99 research outputs found

    La enseñanza de español para extranjeros en la obra de Navarro Tomás

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    On the hundredth anniversary of the Manual de pronunciación española by Navarro Tomás, the great contribution of this work to the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language is highlighted. It is put on a parallel with A Primer of Spanish Pronunciation, also published by Navarro Tomás in collaboration with Espinosa, in 1926, aimed at Anglo-American students. These studies were made at a time when a change in the teaching methodology of foreign languages was made thereby giving it the prominence it deserved.En el centenario de la publicación del Manual de pronunciación española de Navarro Tomás, se destaca la gran contribución que supuso este tratado para la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera. Se pone en paralelo con A Primer of Spanish Pronunciation, publicado también por Navarro Tomás en colaboración con Espinosa, en 1926, orientado a estudiantes angloamericanos. Estos estudios se ubican en el momento histórico en el que cambia la metodología de la didáctica de las lenguas extranjeras hacia la oralidad, otorgando a la pronunciación la relevancia merecida

    Cultura y educación en la prensa diaria de Madrid en el primer bienio de la Segunda República

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    Se estudia los temas educativos y culturales durante el primer bienio de la Segunda República en la prensa de Madrid. Se realiza un análisis del desarrollo legislativo emanado del Ministerio de Instrucción Pública y Bellas Artes, su concreción práctica y la repercusión que estas disposiciones tienen en la opinión pública. Se estructura en cuatro partes: temas generales, Educación Primaria, Educación Secundaria y Educación Superior. El Sol, El Debate, ABC, El Socialista, La Voz y La Nación. Biblioteca Nacional, Hemeroteca Nacional, Hemeroteca Municipal, Biblioteca Universitaria y Biblioteca de Ciencias de la Educación. Se realiza una recopilación, selección y clasificación antes del estudio comparativo basado en el análisis de contenido de la prensa. Se observa un gran interés por la Instrucción Pública pero la forma un tanto desordenada en algunas actuaciones y los obstáculos sociales y económicos hacen que apenas experimente pasos reales de Reforma del Sistema Educativo.ES

    Violencia virtual y adolescentes : socialización, identidad y estereotipos online

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    La consolidación de la sociedad de la información y comunicación ha establecido la posibilidad de generar nuevos modos de relacionarse, modificar las identidades sociales, percibir nuevos riesgos, y redefinir los existentes. Desde las Ciencias Sociales es creciente el interés por analizar cómo estas formas de relación social online afectan y modifican los comportamientos y prácticas habituales ya existentes en la sociedad. El estudio de la denominada genéricamente violencia virtual supone ciertas dificultades que se han de poner de manifiesto desde el mismo proceso de investigación. Los escasos estudios sobre este nuevo ámbito de investigación están confrontados debido a las dificultades que conlleva una definición concreta de que es lo que se pretende analizar y cómo. ¿Se trata de violencia online y de victimización? ¿Es maltrato? ¿Quiénes son los actores principales chicos o chicas?, ¿qué papel juega la socialización offline como la escuela o la familia en los distintos tipos de conflicto? Estas son algunas de las preguntas que pretendemos sacar a relucir. La intención de este estudio es de carácter exploratorio y tiene como objetivo principal analizar de qué manera las redes sociales virtuales constituyen una vía de extensión/continuación para la reproducción de ciertos roles tradicionalmente construidos relacionados con la desigualdad de género. Y si es así, cómo intervienen estas redes en la violencia entre adolescentes.The consolidation of our information and communication society has established possibilities of generate new ways of relationships, modify social identities, perceive new risks and redefine the existing ones. There is a increasing interest among social scientists in analyzing how these forms of online relationships affect and alter existing behaviors and practices in our society. The study of the so-called virtual violence involves certain difficulties that have to be highlight from the research process itself .Scarce studies on this new area of inquiry are facing oppossed results due to difficulties in giving a extact definition of what we want to analyzed and how. Is this online violence? there are victims? Is this abuse? who are the main actors – boys?, girls ?, what sort of role plays offline socialization such as school or family in different types of conflict?. This are some of the questions we want to answer. This study have an exploratory intention and has as a main goal analyze how online social networks are a way to reproduce certain roles related to gender inequality. And, if so, how these networks are conneted with violence among adolescents

    A Mobile App to Manage Children Dental Anxiety: Context and Approach

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    Anxiety and fear related to dentistry interventions have been identified as problems affecting children. This reduces their quality of life and may have a negative impact on aspects such as sleep, self –esteem, mood, social relationships, and other psychological issues.The ARCADE project aims to design and develop a technological solution to manage children dental anxiety. This solution consists on a mobile system co-designed with children. An ecological momentary intervention is proposed using this solution before, during and after dentistry treatments. This paper presents a methodological approach to develop the project

    Centres that respond to today's educational challenges involving school community: Two case studies

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    Resumen: Objeto: Explorar formas actuales de participación entre los centros educativos y sus comunidades escolares que demuestran ser satisfactorias. Diseño/metodología: Se realizan dos estudios de caso en dos escuelas innovadoras siguiendo un modelo de investigación cualitativa, realizando observación participante, entrevistas y foros de debate con las personas implicadas. Aportaciones y resultados: Se analizan cuatro prácticas para aproximar escuela y comunidad: la Acción Tutorial, la Apertura del Centro a la Comunidad, la implementación de Grupos Interactivos y la creación de una Comisión de Familias. Limitaciones: Los resultados no son representativos de lo que sucede en el común de las escuelas. Implicaciones prácticas: Cada centro debe explorar sus propias posibilidades y límites para favorecer la relación centro-comunidad apostando por el máximo de formas organizativas colaborativas entre los diferentes agentes para dar respuestas conjuntas a los retos educativos actuales. Implicaciones sociales: Toda la comunidad educativa debe ser bien recibida en los centros escolares para contribuir a la mejora escolar del alumnado y que haya una verdadera implicación comunitaria. Valor añadido: Cuando se genera una fuerte sinergia entre el conjunto de los componentes de la comunidad educativa todos sus miembros pueden aportar respuestas a los retos actuales del ámbito escolar en un plano horizontal.Abstract: Purpose: Explore current forms of involvement between schools and their school communities that prove to be satisfactory. Design/methodology/approach: Are carried out two case studies in two innovative schools, following the model of qualitative research, performing participant observation, interviews, and discussions with the individuals involved. Findings and originality/value: Discusses four practices to approach school and community: the Tutorial Action, the Opening of the Centre to the community, the implementation of interactive groups and the creation of a Commission of families. Research limitations/implications: The results are not representative of what happens in the common schools. Practical implications: Each centre should explore their own possibilities and limits to encourage the school community relationship betting on the maximum of collaborative organizational forms among the different agents, to provide joint responses to today's educational challenges. Social implications: The entire educational community should be well received in centers to contribute to school improvement of students and there is a real community involvement. Originality/value: When a strong synergy is been generating between all components of the educational community all members can provide answers to the current challenges of the school environment, in a horizontal plane

    Robotics software frameworks for multi-agent robotic systems development

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    Robotics is an area of research in which the paradigm of Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) can prove to be highly useful. Multi-Agent Systems come in the form of cooperative robots in a team, sensor networks based on mobile robots, and robots in Intelligent Environments, to name but a few. However, the development of Multi-Agent Robotic Systems (MARS) still presents major challenges. Over the past decade, a high number of Robotics Software Frameworks (RSFs) have appeared which propose some solutions to the most recurrent problems in robotics. Some of these frameworks, such as ROS, YARP, OROCOS, ORCA, Open-RTM, and Open-RDK, possess certain characteristics and provide the basic infrastructure necessary for the development of MARS. The contribution of this work is the identification of such characteristics as well as the analysis of these frameworks in comparison with the general-purpose Multi-Agent System Frameworks (MASFs), such as JADE and Mobile-C.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2009-10639-C04-02Junta de Andalucía P06-TIC-2298Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-0386

    RSME 2011. Transfer and Industrial Mathematics. Proceedings of the RSME Conference on Transfer and Industrial Mathematics. Santiago de Compostela, July 12-14, 2011

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    [EN] The RSME Conference on Transfer and Industrial Mathematics is supported by the Royal Spanish Mathematical Society, a scientific society for the promotion of mathematics and its applications as well as the encouragement of research and teaching at all educational levels. The three-day conference presents successful experiences in the field of mathematical knowledge transfer to industry and focuses on the following issues: — Showing how collaboration with industry has opened up new lines of research in the field of mathematics providing high quality contributions to international journals and encouraging the development of doctoral theses. — How the promotion of existing infrastructures has contributed to enhance the transfer of mathematical knowledge to industry. — The presentation of postgraduate programs offering training in mathematics with industrial applications. The conference includes talks from researchers and industry representatives who present their different points of view and experiences with regards to the transfer of mathematical knowledge to industry

    How Can Computer Science Help Cancer Survivors Children?

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    Survival of childhood cancer has grown thanks to more effective but more aggressive treatments. As their life expectancy has increased, they have discovered important long-­‐term side effects that significantly limit their quality of life: cognitive, linguistic, physical, and social effects. The most significant problems are related to language and communication, which prevent the child from expressing himself properly, having difficulty finding the right word. This poster presents some possible computer mediated solutions to improve children cancer survivors’ quality of life

    CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell responses in bone marrow to fatty acids in high-fat diets

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    Obesity is associated with disruptions in the adaptive immune system; however, dietary fatty acids in high-fat diets (HFDs) that induce obesity have consequences that are currently unclear regarding T-cell maintenance in bone marrow (BM). C57BL/6J mice were randomly assigned to isocaloric HFDs formulated with dietary fats rich in saturated fatty acids (SFAs), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), or MUFAs supplemented with eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids for 20 weeks, followed by an analysis of the immunophenotypic feature of lymphocytes (CD3+) T and their subsets CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in spleen and BM, identification of fatty acids in BM extracellular fluid and analysis of the correspondence between fatty acids with the frequency of T-cell subsets in BM. Splenic CD3+ T cells were reduced irrespective of HFDs. In BM, CD3+ T cells were reduced after HFD-SFAs, while CD4+ T cells were increased after HFDs enriched in MUFAs and CD8+ T cells were reduced irrespective of HFDs. In BM extracellular fluid, the content of palmitic and myristic acids increased after HFD-SFAs and that of oleic acid increased after HFDs enriched in MUFAs. There was a statistical correspondence between HFD-induced changes in fatty acids in BM extracellular fluid and HFD-induced changes in the frequency of CD3+ and CD4+ T cells in BM. These findings reveal an undervalued critical role for dietary fatty acids in the selective acquisition of T-cell subsets in BM, highlighting that oleic acid existing in the surroundings of T-cell niches during HFD-induced obesity could be instrumental in the maintenance of CD4+ T cells.Fondo Social Europeo y Universidad de Sevilla-VPPI-USConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)/Juan de la Cierva-FJCI-2017-3313