1,643 research outputs found

    Grapevine European catalogue: towards a comprehensive list

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    Starting from the 1950’s, different European countries have established official lists of grapevine varieties authorized to be cultivated. The objectives of such lists were to limit ambiguous denomination of varieties and the related trade conflicts, as well as the implementation of viticulture recovery politics through the support of certain varieties and the limitation of others. In the same direction, in 1968 the European Union (EU) decided to create a “common catalogue of varieties”, defined as the sum of current national catalogues (Council Directive of 9 April 1968 “on the marketing of material for the vegetative propagation of the vine”, 68/193/EEC, modified). These catalogues (also called “registers”) include all the wine varieties “classified” by each Member State within the framework of the Common Organisation of the Market in wine (Council Directive No 479/2008), as well as all the non-classified varieties (table grape, rootstocks, etc.). For this work, we took the opportunity of the European research program “GrapeGen06”, focused on the study and the preservation of grapevine genetic resources, to contribute to the establishment and improvement of such an European catalogue. The comprehensive survey aims at two objectives: to support the implementation of European regulations on propagation of grapevine plants within the EU, and to assess priority actions, by technical and research institutes, for the conservation of grapevine genetic resources.Peer reviewe

    A Non-Stressful Temperature Rise and Greater Food Availability Could Increase Tolerance to Calcium Limitation of Daphnia cf. pulex (Sensu Hebert, 1995) Populations in Cold Soft-Water Lakes

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    Calcium (Ca) is an important driver of community structure in freshwaters. We examined the combined effects of increased temperatures and variations in food quantity on the tolerance to low Ca of Daphnia pulex. The aim was to predict the impact of climate warming on this keystone zooplanktonic species in cold-climate lakes. We conducted a factorial life-history experiment in a clone of North American Daphnia cf. pulex to analyse the interaction effects of a temperature increase (17.5 degrees C-21 degrees C) within their physiological preferred range and expected by climate warming over the next few decades and a narrow Ca gradient (0.25-1.74 mg Ca L-1) under stressful vs. abundant food conditions. We found a striking positive synergistic effect of Ca and temperature on D. pulex reproduction at high food conditions. Although the increase in temperature to 21 degrees C greatly reduced survival, high energy allocation to reproduction at high food levels allowed the population to succeed in poor Ca (<0.25 mg Ca L-1). Results suggest that climate warming and higher food availability will make the populations of many cold and Ca-limited lakes more tolerant to low Ca levels with higher growth population rates, thereby altering zooplanktonic community structures and inducing potential cascading effects on the food web.Organismo Autonomo de Parques Nacionales (Ministerio para la Transicion Ecologica y el Reto Demografico, Spain) PN2017-2403SJunta de Andalucia RNM-12

    Physical frailty and gait speed in community elderly: a systematic review

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    Objective: To identify the outcomes of studies on gait speed and its use as a marker of physical frailty in community elderly. Method: Systematic review of the literature performed in the following databases: LILACS, SciELO, MEDLINE/PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus and ProQuest. The studies were evaluated by STROBE statement, and the PRISMA recommendations were adopted. Results: There were 6,303 studies, and 49 of them met the inclusion criteria. Of the total number of studies, 91.8% described the way of measuring gait speed. Of these, 28.6% used the distance of 4.6 meters, and 34.7% adopted values below 20% as cutoff points for reduced gait speed, procedures in accordance with the frailty phenotype. Regarding the outcomes, in 30.6% of studies, there was an association between gait speed and variables of disability, frailty, sedentary lifestyle, falls, muscular weakness, diseases, body fat, cognitive impairment, mortality, stress, lower life satisfaction, lower quality of life, napping duration, and poor performance in quantitative parameters of gait in community elderly. Conclusion: The results reinforce the association between gait speed, physical frailty and health indicator variables in community elderly

    Occupational therapy in bipolar disorder

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    Introduction: Bipolar disorder attends as a chronic disease is a severe mental disorder, characterized by extreme cyclical episodesin the mood. For that reason, people experience diverse and variable symptoms, disrupting the normal development of activities of daily living, decreasing the quality of life of people with this disorder. The purpose of this revision is to determine the role of Occupational Therapy intervention in bipolar disorder, from a psychosocial approach. A literature review was carried out, using some scientific databases of healthcare: Cochrane, Dialnet, LILACS and PubMed. Thirty two articles were identified, of which 9 items that meet the criteria for inclusion through critical reading CASPe (Critical Appraisal Skills Programme) are evaluated. It is necessary consider that the studies on the treatment of bipolar disorder are limited, psychological interventions are as effective as the use of drugs in the treatment of major depressive disorder and can improve the efficacy of drugs in the treatment of bipolar disorder. With respect the intervention, Psychotherapy provides symptomatic and functional benefits of bipolar disorder. Through the application of different therapies, we can intervene in different occupational areas of life in people with mental disorders. The treatment produces more effective drug treatments combined, with cognitive or behavioral therapies

    Vocational profile in Health Sciences Students, enrolled in first-year at University of Malaga (Spain): differences by degree.

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    Objectives: This study aimed to determine certain characteristics about the vocational profile of college students, especially if we consider the situation of transition that is taking place currently in college with the implementation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Participants: Students enrolled in first grade of Health Sciences at University of Malaga (Spain) in Nursing, Physiotherapy, Podiatry and Occupational Therapy. The population comprised 272 participants (90%), of a 300 total sample of Health Sciences students with a mean age of 19 years (SD=1.8). Methodology: It was a descriptive and a cross sectional study. Students were asked to fill out an on-line questionnaire in May 2011. It was a vocational interests scale adapted into Spanish by a cross-cultural study. The dimensions were: Leadership, Organization, Altruism, Creativity, Analysis, Production, Adventure, and Erudition. The differences between the four groups of students have been checked by Anova. Results: The vocational profile among Health Sciences students showed significant differences. By degree, the most altruistic were Physiotherapy students (F=3.022, p= 0.030), being also the most adventurous (F=3.658, p=0.013). The most creative were Nursing students (F=3.578, p=0.014) and also the most erudite (F=5.527, p=0.001). Conclusions: These results could be useful in order to study the development of competences that are necessary for finding a job, work with patients and work as a member of multidisciplinary group. Also, we are collecting data every day in order to know the variance with respect the academic year (longitudinal study).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    La información sobre el virus Zika en la prensa local de Almería = Information about Zika virus in the local press of Almería

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    Resumen: Introducción: La enfermedad causada por el virus del Zika representa uno de los principales problemas de salud pública dada su propagación y posibles complicaciones asociadas. Este estudio resalta la importancia de los medios de comunicación de masas en estos casos y aborda el análisis del contenido informativo publicado en la prensa de Almería como una de las provincias de riesgo en las que se han identificado la presencia de estos mosquitos. Objetivos: Explorar el contenido informativo sobre el virus del Zika publicado en la prensa local de Almería; identificar el periódico local con mayor producción sobre el tema y clasificar la información publicada según su contenido. Material y Métodos: Estudio de diseño descriptivo transversal realizado a partir de los resultados obtenidos en la hemeroteca virtual de los periódicos de La Voz de Almería, Diario de Almería e IDEAL, al introducir la palabra clave zika. Solamente se incluyeron publicaciones de ámbito autonómico en español publicadas desde el año 2015 hasta el momento de la búsqueda. Por último, se diseñaron categorías para clasificar las publicaciones según su contenido informativo. Resultados: Se hallaron un total de 10 publicaciones, siendo La Voz de Almería el periódico local con mayor número de publicaciones relacionadas con el virus del Zika. El 90% se relacionaba con la prevención de las administraciones públicas mediante la gestión y el tratamiento de las aguas residuales, mientras solo un 10% informaba a la población sobre la enfermedad y las medidas preventivas a adoptar. Conclusión: Ante la posible infección por el virus del Zika, la prensa almeriense debería enriquecer mediante una comunicación efectiva el contenido de sus publicaciones a propósito de educar e informar a la población sobre las principales medidas de prevención.Palabras clave: Educación para la Salud, Medios de comunicación, Zika Abstract: Introduction: Zika’s virus disease is one of the most important public health problems due to their spread and their possible associated complications. This study highligths the importance of mass media in this case and it analyzes information content published in the press of Almeria as one of the risk provinces which have identified these mosquitoes. Aim: Exploring the information content on the Zika virus published in the local press of Almería; identifying local newspaper with the highest production about this topic and ranking published information by their content. Material and Methods: Cross-sectional study design made from the results obtained in the virtual hemeroteca of the newspaper La Voz de Almería, Diario de Almeria and IDEAL, with the keyword zika. Only autonomic publications in spanish published from 2015 until the time of the search were included. Finally, categories were designed to classify publications according to their informative content. Results: A total of 10 publications were found. La Voz de Almería was the local newspaper with the largest number of publications related to the Zika virus. Around 90% publications was related to the prevention of public administrations through the management and treatment of wastewater, while only 10% report to population about disease and preventive measures to be taken. Conclusion: As a result of possible Zika virus infection, Almeria’s press should enrich their publications content throught a efective comunication in order to educate and inform to the population about the main preventive measures.Keywords Health education, Mass media, Zika

    Mutation rate is reduced by increased dosage ofmutL gene in Escherichia coli K-12

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    This work was supported by the grants BIO2005-04278, LSHM-CT-2005-018705 and LSHM-CT-2005-518152.Peer reviewe

    Mutation rate is reduced by increased dosage ofmutL gene in Escherichia coli K-12

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    This work was supported by the grants BIO2005-04278, LSHM-CT-2005-018705 and LSHM-CT-2005-518152.Peer reviewe

    Contribution to the chromatic characterization of unifloral honeys from Galicia (NW Spain)

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    Honey color and other physicochemical characteristics depend mainly on the botanical and geographical origin. The study of these properties could make easier a correct classification of unifloral honey. This work determined the palynological characteristics and some physicochemical properties such as pH, electrical conductivity, and color (Pfund scale and the CIELab coordinates), as well as the total content of the bioactive compounds phenols and flavonoids of ninety-three honey samples. Samples were classified as chestnut, blackberry, heather, eucalyptus, and honeydew honey. The study showed a close relationship between the physicochemical variables and the botanical origin. The five types of honey presented different physicochemical properties among them. A principal component analysis showed that Hue, lightness, b, and Chroma variables were important for the honey types classification, followed by Erica pollen, pH, Cytisus, and Castanea variables. A forward stepwise regression analysis was performed introducing as dependent variables the color (mm Pfund) and the Chroma and the Hue variables. The regression models obtained explained 86%, 74%, and 86% of the variance of the data, respectively. The combination of the chromatic and physicochemical and pollen variables through the use of multivariable methods was optimal to characterize and group the honey samples studied.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. FEADER 2018/054

    Los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible en el ámbito de la responsabilidad social universitaria

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    Este trabajo tiene la intención de explorar, posibles alternativas de articulación del ámbito local en el que se ejerce la Responsabilidad Social Universitaria (RSU) con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), en un intento por aclarar cómo podría una Universidad incorporar en su sentir y quehacer los principios y las metas de los ODS, a fin de obtener resultados de mayor alcance y beneficio para la comunidad y el territorio. A través de la técnica documental se tomó como principal referente la Guía sobre Cómo Empezar con los ODS en las Universidades (SDSN Australia / Pacífic], 2017). Como principales hallazgos se evidenció un creciente interés de las Universidades por desarrollar sus funciones sustantivas que les permitan relacionarse efectivamente con su entorno. This work intends to explore possible alternatives for articulating the local spherein which University Social Responsibility (RSU) is exercised with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in an attempt to clarify how a University could incorporate and to do,the principles and goals of the SDGs, in order to obtain results of greater scope and benefit for the community and the territory. Through the documentary documentation, the Guide on How to Start with the SDGs in Universities (SDSN Australia / Pacific), 2017) will be the main reference. As main findings are evidenced a growing interest of the Universities to develop their substantive functions that can effectively relate to their environment