623 research outputs found

    Linear orderings of random geometric graphs (extended abstract)

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    In random geometric graphs, vertices are randomly distributed on [0,1]^2 and pairs of vertices are connected by edges whenever they are sufficiently close together. Layout problems seek a linear ordering of the vertices of a graph such that a certain measure is minimized. In this paper, we study several layout problems on random geometric graphs: Bandwidth, Minimum Linear Arrangement, Minimum Cut, Minimum Sum Cut, Vertex Separation and Bisection. We first prove that some of these problems remain \NP-complete even for geometric graphs. Afterwards, we compute lower bounds that hold with high probability on random geometric graphs. Finally, we characterize the probabilistic behavior of the lexicographic ordering for our layout problems on the class of random geometric graphs.Postprint (published version

    Convergence theorems for some layout measures on random lattice and random geometric graphs

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    This work deals with convergence theorems and bounds on the cost of several layout measures for lattice graphs, random lattice graphs and sparse random geometric graphs. For full square lattices, we give optimal layouts for the problems still open. Our convergence theorems can be viewed as an analogue of the Beardwood, Halton and Hammersley theorem for the Euclidian TSP on random points in the dd-dimensional cube. As the considered layout measures are non-subadditive, we use percolation theory to obtain our results on random lattices and random geometric graphs. In particular, we deal with the subcritical regimes on these class of graphs.Postprint (published version

    Life History Method as a Tool for the Exploration of South Asian Women's Empowerment

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    Why is life history a useful research method to advance in the generation of knowledge applied in studies that work with life experiences? This article considers the present question bydiscussing the application of the life history method in interviews with migrant women from South Asia in the Basque Country. In doing so,we have used this method as a tool to visualize South Asian women by listening to their experiencesfromearlychildhood until the present moment. Life history has been widely used in feminist research as an alternative to other methods that have failed at representing women ́s life in research. After a bibliographical revision on life history method, the attention was brought to our caseof study, where we explain how to implement the life history method to carry outtheinterviews with the participants. This work is in progress,and at the end we presentthe possible future analysis of the collected data

    Oral health in a group of patients with Rett syndrome in the regions of Valencia and Murcia (Spain): a case-control study

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    Objectives: Rett syndrome (RS) is a rare disease with oral manifestations that have not been described in detail or in a standardized manner in the literature. The present study describes the oral health of the population with RS in two Spanish regions, following the protocol of the World Health Organization for conducting common oral health surveys. Study Design: A prospective, observational case-control study was carried out, involving a group of patients with RS (n1=41) and a mean age of 13.37±3.19 years, and an age- and gender-matched control group without RS (n0=82). The data referred to oral health and habits were recorded by means of a questionnaire and oral examination was used to document caries indicators (prevalence of caries, df(t), df(s), DMF(T), DMF(S) and indices referred to dental loss, morbidity, restoration), the Community Periodontal Index (CPI), and the most characteristic oral manifestations. Results: The most frequent oral habit in the patients with RS was diurnal bruxism, followed by stereotyped tongue movements and oral breathing. The caries scores were lower in the RS population than in the control group, but patients with RS showed greater periodontal alterations and a greater prevalence of drooling, dental wear, higharched palate and anterior open bite. Conclusions: The population with RS exhibits characteristic and early oral habits and alterations, and periodontal problems that are more notorious than caries disease, so that our efforts should focus on the diagnosis and early correction of the parafunctional habits, promoting restorative treatment, and providing instructions on correct oral hygiene

    Communication tree problems

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    In this paper, we consider random communication requirements and several cost measures for a particular model of tree routing on a complete network. First we show that a random tree does not give any approximation. Then give approximation algorithms for the case for two random models of requirements.Postprint (published version

    Clinical evaluation of a new artificial saliva in spray form for patients with dry mouth

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    Objectives: To determine the efficacy of a new saliva substitute in spray form, for patients with dry mouth. Study design: Thirty-seven patients with dry mouth were selected (16 males and 21 females), with an age of over 60 years and meeting the following inclusion criteria: xerostomia and hyposialia confirmed by sialometry (resting whole saliva / stimulated whole saliva). A new artificial saliva in spray format was applied, with evaluation of the degree of improvement (VAS scale), frequency of application, time to improvement in minutes, duration in minutes, and assessment of organoleptic properties. Results: Twenty of the 37 patients showed almost immediate improvement after application. The mean number of applications/day was 3.89, with a mean duration of effect of 15.3 min. (65% > 15 min.). The flavor was rated as pleasant by 18 patients. Conclusions: Application of the spray is simple and effective, affording immediate relief, and with reasonable acceptance among patients with dry mouth

    Modelo de desarrollo para el aprovechamiento de nopal verdura en Milpa Alta, Ciudad de México

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    At the present time, three times more food than required to feed all humanity is produced, however a third of this production is wasted due to current shrinkage between production and the final marketing stage. In Mexico, 88 million tons of food are wasted annually. Regarding the nopal vegetable (Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill), it is estimated that 63.3% of total production is discarded because of excess production. The aim of this research was to design a Community Development Model, for the industrialization and trade of nopal, by applying an integrating and organizational process, based on a cooperative for the production, dehydration and trade of organic nopal, in order to promote local participation, taking into account the well-being of producers and the sustainability of this process. This proposal was based on the three apects of sustainable rural development: economy, environment and society; and was evaluated at the five stages that comprise the integral development model. The result of this evaluation suggests that it is viable to implement this development model in the Milpa Alta municipality, as here we find the necessary environmental, social and economic conditions.Actualmente se producen tres veces más los alimentos necesarios para alimentar a toda la humanidad, sin em­bargo, un tercio de esta producción se desperdicia por la merma existente desde la producción hasta la etapa final de mercado. En México se desperdician anualmente 88 millones de toneladas de alimentos. Con respecto al nopal verdura (Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill) se estima que 63.3% de la producción total se tira a la basura ya que hay un exceso de producción. El objetivo de la investigación fue diseñar un Modelo de Desarrollo Comunitario, para la industrialización y comercialización de nopal verdura a través de un proceso integrador y organizacional, con base en una cooperativa para la producción, deshidratación y comercialización de nopal orgánico, a fin de promover la participación local, considerando el bienestar de los productores y la susten­tabilidad de este proceso. La propuesta se basó en los tres pilares del desarrollo rural sostenible: economía, medio ambiente y sociedad y se evaluó con las cinco etapas que comprende el modelo de desarrollo integral. El resultado de esta evaluación sugiere que es viable llevar a cabo el modelo de desarrollo en la Alcaldía Milpa Alta, ya que existen las condiciones ambientales, sociales y económicas

    GLS based unit root tests for bounded processes

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    We show that the use of generalized least squares (GLS) detrending procedures leads to important empirical power gains compared to ordinary least squares (OLS) detrending method when testing the null hypothesis of unit root for bounded processes. The non-centrality parameter that is used in the GLS-detrending depends on the bounds, so that improvements on the statistical inference are to be expected if a case-speci.c parameter is used. This initial hypothesis is supported by the simulation experiment that has been conducted

    Los presupuestos como objeto de estudio

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    Los presupuestos públicos constituyen documentos con gran información sobre las prioridades de un poder político, sus actuaciones y el peso económico destinado a cada ámbito de actuación. A través de los presupuestos se puede observar la capacidad y orientación redistributiva de las políticas desarrolladas desde un gobierno concreto. La presente comunicación recoge el diseño de un modelo de análisis para abordar la evaluación del grado de eficiencia de los presupuestos públicos para hacer frente al valor de la igualdad entre mujeres y hombres en Euskadi

    La imagen de la preadolescente y su representación en el arte

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    La preadolescente no tuvo una iconografía propia en el arte hasta mediados del siglo XVIII, cuando se originó un concepto de infancia como estado biológico humano diferente al adulto. Durante el siglo XIX en Inglaterra, la imagen infantil y en concreto la de "las niñas", se desarrolló notablemente a través de la literatura, la pintura, la ilustración y la naciente fotografía. El fenómeno cultural, casi obsesivo, de la imagen infantil por parte de numerosos intelectuales y artistas victorianos como John Everett Millais o Lewis Carroll, se vino a llamr "Culto por las niñas", que las dotaba de una naturaleza inocente, pura e idealizada, pero por otro lado, les otorgaba misterio y perversidad. A partir del siglo XX hasta la actualidad, las artes y los medios de masas tomarían la imagen preadolescente generada durante la etapa victoriana como base para la construcción de diversos iconos y estereotipos de la feminidad infantil, como la inocente ambigua Shirley Temple en el cine de la década de 1930, las provocadoras escenas con niñas desnudas del pintor Balthus, la concreción de un icono femenino de naturaleza sensual y nínfica con nombre propio a través de la novela Lolita de Vladimir Nabokov, y la repercusión de éste, sobre todo en la última década, en manifestaciones artísticas y visuales como el manga japonés o la pornografía infantil en Internet.Silvestre Marco, M. (2007). La imagen de la preadolescente y su representación en el arte [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/1961Palanci