7,490 research outputs found

    The role of extracellular vesicles in cutaneous remodeling and hair follicle dynamics

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs), including exosomes, microvesicles, and apoptotic bodies, are cell-derived membranous structures that were originally catalogued as a way of releasing cellular waste products. Since the discovery of their function in intercellular communication as carriers of proteins, lipids, and DNA and RNA molecules, numerous therapeutic approaches have focused on the use of EVs, in part because of their minimized risk compared to cell-based therapies. The skin is the organ with the largest surface in the body. Besides the importance of its body barrier function, much attention has been paid to the skin in regenerative medicine because of its cosmetic aspect, which is closely related to disorders affecting pigmentation and the presence or absence of hair follicles. The use of exosomes in therapeutic approaches for cutaneous wound healing has been reported and is briefly reviewed here. However, less attention has been paid to emerging interest in the potential capacity of EVs as modulators of hair follicle dynamics. Hair follicles are skin appendices that mainly comprise an epidermal and a mesenchymal component, with the former including a major reservoir of epithelial stem cells but also melanocytes and other cell types. Hair follicles continuously cycle, undergoing consecutive phases of resting, growing, and regression. Many biomolecules carried by EVs have been involved in the control of the hair follicle cycle and stem cell function. Thus, investigating the role of either naturally produced or therapeutically delivered EVs as signaling vehicles potentially involved in skin homeostasis and hair cycling may be an important step in the attempt to design future strategies towards the efficient treatment of several skin disordersThis research was funded by the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CP 14/00219), Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), H2020-EU.1.1.—European Research Council (ERC-2016-StG 715322-EndoMitTalk), and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FIS16/188). E.C. was supported by the Atracción de Talento Investigador grant 2017-T2/BMD-5766 (Comunidad de Madrid and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). G.S.-H. was funded by an FPI grant (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). M.M. was supported by the Miguel Servet program (Instituto de Investigación del Hospital 12 de Octubre

    The personal income tax applied in the member states of European Union. The case of Spain.

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    In the Communication on "Tax policy in the European Union - Priorities for the years ahead" (COM/2001/260 of 23 May 2001), the Commission reiterated its belief that there is no need for an across the board harmonisation of Member States' direct tax systems. For tax policy, the Communication established, as a main priority, the need to address the concerns of individuals and businesses operating within the Internal Market by focusing on the elimination of tax obstacles to all forms of cross-border economic activity, in addition to continuing the fight against harmful tax competition. This approach was confirmed in the Communication "The contribution of taxation and customs policies to the Lisbon strategy" (COM/2005/532 of 25 October 2005) (European Commission, 2006). The Spanish Law No 35/2006, 28 th November of Personal Income Tax, reformed that tax. The long-term capital gains will be taxed at 18% (before 15%) ;the tax scale will be comprised of only 3 or 4 brackets (before 5) and the top marginal rate (before 45%) will be reduced; and some tax credits and allowances (acquisition of permanent home and contributions to pension funds for example) were readjusted in order to make them more accessible to low-income earners. The present paper makes a brief approach to the harmonisation in the European Union, explains the reform of the Spanish Personal Income Tax, introduces new figures and formulas never seen before at book of taxes, analyses the concept of the Spanish Personal Income Tax, studies the elements of this tax as the beneficiary, taxable person, territoriality, basis of assessment, exemptions, explains the basic mechanism of the tax, deductions, the taxable base, the tax rates, collections and examples. This paper is the result of three researches that the authors are carrying out at The Institute for Fiscal Studies, Ministry of Economy and Finance, University of CEU San Pablo, Madrid and University of Oviedo Spain from 2006 to 2008


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    IPv6 Network Mobility

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    Network Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting has been used since before the days of the Internet as we know it today. Authentication asks the question, “Who or what are you?” Authorization asks, “What are you allowed to do?” And fi nally, accounting wants to know, “What did you do?” These fundamental security building blocks are being used in expanded ways today. The fi rst part of this two-part series focused on the overall concepts of AAA, the elements involved in AAA communications, and highlevel approaches to achieving specifi c AAA goals. It was published in IPJ Volume 10, No. 1[0]. This second part of the series discusses the protocols involved, specifi c applications of AAA, and considerations for the future of AAA

    Scalable QoS-aware Mobility for Future Mobile Operators

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    Telecom operators and Internet service providers are heading for a new shift in communications paradigms. The forthcoming convergence of cellular and wireless data networks is often manifested in an “all IP approach” in which all communications are based on an end-to-end IP protocol framework. The approach to network design becomes user and service-centered, so that continuous reachability of mobile users and sustained communication capabilities are default requirements for a prospective architecture. In this article, we describe a network architecture which is able to provide seamless communication mobility, triggered either by the user or by the network, across multiple technologies. The architecture allows for media independent handovers and supports optimized mobility and resource management functions. The main focus of the article is on major technical highlights of mobility and quality-of-service (QoS) management subsystems for converged networks.Publicad

    El mundo como expresión del Lógos. La causa emanativa

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    El tema central es una metafísica del Logos, esto es la intelección divina como principio del ente, como la capacidad intelectiva humana de desvelar aquello que se “oculta” en la causalidad del ser. Lo hace en autores representativos, que, además de iniciar y cerrar el período medieval del pensar, se insertan en una corriente de pensamiento de carácter neoplatonizante que incluye a su vez una metafísica creacionista.The central theme is a metaphysics of the Logos, this is the divine intellection as the beginning of the body, such as the ability to reveal human intellective what is "hidden" in the causation of be. It does so in representative authors which, in addition to start and close the medieval period of thinking, are inserted in a current of thought of character that includes his neoplatonizante time a metaphysics creationist.peerReviewe

    La interactivitat i la identificació en els productes de ficció

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    Les relacions afectives que s'estableixen amb els personatges de ficció influeixen en les actituds, pensaments i valors de la gent. Investigadors de la UAB han estudiat si el consum interactiu dels productes de ficció influeix en aquestes relacions afectives, en particular amb la identificació i han trobat que la interactivitat té conseqüències emocionals i cognitives: convida a la projecció del jo i incita a la autoconsciència, i aquest protagonisme de l'usuari estreta el seu vincle amb el missatge i els seus components.Las relaciones afectivas que se establecen con los personajes de ficción influyen en las actitudes, pensamientos y valores de la gente. Investigadores de la UAB han estudiado si el consumo interactivo de los productos de ficción influye en estas relaciones afectivas, en particular en la identificación, y han encontrado que la interactividad tiene consecuencias emocionales y cognitivas: invita a la proyección del yo e incita a la autoconciencia, y este protagonismo del usuario estrecha su vínculo con el mensaje y sus componentes.The affective relationships people establish with characters in fiction influence their attitudes, thoughts and values. UAB researchers have examined whether interactive use of fictional products influences emotional relationships, particularly self-identification, and have found that interactivity has cognitive and emotional consequences: the projection of the self invites and encourages self-awareness, and this role of the user closes the link with the message and its components

    Efecto del tono de voz y de la percepción del rostro en la formación de impresiones sobre los hablantes mediáticos

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    Se observó el efecto de la frecuencia fundamental de las voces (el tono) y de la percepción del rostro en las impresiones sobre hablantes mediáticos. Se pretendía determinar si existía relación entre la información visual y una característica eminentemente acústica: el tono. 320 sujetos fueron sometidos a una de dos condiciones: sonora (percibían sólo las voces) o audiovisual (veían las caras). Luego, respondían mediante escalas del diferencial,a la pregunta: ¿El locutor le pareció? Los resultados muestran que el tono influye en las impresiones, que la percepción del rostro evidencia las diferencias en el enjuiciamiento de las voces agudas, medias o graves, y que la credibilidad dirige las evaluaciones.The study observed the effect of fundamental frequency of voices and perception of the face on the audience's impressions of radio and television speakers. It pretended to determine if there was a relationship between the visual information obtained from face and a specific attribute of oral interpretation: tone. 320 subjects were assigned to one of two conditions: audio (only hearing voices) or audiovisual (also seeing faces). Later, answered a questionnaire with semantic differential scales. Results show tone does influence impressions, that perception of face does make a difference to judgments depending of the tone of the voices (low, medium or high) and that credibility directs evaluations of media speakers