the bioactive constituents and selflife of strawberries were evaluated during 12 days at 2ºC. In general, phenolic content of UVC and gaseous O3 treated strawberries was significantly reduced when compared to untreated samples. After 5 days, strawberries stored under superatmospheric O2 (≥ 60 kPa) and CO2- enriched (≥10 kPa) concentration showed lower total phenolic content. In general, overall quality was good in all samples throughout the self-life except for flavour scores of MAP strawberries, which were clearly lower than air-stored samples after 9 and 12 days of storage.Agradecimientos a la Comisión Europea FLAVO (Flavonoids in fruits and vegetables: their impact on food quality, nutrition and human health) y al proyecto AGL2004-03060 por la financiación económica

    Challenges of the general system of social security and health: Prospective for social development in the Atlantic Coast of Colombia

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    Introducción: Concepción interdisciplinaria de la gestión del sistema de salud en el contexto latinoamericano, de acuerdo con lo establecido por la Organización Mundial de la Salud/ Organización Panamericana de la Salud. El artículo propone una estrategia prospectiva de desarrollo social en la Costa Atlántica de Colombia, para afianzar el funcionamiento, desde lo preventivo y asistencial, del Sistema General de Seguridad Social y Salud colombiano. Objetivo: Definir, desde una visión prospectiva para el desarrollo social colectivo, los retos del Sistema General de Seguridad Social y Salud colombiano. Método: Estudio exploratorio, fundamentado en el análisis teórico conceptual que permite derivar el sistema de relaciones de las categorías: gerencia del sistema de salud y desarrollo social colectivo. Se aplica la prospectiva estratégica, mediante el componente empíricoanalítico, a través del cual se visualizan escenarios futuros que direccionen el desarrollo del sistema de salud a partir de la interacción entre sus actores representativos. Resultados: Se determinaron debilidades relacionadas con la gestión integral del Sistema General de Seguridad Social y Salud colombiano, específicamente en la Costa Atlántica. En esta región del país el escaso uso de técnicas prospectivas debilita la estrategia gerencial y minimiza la posibilidad de asumir retos y prever incertidumbres en uno de los sistemas que, a través de la efectividad de servicios de salud y calidad de vida, supone un indicador de desarrollo social colectivo. Conclusiones: Necesidad de visionar retos y escenarios para modelar la gestión del Sistema General de Seguridad Social y Salud en la Costa Atlántica de Colombia para afianzar la equidad, la inclusión y la calidad de vida e incrementar los estándares de gestión de la salud en colectivos y comunidades vulneradas.Introduction: There is an interdisciplinary basis conceived for the management of the health system in the Latin American context, in accordance with the provisions of WHO/PAHO and that is linked with related disciplines, such as management and education. This article proposes a prospective strategy of social development in the Atlantic Coast of Colombia to consolidate its functioning from the preventive and welfare perspectives in the Colombian's General System of Social Security and Health (SGSSS, by its acronym in Spanish). Objective: To define the challenges of the SGSSS from a prospective point of view for the collective social development. Method: An exploratory study, based on the conceptual, theoretical analysis to derive the relations´ system of the following categories: management of the health system, and collective social development. Strategic prospective is used by the empiricalanalytical component to visualize future scenarios of probable occurrence that address the development of the health system from the interaction between its representative actors. Results: The weaknesses identified were related to the comprehensive management of the Colombian SGSSS, specifically on the Atlantic Coast, where the limited use of prospective techniques weakens the management strategy and minimizes the possibility of assuming challenges and anticipating uncertainties in one of the systems that through the effectiveness of health services and quality of life warrants responding to collective social development. Conclusions: There is a need to view challenges and scenarios for modeling the management of the SGSSS on the Atlantic Coast of Colombia to strengthen the equity, inclusion and quality of life, and to increase the standards of health management in vulnerable groups and communities

    Regulation of TSHR expression in the thyroid and thymus may contribute to TSHR tolerance failure in graves’ disease patients via two distinct mechanisms

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    Graves’ disease; TSHR; ToleranceMalaltia de Graves; TSHR; TolerànciaEnfermedad de Graves; TSHR; ToleranciaGraves' disease (GD) involves the presence of agonistic auto-antibodies against the thyrotropin receptor (TSHR), which are responsible for the clinical symptoms. While failure of TSHR tolerance is central to GD pathogenesis, the process leading to this failure remains poorly understood. Two mechanisms intimately linked to tolerance have been proposed to explain the association of SNPs located in TSHR intron 1 to GD: (1) differential alternative splicing in the thyroid; and (2) modulation of expression in the thymus. To elucidate the relative contribution to these two mechanisms to GD pathogenesis, we analyzed the level of full-length and ST4 and ST5 isoform expression in the thyroid (n = 49) and thymus (n = 39) glands, and the influence of intron 1-associated SNPs on such expression. The results show that: (1) the level of flTSHR and ST4 expression in the thymus was unexpectedly high (20% that of the thyroid); (2) while flTSHR is the predominant isoform, the levels are similar to ST4 (ratio flTSHR/ST4 = 1.34 in the thyroid and ratio flTSHR/ST4 in the thymus = 1.93); (3) next-generation sequencing confirmed the effect of the TSHR intron 1 polymorphism on TSHR expression in the thymus with a bias of 1.5 ± 0.2 overexpression of the protective allele in the thymus compared to the thyroid; (4) GD-associated intron 1 SNPs did not influence TSHR alternative splicing of ST4 and ST5 in the thyroid and thymus; and (5) three-color confocal imaging showed that TSHR is associated with both thymocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells in the thymus. Our findings confirm the effect of intron 1 polymorphisms on thymic TSHR expression and we present evidence against an effect on the relative expression of isoforms. The high level of ST4 expression in the thymus and its distribution within the tissue suggest that this would most likely be the isoform that induces central tolerance to TSHR thus omitting most of the hinge and transmembrane portion. The lack of central tolerance to a large portion of TSHR may explain the relatively high frequency of autoimmunity related to TSHR and its clinical consequence, GD.This study was funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III, grants PI14/00848, and PI17/00324, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). DÁ-S is in recipient of a predoctoral fellowship from the Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR)

    Synergistic DNA-damaging effect in multiple myeloma with the combination of zalypsis, bor tezomib and dexamethasone

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    Despite new advances in multiple myeloma treatment and the consequent improvement in overall survival, most patients relapse or become refractory to treatment. This suggests that new molecules and combinations that may further inhibit important survival pathways for these tumor cells are needed. In this context, zalypsis is a novel compound, derived from marine organisms, with a powerful preclinical anti-myeloma effect based on the sensitivity of malignant plasma cells to DNA-damage induction; and it has already been tested in a phase I/II clinical trial in multiple myeloma. We hypothesized that the addition of this compound to the combination of bortezomib plus dexamethasone may improve efficacy with acceptable toxicity. The triple combination demonstrated strong synergy and higher efficacy compared with double combinations; not only in vitro, but also ex vivo and, especially, in in vivo experiments. The triple combination triggers cell death, mainly through a synergistic induction of DNA damage and a decrease in the nuclear localization of nuclear factor kappa B. Our findings support the clinical evaluation of this combination for relapsed and refractory myeloma patients.This work was in part funded by the Spanish ISCIII-FIS (PI 15/0067 and PI15/02156) and FEDER, the Spanish RTICC (RD12/0036/0058), "Asociación Española Contra el Cancer" (AECC, GCB120981SAN), the regional Council from “Castilla y León” (GRS 1175/A/15 and FIC335U14) and a research grant from Pharmamar SAU. MMS were also supported by the Network of Centers for Regenerative Medicine and Cellular Therapy from Castilla y León, Spain. A-A López-Iglesias was supported by a grant from the Spanish Society of Hematology and Hemotherapy.Peer Reviewe